Full Trailer Breakdown of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024

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hello everybody my name is Jeff Aviano and welcome to the trailer breakdown of Microsoft flight simulator 2024. so a bombshell was released today and that is hey there's a new Microsoft flight simulator coming out next year it's called Microsoft flight simulator 2024 and it has career Aviation as a benchmark that we are seeing here so far in the trailer I'm playing in the background very slowly but we are going to go through this stuff step by step shot by shot and look at what has changed what's new what we can expect I think the most important thing right now if you're a current user of Microsoft flight simulator 2020 is to just take a deep breath breathe and wait for a Sobo to come forward with information about third-party add-ons from you know Microsoft flight simulator being transferred over um what's going to go on with the marketplace etc etc but there's a lot here to unpack when it comes to Microsoft flight simulator 2024 uh and I am excited for it I am a person that is overly optimistic a lot of times whenever new games come out or a new sim in this case comes out and think about how Microsoft used to release these games in the past it was always every two years think of fs9 so let's just talk about fs2000 then 2002 2004 and then FSX and so on and so forth that is how their model always went was every two years that was the case now they said in Microsoft flight simulator that it was going to be a 10 year uh life span for it now does that mean that the servers are going to be for 10 years for the photogrammetry for the satellite data Etc or updates or does it mean that uh that is just what they are promising for that particular Sim now maybe there are things here that we're not understanding and that is there are certain aspects to the game that they have added that they didn't do in the last one because they couldn't without rewriting some code or who knows so this is a very interesting bombshell that was dropped at the Xbox Expo which is kind of like the E3 so that's reason why they're releasing that information now I will be at flight Sim Expo on June 22nd through 26th and Microsoft will be there in a Sobo uh and we'll get to speak to them directly and I will be uh looking into all of this for you and I will report back from what I hear when I go down there so a lot of cool stuff here we're gonna start from the beginning and we're going to go through the whole thing there's a lot there to uh to see uh that we haven't seen in the past so let's go ahead and get started we have an opening shot here in LA and here is a wildfire in the distance looks very very good uh we see that cloud just kind of you know billowing up into the atmosphere and turning into the wind a very believable looking scene here and one thing I have noticed right out of the gate on this trailer is that we have a different color palette in this simulator so here's the next shot we can see we got a cl415 I believe is what the airplane is uh water bomber here flying towards Griffith uh Observatory and we can see some damage here being left behind this uh this Wildfire so we see some trees here kind of knocked over uh and buckled and burnt up and we can see it as we slow you know slow it down here and fly over look at the flames the animation looks pretty good the smoke looks really good and I love the addition of the fallen over trees that's uh a good attention to detail and here's a shot of the cl415 over the wildfire and we can see the tree laying down over here and over here just a beautiful shot all together and here is the water bombing effect which looks very believable and very good think about the Sun hitting the water on this side and there will be another shot we'll see it a little bit more in detail but the lighting looks fantastic so here's the shot of the water bomber coming right at us dropping that water that looks very very good look at the lighting hitting here on the left side uh lighting that water up and then it's dark on the opposite side where the sun's not lighting it up and you can even see the darkness through the actual water so this effect looks very good and you'll notice with the shadows of everything we don't have that yellow Hue slash green that we saw in my Microsoft flight simulator so here's a shot of a G-Wagon that's crashed down at the bottom of Ravine and they are rescuing that driver with an as350 above um right out of the gate I'm noticing the clouds look very similar to the current Microsoft flight simulator so I don't think we're gonna see that big of a jump when it comes to the weather system which is fine I personally love the weather system in Microsoft flight simulator I think it's one of one of its strong suits for sure um and I'm not seeing any high level clouds here still and we can discuss that a little bit later on here but let's continue as he's getting pulled up you see all the trees are all being rippled by that uh rotor wash and here is a beautiful shot of the as350 carrying that person up and I love how we have dumped that cyclic over and we're keeping the helicopter counter to the weight on the left hand side that he's bringing up so something about helicopters in the current Microsoft flight simulator is that they just uh aren't the greatest flying things uh in the Sim now there are third-party add-ons that are incredible when it comes to helicopter physics but they do things a little bit differently in the