Full Tour: Systems and Components of an Offshore Sailing Catamaran - Lagoon 410

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[Music] all righty so we want to give you a bit of a boat tour we're just in the middle of this beautiful Bay here in Vanuatu we're actually just around the corner from champagne beach but that's pretty much champagne Beach there too and we thought it was time maybe to show you our boat our 2005 lagoon 410 that's been set up for extensive offshore cruising yeah man so we've been out here just over three and a half years now I feel like we finally kind of have most things nailed we're gonna do a detailed review of what we've done to set our boat up for offshore cruising so we're actually gonna add some links down below all the details so you don't need to write anything down just hit that link we've cleaned all day like all day we're a little sloppy yeah let's get into it let's get into this this boat tour so this boat when we bought it had I don't know 15 years okay was only 10 years old but 10 years of bottom paint so we scraped 10 years of bottom paint off this boat we ground it off and then we put on we actually put on hard paint which is kind of weird in hindsight I probably would have gone with copper coat but we're out here for so long that we find the hard paint that doesn't come off as much as the ablative and that way we can scrub it's important you'll see you grow weeds it doesn't matter what bottom you have this is probably our most recent addition we added this code zero in New Zealand we actually did have a code zero before that it was came with the boat but it kind of like blew apart halfway across the Pacific Crossing so we put on a new coat zero which is on the attached to the bowsprit and this one has Sunbrella which some people will say is not so good because it's heavier and doesn't fly as well we find that having this on a Furler outside all the time is the most ideal thing for sailing because you'll use it we love this sail we use it all the time the one thing that we are missing in our inventory which is kind of on our Ray if we can you know make enough money going forward is to buy spinnaker we blew up our spinnaker in the Caribbean we're gonna blow things up back then and so that's that was lost to us so we don't have to spin right now so we use this a lot anything further than a broad reach is a problem on a catamaran because the shrouds are so bad because there's no back stay so you have to you have something for going downwind moving on so this is our old Genoa this beautiful green Genoa has been with us a long time it's seen a lot of places so this is original to the boat seeing better days but the green color it's not my fav but we'll work on this too every boat should have one of these if you if you buy boat oh I'm walking on the catwalk here somewhere along the line some of the lagoons have the anchor a lot of boats have the anchor coming out right from the anchor Locker their arse goes all the way down this catwalk and then out over the Bell roller and into the ocean anchors are hugely important we have a 33 kilogram rock nut and it's just over there holding us holding us tight right now so yeah it's it's important to have an anchor you're comfortable with and that you feel confident in because it's kind of like what holds you to the bottom of the ocean and keeps you from moving around at night so we've been super happy with our rock not would buy one again in a heartbeat and I recommend totally recommend it if if you're in the market for an anchor don't hesitate they're awesome then we have our chain Locker right here we have two lockers up front on here on a lagoon and one we use for storage if you had a generator it would probably live in this particular cabinet we don't have a generator and then on this side on the starboard side of the boat starboard is your right that's where a chain goes in so this is our chain Locker let's take a look we have ala Franz the Franz tigris winless and this is what chained up and down and then I've got a remote here I also have a remote that's wireless but I don't tend to use that I just use this we have eighty meters of chain it's about 250 feet if I was to do it again I'd get 300 feet of chain it's just worth it like don't fuss around get 100 meters get 300 feet of chain light would be easier out here with that so the chain lives in there and then we have a bunch of road underneath I don't think we've ever used the road we just used the chain oh you need to have a good windlass if you're gonna cruise around the world you don't want to be pulling up your anchor inevitably we know a few people that have had their way windlass is break down and it is off like a few hundred meters of chain and you're in 25 meters of water and cream you need to have a windlass that works it's hard it's hard on the the windlass to pull up 25 meters of chain from the very bottom the other thing to do is to download a manual for your windlass before you leave port because what happens is sometimes these things need a bit of service so you got to change the oil and do some things and then has had to clean the brushes on this particular one several times