Fun with GAN's New "Monster Go" Cubes! |

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hey guys today we're looking at the monster go cubes this line of cubes is by again and they make a lot of the great 3x3 speed cubes I don't know exactly what we have in store today but I think it's gonna be a few normal cubes and a few trainer cubes so this one looks like it's pink on every side except for one which is white so I guess this is just like a one face cube I guess if someone says they'll never be able to solve a cube you can just get this one for them later on I'll try to speed solve all of these but I don't even know what they are yet so let's look at what the other ones are here are all six monster Go cubes except not really because these two are the same thing they're both a 1 face cube I think I think is cool we don't have it on any other cube so I will put this away so let's move up in order of difficulty so the one face cube there's not really any speed keeping method you would use where you actually have to make one face you'd have to always make one layer which is what that cube is for but I think the interesting thing about this is it lets you play around with the cube to see if you can figure things out when a lot of beginners pick up the cube for the first time I like to see if they can make one face because this gives you a lot of intuition about how pieces on the cube move and how you can like hide pieces in order to get other pieces in their spot like this one going here I can move the other side away put this in and then put this back very simple concepts like that I find are really great to learn from just making one face and there's a clear goal where at the end you can say hey I actually was able to do it cuz a lot of people think the Rubik's Cube is some kind of genius thing and it takes one step to be able to build the confidence to go further but then of course making one face however you like doesn't really help you solve much so let's go on to the next cube the one layer cube is interesting here that they chose black as the remaining color awhile for this you can choose between pink and blue that's kind of random I think this is called the u T cube because this is a u and this is a T alright let's scramble this up and see how I would approach this so I gotta say this cube feels a little flimsy but when you try to corner cut like past 45 degrees and reverse corner cutting yeah this is it's pretty good it's just maybe the settings are a little weird right now for this cube because you're building a lair you have to get all the pieces in their right spot not just white on the side which is great for learning how to solve a cube so I could like put the orange one here and that knocks out red and then red and blue and then I'd solve the corner pieces into the right spot so this one has to go between red and green this has to go between orange and blue and this has to go between blue and red I'm not too sure about this cube I really like the way that the black looks compared to the other colors around it but my problem with this one is if you're going to make one layer then you're probably in an attempt to solve the whole cube versus if you're just making one face you're probably just like it's your first time cubing and you want to make it seem like you did something I've never gotten behind training cubes that are like this where there are some pieces that are just not there and then other pieces where those are the ones you're trying to solve I do have videos where I have a cross thing like this but my reason for it is different it's because it's easier to show it this way so that you know exactly what I'm talking about so that's where I find this cube is really useful where it's just for me to demonstrate something to somebody else but for your own learning I don't know if this would be that useful and I can't say for sure obviously because I'm not a beginner I've never tried this as a beginner so who knows maybe it could be useful next we have the monster go rainbow cube I get what they're going for but this is not a rainbow this is more like a flag this cube I actually think is fun I wouldn't call this much of a training cube as it doesn't really teach you any important concepts on the cube so as we go through you'll see why I don't consider this much of a training cube as it doesn't help you with anything speed solving related what's interesting about it though is each piece only has one color on it which means there's no such thing as orientation of the pieces if I corner twist it's all the same thing so let's go through an example solve this I would either start with white or orange and white has more solved so I start with white and I can't start with blue because blue would be like the middle layer it'd be too hard alright so I probably just complete the cross and then here as I insert these white pieces here instead of just making the first layer I will do the first two layers together and this can be done or really really easily so I just as an example this white and this blue both need to go into the first and second layers so I can take these two just to pair up the oranges and replace it with a white blue pair like that and then here's another one and here's a white blue pair can you see how to put it in it would be like this and then if you solve the first two layers the last layer is solved actually just for fun I'm gonna try starting to blue on the bottoms I see how that goes because I have no clue what that would be like alright so this side is pretty much done I will align it to this and okay these two are done so I'm still thinking about it as like cross two f2l because that's how I think about all this all right so just orange on this side or white on this side actually that's not too bad so I can take this one insert it into the back and these two oranges where I always do white so that these two white and then these two orange and these two white and now I need I guess these two in each other's positions and I can also swap these two while I'm at it so that would be a T perm and there we go so it wasn't too hard but I still had to do one thing from last layer versus zero if I start with