Snacks are some of the best things in the world. Yoink! Ah! That was MY chip! These belong to me! Okay, this chip is gonna be delicious No! They flanked me!
Everyone’s stealing what’s mine This time I’ll watch both
sides – and give a fake out! That’s right. Allllll mine. COME ON!!! That’s it! If you even come
near me, I will attack! A hand! Wait a second . . . who does this hand belong too? Ohhh no. The teacher. He looks mad… My bad. Nice hand. Madison. Out of this classroom immediately! And these belong to me, now! Wooo! I made it inside with all these snacks Got all my favorites here,
too. Can’t wait to eat them! Wait . . . Look! Madison has snacks! Get her! And her delicious snacks! Oh she’s brought the good chips this time! Hey! Give me some of those! Stop hogging! Thanks for the snacks, Madison. They were great! What just happened?? They got ALL of them?! It’s not fair. They didn’t even leave me a single crumb. What??? They ruined my hair, too! This is the worst day ever!
No snacks and a messy look! Wait . . . I am the snack and fashion wizard, Do not worry, Madison. I have to solution
for your lack of snacks and messy look This ring will bring you great
joy in your hour of snacking need This ring? I mean, I like it but I don’t get it I guess I have to do everything around here This ring is made from a small
container. Take off the lid Now decorate the lid however
you prefer. I like rhinestones For this ring, I put the
rhinestones all around the edge I also like flowers so this
blue flower is the centerpiece Now it’s time for the next step I took the bottom of the container
and added a dollop of hot glue Then I added the hoop for the ring I made sure the colors match
because I’m a fashion wizard Time to fill the container with
the micro snack of your choice. The container is full. Time to put on the ring Now you’re ready for fashion and snacks, Madison. The wizard gave me a snacking ring! I’m so lucky Oh no! Here. Take it. Uhhh, weirdo! It worked! She didn’t know
about the snacks inside! Speaking of snacks inside, time to open this ring Look at all that delicious
candy! Into my mouth you go! Delicious! Now I’m ready
to face the rest of the day I think I’m actually starting
to get some of this math Uh huh, me too! Oh, you have snacks! Give
me some! Sharing is caring! I don’t know what you’re talking about Huh. I must have been mistaken… Yeah, must have been Oh, I KNEW she was hiding snacks somewhere! Time to get to the bottom of this As the Snack Detective! No snack can go undetected by me Just have to find the snack evidence Ah -HAH! A snack clue! Yes! I can tell from the color and size of
this wrapper that it was definitely snack And the snacks are hidden in this box! Nooooo! Yesssssss! Your secret stash! It’s actually a clever bit of hidden snackery First, you’ll need to empty a colored pencil box The next step is to cut them down to half
their size and return the pencils to their box As you can see, they look
like full size pencils, still You can close the top of the box with the pencils But the bottom of the box
remains open, with some space And we can use that space
to hide delicious snacks! These fruit candies fit perfectly Yep! Just don’t forget to tightly close the lid These snacks are secured and hidden from sight Nice job, Madison! Now time to share! Fine. Since you discovered my secret, You can have one piece Nah, I’m gonna need more than that You’re the worst, Jake! Here! I may be the worst but these snacks are the best! Oh, I absolutely love painting! I’m pretty good at it, too, if I say so myself! This may end up being my greatest masterpiece! I need some snacking fuel to keep going Yes! There you are my delicious French fry Can’t forget the dipping sauce Munch! I love fries Ugh, wait… Gross! This is disgusting! What even happened? Ohhhh I dipped it in the wrong spot And dipping sauce! This is your fault, too! There’s got to be a way to
stop this from happening again Okay, first I’m going to take my paint set And I’m going to empty out all of the paint. Now it’s time to pour in the dipping sauces Ketchup first. In you go! There’s space for mustard and mayo, too! And now I can just tightly
close the lids on the condiments Done! These condiments are ready to go! These turned out great! I’m just going
to put this container right by my fries Now I can safely dip my fry like I want Oh yeah, super delicious and not gross at all! Back to my art! Time to grade these science tests
and see how badly the students did Just more failing grades! F! Next test! Grading these tests is making me hungry. Darn! Why must my body always need nourishment?? There must be something I
can use to fuel my grading No. Just more Fs. Wait, Eureka! A delicious snack just when I needed one! Why is this so difficult---oh! The candy! I must clean up this mess! What do I do with all this candy?! Can I eat it all? No! I don’t have time! Ahhhhhh! I have an idea! I’ll need my marker for this I’ll take off the bottom cap, and then, with
a tweezers, pull out the core of the marker Now the marker is empty, which
means I can pour the candy inside It looks just like a regular marker. Eureka! The snacks are at hand
and the students have no idea! Time to treat myself! Absolutely delicious. Now it’s time to teach. MADISON! UP TO THE BOARD!! Ugh. Ooookay. Solve this equation. Let’s
see if you’re up to the task While she’s doing that, a quick snack Did I just hear candy?? You know candy isn’t allowed in my classroom! I KNOW I heard candy this time! I’m not making it up. But I
better finish this equation Ta-daaaaah! Wrong! You didn’t even pay attention
to this part of the equation!! I KNEW there was candy! You
were hiding it all along! No-no-no ! I’ll give you an A for your silence! Now get back to your seat and tell no one! Oh gosh! I’m so late! Has the teacher noticed?? Oh thankfully he hasn’t! Gotta sneak in! Made it! And no one noticed I was missing! You must make sure that you
capture the emotion on your canvas, But I’m parched But I’ve got something in my
bag that can help me with that! Soda! You’re exactly what I need! You know there’s no food or drink in my classroom! Hand it over, right now! Okay! Here you go! Sorry! My soda! I’m so so thirsty. Just left it on his desk to taunt me! I think I might literally die without it Oh soda. Please come back to me. I need you! What? My soda is in the desert now? And jake has a drink! He’s just sipping
it like I’m not dying over here! How come he gets a drink and I get nothing? Oh! It was just a dream! But a cruel one. Wait a second . . . Jake DOES have a
drink! Or he’s drinking his paint water?? No. That can’t be right. I must be
hallucinating because I’m so thirsty He IS drinking his paint water! Even if this IS just a hallucination,
that paint water looks so good I need it. I need that drink. Let me tell you how I snuck
this drink into art class First, you’ll need your paint
cup with water and some paint Take your paint brush and put some
paint on it. Whichever color you like And now rinse the brush in the water,
making sure the water gets nice and colored Next, you’ll need a glue gun
and the lid of the paint cup Put a line of glue on the underside of the lid Don’t worry if the glue isn’t straight. Great! Now for the next
item: a plastic drinking cup Turn it upside down and stick it to
the glue on the lid of the paint cup. Once the cup is nice and secure
because of the glue, you’re almost done Just put the cap back on the paint cup Done! Now you can pour your drink of choice inside The hidden plastic cup will
keep your drink safe and secret And your hidden drink is ready to go to school! Thank you, Jake! I can’t
wait to try my hidden drink! Oh, it taste’s so good! I can keep drinking, and drinking,
and the teacher will never know! Oh, this soda is making me feel so much better Yeah. Hidden soda is the best! Have you ever been the snack detective? Or run across the snack and fashion wizard? Either way, snacking at school is the best! Let us know in the comments which
snack hack was your favorite.