they just get gunked up and dirty and then the thing doesn't work like inevitably it happens like when you're in the middle of nowhere and there's no one around actually you don't want just your manual for your windlass you need all your manuals for all your systems on your boat and if you don't have them print it out because it's like crazy now to have them printed out make sure you have them offline versions like saved to your computer because you're gonna need stuff in the middle of nowhere when no one's around and inevitably you don't and for some reason the internet isn't working but yeah that's pretty much it and then other thing in here is our water tank we have a 300 litre plastic water tank in here so a lot of boats have two 300 liter tanks that would probably nice is not required okay we make you but we do have a water maker which we'll get to in a bit so if you have only 1 tank 300 liters I would say is probably only enough if you have a water maker we also keep our extra propane tanks sometimes to get to areas where it's really challenging to get them filled so we have extras and then we can decant you know that you go check out the episode where Ben shows you how to you know yeah don't do this at home check that episode out if you want to learn how to do that so moving on oh hey welcome to the portside lockers sorry I don't have boobs Metta so this is the other locker so we're now on that side in here we have all our sail inventory and our kites we have a quite a few kites and and under all of that dive compressor which is right in here when we want to fill some dive tanks I pull that out we're on the back step annoy the neighbors with our loud gasp the hive compressor so yeah this allows us to go diving and some of the most rural areas cuz we only carry two tanks so we call this locker here the garage it basically holds everything that you would normally put in your garage actually we have like three lockers that are like our garage the entire boat has probably less space than the average garage though so you know when things are full it just is what it is sometimes they're just full and just like that it's closed no one knows how much stuff is in there should we stick with sales per minute let's stick with sales the mainsail lives in the sail bag and it zips up in the sail bag and this protects it from the Sun when you're not sailing this survey I made I made it can't believe I made this if you're an adventurous sower by all means make your own I'm not sure I'd make my own a hurricane it was it was a lot of work it was very very much a lot of work but if you do make your own make sure you line it in Dacron this is Sunbrella on the outside and on the inside it should be so you can sort of see it here but this one's all faded its Dacron this is what sales are made of so you should lie in your bag with that because these actually get beat up all the time it's kind of crazy and then if your boat doesn't have lazy jacks and you're planning on sailing around the world save yourself up some lazy jacks man it's just makes life so much easier all we do is undo the halyard and the sail just comes straight down in the bag it's perfect none of this flaking bag stuff just magic magic we like magic so I just want to talk briefly about our mainsail we just got a new one last end of our season and the thing that we did that we really love about our main house we've got a two ply leech so what that means is I can't really show it to you right now because it's like we'd have to hoist it up but a two ply leech basically means the back end of the sail has two layers on it and that's really good because it won't wear out as fast that's typically the first spot where the mainsail will start to sag and get baggy okay so this like we said this is details so here's some of the deets if you stick around long enough is in this video we're gonna go over some really kind of detailed stuff about some of the things we've had to replace on a lagoon so stick around to the end of the video and if you own a lagoon and you have the traditional cars you should take a look at this our head car these we're out on lagoons the head cars we're out and they're usually the original ones from like 2005 we're all with ball bearings the new ones they have had these two rods in them and the rods hold the car on to the truck so the track has a groove here and the rods fit in the groove if you don't have rods in your head car go get yourself one if you're planning on sailing around the world but these are really hard to find out here and if you've got a ball one it's probably gonna break and we're out relatively soon so do yourself a favor it's worth the investment to be able to sail we actually renamed know how our boat how it was called maravilla know how Amin's bold and defiant and we just felt it meant more to us not that my review was a bad name it's just that you know how I meant more to us and it was nice and short the very first things that we did that was really really hard and a lot of work was having this hardtop built it wasn't work for us we actually paid someone to do this it's a foam core has had the epoxy vacuumed through it so they did it in a vacuum