FUN with an OLD COIN! - Elementalmaker

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hey guys welcome back to the shop today we're going to be turning an old silver coin into an explosive all right guys so this is not the kind of experiment I recommend following along at home there are a lot of things yet that could hurt you you know a lot of corrosive acids you're dealing with just generally nasty stuff of course you're making explosive at the end which is very hazardous very dangerous so I don't recommend trying this at home if you do do it at your own risk you know leave it up to me let me be the dummy let me be the dumb one to go out there and potentially you know knock the finger off we've moved outside here you can see I got my bottle of concentrated nitric acid 70% and we're just going to add that to the beaker containing our silver quarter all right so we're going to leave this to dissolve for a little bit I'm just going to throw a watch glass over the top of it that's going to help rican dents any nitric acid fumes that you know evaporate off and it's also more importantly going to help prevent any impurities such as you know this grass out here anything from blowing in and creating impurities in our nitric acid solution there which will soon become a solution of silver nitrate and copper nitrate so the reaction was moving it basically a snail's pace at ambient temperature so I threw it on the hot plate and you can see now these are progressing much faster quarter is dissolving all right so we've got our solution of silver nitrate here which is contaminated with some copper nitrate which is why has that blue color to it and what we have here is a solution of sodium chloride fully saturated so sea salt and what we're going to do is precipitate the silver out of solution by adding it to this so that milky precipitate you see there that is silver chloride and we'll know when to stop adding the sodium chloride solution because it will just begin dissolving into solution no longer forming this precipitate that is a thick mass of silver chloride now I kind of derped out earlier I added way too much nitric acid and I didn't add enough water to fully dissolve silver chloride that was being formed so I kept trying to heat it and heat it for a while but what ended up happening is I just had this solid at the bottom which was my I guess silver chloride at that point but all I had to do was add some water and everything just went right into solution so I'm going to give this a minute to settle and then come back at a little more salt solution to it and see if I have all of the silver chloride out a solution or if there's still some left in there I'm pretty sure there's probably some more left in there at this point so I added a little more sodium chloride solution it didn't produce any more precipitate so I know all the silver is out of solution it's still a little milky which is telling me that there's still some silver in the solution but I'm just going to call that a loss because I'm not really going for efficiency here and decant off the liquid layer all right going to give that a couple washes just to get rid of as much of the remaining copper as possible it's going to add some water give it another ring skaters rid of as much of that copper chloride or a copper nitrate rather it's possible sure I'm going to lose some more silver in the process try to break up some of the big clumps so it's definitely still got a tiny hue of blue color to it the camera probably can't pick that up but there is still a little blue left alright let that silver settle out for a minute and then I'll be can that off and run it through a filter and what we have here should be some very very pure silver chloride so at this point we've got the silver chloride in a little bit of water and I'm going to add some Staffing hydroxide this will convert the silver chloride into silver oxide see how it gets real dark that's the silver oxide forming you can actually hear the water boiling at the surface of the potassium hydroxide trying to break up any little clumps of silver chloride I still see a little bit clear out in there tap off my potassium hydroxide stuff and Gibbs you need to be from the air like crazy very Hydra Shoppach alright we're left with a good bit of silver oxide which we'll just throw in the crucible I would say a little bit of borax and we should be left with a nice pure silver beet hopefully a bit bigger than a beet so we've got our laboratory approved Red Solo Cup filtration apparatus and I am just going to dump the silver oxide and lock right into it hopefully get as much out of there as possible the near disaster there we go slowly coming through while I was waiting for the solo cup filter to do its thing gravity filtration slows help I neutralized the waste solution which contained copper nitrate and definitely or copper chloride rather at that point and some silver chloride definitely still quite a bit with the potassium hydroxide and you can see the black precipitated form so I'll probably also melt this down into a bead which will be mostly copper so it might be like maybe twenty percent silver with the remainder being copper who knows maybe maybe more more silver than that oh I wasn't very careful with that decamping now that the majority of the water is out of the silver oxide and it's been washed a few times I'm just going to remove it from the funnel here try not to rip try to push as much of the water out of it as possible see it's staining the filter paper pretty well or up so there is our silver oxide ready to be converted into pure silver mouth well probably like 99.9 or something around there and crucible borax all right so it looks like we have this little ball of silver maybe not quite a bald man really made