Fun With The Comedians | Zakir, Abhishek, Anubhav | Ep 292| The Kapil Sharma Show | New Full Episode

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How are you, Archana? I am fine, what about you? I pulled you to colour from black and white television. And here you are in black and white again. - You are looking beautiful. - Thank you. I wish you all a very new year. We pray to God that the new year brings happiness into your lives. May you all be happy and healthy. In the bigger cities people understand the new year is coming with decoration and lights. In smaller towns, when you see peanuts and sesame sweets in the market instead of fruits. This means the winter is at its peak. In villages the way to find out about the new year is different. It's when old uncles start wearing thermals below their pants. [laughter] It makes it clear that January is here. People start new year celebrations right from Christmas around the world. Wherever you go, from sweet shops to malls there is someone dressed in a Santa suit. Going 'Merry Christmas, ho ho ho'. Then suddenly Santa's phone rings and you realise which place Santa belongs to. Yes brother, greetings. It's Puttan speaking. How's the baby doing? If I get a leave, I'll come for the wedding or straight at the 'Chhath' festival. [laughter] Yes, I'm hanging up now. Give my good wishes to mother. And then again, 'Merry Christmas'. People make a lot of those in the New Year. - They make resolutions. - Yes. I won't do this or that and I'll change this habit. Most of all people, people take this resolution that next year I will never be late. And these people drink so much alcohol on 31st December... - They forget it. - [laughter] Next day they wake up and think Wow, I had thought 7 but I'm up at 5. Father throws the shoe at him that it's 2nd January already. - You are so drunk! - [laughter] [applause] Married women don't make resolutions for themselves. They make for their husbands. - Okay. - This year I'll make him thinner. And wake up their husband on 1st January. While they are still battling their hangover. Go and take a walk in the park. He replies, why? I'm not a movie star. She continues, no, go to the park. The man after returning from a jog in the park says you know, Mrs. Gupta from 1203 I have always seen her in sarees but she looks amazing in jogging tracks. [laughter] Then the wife loses her cool. When you had gone to the park Mr. Gupta came to the balcony wearing only a vest. He looks great too. From tomorrow, sit at home and do yoga. The countdown for the new year has begun. We'll start our celebration with amazing dance performances. Let's welcome with a big round of applause India's brilliant and amazing dance group please welcome, Demolition crew. Wow! I'd like to invite their leader Saurabh on the stage. [cheering] Saurabh, this was simply amazing. So have you trained all of them? I have personally not trained anyone. Everyone worked so hard that I did not need to train them. Wow. [audience clapping] You were jumping so who was catching you when you landed? You must never be fighting with him ever. Isn't it? What if he drops you in anger sometimes? - Isn't it? - [laughter] You all deserve much more. All my good wishes for your upcoming performances. Thank you, sir. Thank you so much. A big round of applause for the Demolition crew. [audience clapping] So now in this new year celebrations, let's call those amazing comedians who have paved their own way. They made videos on social media and won millions of hearts. With a loud round of applause, please welcome Mr. Zakir Khan. Hey! Mr. Abhishek Upmanyu. Mr. Anubhav Singh Bassi. And Kusha Kapila. Welcome Kusha. Welcome. A big round of applause for our 4 champions. [audience clapping] These four look very simple and innocent. But they are not. You all know them. Kusha is coming on our show for the second time. - Yes. - I welcome you all. - And a happy new year. - A very happy new year to you too. Thank you, brother. Archana, she has won people's hearts in such a way... I love all of them. She is a craze in the youth. Like you just sit here and make money [laughter] she stands and earns. What am I saying? She wants to show her dress to everyone. That's why she is getting up. [laughter] In a few hours, we will enter the new year. We were talking about resolutions before you'll came. How people say, I'll give this up in the new year. Make new habits. Do you all do this too? I believe that the day the 1st new year and monday fall on the same day, then I'll believe it. All right. Or you won't? Either it's not monday or the first or new year? That's why I'm not able to go to the gym. [laughter] - Abhishek? - I have stopped feeling bad as I did earlier when my resolution would not get completed. - Very good. So this is the change. - I have just stopped feeling bad. That why did this happen again? But no. Now when it does not happen, I don't feel bad. By the third... I forget by the third. - What? - What the resolution was. [laughter] People wake up on the second and forget about it. - Kusha, what do you want to say? - Kapil... I was thinking that such famous celebrities come to your show. To promote their big films. I come to promote myself on your show so that I land a big film. So my resolution is that next year I want to come back to the show for the third time. [laughter] You are doing so well as it is. The film world needs you, you don't need them. Wow. You all are stand up comedians. If you think you'll are as funny when you'll sit then let us sit and talk. I welcome you warmly. Kusha, it's said that ladies first. So I'd like to start with Zakir. [laughter] That's because a few days back, he spoke in detail about make-up done by girls. Are you single and so you go into detail? Or you did a diploma in make-up also? Sir, I might not be married but I've been to enough weddings. [laughter and clapping] I mean, I lost it when I got to know what a moisturiser was! You see, I don't have a sister. Okay? So, there was neither any sensitivity nor any make-up. [hysterical laughter] I asked any friend that I met. How do you use different cosmetics? I learned in detail. I have knowledge of it and I like it. Like I even asked Kusha how to apply Kohl. He got the complete tutorial from me. Yes. There isn't much make-up for guys. The most we do is groom our beards and apply almond oil. Listen. What do boys need? We need two things. Water and a towel. - [hysterical laughter] - Yes, actually. Splash some water, wipe with a towel and the boy is ready. Wow! He's ready for marriage! Let me tell you this is how Upmanyu came on the show! [laughter] I believe if you have a T-shirt, you don't need a towel. Yes. Lift it up and voila! Why soil two clothes? [laughter] Let me tell you that Bassi here is highly educated. - He holds a degree in law. - Oh! Comedians need it nowadays. - Whoa! - You never know, right! - Wow! - Nice. Did you have it planned out? That you'd do law and then become a comedian? No. After doing law, I realised I was bad at it. You say comedians need it. I'll need help of other lawyers as I know nothing! [laughter] I used