Fundamental concepts to design a minimal website

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since the beginning i always designed minimal websites so today i want to show you how to design a professional and eye-catching minimal design and ui on website so let's go [Music] before we start if you're new welcome to the channel hi and i'm happy to see you so subscribe it's free don't forget it but if you're not new welcome back and i'm happy to see you again in ui design there are a bunch of things that you need to take in consideration if you want to create something that looks professional that is eye-catching and that brings people attention from other uis everything is easier in my opinion because of the amount of things that you can add to your designs or in the implementation of the actual designs web pages or applications and i'm talking about the implementation of the 3d world in the websites or applications weird displacement effects that you can add to basically every element of your design new ways to interact with the user and millions of infinite amount of other things but with minimal design things are completely different because in order to create something that looks professional is eye-catching and at the same time minimal you need to develop some skills that are not that much required i can say in normal ui designs for example i am talking about the ability to see if something is not balanced if the design tend to be too much on the left on the right or bottom whatever you want or the skill to be able to create something really eye-catching by using only few elements two colors one typeface but i'm talking too much so let's jump in something real and let me show you some examples so to exercise and get way better in minimal design the first rule is to use a maximum of three colors in the entire design and also use these colors in a balanced way and what i mean by that is to actually use one color as your main one which is the 60 which is gonna be the six percent of your interface usually it is the background color one color which is gonna be the thirty percent of the designer and it's gonna be used for some elements some titles and the last one which is the remaining time percent that is gonna be used for as an accent color to color some particular things uh some details and nothing else but we don't have completely freedom in choosing the colors because of course we can't choose a purple fleshy purple one we need to choose some moody soft basically vintage colors no not vintage but some moody color that are soft to the eye and not flashy for example this is the moodle that i have and arranged in my pinterest account and as you can see the colors are really soft really smooth this orange as you can see it's not a flash orange but it's a really soft one a vintage look as vintage vintage i don't know how you say it but there is nothing that is really flashy or that pops in terms of saturation it's a matter of doing the right things and to use the right things to end tools to bring people's attention into your design and to use the right composition to create something really interesting to the eye for example as you can see in this motherboard a lot of designs are really catchy because they use a b title basically and that stands out images images are a huge part in minimal design and choosing the right one can be a game changer the second point and the second part is to curate the actual balance of the design a good design doesn't tend to be too much on the right side on the left side at the top at the bottom whatever you want but you need to find the right way to place the content and you need to practice a lot to get used to see the balance into a design it's a thing that comes with a lot of practice and it's one of the longest processes that i know to create something professional but i have some tricks that can speed up the process one thing that i want to tell you is that if you add one element in one side of your design add one another element in the other side of the design it's like symmetry but it's not properly symmetry so yeah the second thing is that if you add a big element into your design whether it's on the left or right side doesn't matter or at the top or the bottom you need to add multiple elements to balance the actual element so the bigger the element is the more elements you need to put in the design to balance it and that's it basically two points the two really easy points that you need to practice and you will see the results of 100 another tip by the way is to copy other designers designs to understand how this game works and finally the most loved topic fonts in a minimal design fonts play a huge role because they are the most exposed and visible things in the actual design of course after the background color choosing the right font is not that easy at all but we can start saying that for example these or these are not fonts that we want to use in a minimal design to keep the minimal and high-end style we actually need to take phones that are stylish elegant and not something that is too bold or heavy the best advice that i can give you to step to instantly step up your gaming in fonts is to use paid typefaces or paid fonts instead of using the free ones because paid typefaces are done better they looks way better than free ones and they are done by professional foundries specialized in doing fonts basically there are a lot of websites where you can buy fonts for cheap or even some founders that have trial packages that contains 30 of their fonts that you can use in your personal projects if you follow this advice you will see a hundred percent of big improvements in your designs last thing guys if you want to become a real professional in minimal design is to surround yourself with really good designs from really good creatives that specialized in minimal designs in this case the quality of your content reflects the quality of the content that you are surrounded by so keep that in mind and create some mood boards in your design program or in your social media and scroll through the feed if you want to look for some inspiration but keep that in mind and here we are guys at the end of this video so i hope that at least a small portion of this video was helpful to you if you found this video helpful smash and break the likes button well actually no otherwise you can't leave likes anymore tell me the comments down below which one of these points is the one that you struggle with the most and i'll see you in the next video hopefully
Channel: Matteo Valentino
Views: 7,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minimal website design, minimal web design, web design tutorial, web design tutorial for beginners, ui design tutorial for beginners, ui design tutorial, web design basics, how to design a website, beginner to professional designer, graphic design process start to finish, web design process, web design
Id: m7Fhw5XsdOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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