Full VIDEO: Drama As Obasanjo Commands Oyo Monarchs To Stand And Greet Him

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for I do do your Excellency the governor [Music] pres governor that President Day among others age govern uh Governor [Music] M he saying P of loud loud [Music] ltech in a [Music] [Music] commissioner to Alfia [Music] become de 22 minutes I told [Music] [Music] yeah ah me after the second World War the British colonial government development and it told say it to m provinal officer but the point is that f as a Greek center had had a very sheered history [Music] govern food Health in education education popular education for every citizen to be able to have basic education F fundamental 9 years without any reduction and then higher education quality education Science and Technology artificial intelligence all those things that we must be able to have to be able to be counted among the developed nations of the world and of course when we have education we must also have skill that education should provide and when we have the skill we will have employment that should be generated and let me once again thank the governor for being are we be she bear Governor abandon project eyewitness to this is of standard World standard it can compare with any building of a university anywhere in the world makeshift temporary fully completed my prayer is that all those who will go through the portals of these campus and the buildings that we have come to commission will will maximally benefit and when they become products of the University they will serve humanity and serve their God thank you very much
Channel: TVC News Nigeria
Views: 162,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tvc, tvc news, tvc news nigeria, top nigeria news, latest nigeria news, 9ja news
Id: kkbItUI3lhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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