to check all the contracts in the beginning, - but I stopped. I've forgotten it. - Okay. It's common. A lot of people do that. - Abhishek here is an engineer too. - Yes... I'm just as much an engineer as them. - Yes. - [laughter] Hold an exam right now. We all will score the same marks. [laughter] I hope no one scores more than me. [laughter] - I don't know anything. - Yes. Zakir, what have you studied? This man has lived life. He holds the highest degree. Zakir, like we... I saw a show on TV called 'Laughter Challenge' and that motivated me to go on the show. - Yes. - But you directly went on YouTube. People wait for you to upload your next video now. But how did you start out? I think, first of all. Kapil was the pioneer, - and we're all following - in his footsteps. - Brother... It's God's grace. This... I was in school when 'Laughter Challenge' began. When you tease someone too much, everyone would say, "If you think you're funny, go on 'Laughter Challenge'!" - Yes. - Right. So, when I began watching people, I thought I could do it too. That it was easy. - [laughter] - Yes. When I tried it, I realised how difficult it was. - It's very hard. - It is. I was asked to leave the stage two minutes into my first performance. [laughter] Sometimes it happens that the audience doesn't laugh. You must've thought while on stage, "I hold a degree in engineering." "I'll become an engineer." Has that happened? I've had many failed shows. [laughter] What is the reason for it? I don't know. I wasn't in my senses. I don't know what... Something or the other happens every time. For instance, I get irked if they don't laugh and I vow to ruin their night! [laughter] It has never happened that I've given hit shows consecutively. Are you here to promote yourself or to be demoted? - My shows are great. - [laughter] Oh, boy! People start losing it. They go crazy when I say hello. "How could he say hello?" [laughter] Abhishek, I have observed that many actors from our industry used to be engineers earlier. For instance, Sonu Sood and Kriti Sanon. You'll find many others. I want to know this. In your final year of engineering, do they teach you, "Listen, this has no scope." "Look for other career options." - Do something else, sonny! - True. Out of 80 students, two people didn't get jobs. One was me. The other guy stopped attending college after second year. Okay. My dad managed to get me my first job. But I got fired. Then I got fired from my second - as well as third job. - Okay. I said what's the use of even getting a job - when they're all firing me! So... - [laughter] - Alright then. - Yes, do it. Whether you become an engineer or a stand-up comedian, a person earns to feed himself. This man has a tattoo of dal on his arm. What did you have in mind when you had it done? "Let me finalise this dal tattoo." I wanted a tattoo. People said get something tattooed that you'll remember forever. I said I can't get somebody's name tattooed. Relationships sour with time. My family might stop liking me. But dal is harmless. - Yes! - I'll get it tattooed. Plus it's beneficial. Dal here. Next tattoo will be here of butter 'naan'. It'll be easier to place an order. "This, please." [laughter] I'll get "bill, please" tattooed on my back. - Bill! Oh, God! - Bill! [laughter] I saw the photo. It looks as though the dal has spilled! [laughter] Archana had a question. She told me to ask you. You do such a lot of work on YouTube. Do you have a normal bell at home or is it just a bell icon? - Oh! - [laughter] When your family got to know... Had you told them or did they see you on YouTube directly? I didn't tell my family. When they asked what I do, I said a job. "Lies!" They came over one day. I got dressed and faked going to work. - Oh! - I sat in the park. I went home after they left. I told them when I got my first income. - Okay. - I said, "See this?" - [laughter] - You... "This!" Mr. Advocate, had you told your family? - I... - I heard your stories from college and hostel. I didn't tell them in the beginning, it was after six or seven months after quitting my job. - I asked my sister to handle it. - Okay. When I told my dad I did stand-up, he didn't understand. He thought I'd quit that in a few days too - and do something else. - Okay. I did a month's internship at court. After a month, I was asked what I learnt. I said, "The cold coffee doesn't taste the same everyday." [hysterical laughter] I practised as much as I'd learnt. Then I gave up. I didn't tell my family. After a few months, when I was shooting a video, - then I told my family. - Okay. I told them I do what they both do. They were sold on him, but not on this guy. [hysterical laughter] After I got many views on my videos, then they thought I was doing well and never asked me again. They don't bother you once you start earning. Middle-class families don't ask the reason once money starts pouring in. Right. They don't intervene for fear of attracting adversity. [audience applauding] I believe parents are not against our passion, okay? They don't want to see you broke. - True. - Yes! That... [audience applauding] No, I think they're greedy. [laughter] He thinks... Well, law has categories too. - Criminal, civil... - Yes, but you study everything in five years. Then you choose what to practice. After I watched movies, I used to think you appear before the judge and present your argument. "Sir, this is wrong." Once, three of us were caught riding a motorcycle. They gave us a ticket and said we've to appear in court. We thought so too. Once, three of us were caught riding a motorcycle. One of us said, "We're staff." [laughter] The traffic cop said, "Wait. I'll let you off." - "But what staff are you?" - Yes. - "We're lawyers." - "Since when are lawyers staff?" [laughter] They say this, but who knows how much is true. It's all hearsay. Girls get impressed with boys who have a good sense of humour. - Is... - No, it's lies. [laughter] There's no truth to it. Do you have a girlfriend, Zakir? - Huh? - Girlfriend... What? What did you say? - What's your score? - Score! - I mean... - Do I look like a player? I bought these glasses yesterday. Abhishek didn't say neither yes nor no. Girls should answer this question. - Yes. - They'll know. You're a girl with a good sense of humour. - Hmm. - What's your procedure? - I mean, like... - [laughter] You're married. How did your husband impress you? No. Zorawar didn't impress me with his jokes. But yes, girls do get impressed with a good sense of humour. But that's a general statement. That's not true. Not all girls will get impressed. Yes. And when you stop liking them, your boyfriend or whoever they are, you dislike their sense of humour too. - Yes. - [laughter] - That's very important. - You? Why are you asking me? You have triple the experience. Tell us your score. - But... - India's greatest comedian is asking us... My problem was that I was busy working. I never explored. And life is over now. I think respect is very important. Showing respect and speaking with respect are qualities that are liked by girls. Even if the boy is married! - [laughter] - Yes? If