Funniest Yearbook Quotes

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what absolutely all the pasta and breadsticks me too do you like water you already like 72% of me that was real smooth Catherine Andrews and Rebecca Andrews Catherine I was plans I was not I like to eat candy well said friends it's me with a bad bang you know what we're just gonna have to deal with it I don't know what the school situation is we're gonna be checking out some year because John McDonald no I did not have a farm he was sick and tired of bringing girls home they're like wait you don't have a farm no Nicholas key be like I knew my girl was cheating on me when she said she was up the mall with Christie but you see Christie was laying right next to me oh my god Nicholas the CEO of cheating ain't getting cheated on at the same time Amber Raines made her quote the office season 7 episode 19 14 minutes and 45 seconds in shut up burn this place down when I had the chance you see you can't put that so I gotta put in the timestamp of when he said it absolute genius arrests averted never hold your farts in they travel up your spine into your brain and that's where the crappy ideas come from she definitely laughed at her own joke while she was taking this load up y'all heard the woman let them all out let him be free I went from a studio and so did my grades epic blow up we all knew one of those sometimes when my neighbor is gone I roll around in her garden and pretend I'm a carrot he do kind of be looking like a bunny though there's no bunny involved that's when you go outside it you see carrots rolling around in the garden well that's not my apocalypse Oh Mamamia honey where's my supersuit but you'd really don't look like Frozone bow [Music] he'd been doing all that in high school just because you're trash doesn't mean you can't do great things it's called a garbage can not garbage cannot so there's some wise words the next time your friend want to cry about being garbage it's called garbage can not a garbage cannot rest in peace clubpenguin you raised me when my parents didn't want to now I gotta hide the yearbook from my parents the rest of my life dang I mean some of us really did grow up on a runescape and Club Penguin I just feel bad for the kids who grow up on omegle talking to strangers I will you be my sugar daddy what's going on [Music] the wise words of Michael Wilson remember to always be yourself unless you suck then pretend to be somebody else and that's on a VLAN no I didn't shower with it on that's good to know you know because most of us all of us I'm hoping all of us take off our clothes when we shower unless you're shy a lot of the girls didn't like me this year but their boyfriends did she even put that winky face I didn't even know that was an option Arnold Lee in this photo I'm not wearing pants me neither but you'll never know I feel like most youtubers who record like this either wear pj pants or don't wear pants but you'll never know same with zoom meetings tick tock boys be like yo make up a senior quote from me I'm not a school I mean you get what you paid for and he doesn't pay anything Jessica be like why fall in love when you can fall asleep her face says it all like I slept through everything I slept through all my classes and we're still here wise words wise words sleep was more important than love I had to put my grades up for adoption because I couldn't raise that I literally started out my nose I'm gonna just call you out on that why the type of dude whose parents would literally beat his grades up and that's on shoot growing a bottom a pitch I would like to thank my arms for always being at my side my legs for always supporting me and finally my finger because I could always count on them basically I'm faking myself can I get these fingers my hairline might be worse than LeBrons but you'll never know hashtag turban squad okay thanks for rubbing it in it can't be as bad as these bangs though boost Ansel good something inspirational mom okay mom you know everything that comes out of your mouth inspiration yeah there we go you shall not pass good job juice in de it's like your name should have been Lucinda but add juice juice in this Jaime Mendoza be like I hear everything [Music] everything Carlos Carlos I hate my name Aaron's gonna think of a name just make it the last name I lost times two you got double the Carlos goodbye everyone I'll remember you all in therapy plankton of all the people to quote goodbye everyone remember you own therapy an icon in society Alison be like bro we graduated just to go to school again education round two why you gotta be like that though it's like you got through 12 years so you can basically pay a ton of money for more school McKenzie not pregnant just eating good all of us during quarantine sometimes I be eating a little too good [Music] now I've been going look at me be like are you pregnant no but you can send these with me alone Mac said I like my coffee like I like my women don't like coffee CEO of coming out on his yearbook quote who am i great friends in high school did this they waited until the last day of school senior year to let everybody know everybody's like I was surprised but not really and that's on coming out so the senior quotes and pictures were due November last year but since he's an editor he gets the slide on right in pack his senior quote to say beware class of 2020 honestly he should have made a corona time tax and then everybody will be like oh my god he could see into the future and nobody even listened to him my computer screen is brighter than my future you know what you should do turn down the brightness all the way back for your eyes can't have a future without any eyes when it comes to random security checks I always win always not even funny I need time I travel with my friends they always pick on me you're getting security for getting that random Security check I'm like I don't even look that suspicious oh man when I went to candidate was over they held me for like an hour Brandon is pretty much the nicest person you'll ever meet everybody Branden Dawson is a liar everyone wait he say he's caring and nice and he said that everybody said back and then Tosh out here exposing him saying everyone said he's a liar going on Brandon I don't trust people who can't even look at the camera man Shaniqua I'd like to eat candy well said Oh piece of candy ooh piece of candy take a picture like why am I even here I just put the first thing that comes to mind I like to eat candy there we go sure sweet simple Catherine Andrews and Rebecca Andrews Katherine I was planned I was not it's funny how the one that was planned can't even look straight at the camera do they take pictures like that look over here and smile that's why they named her Rebecca you like pineapple slices on your pizza I hope you like pineapple slices on your children's graves because you're weak your bloodlines weak and you will not survive the winter Wow I don't know where this is from but it all makes sense now hear that pineapple lovers it's all about that meat she just donated your entire family's lineage how do you feel pineapple lovers hope ya'll think twice before desecrating your pizza you know Louise you don't even need words just flips hair go out with a flip that's all you need Joseph I love me a good pancake laughing because I'm laughing but I'm laughing because I farted Tyler they got the wrong name or something but I think Tyler I think skinny white dude know Rosa Parks she really say that though at what point in her life she had to upset no do you want to graduate or not go don't put anything stupid for your senior quote Jacob mom because nothing mother says is stupid I'm not gonna risk getting a sandal to my skull so there you go mother you said it if idiots could fly this place would be an airport the entire senior class of 2020 roasted I spent a hundred thirteen thousand eight hundred eighty hours of my life or a paper and a handshake was it worth it though oh man when you think about this like you could have been making a techtalks of that or you could have worked this many hours for minimum wage and made 1.3 million dollars direct Gonzalez you like water you already like 72 percent of me that was real smooth wait if you like water that means you like 72 percent of everybody does that make you a people person does that make you a human lover come on absolutely all the pasta and breadsticks same me too and apps whole new life was this simple but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video below which one was your favorite one if you guys enjoyed this video make sure that that like make sure you turned out notifications today click and subscribe to join the Wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 11,158,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reaction, reacting, funny, funniest, yearbook, quotes, yearbook quotes, funny quotes, funniest yearbook quotes, school
Id: 5-c-IOgd8lQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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