sandwich it's beautiful look at the curves on this baby this hardtop was built by just catamarans in Florida and I I don't know we just we got so lucky to find them they're so fantastic and you can walk on the top of it it's great access it's sometimes a favorite part place to watch sunsets from if your boat doesn't have a hardtop we've met people that have made them a lot of plywood with fiberglass and just get creative talk to just cata brands if you're in Florida they're wonderful we love our hardtop we went how to any other way I highly recommend a hardtop if you if your boat doesn't come with them so next let's talk about power power is like a huge thing on any boat did I mention we don't have a generator let's talk to Ben about how we make power on this okay so the most important thing out here is power it controls if your fridge is run it controls your autopilot and controls your lights it controls your comfort how much fresh water you have and yeah like you need a lot of power for running all those things so we have 1.2 kilowatts in the back here then we got the D 400 up there that generates about 5 amps not a huge amount but enough to keep us going through the night we have these solar panels on top for an arch and this is where most of our power comes from absolutely crazy how much power you're still there you can't have enough solar Oh and then down here I'll show you where we keep all the charge controllers so these are our back sugar scoops and they open inside we have storage our charge controllers for our solar or wind as well as our steering arms come on I'll show you okay over here the thing that's making all the noise is our solar charge controllers it's really sunny today so it's trying to burn off some of the heat we have a flex max out back ad charge controller this is a critical component in how we transform our solar energy into 12-volt power to charger batteries then over here we have our wind charge controller and dump resistors these are our runner with a steering arm which we just have recolonized the port steering arm connects to the starboard steering arm via this big piece of metal right here so the two are linked obviously it's that when you turn both motors turn the same note this is our autopilot right here autopilot RAM and then underneath we always carry jerry cans for extra fuel and we also carry lots of water drinking water jerry cans when we're out on a passage for a really long time reason being if our water maker breaks or other fresh water so let's go inside let's let's stop let's stay we're staying outside so anything that's been sewn on this boat I've sewn I got myself a sailrite as part of the first refit as I already mentioned I sewed the mainsail bag I've sewed all the cushions the windshield any covers you see on the boat shade curtains if you're like at all handy give us yourself a sailrite they have wonderful videos that teach you how to sew on their website and they're fantastic there's other versions of sail rights you don't have to get the sailrite brand but i've been really happy with mine but this is where you can dry from it because of a bit short I actually like this up here you can have auto pilot on and you can drive with your toes or something or you can sit here and you've got a good view of the sails or the night sky this is like the best stargazing spot let's talk about our nav stuff next so we have two navigation systems up here we use two iPads this one has an avionics which is our main chart plotting kind of thing and then we use satellite imagery on the second iPad and they both have redundant and they both have both but this is so awesome because the satellite imagery around here is so important the maps are terrible here you're like sometimes parked on land according to Navionics so satellite imagery is key we use both Bing satellite and Google satellite imagery and you can switch between the two it's a program called Obito Maps it's awesome both of these we hook up to a bad elf we use a bad elf there's so many of these out here but a GPS puck we have a couple of these pucks just in case one I don't know dies so we're pretty redundant on our systems and we're super happy with this we've navigated over halfway around the world so we have actually one two three four winches on this boat for winches all the lines are led back to the cockpit including all the reefing lines all the halyards all the genoa and main sheets if you're like us you know just a couple often at night there's only one person on ship you don't want to go forward you want to stay in the cockpit stay safe and run everything from back here so basically this both set up for single heading which is pretty important it's a lifesaver and come on in let's check out some of our living space we spend a lot of time in our cockpit which is part of the reason we really badly wanted a hardtop because it's so much nicer it's so hot in here in the tropics that it's awesome to have the shade cover we've also built shade curtains that all rolled down the shade curtains help when the Sun gets low in the sky and it's awesome how they recommend to get shakers but this is I know awesome area we entertain out here we