they respect... She can be happy for the woman he's married to. - Hmm. - They're happy for them. "You did well, sister. May I get someone..." I've never seen the people who're happy with other's marriages! You obviously are not! Married people... Marriage is a mistake. - Mistake! - [laughter] - Some people say anything. - Yes. Archana told me she loves poetry. Whereas she ousted the man who recited poems! - He used to be a judge here. - [laughter] [music playing] Bassi has an intimidating personality. He sports a beard, is tall and broad. His personality is such, if he's travelling in an AC train and is sitting on his seat, people won't sleep out of fear of him stealing their bags! The day before yesterday I saw him wearing a black kurta and a shawl. And he captioned it, 'do you want me to seize a place?' [laughing] [clapping] But we are proud of you. The new trend that you started has inspired numerous people to showcase their talent on YouTube. And they are gradually becoming famous. We are proud of you. Thank you! [clapping] [clapping] Zakir, your comedy is amazing. Sometimes we hear your couplets. They are 15-20 seconds short duration clips of intense poems. - Yes, sir. - They're a class apart. Zakir, please recite some couplets. Let me recite a few. Sir, as it's your show, - let me start with a funny couplet. - Sure! It goes, 'I saw the rubble of my dreams in the marketplace.' [cheering] 'I saw the rubble of my dreams in the marketplace.' 'I spotted your scooter parked beside a strange motorcycle.' [laughing] [clapping] Wonderful! Let me recite one more. 'Though it's a secret...' '- Though it's a secret, will you let me share?' - Wow! - Great! - Wow! 'Though it's a secret, will you let me share?' 'I love you immensely, will you let me express it?' - Bravo! - Oh, my! Bravo! 'Though it's a secret, will you let me share?' 'I love you immensely, will you let me express it?' 'You are my river, my mountain, a butterfly and my sky.' 'You are my river, my mountain, a butterfly and my sky.' 'I have a casket full of vermilion. Will you...' Let me apply it! [cheering] Wonderful! Mr. Khan, lovely! This man says that he's single and then recites such couplets. People are confused about his real status. Is he a macho man? - My friend, tell me something. - Yes, sir? - You are so romantic. - Yes, sir. Then why are you single? Sir, you don't ask a magician if he played a trick or if it was magic. [laughing] [clapping] [clapping] According to me, a macho man isn't a person who doesn't show emotions. All the macho men present here will agree with me. [laughing] That's true! Macho man isn't a person with no emotions. In fact, he becomes emotional at the right time. Well said! [cheering] Let me share some soppy couplets. - Sure! - Right? It goes, 'She's too naive to understand romance.' Why did you request him? [laughing] [clapping] People should pour a drink for themselves at this point. Let's have one drink. - Lovely! - Yes! 'She's too naive to understand romance.' 'She's too lost during the day to fathom the pain of my nights.' Wonderful! 'She responds well to my statements.' 'She responds well to my statements.' 'She understands my words but she doesn't empathise with my emotions.' - Oh, my! - Wow! Amazing! Well said! All of you go abroad to do shows. When our team member Pandey sitting behind the drums went inside the bathroom of an international flight, the flush makes a noise... He thought that he mistakenly requested an emergency landing. He felt that. [laughing] Share your experience of travelling by flight for the first time. International or otherwise. Sir, the first flight I boarded was from Lucknow to Delhi. My sister booked a ticket for me for some personal work. So you belong to a rich family. Sir, I was attending the third year of college. - After that, I boarded the flight six years later. - Okay. They used to serve food during that time before the Covid scare. I ordered a sandwich. I reached Delhi by the time sandwich was served. She gave me the sandwich and said, "Please don't open it as we're landing." I said, "Why did you serve an expensive dish in the first place?" "I will have to eat it." Otherwise, it was a nice experience. When I went on the US tour, he suggested that I should choose the first-class seat. - I felt that I was sitting in the drawing room. - Is that so? I was playing with the button to open the gate. When I pressed it, a woman would appear. "What do you want?" I said, "I don't want anything. I was just fooling around." [laughing] [clapping] We forge relationships in economy-class. As soon as the flight takes off, some of us down a few drinks. And then we doze off on somebody's shoulders and vice versa. But the travellers in the business class are peculiar. They read strange books. They read some unknown Russian writer's book. There's one more difference. When there's a turbulence in flight, the economy-class travellers stare at each other. "My friend, is everything okay?" But the first-class travellers keep their fear to themselves. "Gosh! I think I'm going to have a heart attack." [laughing] [clapping] During turbulence, economy-class travellers are overjoyed and think "It's no use having a first-class ticket." [laughing] [clapping] You make videos on YouTube with no holds barred. You speak unabashedly. Did it ever happen that you said something that backfired? Sometimes you get carried away. No, sir. I'm always cautious. I speak cautiously. I have enough sense. Sir, as you invited me openly... He must have been cautious. [laughing] [clapping] [cheering] [clapping] 'So, ladies and gentlemen!' 'Please welcome with a round of applause' 'the greatest comedian of India.' 'Rajiv Thakur aka Raju!' Woo-hoo! [clapping] Hello! What are you up to? This is such a hassle. If a person doesn't know English, they don't understand things. They just announced, "the greatest comedian". I understood what she said. But I was wondering why the girl was compelled to call you that. [laughing] [clapping] - I'm here to do stand-up comedy. - Alright. - So please don't interrupt. - Okay. [laughing] [clapping] - Anubhav... - Yes! - Abhishek! - Hmm! - Kusha... - Hi! Zakir! Such famous comedians came here to attend my show. They didn't come here to attend your show. - How old is it? - Who? I'm talking about your misconception. You have a misconception that they came to watch your show. You came here forcibly. Whether the muskmelon falls on the knife or vice versa, what will be cut off? You'll be struck off for sure! [laughing] [clapping] You keep interrupting. But you aren't decent enough to wish your friend good luck with his show. All the best to all of you. I convey my good wishes. [laughing] [clapping] My friend, please wish me luck for my performance. But they have to listen to you. [laughing] [clapping] - You keep interrupting. Let me give you an idea. - What? - Make a show called 'The Kapil Sharma Show'. - Hmm! Then sell it to Sony TV. It's running for ten years now. If your show is being telecast for the last ten years... [laughing] [clapping] Let my performance run for ten minutes at least. Good job! [cheering] Here