Sim itself the reason why I don't do a lot of helicopter flying is because they're just not quite there so they're putting a big emphasis on this trailer with helicopters so perhaps they put a lot of work into that but as you can see it looks like the color palette is showing just how beautiful it is it looks like it's a much more neutral palette with the uh the Vibrance cranked up a little bit similar to what we've seen in Microsoft flight simulator currently but uh that yellowish greenish Hue is gone uh and the Shadows are a lot more harsher and darker which I think is a welcoming sight you can achieved this of course through um Nvidia in-game overlay or something like that but this is the in-game footage that we are expecting from the Sim so we'll put it in motion you can see there that rotor wash coming down and moving everything around looks great the animations of the people look at that wonderful stuff love it and uh pretty much what we have seen from asoba before there's another shot of them going up to the helicopter and you can just see how the trees are moving around based on that we get this shot here of the oil rig and a ship out here at Sea and we can see see the cloud Shadows there on the ground and it looks beautiful however we're seeing these little scuddy looking clouds these little tiny little things uh all over the place and this is something that's prevalent in the current Microsoft flight simulator so again don't think we're going to get a gigantic change when it comes to the weather system in the new sim um and we have seen these before that is for certain um so one thing I want you to notice is here with the ship in the water currently a Microsoft flight simulator it's the same thing here we're not seeing that buoyancy we're not seeing the movement of the ship like it's on the water so for those of you that are wanting your flight simulator become a ship simulator in the distant future it's not going to get there just yet but we're gonna go ahead and play this through and get to the next shot and you can see the oil rig beautifully put together I think it looks quite nice yeah see right here as we go up in the drone camera you can see the water is just moving around the edges of the boat itself so it's not bobbing around it doesn't have any physics being played on it there so that is something that's still prevalent in the Sim the water looks pretty much like it does currently however the different shaders that they're using here and the color palette makes this look a lot more believable in fact if you kind of just squint your eyes a little bit it looks like a real picture almost um love the scaffolding here and all of the shadowing underneath it very well done it's a beautiful looking uh scenery that's for certain and then we get this shot here of a avatar or a person walking out to a helicopter now does this mean we're going to have a walk around Avatar in the Sim finally I don't know about that they haven't said anything about it uh and they're not hinting at things here but they like to drop little Easter eggs here and there in trailers and I'm thinking maybe we'll see something like that but it's all speculation I don't know I personally would love to have an avatar to walk around and look at your helicopter look at your airplane before you fly it do do pre-flight stuff that way that would be really really cool um and we're seeing maybe a cut scene of you walking out to your helicopter before you do a mission I will note that the moisture that we're seeing here in the atmosphere and the rain bands all look about the same as what we see in the current Microsoft flight simulator so that hasn't changed the color of the sea looks pretty good here like I said I think a lot of that has to do with the new shaders and we're cranking up the engine on this bad boy and we can see the classic uh Microsoft flight simulator clouds especially the little tiny little uh ghost clouds that kind of show up here and there um so that hasn't changed at all that looks pretty uh pretty much the same but there's some other shots we'll see later on where the clouds look a little more crispy and what I mean by that is you know cumulonibus looked like a cauliflower almost they're crunchy looking clouds and there's some shots that we will see that is the case so helicopter cargo transport you can now transport uh various things and this being a GPU out to the ship you can see that the physics are in real time on them and we'll see when he touches down uh well here we are a first shot of the interior of the helicopter we've got that classic default looking uh GPS and uh you know instrumentation uh that we know and love and you can see that it's just not finished yet obviously we don't have uh the attitude indicator looking uh correct there uh at all but uh here we are going to be dropping this GPU off at the ship and you'll see right there when it touches down look at the slack in the line moving so there are physics there at play very cool to be able to do that now this is very interesting and I'm going to tell you the reason why we see a beautiful Air Portugal A330 there we see an Iberia A320 and then we see Pacific Airways 748 default and look at that uh that scenery there so this is the first look at the new simulator and I don't believe we're seeing any third-party add-ons being shown in this I think it says it's in-game footage so that means that this is the default game I don't know did they get uh rights to you know aircraft manufacturers that are allowing them to use