Full verdict: Jury reaches verdict in Ali Abulaban double murder trial

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Please remain seated and come to this court is now in session. But uh the record reflect we have both councils, we have our jury that you have reached a verdict. Is that correct? Looks like Dr number 12 is our forin if you can hear that, but it wants to tender you in the superior court of the state of California in and for the county of San Diego, the people of the state of California plaintiff versus Ali Nasser A boulevard defendant case number S ce 292181 verdict. We the jury in the above entitled cause find the defendant Ali Nasser Abulaban guilty of the crime of murder in the first degree violence. Nothing of Raeburn Cardenas Baron in violation of penal code section 187 per s charged in of a few minutes in count two of the information. And we further find the allegation that in the commission and attempted commission of the above offense, the defendant Ali Nasser a lean potentially and personally discharged a firearm to whip a handgun and approximately cause great bodily injury and death to a person within the meaning of penal code section 12022.53 parent D to be true special circumstance as to count one and two. And we further find the allegation against the defendant Ali Nasser of Boon that he has in this proceeding been convicted of more than one offense of murder in the first or second degree within the meaning of penal code section 190.2 parent, a parent three to be true dated May 29th, 2024 jury, poor person, same title, same cause. Verdict with the jury in the above entitled caused by the defendant Ali Nasser A bli guilty of the crime of murder in the first degree quiet Anna of bivar in violation of the penal code section 187 per as charged in count one of the information. And we further find the allegation that in the commission and attempted commission of the above offense, the defendant Ali Nasser of Ban potentially and personally discharged a firearm to wit, a handgun and approximately caused great bodily injury and death to a person within the meaning of penal code section 12022.53 parent B to be true special circumstance as to count one and two. And we further find the allegation against the defendant Ali Nasser of Boulevard that he has in this proceeding, been convicted of more than one offense of murder in the first or second degree within the meaning of penal code section 190.2 parent, a parent three. To be true. It is May 28th, 2024 jury, four person. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, was this and is this your verdict? As I have just read to you, you decide which to hold that you ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I will ask you individually. Was this? And is this your verdict as I have just read, please answer yes or no. To that question juror number one, was this and is this your verdict? Number two, same question. Number three, same question. Number four, same question. Number five, same question. Number six, same question. Number seven, same question. Number eight, same question. Number nine, same question. Number 10, same question. Number 11, same question and your number 12, same question. Yes, your honor. All answer in affirmative. Ladies and gentlemen, you have now completed your jury service on this case. On behalf of the judges of this court. Please accept my thanks. Yeah. Now the case is over. You may choose whether or not to discuss the case in your deliberations with anyone. I will remind you that under California law, you must wait at least 90 days before negotiating or agreeing to accept any payment or information for information about the case. Let me tell you about some rules. The law puts in place for your convenience and protection. The lawyers in this case, the defendant or the representatives may now talk to you about the case including your deliberations of work. Discussions must occur at a reasonable time and place and with your consent, please immediately report to the court and he has unreasonable contact made without your consent. Other lawyers in this case, the representatives were the lawyer representative defendant who violates these rules or violates the court order. What without order, the court's record of personal juror identifying information including names, addresses and telephone numbers be sealed until further order explored. If in the future, the court is asked to decide whether the information will be released, the notice will be sent in to any jurors who information is involved in oppose the release of this information. Ask that that a hearing on the issue be closed to the public. The court will decide whether and under what conditions, any information will be disclosed. Ladies and gentlemen, uh it's been a long trial. Thank you very much for your service on this case. I spend a lot of time watching you and we're very focused, very religious in assessing the credibility of people and I appreciate your effort in this. The attorneys, appreciate your effort. So thank you very much and uh we will see you in three years. So you are now allowed to leave. Thank you very. She looks like just that it was open eight all join. Let's discuss these status. All right. So that will remain out on. Uh Kind of sucks in there. Council before sensing is June 27th, that is a Thursday. It would be at nine o'clock. Would the court prefer to do it on a Friday or does it have any preference as to when you, when it's a Thursday to honor a G 27? Yes, one. We can do Friday morning the 28. Um, that's fine, sir. Will you have a right to sense within the statutory, uh, terms? Do you, uh, wait that right? And I will put it over one day. Yes, you're going. Yes, your honor. Thank you. Probation hearing and sentencing will be on June 28th at nine o'clock AM in department 2002. I have to be just to take care members of the audience. Please wait in the hallway. I was like, yeah, I think so. Yeah. Yeah. So what they're gonna cut? Yeah. All right. Thanks and no, no, no, you guys take it all back and yeah, that's the way the way I operate. So in case anybody says anything, it's like no detective has the best. I've always done 25 years. So this is, this is yours, right? No, no, that's fine. So all of this, I think it might be you guys that just throw these away. I wanna make sure. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. To it all you can just toss it over there. I do one. I'll just go off computers. You go
Channel: CBS 8 San Diego
Views: 177,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: [ local, news ]
Id: Di1eY3vpli4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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