you are. Come closer. If you have a rich relative, ask them how to cut it into pieces and then eat it. My friend, you may keep it. I don't have a richer relative than you. [laughing] [clapping] Wow! Thakur is doing wonders today. Let me start my performance. Shall I start? How many Punjabis are in the house? [cheering] [clapping] Are you a DJ? "How many Punjabis are in the house?" Why did you say that? That's why I suggest you to speak at the open mic. [laughing] [clapping] I'm doing great in a closed environment. [laughing] [clapping] Kapil Sharma, please tell me something. I started performing on television before you. Is it fair for you to deride me like this? Zakir, actually, this person started performing on television before me. And he's very grounded. He keeps a low profile. Nobody recognises him because of his work. [laughing] [clapping] I felt that Bollywood isn't good enough for me. And my look is suited for Hollywood. [laughing] Please watch the first sequel of James Bond movies. His nose resembles the shoes worn by the lead actor if we tie his nose with shoelaces. [laughing] [clapping] You may deride me all you want. I don't want to say anything. We were discussing interesting things. I won't stop you today. - I'll give you an answer when I get launched on the OTT. - Why? Because we are free to say anything there. But we are restricted to say certain things on television. They are sitting here silently because they can't cross the line on television. That's the reason they aren't criticising you. [laughing] [clapping] - You are interviewing comedians today. - Yes. Right? They became famous recently. You never interviewed me even though I've been a comedian for 15 years. But they are famous, you know. [laughing] [clapping] That's the reason. What about friendship? That's the reason you come here frequently. [laughing] [clapping] My friend, please hear me out. Look! Please interview me once as we are friends. Please be seated. There's no place to sit. - Come on, sit here. - Please sit! As you couldn't get the invitation. Let's welcome Mr. Raju Thakur to our show. - Woo-hoo! - Awesome! [clapping] You got the job of a waiter at a wedding. Did you finish your shift or you'll go now? [laughing] [clapping] Is it the only question you have? How many snacks do you deliver at one time? [laughing] [clapping] - Actually... - Don't you get tired of posing like this? [laughing] [clapping] We can also call you a lawyer but it doesn't fit the context. Your appearance is different. You asked them decent questions. "When did you launch your video?" "How did it go viral?" Please ask me such questions. What do you mean by saying, "don't you get tired..." It's absurd. Their videos went viral so I asked them about it. Last month you got a viral infection. [laughing] [clapping] How did you catch it? Did you bathe in a pond? [laughing] [upbeat music] He gets movie-related questions. YouTube... Let me explain. - You make videos and upload them, right? - Okay. When you upload videos you get comments. What do you do when they are abusing in your comments? You get those. [laughing] I respect him. He is a senior. But I thought of the same thing. What is strange is that he has 16 followers but 175 of them abuse him. That too is God's grace. [laughing] Yes! You have been a lovely audience. - And this was my lovely time. - Which you wasted. [laughing] Thakur, you... - You are my brother. - Kappu Sharma. - You get paid. - He doesn't know his real talent. The foot massage he gives... [laughing] - Anything else? - Should I call security? - You are not leaving. - No need! See you. I'm genuinely happy to meet all of them. Very happy! You may stay seated. - Thank you very much! - A big hand for Rajiv! Thank you! All of you upload photos for your fans. They share funny comments. I would like to show you some photos. - Zakir, would you like to sit here? - Sure. We have always discussed this for five years in our hostel. This society, the families, this life, relationships, books, movies, stand-ups, friendships, etc. This is last year's photo. We were both a nobody. This door still had to open that is in between us. Now when we meet, we discuss the same things. But in between we keep saying, remember, this happened back then... Our fate opened this door. I thank you! I won't tag him, he is a big man now. Let us read the comments. This is the problem when you are a paying guest. If one of their girlfriends will be visiting the rest of us have to wait outside. [laughing] Show us more. Try knocking once. Most of the time when someone is in the bathroom they are on their phone. Looks as if it takes any more time then things will get worse for him. I too have memorable photos with my friend. I am just waiting for him to become famous. But he doesn't put any effort. [laughing] Show us more. Zakir posted this. Not everything is sweet. You have to taste some bitterness. To share stories of friendship you have to maintain them. Wow! [applauding] Let us read the comments. Zakir is convincing them to take an auto, it will be cheaper. [laughing] That is what we were talking about. It is possible. By looking at their clothing looks like the one wearing half sleeve shirt has a corporate job. And the other two want to borrow money. [laughing] If you look at Zakir's clothes it looks like he is selling Ayurvedic medicines. - The comments are true! - Show us more They are the single people who sit in the bushes of a park and harass couples. [laughing] Show us more. - Oh, God! - One minute I feel... Next minute also I feel... [laughing] 95 percent of my clothes are... - This... - All that... Yes! You write good captions. Many times there are tags on my clothes and people ask me to take off the tag. You should hide the tag. But when you are trying on clothes. You source them, and then there are tags. I am real on social media. We don't think too much. We don't... Mrs. Archana, it is fine if you don't remove the tag. [laughing] You also source clothes. Your tag... - Yes! - I like it. Are today's clothes sourced or not? - Huh? - It is sourced. - It is sourced? - Of course. I sourced it from my sources. Let us read the comments. When you don't get as many likes on reels. [laughing] Yes, it's true. Made a dress from sofa cloth, and a sofa with clothes. This was the curtain in my home. Her TV remote is stuck in the sofa. She is trying to pull that out. That is true! The heel is too high. Can't walk anymore. Kusha, I seriously want to ask you something. Women wear high heels. - Is it not uncomfortable? - Torture. It is uncomfortable, but we carry a slip on. We are very smart. - Heroines never told me that. - Really? You are so honest. I am not a heroine, so I can say it. Show us more. [laughing] My hair is growing too fast. What is this, Abhimanyu? Why did you do this? I found a wig, so I wore it. You also get bikinis. You could have tried that. [laughing] You look so bad! Let us read the comments. Do people with long hair make friends fast when they are abroad? I don't know about friends, but you do get food. The hair looks like he walked all the way abroad from River