have a lot of fun out here we spend a lot of time out here we love having our table out here as well as the one inside so the other thing you can see behind us here is my garden and behind the garden is the dinghy the dinghy is probably smooth the garden this is a cool thing I got this in New Zealand it hooks it's bent to hook on a balcony but it's awesome for the boat my plants aren't doing so well now something happened I don't know not really good gardener either I let been talking about the day okay so this is our day about it three years ago it's a ten foot six a be inflatable fiberglass bottom with hyper long tubes it's taking a beating then it's been three years and we'll probably need a new one in probably two years one year I don't know if we were to do it again we would get a bigger dinghy we would get a 12 foot with an aluminum bottom and a 30 horsepower outboard I know that sounds insane the dinghy is like your your your transport your car that's how you get to the grocery store and back and with a bigger dinghy it's more comfortable drier you can go further you can go in rough air conditions so yeah get as big of a dinghy as you as you can it's the one thing that we will be upgrading probably in the next couple years witness one dies so we do love our dinghy though and our dinghy is is actually really awesome it's fast make sure you get a dinghy that's fast enough to get everyone on your boat on a plane and then you can change we've actually replaced the prop on this to be a slightly different pitch and that has been an amazing improvement for getting this dinghy out on a plane also notice back here we have a BBQ if you like to grill get yourself a barbecue and get yourself a good one yeah it's a round one I think there test slightly better in the wind but it doesn't matter get yourself a barbecue there awesome then you don't have to turn on the oven and heat up the entire boat when it's like a billion degrees out something else you'll notice here is the fishing rod holders we like to fish got figure out your setup it's also good to have a place to store your rods so make sure you try and find a storage spot we finally come up with a bit better of a solution we keep our fishing rods right up there keeps them out of the salt and Sun and I out of out of reach easy reach let's go inside welcome to our saloon area catamarans are awesome I cannot begin to explain to you how nice it is to have a big saloon like this I love it because of all the windows you can see out see the beautiful blue ocean oh my gosh it's such a gorgeous day today this is it look at how beautiful it is out of there you're gonna cook above deck you got breeze coming in all these windows I am a catamaran girl I had to have cat around so Cameron versus Mona holy you guys make your own choice but for us we're certainly catamaran people okay so let's talk galley on our second refit that we did in New Zealand you'll see from my previous lagoon 410 walk through that there used to be a huge sort of banquet our thing that came out all the way to here and it had a big back on it and this bench had a back it was kind of nice but we ended up taking it out this keeps just so much more space in here this is my kitchen like my galley like it's huge for a boat it's awesome we love the 410 galley I love it so let's talk about what I would look for if I was ever buying a cationic again so on a catamaran you don't really heal as much as a monohull so when you're talking even when we're offshore I can still cook here and I prefer to be up top not down below I think that's good when you're off shore I really do so I want to point out a few things that I've changed to make this galley amazing for me first off the stove when this week this boat came with a two burner stove that was pretty small and I didn't like it I actually think three burners is nice even just for the cooktop space because when you get a big pot on there if you only have two burners you can't get anything else on there next fridges we have a separate freezer down below and this normally was the freezer on a lagoon I would say it's very inefficient and it never really worked properly but it works fantastic as a fridge it has two plates here and we only use one so we use half of the power that is really required to make it freeze and it uses less power that way so basically I have two fridges and it's so necessary like one really isn't enough once you're out here for a long time you'll realize like I can buy cheese in New Zealand and I can bring it to Fiji but in Fiji they really didn't have much cheese so but you know when you're provisioning to go a month over the ocean or two months or whatever it is you need lots of fridge space and it really really is awesome on this boat to have these both as fridges so this is the top loader it's got bins all stacked down so that you can get into like they have these vegetable fruit bins they're pretty good you can get yourself some of those the top loader goes all the way down to like here it's pretty hard to get stuff out at the bottom but it's awesome you can fit so much stuff in that and then gets to put his beer in there so he's pretty stoked - this is our