Functional Strength Training Workout for Beginners & Seniors // Full Body Calisthenics

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[Music] foreign welcome to my Channel today I have a functional strength training workout for you so it'll be all weight bearing exercises the first half all standing second half we will be on the mat you don't need any equipment and uh if you struggle with balance issues maybe have a chair handy for some of the exercises or holding onto a wall for support let's go ahead and get started starting with the feet directly lined up underneath the hips toes facing forward big inhale reach the arms up come up onto the toes exhale down inhale reach up balance toes and down inhale exhale three more like this take your stance a little bit wider reach the left arm up big side stretch come back to the ceiling and then we turn to the side reach the arm up to the angle come up onto the toe lifting the heel and then we swing back dropping the heel reaching up down reach you can bend the knee if you want to as well let's work on that calf muscle [Music] let's go three two really extend that arm last one hold there we turn our body back to the front and again another side stretch same thing other side right arm comes up big side stretch over stand that arm turn to the side reach the arm to the corner come up on that toe and then we come back and reach press the heel down lift it up bend the knee if you like it works a little bit more into those sides big reach three two and one swivel back to the front again big side extension here and lower down to the side feet coming back underneath those hips we'll do some leg swings opening up those hips if you want to hold on to a chair or a wall we're going to kick front and back it doesn't have to be high stand up nice and Tall we're working on that balance core engaged [Music] open up that hip let's go for three two one same thing other side try not to drop the chest keep it tall and proud we've got four three two one that felt good opening up those hips take the feet a little bit wider than hip width apart toes Straight Ahead sitting back with a squat reaching the arms forward press up Circle the arms back we come down again this time Circle the arms back and then forward a nice fluid movements here just alternating our arms backwards and forwards with those big circles as we squat keep in mind the weight should be in your heels and we're shifting those heels the hips back very nice one more to the back and one more Circle then front finishing side leg lifts again balancing or holding onto the wall extend your right leg out teeny Bend in that left supporting leg nice and proud Tummy in shoulders down and back lift the leg and lower try to keep the knee straight and the toe is pointed towards me left and lower doesn't have to be high activating those glutes four three two [Music] and one shake that out same thing other side extend that leg out hold on if you need to balance on one side tends to be better than the other [Music] halfway there five four three two and the last one shake that out again we take the hips side to side just releasing those muscles okay coming into a big sumo squat position so heels wider than the hips toes going to the corners arms out to the side we're in a squat here in the middle knees pressing back come up and then lunge right Center squat Center again lunge left chest stays up nice and proud so this time we're not shifting our hips back knees are pressing back as we drop our hips towards the floor [Music] again option here to hold on to a chair in front of you taking this nice and slow controlled movements again weight in the heels one side push it up one more each side release the arms roll the shoulders coming into a curtsy lunge again chair or wall if you need to Crossing right leg far behind stepping back we bend your front leg the knee is facing forward press up through that standing legs heel tap to the side we only have four count that first one as a demo so this is two last one same thing other side we cross behind down press up pressing up through the heel of your right leg only go as low as your knees allow some days are better than others right you do you all right we have four more but we're just alternating sides so here we go you can do this we've got four three two and one shake that out nice work not easy stuff coming back into that sumo squat position nice and wide toes to the corners hands can be on the hips roll the shoulders down back and then a little tuck in that pelvis activating the core we're going to bend our knees and go down slow for three counts three two one push it up down for three too one and push down two three keep the knees pressed out to the side and as we push up squeeze those glutes down two three and up great for keeping a nice rotation in those hips working those thigh and seat muscles three more and push three two and push last one down two three push it up coming back to Center high knees just alternating again a little balance challenge Tommy in let's add arms reaching and pulling let's go four three two one feet a little bit wider fingertips together elbows nice and wide torso twist to the side Center side and saunter so we've got some standing core here before we hit the floor where we will do more core and ab work this is a little more of a functional movement really important to keep that spine mobile one more time each side and then we're combining this with those high knees here we go elbow to knee elbow to knee exhale on that twist exhale inhale let's go four three two and one release it down nice job grab your mat grab some water and I'll meet me on the floor okay on our mat we're gonna start with our crunches so feet hip distance apart hold on to the backs of your legs let's gently roll ourselves tuck in your pelvis all the way down onto our backs hands come gently laced behind the head keeping the elbows nice and wide little pelvic tuck to press the lower back into the floor drawing the belly button into the spine we have a triple crunch we lift up two three down for one lift two three down for one instead of coming forward think about lifting higher each time exhale as you lift up inhale as you lower down two three one two three one more time left for one two three and lower down release the right arm little side crunch here lift the Torso head neck and shoulders again we reach to the side and back to Center left arm is still supporting that head and neck keeping the elbow wide side crunch [Music] two more let's switch sides left arm reaches towards that ankle and again think about reaching this time to the side rather than up two one come back to Center release it down little break inhale exhale reset tug that pelvis lift up this time we reach for four 3. 