Yamuna. Show us more. Oh my! What are they looking for? I was also waiting for Ms. Simran to turn and look at me at Andheri station. But when she turned back, it was Mr. Simran. Let us see more. Mr. Bassi has uploaded a photo. I thought of uploading a picture in Amsterdam. It is so much fun, guys! Let us read the comments. People upload such pictures for their relatives. They upload actual photos from the trip abroad on friends group. [applauding] You have just uploaded one photo from your time in Amsterdam. My uncle's son went to Aligarh. And he uploaded 150 photos of him visiting Aligarh. Show us more. Zakir has uploaded a photo. Had a super fun time chatting with a legend. Mmoonstar AKA Babita. But you are still single. [laughing and applauding] Let us read the comments. I am sure that he bought a jacket and jeans to meet her. [laughing] Zakir is blushing more than Jethaalal after meeting Babita. Show us more. Why be fake? When you can be a 'dhokla'. - There has been a flashback... - What intention does the poet have? What does the poet have to say? She was writing a comment instead of a caption. [laughing] Let us read the comments. Showing the design of her sari to her neighbour. Someone wrote, 'Yelo' is my favourite. Write the spelling of yellow properly. - 'Yelo'. - 'Yelo'. Don't stand by the window like this. The vegetable seller has sold all the vegetables Still he is asking people to buy vegetables. - Building secretary! - He wrote building secretary! Show us more. Life is momentary. - Oh! - Two watches. Where is this photo from? This is from Mumbai. - In your home? Is it sea-facing? - No, I was in a hotel. Okay. But you have a house in Mumbai, right? - Yes! - Don't they let you live over there? [laughing] Let us read the comments. He is so wasted, that he is checking which watch will strike 12 first. Some say, life is momentary, some say life is short, some say life doesn't go on for long, and some say, life is long. I turned 65 while thinking about this. Now I know life is a waste. [laughing] Amazing! And... I was talking about this photo. Tell me, which plot do you want to vacate? Let us read the comments. Do you also help with moving furniture? Wow! The captions in your post are very funny. Why don't you try comedy? Show us more. That is all? Okay! Kusha! You are all over social media. I have heard that you used to ask people to not be on social media for long. And now, you are always on social media. They say, when you are not home, you are on social media. I heard that you had been to Andaman I guess. And your phone went off. What really happened? - You don't get network there. - Okay! How did you spend your life then? There are network issues in Andaman's. But my work happens on my phone. These three do stand-up shows. But my work... My phone is my office. Because I post videos on my phone. There was no network over there for three days. I had no clue what's happening around the world. I was really upset. I didn't eat... I didn't stop eating. I was so upset that I ate a lot. That is what happened, Not that I didn't eat anything. [applauding] But the thing is when we meet her she tells us what reels to make to increase engagement. Both of us don't know how to make reels. You don't know how to make reels? What can we do? We are not that creative. She gave us an idea. To cut a part of our stand-up and upload it. She gave me a few suggestions and I followed them. He didn't even do that. I posted one video and it really worked. So, I decided to continue doing it. I thanked Kusha and told her that I will increase my followers. And since then I didn't post any reels. [laughing] Recently he danced to 'Balam Thanedar'. Dua said that. - I get it girls are doing it, but even boys are. - I have done it. [laughing] Let's change the topic. [laughing] Tell me something! Whenever you come to Mumbai you stay at Abhishek's house. Is it out of love, or because you don't want to pay rent? I don't stay back at his place, I visit him. - Okay! - No matter where the hotel is I call him and check with him where he is. He is very busy. I know about him. You will find him roaming around in Bandra with his bag. [laughing] He makes random plans. He is always walking around. He doesn't care where he is. I know he is somewhere around. Okay! I live alone in Delhi and he lives alone in Mumbai. So I know that I have to go and stay with him. It's so much fun when you live with friends. After that, everyone starts getting married and then you can't do this. I suggest not to get married. I keep saying it. Don't get married. My family members want me to get married. I swear! I recently went home. My mom asks me to get married. I said I don't have the time. She said, look there is a man in the opposite building. He is 45 years old, Poor fellow is still unmarried. I was like, what is so bad about that? She says, he puts his clothes for drying by himself, he sits alone and looks at pigeons. No one in the building talks to him. I was like, what profession is he in? Smuggler, it seems. Say that first! [laughing] First... Being a bachelor is a major problem. Yes. Even if he is a criminal, that is fine. They don't care about the rest. This is what it is. Tell me a funny story from abroad. I have seen all of you go abroad. Bassi also went abroad recently. You travel a lot as well. I have been insulted so much in India, I don't let that happen abroad. I don't do well with kids. I think that kids between the age of 5 to 10 are cute. Because you can make them do the work. [laughing] But I can't deal with kids who are 11 years and above. They know how they were born. [laughing] Infants between the age of one and a half years to two and a half years old are scary! Understood who I am talking about? Those who cannot walk but have started talking. They blurt out words. [laughing] They can grab things but have no idea what to do with them. They will poke your eyes with a spoon. I was drinking coffee and my son puts the remote in it. [laughing] My son does all this a lot. But not my daughter. She is very careful. I always doubt her. He put the remote in the coffee. He came at full speed. He just started walking. He was wobbling and running around. And he took my mobile. I was wondering what he will do. I am his father after all. He went to my room and was about to throw it in the commode. But they do this. [laughing] Yes! So the kids... The problem is, people have this notion that if you don't talk to dogs, but you talk to kids you are a bad person. - Yes, correct! - Right? And for me, there is no point in talking to someone who won't talk back. [laughing] I understand one-sided love, but I don't get those who talk by themselves. There is no conversation happening. I cannot do this. I was on the train. I was headed to Delhi from Indore. I carry biscuits because I love them. The baby is screaming and crying. Two and a half years girl shook everyone in our coach. I thought she is a child and she is crying. I gave her a biscuit. Her mom was not around. Her dad was handling her. He couldn't handle her. He was also crying. I thought her mom will be back, she will