white or orange so it's not better obviously it wasn't gonna be better starting with the blue it was just kind of fun alright not much of a training cube but let's go on to the next two these last two are just normal speed cubes this one is non-magnetic and this one is magnetic I guess I'm switching over from that into a review of some speak cubes or my first impressions the non-magnetic version is probably just the same thing as all the other ones this cube is for twelve dollars and magnets make a big difference so I don't see why you would get this although one interesting thing that I just noticed is if you have black pieces and regular pieces then what you can actually do is the thing I talked about earlier where you swap out pieces so you can like just have a cross well you would need more of these black pieces to do that so yeah I might actually get another one of these combine it with the regular cube and use that for certain steps going to make videos alright onto the magnetic version I'll actually give my first impressions on this for its turning [Applause] right now it catches a lot feels a little tight but overall it's not a bad Jeep at all since it's a Gann cube let's actually take a look at the core yeah that's a Gann core so here the little plastic thing is pointing at 0.6 on the right and I'm gonna move it to 0.8 the other one is just remove this whole yellow thing so I'll move it to 0.8 that will make it have more center piece travel distance that's what the number means so 0.8 is more distance to travel which means looser push down and move this way now the things pointing at is 0.8 over here okay that looks a lot looser alright every side has been loosened more I don't know if it looks like it but they're definitely all on 0.8 I can't really even tell if it feels better I don't feel like that has fixed the problem that I've felt with it very often the pieces are still catching and I'm not exactly sure why but there's not really anything else I can do with this no magnet string stuff obviously can stop putting all that stuff on a twenty dollar cube it seems to maintain this sort of tight feeling and that does make it very stable so this is definitely like gans most stable cube I would say for having it on it's elusive setting I can see some people may be liking this like if you'd like the Vulcan you're okay with the cube being very stable but the trade-off being that it's a lot less flexible and a lot more catching well of course only the catching if you turn very inaccurately like me so let's take a look at corner cutting starting with reverse corner cutting yeah so this is actually pretty good all right let's do regular corner cutting so 45 degrees perfectly fine line to line over here [Music] yes a little bit tough but that's expected I'm not sure if this is the problem but when I reverse corner cut if it's a big or small amount it seems to have the same amount of impact and resistance on the turn in fact I might even be having more resistance on the tiny corner cuts and on something like the Gann access you can hear how little of an impact of res corner cutting has this is far quieter yeah okay so from doing some more turning I definitely think okay what's the problem here this is a reverse corner cut and it's not going I'm pretty sure it's the reverse corner cutting being difficult to do that is the problem of why I can't turn sometimes so it does from first impression I would not recommend this as it is $20 and you can get better cubes around this price range here are just some of your options and I have reviews on a lot of these okay now I will do one solve on each of these cubes to see if my cubing training has paid off so I've done a lot of practice on kind of dumb things lately but today I'm not gonna practice I'm just going to do one solve on each of these and see what I can get on my very first try so let's start with the one face cube on pink I'm gonna do all of them so I'll do blue as well so I technically get two tries on this but who knows maybe I'll be bad at recognition on one of them okay see this is why I get two tries this is a terrible scramble I can see how to make six of the pieces so this and this and this that's five of us the center okay so two of the pieces I don't know where they'll end up but let's just go oh no I place them also nicely so four seconds I don't know that was like my first scramble I don't even know what a good scramble is let's try this one okay I've inspected about the same amounts do I want to go too long so I'll just start now alright that's that's much better alright now the one layer cube so if my beginner method practice has paid off at all I mean actually I don't I don't remember the last time I tried to use beginner method so I'll probably just go for a cross and then to the corners normally I only got one try on this one this scramble is really bad alright I guess I'm just taking an L on the first layer cube you can't always win wow that was like all the worst cases as well this it took me I get solves faster than this it took me that long to make one layer oh my I am no impressed all right so this cube should be a lot easier as is really similar to f2l except I just have way more freedom all right I will try my best I added an extra D move at the end button okay yeah so that one is pretty fast as expected now let's go on to that one's magnetic I'll do the harder one first and non-magnetic [Applause] [Applause] there are a lot of dumb things that's all alright magnets prove me to be okay yet speedcubing no no all right there's my mean of six there's my average of six I don't know what format we're using for this events you can get all these at speak up shop comm and you can go through the links in the description and make sure you use the discount code J perm thanks for watching and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: J Perm
Views: 2,069,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rubik's cube, tutorial, advanced, j perm, jperm, tips, tricks, speedcube, cubing, best, 3x3, budget, fast, faster, easy, easiest, intuitive
Id: nv8ZtuHgmA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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