front loader the front loader is kind of more like a regular fridge and it goes all the way back to here on this boat what we love is that we have a separate freezer we have an angle you can get an angle it's just name-brand but it's just a small 12-volt freezer actually I think ours is like 60 liters or something that's pretty big but I highly recommend getting one of those they hardly draw anything they don't power and they open they work like they actually work so another thing you'll notice when we first left I had like no appliances this boats 220 so we left from America and it's a 110 in United States and when it's 110 in Canada to where we came from so none of my appliances worked you can get yourself a 110 inverter or I've picked up appliances around the world then I know people are like you don't need electrical appliances on a bow you can you can just use you know your hand grinder your nut shop or whatever it is your knife I love my appliances I love them this is a food processor which I picked up in New Zealand so happy was so stoked and then this is a yogurt maker we love our yogurt makers how it makes the sour cream yogurt we use it all the time and it's fantastic it just works like it actually works I would hear sometimes your garage is like not around like it just doesn't exist so it's kind of nice to be able to have that small treat and this thing is consistently works so we love it check out that view again though isn't it awesome on account of it now let's talk about this side I don't mind my sink this was just standard but the tap that came with this holy smokes it sucked okay I think it was Amazon and I found myself a proper tap you can use a proper tab on a boat it's ridiculous and all the new ones for the homes have these huge water savings we put this on and we use half amount of water now so in New Zealand we decided to take this giant bench out to create more space and so doing I was like I think we should also extend this cabinet out just a little bit so awesome to have a second work table now our third workshop this changes our kitchen like it's now two people can work in here no problem I can't even begin to tell you how happy we are with this who were very lucky we met a lovely man named Neil and I think you saw in our new you can check out our New Zealand refit video but he basically he did us a lot of favours and we're still so grateful this favorite my favorite change that we did in New Zealand storage is a huge thing on a boat you need a place to put all your cups all over your plates all your bowls all your food all your cutlery and I'm talking like we're not camping here this is our home so we have all the stuff that you and your huge jag enormous kitchen we pretty much have most of it on the boat we have some collapsible bowls that fold in and stick and ER we have Tupperware's yeah you gotta find spaces for all this you have to be a bit organized under these benches is storage and that's food storage it's our pantry we have enough food on this boat to probably last a long time but it's the way it works when you're out here you never know when you'll find something next this is the one we changed and then put on a little gas hinge so it opens and closes it's perfect love it so let's talk to Ben about how we navigate from inside okay so just a quick review of our nav we have a super old raider here it's kind of doubles as the chart plotter plotter but we no longer have the chips for all the regions so we just use it as a regular basic radar thang we're talking like rings that tells you how many miles out and then like blobs showing up like it's pretty basic and then beside that we have our radium go this gives us our satellite email satellite messages and tracking and weather yeah we download whether via this we have a stereo for music VHF and our wind depth and speed inch instruments right here a couple basic displays on top we have fuel and water and underneath we have our power system so battery power input and output and that's basically it like our re navigation is pretty simple basically those two iPads out there with Navionics and satellite and then inside we have open CP n with CM 92 maps as well as again satellite imagery as well yes it's like this automatic way how boats broadcast to each other telling them I'm here and I'm here and then you can see if you're gonna collide and intersect not all boats have a ass but we do and we broadcast as well as receive we highly recommend a is especially if you're gonna go offshore certain countries such as Fiji are right now talking about not allowing anyone to come in that doesn't it have a is I believe Indonesia we're heading there also requires you to have a I yes so a is is really awesome to have we've had people call us on the radio in the middle of night in the middle of day telling us oh hey you need to move this way I'm running a huge fishing that out behind me and other times you're in like the middle of the ocean you've been out at sea for say 14 days and some cargo ship calls you up and just wants to have a conversation so yeah a yeah s is awesome you love it you should have a ass this is not really part of navigation but right over here