handle it. They know better. He refused to accept it. He was a self-respecting man. He said he will buy it after getting out. I offered the biscuit, but he didn't accept it. I said I don't care, I was going to have it anyway. And I already ate. Five minutes later he bring the police officer. Okay! He said I was offering a drug-infused biscuit. [laughing] Drug-infused biscuit! The police officer made me have the biscuit. Eat it! To prove it is not infused with drugs. I was sleepy. I didn't sleep last night and I was already stuffed. Okay! I wanted to gag, but then he will arrest me if I vomit. [laughing] He will be rest assured that it was infused with drugs. Oh my! I have been humiliated a lot in India. I won't risk it when I go abroad. I don't wander around. I don't want to risk it. I believe that if you go abroad and you speak to them in an accent... Excuse me, where's 5th street? They understand that we're trying. They copy you. Oh, really? Do you want to go to 5th street? So, I don't even try talking to them in without an accent. I am the same. Hello, brother! 5th road? [laughing] They understand that. [applauding and laughing] Kusha's mom also has her own dictionary. She will tell you. What words are in your mom's dictionary? My career is going on because of my mom. 70 percent of my career. - Because I mimic her in my videos. - Okay. She coins random words. And she has no idea how funny she is. - Right? She has no clue. - That's the best kind of funny. She... She says, - come home, I will ram you! - Hammer you! The word hammer... When she says that I think she means slap or hit. But all of a sudden she goes like you are sitting like a ram. What is a hammer for her? Is it an adjective, noun or verb? No one has a clue. - Ram! - This is normal in the family. They comment on your body. An aunt will just come and say, you have become fluffy, Kusha. What? Who says fluffy? I am not a dog. Who says fluffy? [laughing] In weddings if you have attended Punjabi weddings in Punjab there are these group of women. The wedding procession comes and the girl side o fthe family says the brother-in-law's so and so are big. [laughing] They joke around. [laughing] Sister, you look lovely. You're glowing. Right? I said I'm going to make eyes roll. Look at me to your heart's content. - Whoa! - [audience cheering] She told me backstage, "Don't call me sister. Backstage is fine." - "But not on TV." - Yes. - She says, "I am no less than Deepika." - True. [laughter] - Welcome to the show. - Thank you so much. - Thank you. Hello, Archana. - Before... Richa dresses up like a doll, but she roars like a lion. Did you see how far the mike was? That's how people of Punjab and Haryana are. - Wow. - They're not what they seem. I think she brewed a great ustad and consumed him! That voice is terrific. - Richa... - When I came on the show five years ago, he told me, "You sound like a lion roaring." "Did you eat a 'tanpura'?" I let that slide. The next time I came, "How do you sing like a beast? You are so loud." I replied, "I ate a 'tanpura'!" You ask the questions and give all the answers. I will give a befitting reply to all his jokes today. The show was to last three months, but it has been ten years. I've run out of questions. [laughter] By God's grace, the show is running and we're happy. - Archana... - A big hand for Kapil for taking comedy to a new level. - Whoa! - Your blessings, Richa. It's just amazing. Love you, Richa. - Love you too. - A warm welcome. Sit. [music playing] The atmosphere should remain pumped. I'm about to call my big brother now. With a huge round of applause, please welcome Jasbir Jassi. - Whoa! - [audience applauding] [singing song] I can't believe they are the same people. When we watch them on social media or watch their shows, we get all enthusiastic for them to perform. Today, they're intimidating us. We had a laughter session before your arrival. - We... - Are we taking their jobs that they're not making us laugh? [laughter] This is the limit! Bassi, would you like to ask Richa or Jassi something? You knew we were coming on the show, then why did you agree? [laughter] I have a question. I can't sing. If I start learning from tomorrow, by when will my singing be decent so as for people to not spit on me? [laughter] I mean... I'll gauge from one word. First sing the note "sa" and I will tell you if you can sing at all. Sing. "Sa"... "Sa"... No. Forget about singing. Music and you... Where are you from? Chandigarh. - How far is Chandigarh from Mumbai? - Really far! That's how far you are from music! [laughter] So, keep entertaining us. And if you have the will to learn... If you will, you can move mountains. This distance is nothing. Nice. - Let me tell you one thing. - I don't want to. Learn as much as you want, there's no guarantee people won't spit on you! [laughter] True. Well said. Jassi. Find out what this is called. This is yours. That was lovely. - I've watched your videos on Instagram. - Yes. - You do private shows for weddings too. - Yes. You're seen dancing with those families. How do you dance with another man's lady with such confidence? [laughter] In that moment, they don't feel like strangers. - [laughter] - Whoa! Lovely, sir. - That's a takeaway. - Ask Jassi to tell you about the time when he was travelling by flight. He loves to narrate it. The air hostess was wondering who he was. - 'Kudi Gujarat Di'. - Yes... - It had become a hit. - The song had just released. I was travelling to Canada at the time. That girl rushed out and look at me. I said, "Jassi!" [laughter] There is a situation when no one recognises you. Or there are people who instantly recognise you. There's a situation where people just keep looking at you and their reaction is this. And we secretly hope that they say it out loud! True. And their reactions... They'll make it obvious. - They're talking to each other, "What's he doing here?" - Yes. Then there's the guy on the phone. They play our videos in our presence. - Yes! - He tells his friends that's him and the friend disagrees. - Yes. - [laughter] - Then he looks up the video. - Hmm. Then he plays it. Two of the friends like it, the others don't find it great. [laughter] We're right there looking on. - I have a question for Zakir. - Yes. Zakir, I've heard and watched a few clips too. - You play the 'sitar' well. - Yes. Do you still practice? No, I do not. - He's doing some other work now. - Yes. Yes. I watched one of his shows. He mentioned in that... Hmm. Not practising enough. - But I am a little. - Barely. But Ali Akbar Khan, Amjad Ali Khan's father... I attended his concert when I was nine. He said, "If your musical instrument is covered in dust," - "then so is your life." - Nice. I don't play it, but I keep it clean. [laughter] - I... - You even sing well. No, I don't sing. Let me tell you about it. My grandfather Ustad Moinuddin Khan played the 'sarangi'. I hummed a tune one day. He called me to him. He told me about our dialect and language. He told me you don't say 'andha' (blind) in Urdu. It's rude. "You should say nabina." - It... - Yes. 