Functional, Procedural & Object-oriented Programming - An Overview

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hi and welcome to this video in modern programming we often hear about programming paradigms about object-oriented programming functional programming and also about procedural programming now what do all these different terms mean and how do they impact how you write your code or how do you write your code if you follow an object-oriented approach how do you write your code if you follow a functional approach in this video we'll have a closer look and we'll do so by building a very simple dummy demo project in three different ways functional procedural and object-oriented so what are programming paradigms that's of course important to understand in the end you could say it's just a way of writing code it's about how you write and organize your code it's not a syntax feature it's not a special feature exposed by the browser or anything like this it's really just how you structure your code and how you reason about your program your writing so how your code is organized and in the end there are three paradigms you could follow you have object-oriented programming you have procedural programming and you have functional programming now what does this mean if you're writing your code in an object-oriented style it means that you organize your data and logic in objects or in classes and then in objects based on those classes which means you store your data in properties of objects you store your logic in methods of objects that's how you typically think about your code here everything in your application in your project gets represented as a class and then in the end as an object so you organize your code in logical entities you could say you kind of try to translate the application you're writing into the real world and you think about your application and the things that make up your application in real world terms if you're building a shop application you think about products and a shopping cart ends on that's how you think about your code and how you organize it now when you're following a procedural style and that's probably the style with which you got started when working with JavaScript you simply write a sequential series of execution steps and tasks so you have a top to bottom code execution you could say now you always have that in every style but here you simply list these different steps the engine in the end should execute and should perform you don't organize your code in logical groups or in logical pieces of data you don't use objects and entities to structure your in the end you just execute step after step and then we have functional programming and there we organize our code in if possible pure functions with clearly defined tasks you get all the data a function needs as parameters and then this function often alls return something new so you pass data around with parameters and your functions are your way of organizing your code you have many functions probably more than you have any other styles and your functions hold your logic every function if possible works on its own and this is how you structure your code now that's the theory it of course becomes way clearer if we see that on a real example so let's work on a very simple example application and this indeed will be a very trivial application here it's an application where I in the end have a HTML file which renders a form of form with two inputs and then with a button and I got some styling so that this doesn't look super ugly now we can simply open this by in the end double-clicking that index.html file in the finder or Windows Explorer and what we get is something that looks like this now here nothing happens if you enter something here and click the button you'll just submit the form and therefore reload the page besides that nothing will happen we will now write code that changes this and we will write this application code three times in the three different programming styles and we'll start with procedural because as I mentioned this might be a style you used when you started with JavaScript because I would argue it is the style that's the most obvious to use if you're getting started with programming so let's add a new script here procedural JavaScript you can of course name it however you want and in the index.html file below that link here I'll add a script import and point at procedural door JavaScript add the defer attribute to make sure that this script only runs after the entire file has been parsed and of course close the script tag as well and now we are importing this and we're ready to write some code and now we can really think about the different steps you want to execute because that's what procedural programming is all about so if we have a look at our HTML file what do we want to do well we want to listen to a click on this button of course or to be precise we want to listen for the submission of the form we want to get the values to user entered for the username and for the password and we might want to validate those values so at least make sure both fields are not empty show an error message if they are empty and then in the end if everything has been valid do something with the data let's say create a new object and you user object and then lock that to the console or like this so something fairly trivial that is what we could do here so for that back to the procedural J's file what do we need to do here well we need to get access to the forum and today two inputs so that we can work with the data there and then we can add a listener to the forum and so on so getting access to those things is easy we have IDs with the user input ID on the forum with the user name ID on this input and the password ID on this input so we can use these free inputs to gain access so I'll store the form in a form constant or I'll store a reference to the form in the form constant and we can get access with get element by ID and then here it was user - input and then second constant when I create here is the user name input we can get access with document.getelementbyid d username and last but not least a password so the password input that can be fetched with document.getelementbyid e password like this ok so we get this axis let's now add an event listener so on the forum I'll add an