FULL VIDEO: 90 days to build a wooden house - join the floor, join the wall & install the bedroom
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Channel: Dang Thi Mui
Views: 30,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dang Thi Mui, Ly Thi Ca, Ha Ton Chai, Hoang Thi Binh, shelter, Free Footsteps, peaceful life, village life, Family farm, Wooden house, How to make a wooden house, floor grafting, wall grafting, bedroom installation, bedroom, living room, wooden house design, farm building, craft skills, natural life, build life, farm life, forest life, free sky, primitive technology, FULL VIDEO: 90 days to build a wooden house - join the floor, join the wall & install the bedroom
Id: O6q-ETalH7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 18sec (8838 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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