2. one let's switch side for four three two and one stay lifted if you can last two to the right last two to the left come back to Center and lower down nice job allow that rib cage to expand we have one more set we're just going to reverse those crunches this time we come up for one and lower for three counts [Music] here we go elbows wide we left for one lower down two and three and lift lower two three keep that belly button pulled into the spine four more lift lower two and three lift lower two three no pressure on that head and neck elbows wide two last one down two and three nice job take the arms over the head big extension inhale and exhale we're going to roll over onto our sides supporting our head and our hands knees are bent in about a 45 degree angle making sure that we're lined up with the shoulders and the hips and the feet and can be supporting here and what we're going to do is do a leg lift that's in between like a clam shell and a bent knee leg lift all at once so we go up so it's up and open at the same time lift and down keeping the hip bones stacked on top of each other tendency here is to rock and roll back and you want to stay stacked on top of each other let's go for three just feeling nice and warm in that glute nice job taking this top arm placing it in front of your chest and the hands supporting you toward your head is going to come and it's going to wrap around your waist here so we have a little tricep push-up again keeping that spine in line as high as you can we're going to put that weight into the palm and push up and slowly lower down we only have six if you're just pushing into that you're still activating those muscles just do your best we lift up and lower down making that arm do all the work into the tricep you might feel in the shoulder as well and lift again if you're just going an inch that's okay too lift and lower last one lift and lower coming up onto our elbow extend the top leg back and other knee backs up so the knees are on top of each other again a nice long line modified plank here pressing the side of the leg into the floor coming up on the elbow we lift the hips and we lower down and really slow and gentle here the modified side plank think about lifting from that waistline just three more last one nice job while we are here we're gonna Bend this top leg for a nice quad stretch so pulling the heel towards the bum to relax the shoulders down a little pelvic tilt forward maybe grab onto your pant or your sock whatever you can to really feel that beautiful stretch in front of the leg hold here big inhale exhale let's release it coming back onto our backs walk the heels a little closer to your hips relax arm neck and shoulders Palms facing down slowly peel the bomb and the hips off the floor up up up into our glute Bridge we squeeze the glutes and then slowly release it back down vertebrae by vertebrae so it's really nice for the lower back again up and lift nice and slow squeeze those glutes lower down and last time lift those hips and lower down let's roll to the side and then we're going to switch and do that leg work all on the other side so coming back onto our sides supporting the head and our hands shoulders hips and feet are lined up we lift the top leg up and open again making sure that the Torso stays still and facing front hips stacked on top of each other try not to lean back five more like this three two and last one release the head taking the bottom arm wrap it around Palm comes in front of that shoulder core is engaged we push through that top arm pushing yourself up whether it's an inch or all the way up is up to you really important to be able to push up your own body weight should you have a fall on the floor again even just going up an inch or two is great practice one more excellent job coming onto that bottom elbow shift the knees back and straighten the top leg core is engaged chest up nice and high push through that bottom elbow as we lift the hips up and lower down lift and lower navel is pulled in tightening that tummy using the obliques here the side of the waist pull yourself up you might be feeling it in your legs too one more nice job bending this top leg bringing the heel towards the bum for that quad stretch little pelvic tucked forward kind of like you're squeezing your glutes to emphasize that stretch great for the hip flexor too hold it here big inhale [Music] and exhale release it down coming to all fours now wrists underneath the shoulders and knees are underneath our hips we're going to start with a donkey kick so putting your weight a little bit more on that left knee keeping the right knee bent at a 90 degree angle we Flex the foot and we lift it towards the ceiling core is engaged torso is not moving go down press it up and left with the navel hold into the spine [Music] just two more pull this one up point the toe and extend the leg long straight behind you now we drop the leg tapping the toe and then left drop and left no arch in the back here straight spine straight leg think about making your leg longer straightening the knee lifting from the glute just three two and one bring that knee back in time for everyone's favorites a few push-ups modified will stay on our knees walk the hands a little further forward shift the hips core engaged and we lower down for four press up three press up again if you're just going down a couple inches that's good too we've all have to start somewhere and push from here shift those hips directly back on those heels for a child's pose releasing the lower back and stretching the shoulders big inhale here let's return to the hands and knees and do that on the other side flexing the foot this times our left leg lift and lower left and lower smooth originates from the glutes here great spine Tummy in it's a little uncontrolled we have three two hold this last one up extend the leg out and point the toes we drop it tap the toe to the floor and left again nice long leg straight knee we have four three two last one draw that knee back in Walk the hands forward our