event listener to the submit event because that is the event we want to listen to you right and then we want to trigger a function when that executes we could use an anonymous function here but I will create a named function to sign up handler let's say it will get an event object automatically and it will point at this function when this event is triggered when this event is fired now this is vanilla JavaScript and of course even though we're using the procedural style we are allowed to work with functions as well this is not forbidden we just don't organize our code around the idea of using functions all the time so we pointed this function here when this event is triggered and now in this function we write all the logic again step by step which you want to execute so thus far our logic is get access to the different elements step by step and then define this function and then set up this listener now when this function runs we need to get the inputs here the values the user entered if we need to validate them and then create a dummy user object with that data and actually first of all I want to call event.preventdefault to prevent that browser default of sending the forum to a back-end server which need leads to a page refresh which I don't want here so let's call this as well and now we can get started let's get the concrete values to user entered so we got the entered user name and we can get this out of user name input dot value we can access that value here because we know that the element we're selecting here is an input element which will have a value property side note you could actually also only get access to the user name input in here if you wanted to because we really only need the two inputs here inside of this function so you don't have to do it globally here in this function would also suffice so maybe let's reorganize our code to do that instead of this function maybe even after preventing the default really right before we need a value that's not required but it is a possibility so we get the entry user name we can also get the entered password and we get that from the password input dot value of course just like this now with the two values we can validate them we could do this with a if check where we check if the entered user name if we trim it to remove access whitespace at the beginning and end if the length is equal to zero which means this is an invalid input it's empty in this case we could show an alert to the user and say invalid input username must not be empty that's something we could do here and we also return here which means we cancel this function execution so that we don't continue in the code if we make it past the ZIF check we might still have an invalid input because our password our entered password whoops with a double s here entered password that might also be wrong so we trim this and check if the length is zero or maybe if it's smaller or equal than five because let's say we want the password which has at least five characters if it is too short we can say invalid input password must be six care or longer and again we they're off to return so that we don't continue with the function execution if we do continue we made it past both if checks and we now know we have a valid input and that's where we now could create a new user object simply with an object literal again just like functions are not forbidden here objects are not forbidden here it's not like you're only allowed to use objects when you're writing object-oriented code it's more about how you organize your code and here it's really a step by step execution and we're using a very simple literal object here to store some data to group some data so here we then have let's say the username which is our entered username we have two password which is our entered password oops entered password and with that we're we're good and now we can console lock the user and maybe also send a greeting with hi I am plus user dot user name like this with that we had a very basic procedural program if we now save this and we go back to the browser and reload this page if I enter Maximilian here and then any pattern of my choice which is let's say too short actually I get this error invalid input password must be six characters or longer if I don't enter Maximilian here but I'll leave this empty I get this error regarding my username and if I do have valid inputs in both fields here you see we're logging the user we're logging hi I am Maximilian now as I mentioned this code here should look fairly straightforward to you there also is nothing wrong with it but this would be the the simple procedural way of writing your code you think about different steps you need to execute and you then just write them down and don't get me wrong code will always be executed from top to bottom but you could also organise this differently so let's have a look at the object-oriented programming style next so we wrote this code here in the procedural style you could say now let's create a new JavaScript file oo P dot J s where we will write basically the same logic but now using an object-oriented style so for dad an index.html I'll swap the import for the oo P dot J's file here now how would this look like if we think about this in an object-oriented way now there are certainly different ways of approaching this but I would like to think about the different entities to different types of objects we could work with here we could say our forum for example is one object it's one object which in the end will have Q inputs which has this button and which will have a method which is triggered when the button is fired the validation could be organized in its own object as well in a helper object which holds validation logic that we could reuse in different parts of the application if we had multiple forms and the user we create in the end well we could create a blueprint for this user as well a class or a constructor function which allows us to create user objects which has a built-in greet method to show this greeting for example so here in the object-oriented JavaScript file I will work with classes if you were working with an older version of JavaScript you could of course also work with constructor functions in stat classes in the end are just syntactic sugar with some extras and you learn all about that of course in my