we've mounted a TV and we use that for entertainment purposes love our TV we lay on the couch with a glass of wine and watch our TV over here we carry an e / u verb sends a signal up to the satellites the same we have a serious emergency we need immediate help that signal then gets forwarded to the appropriate authority to try and coordinate a rescue yeah you should have me grab we actually have two perps we'd have this one this is our big one that goes with a boat and then we have a personally perv which we will attach to our life jackets one or outside doing the single night shifts or we'll take that personally perfect in the dinghy often if we're going a long ways so you know how it is an owners version looking for tent and owners versions typically go for about 15 percent more if you're looking at buying one and I love my owners version and I'll show you what let's go check it out so the four tent owners version is on the starboard side and this is the I guess what you call the master bedroom on our boat and basically this whole entire side is our bedroom you want to check it out look at this we can close off the rest of the world we have beautiful windows to see out lots of light there's escape hatches here if we ever need to the boat flips over and we ever need to get out with this is how we get out it's awesome it's almost a king-size bed in a lagoon 410 though the owners version has two closets his and hers which is another bonus this is bent and moving forward in the middle section here we have a desk there's a chair that pops out underneath and you can bend sits here often and edits videos we have lots of storage for cookbooks reference books all sorts of stuff and then we have my closets which is right here and then we move forward and this is why owners versions are awesome okay instead of a bed up here like charter version would have this would be another cabin with another another another bed what we have is a bathroom a giant bathroom so come check it out so this is awesome come in it's it's okay you can come right in this is our shower isn't that great god I love a big shower I really want I really like showering and you can shower outside it's totally fine I look but I get cold and I'd love to come in here and be able to have a warm shower on like I know it's ridiculous yet cold in the tropics but it happens so after a long dive or something you had a bit chilly come in here you get all warmed up in your nice shower it's fantastic then we have this nice vanity area in here and moving back we have our head switch which is you know just your regular hand pump toilet and then this is this is one of my favorite things on the boat we did not have this when we bought the boat this is something we've added and it's awesome it's a washing machine there was a space here for it it's perfect so most of the owners versions also have space for a washing machine now we're out here in these pretty remote places getting laundry done is like such a chore and it's you have to pay someone it's very expensive and you have to pay them and they take it away and you get most your stuff back most of the time and it's sometimes come back comes back clean and sometimes doesn't so it was pretty easy decision to get a washing machine and pays for itself very quickly how they recommend it if you have space get one just do it I promise you'll be happy with it so if you have a washing machine and you have liked you to have a shower or two and your water tank isn't ginormous so you don't have to you kind of have to fill it up every now and then you need to have a water maker and let's talk to Ben about our water maker couple quick notes about water makers I'll first show yours and then we'll go over a couple of different ones so bars is in here basically we have an aqua tech water maker and makes 60 litres an hour we have a pre-filter here's the big storm we ran it all today here's the the water maker itself and then we have the membrane in the bilge but too quickly back up a little bit there's there's a few water makers you can get first off you can get a 12-volt or a AC water maker and II see water makers you have to have a generator for we love our 12-volt water maker it draws about 20 amps so we are actually now with the solar able to run our water maker without running our engines and that's that's that's a huge bonus is a simple simple to fix simple to maintain unlike the some other kinds of water makers which automate the whole process of back flushing and and ramping the pressure up and doing all that we have to actually turn that dial to increase the pressure and we actually have to do the back washing ourselves by turning some levers but it's really easy which means that then if anything breaks we can also fix it if you're gonna go cruising long-term offshore you got to think about how you're gonna fix things by yourself because there's not gonna be a cooler maker specialist in some Vanuatu in the village we've checked out the owner side now let's check out guess I'll head down to the port side of our boat so down we are we have two berths there's a back berth and a forward berth the back berth is our guest room so down here we're on the