'Binai' is sight and 'nabina' is one who cannot see. I thought grandfather taught me a new word. He was my ustad. My father came after ten minutes. He was joined by others. He told my father, "Don't ask the boy to sing. He's 'nabina' by voice." [laughter] Too good! [laughter] Thank you, Richa. Love you. You are great. Thank you. Thank you so much. Jassi, tell them that anecdote. They'll love it. - Which one? - The First Lady. - When you went there. - [Jassi chuckles] He had to perform for the American President. - Okay. - He'll narrate it. Yes, Jassi. Our English is weak. We studied in the same school. Yes, Jassi. [laughter] My English still... I went to California a few days ago with Jeff Bhaskar. - There were only foreigners there. - Who? Jeff Bhaskar. - Jeff Bhaskar. - Jeff Bhaskar. - Yes, him. Okay. - He's my friend. - I stayed with him at Big Sur. - Okay. Scott and the others were there. - Scott noticed my Punjabi accent. - Okay. He asked me, "Are you Punjabi?" - Yes. - I said, "Yes. I am Punjabi." He said, "There is a Punjabi guy." "His name is Blue." I said, "It must be Billu." [laughter] - When we went there the first time for a tour... - Yes. There was too much noise. - Hillary Clinton was the First Lady at the time. - Hmm. - I had to do a fundraiser for the First Lady too. - Hmm. This Canadian from Vancouver comes up to me and says, "I want to do an interview with you." I said, "My English is horrible." He said, "No, you are speaking very good English." - I said okay. - His English might have been weak too. So when we went the boy and girl... it was a live show. The girl, as soon as she came she sat on the shelf where the make-up was happening. She said, Jassi, I will ask you... I thought this is very simple English. I had to understand it, there was no problem. So I was thinking and talking to her because my problem is that I think in Punjabi then translate it into English. It's very difficult. That's the problem. So, I... I thought it was very good. No problem. After that, I sang my popular song and sat where the boy and girl were sitting. So her first question was So Jassi...[gibberish] I could not understand any of it. At the first question, I was clean-bowled. So I said the meaning of the song is that one girl stole my heart. She understood that I had completely missed it. So she thought and asked me the next question. Jassi, you know... we know... that you are going to perform for the First lady's birthday. I have no clue who the First lady is. So I replied my birthdate is 7th February. I was born in Gurdaspur. That is in Punjab. You know, Punjab is the state of... She understood it. I said, I finished my English! [laughter] Oh. You are known for your talent and songs. English does not matter. Yes, all right. She knows so much English. Has she spoken since morning? But Archana do you think that I improved my English? Tremendously. You are now speaking with an American accent. I do have an accent. But I don't know English. I have an accent but don't know to speak in English. Just fill in the words. Hi. Oh, God. - Sir, you sing very well. - Thank you. But if you sang any longer, I'd have grown a moustache. [laughter] Why have you kept that man standing there? [laughter] [laughter] Wow Gudiya, you are brilliant. Why are you wearing such shiny clothes if you can't see them? [laughter] You have style and swag. Hello Mr. Jassi and Ms. Richa. - Hello. - Hello Mr. Sharma and Ms. Archana. - What are you doing? - I pressed the bell icon. [laughing] [clapping] That's enough. That's what we wanted. The YouTubers always like this. I met all of you earlier too. But it's nice to see the four of you together. I saw all of you on a six-inch screen. But it's great to see all of you live as six feet tall humans. The only difference is, I can't pause you today. [laughing] [clapping] And I don't want to pause as I'm enjoying your presence. Honestly, I'm thrilled to see all of you. Really! Your mouth is big enough to occupy a confectioner. Oh, my! [whistling] What is that? A bell icon? No! I'm trying to warn you as I'm talking to them, please don't poke your nose. [laughing] [clapping] Good one! Wonderful! Let me introduce myself to you. - Please! - Please! I'm Gudiya, the launderer. I don't deal with anyone whose clothes aren't dirty. Wow! That's amazing! Famous people wet their clothes in front of me. It's true. You may give your clothes to me - to wash them. - They won't give you. She washes clothes in the dirty pond behind the building. Do you want me to go to the Maldives in search of clear water? [laughing] [clapping] Suppose I go there. Whose clothes will I wash there? People don't wear clothes over there. - Oh! - You're right. People wear bikinis in the Maldives. Ms. Richa and Jassi, as you strike chords, don't they feel bad? [laughing] [clapping] Once I tried to strike a chord, it got upset. - Who are you talking about? - 'Sasur'! [laughing] [clapping] - By the way, Anubhav... - Yes? Abhishek and Jassi. - Yes? - Don't I look cute today? Why didn't you ask Zakir? He is a macho man. So it's no use. [cheering] [clapping] He doesn't soften. Tell me something. How do you manage to be so cocky? I'm softened by little things. The day before yesterday, I broke up with my boyfriend. - Oh! - And the very next day his brother brought a cake to my house. - Why did he come? - Because he had wooed me. [laughing] [clapping] - You got wooed! - Yes! I soften easily. But let me tell you something. I'm ready to cosy up to you. Oh, my! [cheering] I will appreciate the romantic couplets you recite publicly. [laughing] [clapping] - There's a similarity between us. - What is it? You write poems even though you're a stand-up comedian. Similarly, I write poems even though I'm a launderer. Wonderful! - Please recite for us. - Come on! - Yes. - Come on! 'Your smile is dazzling.' - Awesome! - Thank you! 'Your smile is dazzling.' 'Please don't underestimate me as my toothpaste is salty.' Awesome! Wonderful! - Bravo! Wow! - Well said! My customers scold me when I write poems - while washing clothes. - Why do they scold you? They say, "why did you write a poem on my dress?" [laughing] [clapping] They say, "you could write a placard for trucks." I tried that too. But the truck speeds away. I'm not able to write. Why don't you stop it? You could have stopped it by sucking air. - Ms. Kusha, did you listen to him? - Yes! Kapil is playing a spoilsport constantly. [laughing] [clapping] Woo-hoo! - Wonderful! - Awesome! - Zakir, tell me something. - Yes. Do you take buffaloes for grazing? No! But why? Actually, Badshah... "Bad boy Badshah." I'm talking about him. He sings, "those who don't want to dance," "'Zakir' may take their buffalo for grazing." Zakir must go... [laughing] Wonderful! Gudiya, that's enough. You shouldn't be saying that. Bassi says it's enough. [cheering] [clapping] Your show is called, 'Bas Kar Bassi'. - But I don't understand something. - What? That's a strange title. You do shows internationally. People come to watch your show in droves. Why do you call it, 'Bas Kar Bassi'? You must call it, 'Chalta Rahe Bassi'. Bassi, Don't Stop. Bassi, Don't Look Back. Keep