an acetylene torch we try to tilt the cups and hit it again to try to get it all to throw a lesson there we go beautiful ball of silver finally focus there we go nice ball of silver finally I'm going to try to remove the bead and took some some of the ceramic off with it so I'm just going to hit that on the bench grinder real quick get that ceramic out of there hopefully not introduce any metal impurities alright just hit it on the bench grinder got rid of focus got rid of all the ceramic residue and nice pure silver be at least hopefully very pure silver bead now we're going to dissolve this back in nitric acid to make a pure solution of silver nitrate so now that we have our pellet of reasonably pure silver I'm going to drop it into the test tube here and add a small amount of nitric acid to get some silver nitrate in solution going to try to use as little nitric acid as possible pleasant like heat that's reacting nicely generating a good bit of nitrogen dioxide so I'm just going to get the silver totally dissolved and at that point we'll be ready to turn it into an explosive so what I've done here is set up a gas generating apparatus so we have a little pipette hooked up to some tubing we've got our nice planisphere bunch of water in it definitely a huge excess of water what we're going to do is add some calcium carbide small amount to that water to generate acetylene gas and then what we're going to do is bubble that acetylene gas through our solution of silver nitrate and that will generate something called silver acetylide which is a pretty powerful explosive so I'm going to add some water to our test tube there because that's a pretty darn saturated solution so in the nitrate [Music] all right so I'm just going to add a little bit of calcium carbide to this gas generator and you should start seeing a white precipitate forming once all the air has been purged out of the system starting to see something happening so you're starting to look milky up at the top that's our precipitate four ring the color of the solution actually indicates our silver pure he was really good too so that's pretty awesome I think that's about as far as it's gone let us go limited set up I hear that out so we're just going to filter this off rinse as much of it out as possible try to pull that big shard of glass out of there I'm sure there's some little glass particles that we can't get rid of but uh let's just filter that off and dry it out and check out the result alright so I've got this set up for just simple grab B filtration which is probably going to be a little bit slow I'm going to agitate this a little bit pour it in because click rinse out so it looks like a product's already getting slightly discolored probably from the fluorescent lighting I have in here save that clean so you can see there's probably some impurities a boron trioxide in there most likely from the from the crucible that's not going to be any kind of problem and then there's a little piece of glass there that I need to pick out so I'm just going to scoop this onto a watch glass now that we've filtered it ran water through it a few times I definitely see a little bit glass actually in the product but shouldn't affect performance much and I made significantly more than intended which shouldn't be a huge problem but definitely more than I wanted to make I'm actually going to keep most of this wet so you know let me transfer this most of it back to I'll just store this in a brown vial under water so that there's never any chance of a unintended detonation but this I'm going to throw in the desiccator let it dry for a few hours and then we'll come back to it and test it out so if you we are day later and you can see the dry silver settle on here folk is it's not gonna go well losing hope anyway so we got the silver set alight all dried out and we're just going to do a little test here you can actually see a nice white color which indicates our purity is very high so let's take a little bit of this let's put my pucker goggles on take a small sample here put it on burn plate I'm going to move the bulk of it away just so the shock doesn't set off the whole watch glass let's give this a test Wow my ears are ringing huh holy hell that's some powerful stuff let's uh let's see what it'll actually do to the watch glass all right so I've removed the bulk of the silver acetylide from the watch glass there's still some staining but I've got the big pile right there let's see if it will shatter this watch glass Wow I cannot believe the watch glass withstood that that's a testament to the borosilicate glass that's impressive I cannot hear out of my right ear that is amazing well I would definitely call that a successful endeavor we were able to turn an old silver quarter into pure silver then back into silver nitrate bubble acetylene gas er it converted into silver acetylide filter that off and dry it and we have successfully made silver satellite from an old silver quarter and I think our purity is actually pretty astounding I wasn't expecting it to be this good but this white color here tells me that we're probably well over 99% purity with the refining of the silver so thank you so much for watching I hope you guys really enjoy the video please leave the thumbs up and consider subscribing I have a lot more cool projects like this coming up on my channel and we're going to do a lot of cool stuff [Music] you
Channel: ElementalMaker
Views: 316,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Silver Acetylide, Silver refining, silver chloride, melting silver, silver nitrate, flash powder, tannerite, Silver coin to pure silver, lead azide, mercury fulminate
Id: Xu09igJLZQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2017
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