Fundamental Paper Education TikTok Compilation 🔥 FPE TikToks #3

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[Music] [Music] huh [Music] huh [Music] smile don't say it why not because if you say grandma brownies chocolate chunk or wker bunkers now with even bigger chunks of chocolate chunks then I'm going to say grandma brownies chocolate chunk W buers now biger chunks of chocolate chunks and then you're going to say did you just say Grandma brownies chocolate chunk or walk buers say Grandma brownies chocolate chunker wker bunkers now with even bigger chunks of chocolate Chun [Music] [Music] should we're all together sisters I'm Janet I'm Hol I'm [Music] Nora always together in love like with my boyfriend with my husband with my fiance with my by myself even we enjoy different things I like waterfall I like butterflies I like I like chasing cars we've enjoyed our time with you but now we have to run good night a sweet dream sleep tight I found a dead cat on the side of the road so I took it home and put some honey on it and I cooked it and then I ate it is that [Music] b shut up who was your age we didn't even have cell phones yeah but you had stuff that we don't have yeah like dinosaurs feel like a f Queen feel like a f Queen feel like my my makeup feel like a fam Queen I feel like the feel so [ __ ] feel like [Music] [Music] what why are you [Music] sleeping your sister is sleeping in the hallway she's not my girlfriend I am not your friend uh I am not a girl now do the veggie Dance Now do the veggie Dance Now do the now do the now do the veggie dance yum yum eat them up yum yum eat them up yum yum eat him up eat him up every day I go to a school that Li to [Music] [Music] help my own kind of persu looks like this place could use a bit of misbehavior happily ever after with a little flavor to the bone with even worse intentions we're going to steal the show and leave them all [Music] defenseless say it I don't want to say it two best friends in a room they might kiss good yes we will now kiss I I don't I don't want kiss [Music] foreign fore [Music] that [ __ ] bird that I hate that [ __ ] bird that I hate that [ __ ] bird that I hate that [ __ ] bird that I hate [Music] follow me just squee me you want to do you really want to I'm A P do you really really want to do you want do you want [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you like that huh you like that Mr damy can I ask you something of course what do you need why does Miss Sasha call you baby [Music] girl ly why is the food still on the table [Music] you failed you failed I don't give a [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] now get the [ __ ] out locker locker my tusty locker oh oh you see her oh my God you're so [ __ ] close what do you mean what do you mean I you it's not over it's not so over it's over it's over it's over game game give me mercy give me mercy give me mercy no you can't touch this can't touch this can't touch this touch this touch this my your ass you see my face going going you see my face [Music] going going [Music] I Now pronounce you husband and wife Che on you who said that who said that who said that I Now pronounce you husband and wife he slept with your sister who said that who said that I Now pronounce you husband and wife [Music] re who is that fine babe [Music] hey pretty princess are you talking to me are there any other pretty princesses around no kitty I don't have anything what the hell is wrong with you stop it KY K that's a bad godamn K can y'all hug each other can y'all act like y'all love each other so we can hurry up and go I'm trying to go to school too come on oh put it [Music] [Applause] [Music] down every day I go to and four I like to help with learning 1 2 3 there the key basic math very easy to B these [Music] world she said she's just try to find the you are my desire you're all that I require she she's from the island just trying to F the you are my desire you're [Music] all you like that huh you like that see again [Music] no why no why no why every
Channel: Animation Toks
Views: 168,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: g96sPFnqrRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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