them in AI traffic now remember we had that monstrosity of an A330 currently in the simulator that looks terrible it has like the pointy nose on it that right there that's a beautiful looking A330 right there that looks great and same thing for the A320 Neo looks pretty much like we've seen before but it has Iberia colors another thing I have noticed here is that we have a handcrafted airport with the interior being shown that's something we've seen in ini builds and some other third-party add-ons now is this going to be their handcrafted scenery or are they showcasing a partnership with another scenery company I really don't know but what I can say is this is promising stuff this is interesting that they're showing you at an airport all of these AI traffic in real colors and the models look great or is this a hint to an A330 I don't know it's hard to say but the ambulance looks great it's bringing somebody in and we can be an air ambulance in this simulator so we have somebody being wheeled out to the Caravan here I think a lot of people don't really realize that there are other air ambulances other than a helicopter that saves lives and here we are having a caravan uh and then you know some instances you'll see some corporate jets that will be able to do it as well but this is now available to you you can be an air ambulance in your career in Microsoft flight simulator 2024. animations look great various Sobo looking what we've seen before so now we are at a farm we have a barn here I love the setting here I love how immersive this looks with a corn field right there to our back and here's our Avatar walking out to what appears to be I guess assessed now 155 or the the AG wagon or something like that not an air tractor not the piper or one it it looks to me like a Cessna um and I think that that's cessna's old logo right there actually so he's walking out to it we can see I love we've got the pesticide and stuff here in that uh a big container there and then there's a few fuel container as well and I love just the attention to detail on this model is really really good so here's a shot of agricultural Aviation and here's the Cessna in action screaming off the corn field and we can see a clear shot of Cessna right there very cool and look at the apparatus attached here to the wing with all the spray nozzles looks very good and you can see how they're sideways so they're spraying all that out and we're just screaming off of here and look at the attention to detail I got the oil Stripes there are streaking and then we have this pipe that runs back down in there so soba is really good at those small details nothing's changed here now here's another good clean shot of the color palette and how we're not getting that greenish blue yellow thing happening underneath the wings anymore it's been cleaned up it looks really good and look at the clouds a lot more crispy you guys saying a little more crunchy and then we see the shot of this pilot uh over the cornfield dropping the pesticide on there and I love that right here you can see each nozzle has its own effect coming out of it and you can even see the ground in between each nozzle which is really really good um and then we have this interesting looking reflection here so I gotta say this is better than what we had before remember we had the person with the iPhone camera taking a picture of something in a Business Jet or whatever it was uh at least we have this now looks like it's kind of real Reflections and here's a beautiful shot of it flying over the corn field and uh whistling towards us here definitely a Cessna in the front you can see right there and then here is the pull up shot over the trees we go beautiful I I love that right there look at those individuals look at the spray it even moves left and right there as he's climbing very nice stuff I'm very excited for that here we are in the mountains again clouds will look a little bit more crispy than they did uh in the last Sim so again maybe they have uh they've made those better or they've maxed the heck out of the graphics here uh for this particular trailer that's always possible as well if we have a person hurt up in the mountains and check this shout out great cinematography right here love this shot of the helicopter raising up and pushing the grass down from the rotor blast there uh a rotor wash and here we are with Mountain Rescue so we have a person here not sure if this is going to be a cut scene or not or if this is going to be just a person you have to find because that looks pretty difficult um but heavy Mountain Rescue is is awesome and now we get a good glimpse of the color palette on the mountain here look at how amazing that looks love the sharpness of the textures here um and just the overall quality of the Shadows there on the left and stuff it looks very very nice and those clouds look mighty crunchy out there so we will continue on here we go skydiving we've got a Cessna Caravan up here over Bora Bora and we have our first jumper and look at this little thing a little protrusion here especially up here they have little GoPros on their head that's really cool so he jumps out and he puts his hands to the back just like that and then we get another cut scene here of uh them jumping out and there is the skydiving Livery we can expect to see on the Caravan I love it I think it looks great love the green and the blue like that so he goes whizzing by and then here's another guy jumping out and putting his arms back and here we go we have the Cessna pilot