complete guide in the object-oriented and classes course section so which classes do we need here well we have our form right so I'll add a user input form class here and this should hold everything that is related to my form I also want to have another class and the order does not really matter here I'll just have the form at the bottom because it is the thing I will actually start with and it will use all the other classes which I'm about to define so I wanted to find them first though technically as I said you could also organize this differently but here another class we'll need later is the user itself so not the input form but for the concrete user object we work with and then maybe also our validator clause here which holds our validation logic now let's start with the user input form though what could be in there well I want to define my constructor function which allows us to do some initialization work whenever we create instance based on this class now my goal is to create an instance based on this class when the app starts in the end so therefore here I want to get access to the different inputs in the HTML file and to the form itself so that we can add a listener so here I will add some properties to the instance created based on the class with this keyword for example of form property and the name is up to you and here I get access to get element by ID user - input so here I store access to this user input form I also want to get access to the different input fields in the form so I have my user name input field document.getelementbyid e user name and of course one for the password so password input with document.getelementbyid e password so basically what we stored in constants before here this constant this constant and this constant is now getting stored in properties of this class or to be precise in properties of the concrete objects created based on this class I also of course will reach out to my form and add an event listener here for the submit event and when this is triggered I of course want to trigger a function now we could work with an anonymous function here but since we're in a class and we want to write object-oriented code it makes much more sense to create a method so a function inside of an object inside of a class here so for that I'll add the sign up handler method here which gets the event object and now I can point edit here this signup handler this ensures that this function which is registered on this class and which they offer is called a method is fired whenever this submit event occurs and in here we can now do stuff we can call event.preventdefault but we can also get to concrete entered values and validate them and so on now one important word if I want to get the let's say entered username here then I of course can reach out to this username input so to this pointer at this input element in the HTML code we stored here and access dot value but this won't work why won't it work because the this keyword ins of this method will not refer to this class in this case here why because this method gets fired upon this event and when you point at a function or a method based on an event that gets triggered so here on such a event listener that this keyword will be bound to the event target that's a default behavior to override this we have to call bind this year this ensures that this keyword inside of signup handler will point to the exact same thing this would point you in the constructor and that will be the instance created based on the class so now this will work correctly we can therefore also get the entered password here with this password input dot value so now we got the two values now it would make sense to validate them and here again thinking in an object-oriented way we could outsource this validation logic into a validator class we don't have to do that we could write it in line here we could just copy over this logic here from procedural but that means that whenever we have some other form in our application we can only reuse our code by copying it again and copy and pasting is not something you want to do too often because that is a bad programming self you're repeating yourself and you shouldn't do that so instead I'll add something here in the validator class I'll add a static method validate this means we can call it without instantiating this class and there I expect to get a value and then let's say a flag and a validator value if you want you so I'm writing a little bit of a more complex validator here what does this mean well well you should be a value I wanna check so the Android username and enter password flag should then allow us to identify which kind of validation we want to perform and then validate our value is basically optional allowing us to configure the validation now for this to work I'll add two new static properties here required anda writing at all caps to make it clear that this is basically a global unique value you could say and min lengths here and these are just identifiers which we can then use because my idea now is that I can check if in here in the validate function if the flag argument I'm getting if this is equal to this required so if we're running some required validation and if it is I want to return true or false I want to return true if the entered value is not empty and falls if it is empty so I will return value trim length greater 0 if it's not an empty input this will return true otherwise this will return false if the flag is let's say this min length then I will return value trim length greater validator values so there's extra argument with which we can configure validation why am i doing it like this well simply just to show that now we would have a reusable validate function because in the user input forum here in the signup handler we can now use this we can now simply check if validator so this class I just worked in dot validate which we can call like this because it's a static method hence we don't need to instantiate the class if this yields true for the entered username which is the value and validator dot required as a flag so I wanna validate this year with the required validator and check if it's not empty if this returns true I'm fine if it does not return true indicated by this exclamation mark here I want to show an error but this is not the only validation of course I also