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23:03 what he needs every controller was right here do a 180 on alpha yeah Kargil what's that gets cut you off not like that oh no you cut you off yeah what do you use so can you do the 180 or not we test monitoring hey do the 180 and I'll get you back in front of them Oh bikes hey I want 80 on Alpha self Pine River over 772 still move for the 3-0 - I got like a whole bunch of guys the kilo Fox I understand you want to go there but it'll be a few minutes to get there if that's the same thing they said best get more guys coming out so uh there's whatever work help every piece we have this time to get the line moving along here in just a couple of minutes but you know we're only changing the desire to land on 31 left and you can see the construction is a bit of a show now you're on Victor just with 65 of you coming out of box yes sir 55 through my shirt and right off the shortage Julia tough affiliate furniture it for three one out so justly 65 don't hit the guy in the sub well not hit the guy that has kept 55 is just the type where you go to hotel okay I will tell you whatever your number is push back on alpha proof when chilly 5:30 and allocates it's a 5-1 not to push on alpha with all that room in the alleyway wide enough to fish on outfit without that room in the alleyway tied it up again it's just for second out so I know it's a tough question well it's kind of only one choice with a tug Brewster you got to kind of face southeast well could he be grounds every 105 sort of after the system they say six one for what Brad I showed a November four one three right shortened after and walk three and I start five or six and I'm sorry I say six one four it's actually 31 left from intersection key Lego for anyone left I'm feeling off the ice is your home check the 105 once are you coming out we are coming out of hot stuff Shifu 105 I it's going to be 31 much shortened at the Delta go right alpha and all Trudeau Julia all right up virtually it's a blue robot ground party of 4,000 - just out of curiosity he's nowhere I know we're done here k walk over climb we're going yeah you're gonna get a super night when I put you in line for the last time I'll give you the pie my god okay just wonder because they're going to filled it in there if you want to sweet stuff thank you rockets I'll get it to you don't worry and double 605 good way to one outbound from your right at Hotel problem sorry let's see redwood 415 by the breezy point one and point clamoring for - 10 265 by the Breezy Point grunts I think you flex your 4000 - your wish is my command why the Breezy Point 1 Thank You breezy forest farm fortune for so still the 459 under par ship by the Breezy Point 13.9 - party Delta 4 5 s Soylent rocky where the traffic from you ready November Charlotte's Royal Air Maroc you've read a tropic at the remember Charlotte oil in Rock you got an answer yes we give away for something cash at the head won't rest until what thank you for the 476 ever you'll be sure to like alpha for the super opposite direction and everything should get better so so always sort of Mike alpha so that is C 0 1 through heavy with the head of our Victor don't you don't want to and that's on alpha let's not allow for that Macedo on to what the father thought about I hope that brothers who I was at 41 years such a pretty 106 thanks I have you request for these five minutes to come off the ramp okay ground legitimate us when shall we made this Kennedy it's going to become minutes you can call me back down MS any wrong so let's go to sidewalks the foster dogs and Kristen Hotel that's funny hi look someone let's see where's JetBlue goes by you can go left on alpha less than out our fathers revenue that's a sophomore and it'll be the second JetBlue not the one that's going by you now alright up 700 boom 97 what's your progress oh there you are thanks and protect the 48 it's one more JetBlue to come by that you can follow okay fella called eh said one more Chesley I've got one sells come on up yeah I use about four airplanes back Widow come by in a minute I copy from for a steak let's build upon a time so like at least 10 or 12 more airplanes and it may be more okay hey Jeff in 1415 hold sure to cure golf oh you look that's great you're like number 30 is a moment that's a 22:14 first two thousand twenty two fourteen call us 2604 now i'm calling the guy in front of a Delta flight 214 yeah where you going into the ramp fight okay thanks continue flagship 4000 to follow Morocco at no pepper may take you on where you spawn well you're going to follow him to the runway don't follow him to Morocco but yes yeah we'll try not to do that alright
Channel: H89SA
Views: 699,914
Rating: 4.8795776 out of 5
Keywords: JFK ATC, Kennedy Steve, Funny ATC, liveatc, air traffic control conversations, air traffic control communications, real atc, cockpit recordings, air traffic control recordings, how to become a pilot, how to become an air traffic controller, air traffic controller salary, where to buy cheap airline tickets, ATC training, air traffic control training, pilot school, pilot training, Funny air traffic controller, PPL licence, CPL licence, Cheap air tickets
Id: Us4B1_IUhjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 38sec (338 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2015
Reddit Comments

"Don't follow him to Morocco." Haha!

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/KaJuNator 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2015 🗫︎ replies

Always fun with him

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/thedirtygerman 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2015 🗫︎ replies

This guy is hilarious!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Noobtastic14 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2015 🗫︎ replies

This guy is pretty great, but at times he has questionable instruction. "Yeah you can have Hotel after Jetblue.... oh, but not THAT Jetblue, the one after him... and there's another Jetblue about 4 planes down... we all good here?"

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Gloinyo 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2015 🗫︎ replies

Had the shortened runway something to do with the A350 rejected takeoff?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TXL26R 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2015 🗫︎ replies
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