last set of push-ups here we go again just four down process these are also great to do against a wall if you feel tension in your wrists and we push back into the well-deserved child's pose again hips on the heels relax here you can rest your forehead on the mat big inhale exhale rounding the spine tucking the pelvis all the way back up one last time on the hands and knees and this time we're going to slowly lower all the way down onto our fronts of our body really important to also work the back of the body extend the arms long in front of you and then legs are hip width apart behind you just lifting the head neck and shoulders our torso we lift up extend the arms to the side back to the front and lower down again knee left side front and down next he's in line with that spine so try not to look up at your screen we have one more like this we lift arms side back to the front and lower down keep the arms stretched out in front of you now we're going to do the same thing with our legs so we lift the legs up pressing the pelvis into the mat open the legs take them back to Center and lower down we left open Center and down knees are straight you're squeezing those glutes glutes in the lower back are lifting those legs off the floor one more and release it down lasting this position is a combination you can watch first again we're stretched out nice and long we're going to lift one arm one leg straight forward and back then take them both out to the side back to the front and lower down and we alternate sides eight times here we go lift one arm one leg side Center and lift other side the left [Music] as we lift the arms and legs I want you to think about growing taller reach the fingertips and reach the toes an extra inch we have one more each side last one and release it down pull your arms in so your palms are by your shoulders and we're going to press back into that child's pose one more time releasing any tension in that lower back widen those knees dropping your chest it's lovely you can rest your forehead on the mat big inhale and exhale foreign on your exhale belly button to the spine round the back and roll it up one vertebrae at a time let's stretch out those hips coming to a kneeling position so we're 90 90 with those legs 90 degrees if you want to widen it it'll be a little bit more stable your toe back toe can be flat or it can be picked up that's up to you and sit up nice and tall and again a little tuck in that pelvis feeling the stretch in front of the hip from here let's hinge forward into a deeper stretch and push back arm you can leave on your thigh or if you like you can reach down and then we're going to twist and swivel around here to a beautiful spinal stretch opening up and then come back to Center hands on the floor again on your thigh we shift the hips back and flex that front foot for a nice hamstring stretch they always seem tight don't they and come back to Center and gently bring this foot back and let's switch legs other foot forward 90 degrees with both knees first we sit up nice and Tall pelvic tuck stretching out that hip flexor emphasizing the stretch by leaning forward [Music] and come back dropping our hand to our thigh or to the floor wherever it's comfortable for you left arm swivels back reaching open you should feel this in your left hip as well inhale exhale come back to Center shift the hips back and flex that front foot make any adjustments that you need to dropping the chest keeping the spine straight so try not to round we want to really feel that stretch in the back of the leg and bring that leg back if you crisscross your ankles behind you or we can shift those hips back and we're magically in a seated position a few more stretches here take that right arm out to the side gently Pull It in front either above or below the elbow joint and then give me some wrist circles while we do this releasing any tension that was built up in those wrists from our floor work and reverse [Music] release the arm back out open up that chest big side lean all the way over back up to the top and then coming behind us for a tricep stretch other arm assists getting that right elbow towards the ceiling hold it there release the left arm down back and around behind the back the goal is to work those fingertips together I have some work to do too they're not there yet inhale exhale really sit down left arm out and gently Pull It in front Circle the wrists and reverse nice cracks here release the arm open up stretching the chest and side Bend all the way over reach it up bending the arms so elbows pointed towards the ceiling let's assist that stretch with the right arm sit nice and Tall really open up that chest and then really see arm down back and around working to reach those fingertips together hold here on our exhale release the arms Down Round the back pull the hands together maybe interlace those fingers switch the Palms towards me I can keep that back rounded a little lean to the side it's a nice stretch for the upper back and the lower back come back to Center sit up tall arms come to the back this time again clasp the fingers opening up the chest press the shoulders down and back try to straighten those elbows if it's comfortable for you inhale exhale release it down stretch the fingers long take the ear towards the shoulder and other side I've seen any tension built up in the neck lift back up to Center drop the chin to center and nice and slow just some little half circles here with the neck keep reaching the fingertips out long to the sides return to Center lift the chin and release the arms as always like to finish with a big inhale arms come up and exhale down thank you for working out with me today great job that was tough stuff let me know how you liked it in the comments thanks for working out with me and we'll see you next time
Channel: SeniorShape Fitness
Views: 44,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: body weight workout, calisthenics workout, 30 minute workout, exercises for beginners, exercises for seniors, silver sneakers, no equipment workout, full body workout, total body workout, calisthenics for beginners, senior shape, workout video, workout at home, fitness workout, functional strength training
Id: 4vnInl0RaOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 18sec (2058 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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