want to check when our validation logic here whenever expression if not validator Valley date for the entered password for D min length flag and the value of 5 as a minimum length if this returns not true or this first one returns not true in any of these cases I want to make it into this if block and here we can now show an alert and say invalid input username or password is wrong password should be at least 6 characters this is the alert we could show here and then we want to return here to not continue with this method execution so the error message the error handling still happens in this class here which makes sense because this is the place where I do work with my concrete values but the logic for checking the input is out sourced in a separate class now this is not a must do but it ensures that we could now reuse this validator in other forms of this application as well and we might of course have more complex validation logic in there than we currently do so now with this we know that after the safe check we have valid inputs and hence we could now create our new user so for this let's go to this user class and work on this here I wanted to find how a user should look like and attach any logic to it which it should have so for example here let's add a constructor to define some values with which we create a user specifically the username and the user password let's say and then in here we have this user name set it equal to you name and this password set it equal to you password here this would allow us to create a new object with these two properties but I also want to add some logic I'll add a great method here to this user object right just say console.log hi I am plus this user name and with that we can create a new user based on this class down there are new user with new user here we need to new keyword to construct a new instance of the user class and we forward our entered username and our entered password here and thereafter we can not only lock the new user but also call new user dot greet to execute that creat logic and with all that done there is just one remaining thing now thus far all the logic lifts in the user input form but this is just a class right we need to instantiate it to bring this code to life so below this here we can call new user input form like this to create a new instance we could store it in a constant but if we don't work with this constant we also don't have to do that so here I'm just creating a new instance and with that this class here now comes to life we run this constructor we setup this event listener and we're therefore good to go so now if we go back and we reload this page if we submit an empty form we should get an error and indeed we do if I enter a valid password here but I have an empty user name it still gets this error and if I enter a valid user name here but my password is too short we still get an error here if I enter a different password which is long enough we do log our user object here and this greeting so this now works and it's essentially the same logic as before in the procedural style the difference is now that we think about our code as different objects working together and we split our code logically into entities which can make it easier to reason about your code it can also help with reusing code as I mentioned at the example of the validator because we can use this anywhere in the application in the procedural style in the way we're doing it at the moment here we would have to copy this around to share it and again copy and pasting is bad because if you need to change your logic in one place you don't need to change it in ten places or how often you're using it so that's the object-oriented style so last but not least let's explore the functional programming style for this I'll treat and you file your functional dot two Jas and of course import this year in the index.html file functional the idea behind functional programming now is that we organize our code around well functions so we can still then reuse and share logic by simply sharing a function by exporting it and importing it in an our file and so on so how could we split this application here into a functionally written application it can be hard to think about this if you're relatively new in programming my personal experience shows that object-oriented programming is relatively easy to pick up because it's close to the real world so to say we think in objects and that's how we think about the real world as well the procedural style awls is not too hard because we execute code step by steps and therefore all we have to do is that we have to think about what we want to do in our applications step by step so what should happen when and then this code is basically writing itself now in the functional world it's a bit like in the object-oriented world we think about different things that make up our application but the things are now not objects but instead different logical blocks something like a validate function a function to get access to a Dom element a function to extract user input a function to create a new user a function to greet a user so basically we try to split our code into the different logical blocks we have here so in functional J's how could we get started because maybe dad helps us understand how it works it still starts with us getting access to the form right we need access to the forum's so that we can listen to the form submission to get access here we could write a new function connect form name is up to you and by the way you can't write this function in any way you want in this function declaration style here you could also write it as a function expression or of course you could use an arrow function here if you wanted to that all works here I'll just write it like this so connect form just like this without any parameters for now and in there I want to get access to my form and I do so by calling document get element by ID user - input and thereafter I will reach out to my form and add a submit event listener here and then then what then I want to point add a function that should execute when the form is submitted so maybe let's add a new function here the signup handler which gets this event object which calls event prevent default it will also do more than that but this is something we definitely need to do and then