deciding he wants to be a skydiver or he wants to end his career as a Skydive Aviation pilot so we can see that he's got the nose completely down this is just to capture this shot of them falling and you can see they're in a formation which is really cool I must say uh but as far as the aviating goes here we can see we're in the tape Way High red numbers here we're gonna be over stressing the airplane it's gonna be falling apart it looks bad from this angle here but they're just showcasing that they jump out and they do get in formation really cool because whenever I was a uh you know go through my flight school and uh and becoming a Private Pilot we had to worry about gliders glider ports but you had to worry about skydivers as well so seeing this in the Sim is very cool and it brings that much more to the world so he goes whizzing on by there bye cereal and then we get this shot here of the sky crane uh coming in and it looks amazing we're gonna be putting together what looks to be like a power line and we've got a car here got maybe some people standing over here or something I'm not really sure there they are right there um they're not up here on on the actual uh Tower gonna be handling you know handing it into a position and attaching it but I don't know this looks very challenging if you ask me it looks very challenging indeed and flying the sky crane very cool very excited to do that I do like that helicopter very cool and uh yeah we see down here we're going to be putting that on to here that and and you can see the physics of this thing swaying around so aerial construction is another option for your uh your virtual career now we have a shot of the pilot walking out to the Airbus Beluga and this thing looks incredible there's a lot here to unpack in this particular scene but we can see the pilot walking to the airplane again is this a cut scene or is this indicating that we're gonna have an avatar that we can walk around and freely move about the world really really wish we had that that'd be really neat the clouds look nice and crisped up here looks really good love the shading there um and right out of the gate like I said you know the color palette I can't stress it enough look at the wing here look at the colors no more greenish blue nonsense there it looks very very good and I love this Livery on the Airbus Beluga it's got the got the whale uh eye there in the mouth that comes down um so to me the build of this screams in I build so maybe ini builds is gonna have something to do with it since you know they've did you know they've done the A310 and they're doing the a300 and perhaps you know since it's the same airplane essentially they're going to be doing the Beluga as well that's possible I don't know um love the attention detail here with the work ground crew uh yes people working being busy bodies this person here checking the tires uh person here underneath here you know doing something those look different than what I've seen in the past but then we have the people out here just like in the last simulator standing there waiting to get struck by lightning just uh you know doing nothing standing straight up and down on the ramp like we currently have so nothing's changed there and the field truck looks the same as well however this whole system here on the left with the cranes and all that very neat not sure how the loading process works or if they're going to have that modeled which I would imagine maybe they will but it looks very good and then we see this shot here of the top of the airplane closing that cargo door and we get a good shot of the whale eye and mouth right there as well looks beautiful people attention to detail all the way through and through with this airplane so very cool to be a cargo industrial cargo transport pilot now the other shot of the Beluga taken off and it's got those you know uh tilting bogey Wheels you know the landing gear the Tilted landing gear is a problem in the current Sim um it doesn't do it correctly and maybe they wanted to show you this shot for that reason maybe they have fixed it but uh it looks like it's much smoother when it comes to the rotation of these coming off and not doing some kind of clipping into the ground or anything like that um but maybe that's why they're showing you that there I see a little bit of a texture kind of an anomaly on top of there I don't know it's not lighting because it you'll see it it'll flicker back and forth there so again these airplanes are not complete obviously they're just showcasing what they have now we are in uh probably Antarctica I believe we are yes and we have an Airbus a400m coming in to land and love this airplane very excited to see this one come into the new flight simulator on short final here kind of doing a tactical landing on the snow and there's touchdown right there look at the snow blowing effect out the back there looks very very good very nice love the attention to detail look at the snow on the snow machines here and on all the equipment um and this is where you can see that this airplane is not complete it's not finished yet um we've got kind of a black cone here a black cone here and then a kind of a see-through looking thing happening right here and then over here this thing's just gray when the previous shot here you see that they're black you know no problem at all there but in this shot it's gray and the engine is shutting down so maybe that texture has changed and they just don't have the same texture for it yet um and there's no pilots in there