aft port side and this is the guest room underneath the beds on both sides are our engines so I think the lagoon 410 is the only lagoon with engines out of the bed dad's gonna search I'll show those to you in a sec along with all our batteries and all the other fancy stuff that's in there but before that let's check out the rest of the portside so moving forward on the port side we have our few fennel under here under the fuse panel is our inverter and our battery charger we've had to replace both these things in the last couple years so our boat was about 10 11 years old and they just both packed it in both the battery charger and the inverter you've got a bigger boat get a 3,000 watt and up inverter because you're gonna want to run all those awesome power things that you had at home when you're out here for years and years and years so this is our portside head or our guest head it's actually an awesome hand come on it's awesome because it does have a separate shower and we've actually turned this shower on this side into storage because there's only two of us on the boat right now and really when we have guests we let our shower is so much nicer we we let people use it but on the other hand this is a perfectly good shower on this side too but it's also a really awesome storage locker for wetsuits and dive gear come check it out so this is where we store all our wetsuits dive gear RBC's be CDs hats and then we got like like all the scuba gear and stuff is down below and the bins just lots of storage moving forward this is our third cabin so this boat has three cabins because it's the owners version this third cabin is our forward berth on the portside and it's fantastic we use it for storage we have extra provisions extra of extra beer and wine if we find a cheap place to buy wine will stock up a bit we have our angle freezer here this is the angle the freezer I was talking about before it's beautiful it's it works really good we're really happy with it and it's so nice because it doesn't use nearly as much power as the other fridges the the big fridges I highly recommend one of these if you aren't happy with your current freezer Ben also has all his tools in here so this is a workshop area and storage so storage workshop storage workshop that you know we also have the FoodSaver one of those vacuum packing things awesome ok one more thing we got to show you is the engines and the batteries which are right back here under this bed basically what you have what you have is a nicely made bed and then you can flip up the cushions we have 40 horsepower Y and Mars we're loving but the engines are out of the beds a lot of people kind of heat on that we love it because we have to do some stuff under waste notice like some are some big seats fuel filters get clogged and stuff like that if they're in the back pontoon it's really like not cool to open that back pontoon if there's big waves and then try and get in there to change a fuel filter so having the engines inside the boat first off allows you to work on them if if if if it's rough out you're underway second off it prevents like basically any salt from touching the engine which means they're in mint shape there's no rust on them or anything and then right here we have two 300 M powered lithium batteries meaning we have a total of 600 amp hours of lithium and that that was a addition two years ago and we're loving it the reason we love our left hands is we can draw it down you I don't know something like ten at ten ten volts whereas lead acid battery you have to keep more topped up so it doesn't give you as much reigned yes that's that's about it so I mean I don't I think we've covered it all we've shown you every little nook and cranny on this build I think I think it's time for some beer no he's your thing it's beer time so I hope you enjoyed the tour of our boat we love our boat and we're so happy to like share with you this cool we just want to touch on a few things that we think are necessary for a blue water or offshore cruising sailboat especially a offshore sailing camera long term long term so it's not something these are things that you may may not think are required and they probably aren't obviously there's outliers there's people that don't have fridges don't have fresh water and then there's people on 60-foot 80-foot conard we saw a 150-foot 50 meter hundred fifty meter mono Hall the other day that have all sorts of stuff so but we're gonna touch on kind of what we see is the most common thing out here and what kind of systems those people have we've been out here three and a half years so we have a pretty good idea let's talk about boats let's talk about both sizes first so most people are between 37 to 48 feet in terms of their boat selection I think yeah length that's both for monohulls and cut brans so most cations are probably 40 to 48 yeah we're actually a smaller catamaran out here we're about 40 or 41 and we don't see very many smaller cats and us I said I'd say the average is around 40 45 46 46 there's a lot of leopard 46 isn't a lot of Magoon for 40s for 50s yeah yeah yeah not so many 500s and then for the mono hauls we're finding them we're seeing a lot of 40 