I pointed it here this is something we could do but it's not the perfect way of setting this up instead the idea where the core philosophy you really should embrace when writing functional code is that your functions should be pure and all the data they work with is received as parameters so that your functions are as predictable and reusable as possible so for this connect forum function this means that we would probably get the form ID as a parameter and although the form submit handler function as a parameter and then here instead of pointing at user input here we would point at form ID and here we would just say form submit handler and now this function has code which is totally reusable which makes no assumptions about what's in your HTML file it makes no assumptions about this ID and about the name of the function that should handle the submission instead we would call connect form here when our app is initialized so when this javascript file is parsed and executed for the first time and here I would feed in the concrete values so user input and a pointer at signup handler now of course in this simple app we don't gain much by this but now we really have a function which is pretty focused pretty straightforward pretty easy to understand and which is all pretty reusable because it's not tied to a specific forum in the HTML code if we had multiple forums which we wanted to connect with submit handlers we could reuse this function we could just call it with different arguments that already is how you should think about code when thinking in a functional programming style so now we connect this forum we point at the sign up handler when the form gets submitted in the sign up handler we now want to get our user input and we now all of course then want to validate it and create a new user now again we could copy our logic from procedural right we could copy this logic here for getting the user input for the moment and paste it in here and this would work but we're not really thinking in a functional way what did I just say about functions well they should be pure and should receive all the inputs they need as parameters and here again I'm hard coding IDs which are IDs from my HTML document into the function now we could do this but is this good well it's certainly not bad now you might argue that hard coding these IDs into the function is not something you want to do because we got rid of it here but I would argue that the sign up handler is of course a very specific function which indeed can be tied to the HTML file because it really is about this signup form it's not a general function here like Connect for emboss which should work with any form this really should only work with the signing up logic so that is fine but we're basically having some code repetition here why don't we create a new function here which we named get user input and here I expect to get my input element ID and in this function we then return document.getelementbyid eat which I've forward the input element ID parameter and then I access dot value here now of course this only works with input elements but that's the idea behind this function so we could add an extra check which checks if this is an HTML input element but here I just assumed that it always will be 1 and now we can rewrite this we can get rid of this line here and enter user name now simply is get user input for the user name ID and we can get rid of this line and T entered password now just is get user input for password and again we have a reusable function here and this is now a leaner and more focused so now we got the input of course you want to validate it so unsurprisingly we create a new function for this D validate function and here we could again follow the logic we set up in the object-oriented part we can't expect a value a flag and a validator value here and then basically copy over the logic from oo p because object-oriented programming and functional program is not that far apart it's a bit more than just translating classes to functions but the idea of organizing logic in methods and in classes is not that far away from the idea of organizing logic and functions so unsurprisingly we can copy the logic from the validate method here and add it in the validate function here now we just need to replace this required and this min length we've just required in min length and add some global constants here and yes this is all the possible not everything has to be inside of a function here we want some global flags some global identifier and therefore we can to find them just like this in our script here so now we have that we have our validate function we can now use this validate function here in the sign up handler so here we could now call validate and forward the entered username and so on and that again would not be wrong but I want to trade yet another new function may be here which I'll name create user and this is a function that takes the user name and the user password and this should now run the validation and let's just of course one way of doing it not the only correct one just one way of doing it so I want to run validation here and then if it succeeds also create my user so in here I will now check if not validate for a username and the required flex of dis yields false or if validate for the user password and the min length flag and a min length of 5 if either of the two yields false we could throw an alert but this would be a side-effect now what's the side effect a side effect basically is some logic you execute inside of a function which does something outside of the function which sends an HTTP request which changes something in the Dom or like in this case which shows an alert so these are typical side effects a pure function just receives parameters and then maybe return something and for the same parameters it always returns the same thing an impure function which has a side effect might also do that it might all return always the same thing but it also might manipulate something outside of the function so like I said in the Dom or a sender HTTP requests now sometimes you can't avoid this but here I want to have create user as a pure function so I will not throw my alert here instead I will throw a new error here with an error message of invalid input and I'll just copy the error message from the opie file here so