either so there's a lot here that's just early uh early builds of things but I love this airplane I'm so happy to see that it's coming to the new flight simulator and then we are greeted here with the diamond in Saint Barts and uh you know we've seen the interior of it looks great looks like anything we've seen before but look doors are open that's something that a lot of people been asking for for a while hey when are we gonna get the doors modeled on these airplanes and looks like they have listened to everyone and they are doing exactly that we've got a Bentley or Rose Royce looks like a Rolls-Royce to me um here dropping off our VIP subjects at uh St Barts and you can be a VIP charter service which is really cool I know a lot of you guys had fly corporate aviation in the Sim are looking forward to this Edition uh for sure and then we see the Red Bull air racing style airplane flying around pylons so we have the ability to do air racing not just Reno air racing style but in pylons and here's the interior looks just like what we have expected uh the same exact uh GPS probably placeholders look at this we don't even have you know certain colors and things completed on some of these but uh yeah placeholders for sure uh but the same exact thing we have seen the last Sim so no giant leaps there when it comes to the avionics except for all the avionics upgrades we have seen through the help of all the different uh other developers that are uh involved in that and here's the bullet turn into right I love this knife edge shot you just see the physics at play right there very nice looks like a ton of fun to fly around the pylon so you can do that and then we got the smug face looking dude he's like yep doing some uh doing some air racing today attention to detail on the harnesses there and everything looks really good just a cool shot I love the smoke effect too so then we see glider pilot so maybe this is an emphasis that they have worked on gliders they've worked on thermals uh who knows not really sure but uh beautiful shot here and we can see again this hasn't changed a lot this uh the the clouds out in the valley right there look pretty close to what we see in the current Sim so I'm not seeing that big of a change when it comes to the weather system and then we see this bad boy we see a drill bit tornado coming down and touching down and we're going to be doing scientific research is what it says here uh and one thing I can notice right out of the gate is this uh this tornado here is coming out of uh a pretty high base um you know most supercells are going to have a lower base unless it's a you know a higher uh a higher one but this in particularly doesn't have a wall cloud associated with it and I'm not seeing supercell structure really here we're not seeing a like a you know if it was an HP super so all high precipitation we don't see like hail core so nothing changing there as far as storm structure goes which I would love to see in the future to have you know hail cores and see that bluish green color in that um and also supercell structure as well especially since we have a tornado uh the blending the tornado into the cloud looks pretty darn good I must say um I'm wondering if this is a kind of a predetermined thing where you know you go in to a career mode thing to do scientific research maybe we'll be able to do um hurricanes who knows but we do know we're able to mess with tornadoes here as we can see and I'm very excited for it don't get me wrong uh I think it looks really really good um this effect here kind of these lines kind of going around it here it's more of a like a I don't know more of a linear looking uh effect rather than the wispiness that you would see of it uh drilling into the ground right there but uh outside of that uh excited to see tornadoes in in the Sim so it is a possibility now it wasn't before and if we see this happening and that means that you know somebody is going to be able to do something later down the road maybe third party with maybe making it more realistic but to me I would think that this whole storm system has a mission based uh thing only and then we see experimental flight and right here uh this is a very interesting shot of the Grand Canyon right there because I don't know about you but this looks way better than the current Grand Canyon we have in Microsoft flight simulator and I love the color of the trees here uh and the textures so maybe they have made this area a little bit more of a a focal point for you know High higher resolution and whatnot but it looks really good especially with the new color palette and the shadowing looks amazing here we go low altitude training low low altitude training we have the A10 Thunderbolt has made its way into the Sim and it looks absolutely amazing I love this color palette so much I know I keep saying it but it looks really really good and got three a TENS all lined up here flying together somebody just kicked the rudder over there and there goes the nose just that little bit and then we have this Cirrus Vision jet here so the serious Vision jet is flying over uh this area here and we're seeing spring spring is sprung it's not super green or anything like that or crazy uh we see the position of the sun in the sky I'm not sure if they're doing this in all the same time uh to show you the seasons but this is showing you that seasons are indeed in the Sim let's go into a boom there and check it out now we're in summertime so we can see everything's nice and green the sun's in a different