Full Video: TIMELAPSE | Build an artificial waterfall in the deep forest - Start to Finish

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Hello everyone, Today I will build a waterfall. First I will luminescent should send brick Digging ditches to build walls of waterfalls Construction of foundation Pour the soil to make the background flat Go to lunch and then, cook come on I'll cook meat storage vessel looks pretty nice offers everyone eat with me I just came downstairs, I brought up some plants: Siamese coconut tree, vine, banana tree And some seeds: chili, papaya, eggplant... I like to drink water coconut, eat grapes, bananas, mangoes... This is the nursery I will use to incubate the seeds. Make a drainage path so that the flood does not wash away the sand on the vegetables. Completed drainage. Nurturing seeds Planting Siamese coconut trees Growing vines Going to get cork trees to make a vine Clearing to grow banana trees Today I asked two more brothers to come and complete the waterfall for me. I brought a faucet to carry water when mixing mortar and washing stone This is food Due to the heavy work, I have to do a lot of work, so I asked 2 brothers to come up for Ti again, I will assign the task to 2 brothers, and I will move bricks and go to the stream to get sand Very dirty stones need to be washed Using a faucet will save time and effort, very convenient. Because there are not enough stones, you guys have to go find more rocks. It's almost dark, the work is done, me and my brothers will go home, tomorrow we'll go up again. Watering the grapes and visiting the garden Yesterday me and my brothers finished building this waterfall. The work is done, so I'm only going up today I go up to check the waterfall to see if there are any problems that need to be fixed? Now I have to wait for heavy rain to get water, the waterfall will work, the water on the source has dried up , I will replay it below and prune the small trees I will build more water lines to drain into the aquarium. It's too late now, I'll go to the tent to rest. Cut the grass around the aquarium Clearing up to make a drainage ditch for the fish tank Cut down the small branches Go down to the stream to get sand It's sunny so it's very hot and tired. Construction of the foundation is done. After finishing the construction of the ditch, I went to the forest to get bamboo to build. the pipe leading to the waterfall Still the familiar bamboo bush The tree is very heavy, I can't carry it, so I have to pull it Now, I have also built the drainage ditch from the waterfall to the aquarium And have finished it all bamboo tubes. But these days it's sunny so there's no water leading to the waterfall. Now I'll clean up around the tent, and get ready to relax a bit Near the evening I'll go home Go get a tree to make a bathroom pole I'll build around poles for stability Build a thin layer of foundation Measure and cut tree to size to make bathroom floor use nails to drive it stronger than string Go get bamboo to make a wall for the bathroom Use wire rope Shower Rest and play with the puppy Dog beetle Take a bath after a tiring and dusty day of work See you in the next video!
Channel: Free Life
Views: 951,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: free life, Full Video, TIMELAPSE, Start to Finish, waterfall, cabin, strong girl, live alone, braised meat, bamboo shower, bamboo water pipes, food forest, food, plant a tree
Id: VsjbOk_ufHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 53sec (9233 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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