copy that string and throw this here as an error message on this JavaScript error so here we're not showing an alert we're really throwing an error and that will automatically cancel the execution of the remaining function if this error gets not thrown so if we make it past this if check if we do have valid inputs then I will return a new object and that is my user with a username which holds the username value and with a password which holds this user password value so now create user is something we could call here in the signup handler we got our new user by calling create user and we forward the entered username and T entered password this could fail however this would throw an error if we have invalid inputs so here we can use try-catch and again we could use try-catch in the object-oriented style and the procedural style as well don't get me wrong but now I think here is really clean to do it like this we use try catch and we try to create a new user but if this fails I will now show my alert here and yes this will now produce a side effect but we could even outsource this into a separate function show alert but since I would do nothing else in there but call the alert function I'll do it just in here and as I said sometimes you can't avoid it it's okay to have functions that produce side effects you just want to keep most functions pure and side-effect free here however I will output the error message in an alert if this succeeds however I want to console locked a new user and of course also greet the new user but for dad we could create a never a new function here the greet user function which gets a user object and just calls console.log hi I am plus user username and again this here would also technically be a side-effect by the way because we do something outside of the function so here I can then call greet user and forward the new user and there are different ways of writing this these are just examples of course if we now save this and we reload this page if the form is empty and I click Submit I get this error if I have a valid user name but that password is too short I get an error if my password is long enough but the user name is empty I get an error and if both is valid and we click create user we're showing hi I am Maximillion the log is missing because I didn't enter it here so here of course I want to log my new user and then retry this I'll reload enter the values here again and now we get the same output as before so this now really is working and now this is an example of functional programming the core idea of course being that we organize our code into functions where most functions are pure and side-effect free and therefore highly reusable so we saw three different styles and of course you can also mix these Styles you could have a procedural style where you also work with classes and where you have multiple functions you can't have a functional style where you somehow all the sneak in some classes though it then technically wouldn't be a pure functional style anymore which style is the best though well the best style is the style which best works for you that really is the truth now there will be people who strongly disagree because like a couple of other things in programming this really is something where you can't have religious debates you can really discuss this and for a lot of people it seems to be the most important thing in life not to me though you can write code you can write apps with either style and you should find the style that best suits your needs now the more experience you get as a developer the more you will see that for a certain application types some Styles tend to work better than average styles and again you can find discussions about this on the Internet some of them are even kind of friendly which will show different applications and different examples for when to use which style you also sometimes have programming languages which strongly favor one style over another for example c-sharp is a programming language which is heavily object-oriented JavaScript on the other hand is pretty versatile there you can follow any style and therefore sometimes you also are forced into a certain style and sometimes you are not it's important to be aware of all these styles and nowadays at this point of time the functional style is really having a strong comeback and is super popular and it does have great advantages it's quite readable your code is nicely organized it's very straightforward functions tend to be relatively small if you're using this style correctly and it also produces highly reusable code object-oriented programming was extremely popular a couple of years ago and it's still far from being not popular don't get me wrong and it does have advantages it's also producing reusable code and it splits your code into logical pieces now with the classes you sometimes have a little bit of overhead which you don't really want though and sometimes it's easier to split it when following the functional style the procedural style is not bad at all and great for some simpler scripts the more complex your application gets the more complex it might get to work with this style though because you will naturally end up with at least using some classes or some other functions to make it more readable at some point because if you only use this style and you write your steps your code step by step your code can get harder to organize and to reason about but again here although you can mix and more functions and so on and therefore all the write great applications with the procedural style I hope that this overview was helpful and that it helps you make decisions about which styles you want and most importantly that it helps you understand styles being used in different projects or in different frameworks you work with in your future as a JavaScript developer
Channel: Academind
Views: 93,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: programming paradigms, functional programming, oop, object-oriented programming, functional vs oop, functional vs object-oriented, procedural, procedural programming, functional vs procedural, javascript, tutorial, full course
Id: aoE-92Ac4zE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 1sec (2581 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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