position in the sky very cool and then we go boom look at the fall the fall looks really good we still have green there which is perfectly fine some Fields Stay Green a little bit longer so it's not totally you know weird uh then we have some clouds over here in the distance but uh look at the variation of the tree colors looks really good um I I think they're working on more of a dynamic experience when it comes to Seasons rather than the third party options we have currently for Microsoft flight simulator so here's the winter the winter looks pretty much the same um it looks like they've uh they've they've figured out how to make it a little bit more uh Dynamic to the scenery around it rather than kind of just plopping certain things down uh when you select snow or you fly into an area that has snow um so we already have winter we didn't have seasons uh we had them in a third party add-on but not the same thing so good to see this for sure this is a bit this is a big one and right here again not seeing any cirrus clouds which is kind of disappointing I was really hoping by the next few steps in the weather system they would be working on that we still have these Rogue clouds just popping up out of the you know out of nowhere that we've seen before uh and check it out Airship tour blimps you can fly an Airship which is really really cool um I think a lot of people will be excited about this that and also having the ability to fly a hot air balloon of course um but also it might be an Innsbruck or something I'm not really sure there here's a shot of a bunch of wildebeests and hyenas all packed up together heading uh in a migratory path this way and we have a bunch of balloons in the area so hot air balloon trips is part of the Sim as well very cool indeed and it finishes out with the sky is calling so there you go that is the full trailer so again I want to reiterate let's just give a Sobo time to give us information before we start losing our minds and screaming about not being able to move our third party airplanes to the next Sim we don't know that just as much as you know they haven't told us anything so we're only speculating at this point uh I can't see them doing something like that in my opinion it would be smart if they offered this as a upgrade to current users free of charge uh and then new pilots would have to purchase it as a separate Sim I don't know how they're going to go about that but I can't see them just axing all the third party development work that's been going currently for Microsoft flight simulator 2020 and just saying no we're moving on to this tough luck I I don't see them doing that at all so I am optimistic when it comes to third-party add-ons and moving them into the new simulator uh it looks like perhaps there were some things that they just couldn't fix in the last Sim and they were working this one alongside it to make those uh changes and they brought it into the new light but again you know every two years we can expect this same thing happening you know maybe that's the The Way Forward here uh when it comes to how they want to produce Microsoft flight simulator or maybe when they said 10 years they meant they were still going to be making a flight simulator for at least 10 years and promising that I don't know I know some some people are very upset about it me personally I don't know so I'm not going to lose my mind about it basically what I am going to lose my mind about is key takeaways from here Aviation careers very very cool you know I know there are a lot of people that like to be Gatekeepers in this community I am not one of them uh I love seeing this Sim going to uh Xbox and bringing in new uh new pilots and new Aviation enthusiasts into the the hobby of flight simulation I love to see it and you know being on console and making these little gameism things like having missions and stuff is a great way to bring people in so to me it's just a win-win um so I'm not upset by this at all and I plan on buying this on day one I I really do because uh there's a lot here that I am looking forward to and that is just how good the career mode looks gives you purpose for flying from point A to point B because you know when you talk to somebody who doesn't know anything about flight simulator or the first time they've ever seen you fly in flight simulator they go what's the point well I mean we're simulating point A to point B flying but now there is kind of a point there you know you're you're you're going to be a virtual pilot for various various aviation jobs which is really neat if you're not just a cargo pilot not just an airline pilot this is really neat stuff that they have come up very creative might add um so I find this stuff really really cool um I'm excited for it let me know what you think of it in the comments below and uh I will see you guys next time take care
Channel: Jeff Favignano
Views: 146,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jfavignano, Episode, Series, code, zero, gaming, microsoft flight simulator 2020, flight simulator 2020, microsoft flight simulator trailer breakdown, trailer breakdown, flight simulator, Microsoft Flight Simulator, Flight Simulator, FlightSim, Flight Sim, Microsoft, Flight, Simulator, MSF, FSX, airplane, sim, FS, aircraft, plane, fly, aviation, Announce, msfs 2024 trailer, msfs 2024, xbox showcase 2023
Id: ja3saVVhRCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 30sec (2010 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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