Moving, Bassi. Messi won! [laughing] [clapping] Why are you talking about Messi suddenly? Messi came from Qatar. The match is over, you see. [laughing] [clapping] Good! Too good! I want to tell you something. Do you know why people were happy during FIFA World Cup? - Why? - Why? People were happy as it's called FIFA. If it was called 'fufa', they would have been upset. [laughing] [clapping] - Mr. Bassi, I'm your big fan. - Thank you. When I go to restaurants, I don't ask for 'lassi'. I ask for Bassi. I don't dry clothes on a clothesline, I dry them on Bassi. Even in my school when my teacher asks what comes after 79 - the kids say 80. I say 80. - Bassi This is the same thing. These are comedians, they predict the joke. They know what I am going to say. That is why I decided to take the unpredictable route. Everything can't be predictable. Unpredictability is important too. I have an unpredictable sister. Her name is Rani. She wants to meet you. - Should I call her? - Of course. Rani! Hello everyone. Rani is very beautiful. Is she your real sister? Yes, she's my real sister. My real brother's father's daughter. [laughter] Real brother's father's daughter. - Meet all the guests. - Sister. Jasbir Jassi. - Yes, he's here. - Sister, Jasbir Jassi. [laughter] Yes, Jasbir Jassi. - Sister, Jasbir Jassi. - Yes, yes. Yes, he's here. Hello everyone. - Sister, I'm very happy today. - Why? Boys have come to see you for marriage. No. These boys have not come to meet me. But they are looking at you. [music] Oh, God. My sister is very naive. Just do and show them what I taught you. No, I can't steal a purse in front of everyone. - Hey! - [laughter] [laughter] What are you saying? I did not teach her this. She is very naive. She does not know anything. What to say in front of people or not. Will you praise your sister? - Sister, I praised you that day. - When? When you did not thread your upperlip I told you the moustache suits you. [laughter] What are you saying? Just see what guests we have here. What if I get married to one of them? What will they think? Sister. Don't marry them. Life will be ruined. But why? They are so handome and earn well too. No sister, their life will be ruined marrying you. [audience clapping] - No. - You don't talk to me. I am not here. You wanted to say something. You wanted to ask Zakir about his hometown. Ask. - No. - Ask him, don't worry. He is a tough man, you ask him. I'm feeling shy. You ask him. I should do all the shameless things. [laughter] I'll ask him. - Mr. Zakir. I wanted to ask you one thing. You are from Indore. So by chance, in my life if we go there to shoot will it be outdoor for us or Indore? [laughter] Even I did not learn that till today. - You don't, right? - No. He is confused too. I asked a good question, didn't I? No, I'm thinking it's good that I did not ask them. [laughter] Look, Upmanyu is Quiet Manyu after hearing your question. [laughter] Quiet Manyu. Mr. Upmanyu, I wanted to ask you one thing. Your father must be the main Manyu, right? Because you are Up-Manyu! [laughter] Sister, this is an old joke. He's already heard it. So your joke about him was a fresh one, right? [laughter] She does not know much about comedy. What is funny or not funny. She does not know the difference. She is naive. She will slowly learn. Sister, I already learnt. I have a great joke. Everyone will roll on the floor laughing after hearing it. - You have such a great joke? - Yes, sister. - Will you tell it here? - Yes. - Go on. - It's very funny. - It's a very good joke. - Then say it. It's so good that they will start rolling on the floor. [laughter] Okay, understood everyone will fall, it's so good. You will fall off, won't you? Yes. Everyone is ready to fall off. We all will fall together. - Only if you tell us the joke. - Okay, sister. [laughs] [audience claps] It's a very funny joke. I can't stop laughing. How will we know if it's funny or not? We will find out only if we hear it. - Yes. - Then we will laugh. We will fall too and do what has to be done. We'll give a reaction. But we will do it only if we hear. [laughter] - Say it. - Okay. Once a boy... [laughing] Rani. Hey Rani. Sister, it's really funny. Hearing this... my uncle had fallen off the bed. I'm not on a bed. But I am ready to fall. Understood? Now tell the joke. - Everyone here is waiting. - I'm saying. These are expensive people. Their time is very precious. They have to go home too. Don't you? Yes, we do. - Yes. - Sister. - Once a boy is riding a cycle. - Then what? Then in front of him... Rani. [drumroll] I'll take you back. - No, sister. - Tell the joke. It's very nice and funny. You will laugh a lot. Everyone will roll in laughter. It will be fun. - All right. - Say it. There is a boy. He is riding a cycle. Another boy comes in front of him. And says, brother, your cycle's chain is broken. The boy says, so what if the chain is broken? At least the road is good. [laughter] I'll go inside. Come out wearing women's clothes and then beat you both. It won't look good if I beat you now. This was the joke. Which I have been waiting for since so long. Uncle fell from the bed after hearing this. He must be drunk. [laughter] No one can fall hearing this joke because it is not a joke. I'll tell you what a joke is. I have one too. - Shall I say? - Yes. You don't have to be so happy yourself in a joke. I'll tell the joke and the opposite person has to laugh. - Yes, sister. - All right? - Go on. - I'll begin. Once a man enters a bus with a pot of curd. Enters the bus! [laughter] It's not comlpeted. - The joke is yet to come. - Okay, sister. A man enters a bus with a pot of curd. He goes and sits on the seat reserved for ladies. - And he... - No, not yet. The joke is still not complete. He had a pot of curd. He sat on the seat reserved for ladies. Some ladies come there and ask him how he's sitting there. This is reserved for women and we are women. - Women... - Wait. Rani, listen. Come here. Rani, a joke has a punch. You have to laugh at the punch, understood? So ladies come and say it's the ladies seat. I am a lady so men say what do we do if you are a woman? We are carrying curd. [laughter] [cheering and clapping] You please wait, I'll just change and come. [laughter] You have to laugh on this joke. This is a punch. No sister, this is curd. You! Let me explain to her - what comedy means. - Sister...
Channel: SET India
Views: 19,052,666
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Keywords: the kapil sharma show new season, tkss set india, set hindi shows, kapil sharma comedy, kapil sharma serial set india, kapil sharma show new, new episode of kapil sharma, TKSS new season, TKSS ep 292, the kapil sharma show ep 292, kapil comedy, kapil sharma show funny episode, TKSS today teaser, tkss latest episode, kapil sharma show, kapil sharma show latest, tkss today episode, kapil sharma show 2022, comedy acts on tkss, Zakir Khan, Kusha Kapila, Abhishek Upmanyu, Bassi
Id: IyMdcXl4vag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 31sec (3991 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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