to 50 feet probably and you could probably narrow that down a little bit more but that's typically what people are cruising there's a very good reason for this that is a sweet spot for affordability for comfort stowage and handling because when you're out there and you're sailing and you're maybe your restaurant below sleeping you need to have a boat you can manage by yourself briefly touch on kind of the major components that we have and that most people have out here in order to sail and cruise long-term comfortably comfortably mostly it's about what you can afford and what you're willing to tolerate in it because we've met people on 30-foot boats with no fridge no freezer three dudes living on it and they're still having an awesome time we were hoping this would be sort of a long-term thing and I wanted some of the comforts that we are used to doing at home and so the main components I guess for that it all starts around power and really if you don't have enough power on your boat nothing out work else works yeah without power you know not gonna have enough power to make water cuz running our water maker it uses a lot of power you're not gonna have enough power to run fridges you're not gonna have enough power to run an autopilot constantly charge your laptop's like there's a lot of things I come down to to power so for us that's that means solar wind generator and then the other thing that often out here is overlooked by new cruisers is sale inventory having a good mainsail having a good genoa a code zero having a spinnaker having different weight sales really determines how fast we're gonna do a particular passage and that translates to sometimes many days less of sailing that means your weather window is shorter and that means you can be out here in more comfortable conditions the dinghy the dinghy is is your car it's your vehicle to get you to shore to the grocery store you want a big ding you want a reliable engine you know you might not need a big dinghy and it has to fit with your boat - right like you have to have one that fits on your davits or you can hoist onto your bow and there's a lot of different thoughts on days but personally for us we do a lot of watersports we felt we needed a ding that was power not full enough that if we need to do a rescue with on a kite or me on a kite that we could go and catch the person on the kite and and go rescue them and it's it's our dinghy is good enough for that make sure you get one that is reliable because out here it's like you the word the worst thing is to have to like every time you pull into port go and try and get your engine fixed it just sucks man everything out here is gonna break you're gonna have engine problems you know sail problems rigging problems structural problems possibly so just you need to carry enough parts you need to carry enough tools to fix your boat out here especially when you go cruising for many years what about the million dollar question Kathryn versus monohull well for me there was no question we were mana wholesalers big-time mana wholesalers we raced we loved Manos they go up wind it depends what you want to do for us we wanted to cruise around the equator in warm weather in tropical places we wanted a catamaran like I for me hands down it's the best platform for what we're doing does this boat go upwind well mm-hmm not great I mean we can sail at 35 40 degrees off the wind but it's it's painful right and tacking oh my gosh forget it I mean it's almost it's atrocious but you have to remember like we're going around the world going west which means the trade winds are behind us because the trade winds north of the Equator blow this way south of the Equator this way so we pick our seasons right and we go with the wind we go downwind where we go abroad reaching or reaching we don't go upwind so it kind of depends like if you're racing yeah you don't want a cat run you want to be able to go out wind well not a cruising catamaran maybe and also there's people that want to cruise around in this really southern latitudes or the really northern latitudes and then you might want to look at a different type of catamaran or a different type or a metal boat or a boat that actually can go upwind because you probably will be doing a bunch of that and yeah this might not be a best boat for you if that's what you want to sail so pick the boat that suits you and suits what you want to do with it thanks for watching this video and we hope you have enjoyed it we know it's a bit long basically this is our home we've turned this boat into our home and it's got a little bit more clutter and a little bit more stuff but we're so grateful to have this boat as our living platform yeah it's awesome we love this boat perfect so thanks for watching I'm gonna put a link down below all the details that we've done to this boat [Music] [Music]
Channel: Sailing Nahoa
Views: 1,232,885
Rating: 4.9186864 out of 5
Keywords: sailing catamaran, liveaboard sailboat, sailing around the world
Id: TFxgUTW_F3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 30sec (2550 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 13 2018
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