[Full] They Set Him on Fire for Using Cursed Magic on Bullies but Immediately Regret it

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hi I'm Charles with any cat The Story begins in a world where monsters called Nemesis fall from the sky bringing fear and Death to All Humans they touch even those who do survive their touch are permanently scarred the cursed are known as Sorcerers and are at times more fearsome than the Nemesis themselves we then meet The Apprentice sorcerer named Seth who runs to meet with a boy named Tommy who he promised he would show his magic to Seth could only show his magic where no one else could see and Promises to do his best to make up for being late Tommy's concerned to see some books he assumes Seth took from someone named Alma but Seth says it'll be fine the first Bell fails and the next one embarrassingly fails as well Seth decides that those spells are boring anyway and states he will show Tommy some original magic that he came up with himself Seth Powers up this spell and unleashes what he calls the Titan punch that sends a boulder flying Tommy is amazed but they are both surprised to see that Seth has angered some cows and Tommy laments how bad things always happen when he hangs out with Seth in town we see Alma who is a freelance sorcerer get upset at a vendor who refuses to sell to sorcerers she explains to him that he actually doesn't have a choice and threatens to blow up his shop if he doesn't do as she says the vendor obeyser orders but Alma steps outside to see Seth causing trouble again the townspeople can't believe Seth is added again but Seth calmly explains that he has the situation under control said things to himself that things should be okay as long as Alma doesn't find out but realizes she is right there Alma uses her magic to settle the situation down and tells Seth that he can't keep causing trouble so he will be punished later the town's people are Furious as they blame the filthy Sorcerers for what happened and Seth tries to explain that it was only him he states that Alma was the one that saved them but the times people don't care they call them infected good for nothings and state that their kind only make trouble they don't want any Sorcerers in their town and tell Tommy to stay away from them Alma surprisingly just offers to pay for the damage and explains to Seth that talking to them won't do any good at this point the townspeople want to keep putting them down but Alma uses magic to get away Seth can't understand why they talk to her like that since it was his fault but she reminds him that those people are afraid of them that night such as punishment as Emma lists all the trouble he has caused recently she forbids him from going back to that island and reveals that she knows he has been taking her grimoires she demands that he stopped that as well so he explains that he only took them so he could become a respectable sorcerer but she states that he hasn't even become a respectable person yet Seth can't understand why she let the town's people talk to her that way but she only explains that they see them the same way they see the Nemesis that bring disaster upon Humanity they see them as monsters but still can't understand as almost one of the people destroying the nemesis Alma is certain that things would be different if all the Nemesis were defeated which makes Seth think Bahama points out that nothing good ever comes from Seth's thoughts just then Emma feels a sharp pain but hides it sethan asks for a pee break but a shock to hear it denied in bed Seth thinks about defeating all the Nemesis and decides that becoming a great sorcerer like Alma is the only way the next day Seth continues practicing and Tommy explains that his mother told him not to play with sorcerers Seth says it's just because they don't know how awesome magic is and sees that he plans to become a nemesis Hunter Seth explains that the Nemesis attack people all around the world and Emma has been fighting them for a really long time just then they see something falling from the sky and Seth recognizes it from a book as a nemesis egg this is horrible as it's headed straight towards the town and Alma's outfighting Nemesis on another Island at the moment but set the size that he will fight it since he is a sorcerer too everyone in town is then shocked as a giant egg lands right in front of them Seth heads home and loads up on items that include an explosive bottle healing potions magic Talisman magic swords and more however he quickly realizes that he is far too heavy for the bats carrying him Tommy arrives in town to explain that what they are looking at is a nemesis egg and everyone panics they realize that getting help from the Royal Capital will take too long and decide that Alma should be the one to take care of it they state that Sorcerers are already infected by the Nemesis and further contact with a nemesis won't kill them they think it's time for her to finally make herself useful and are shocked when they think another egg has fallen it isn't another egg however and it's actually Seth Seth explains that all their worries will be gone now that he is there and explains that he can take care of the Nemesis without Alma's help Seth plans to just roll the egg off the edge of the island but it's shocked to see that it's already hatching the egg hatches but Seth remains calm and attacks it with the exploding bottle the Nemesis is completely unharmed so Seth resorts to the magic sword but it fails him as he gets hit Seth realizes just how strong it is and Tommy foolishly tries to help the Nemesis turns its attention to Tommy so Seth pulled himself up and manages to rescue him just in time this only puts Seth in a very tough spot so he tells Tommy to run immediately it's clear that Seth can barely hold on so Tommy runs and asks for someone to help him the townspeople can only watch him fear though Seth is being crushed by the Nemesis but he refuses to give up and states that this is his chance to show them all that Sorcerers aren't bad people Seth struggles to stand up but continues to say that he doesn't want people to talk down to Alma anymore the townspeople just continue to watch so Tommy cries for someone to help and his peers are answered as an attack falls from the sky a man's voice calls out his attack's name bravery Destroyer as another immensely powerful attack strikes the Nemesis attacks continue to rain down and the man finally reveals himself he commends Seth for his bravery but explains that Sorcerers still have to help each other out Seth is amazed to see other sorcerers and they easily stop the Nemesis the man explains that they are forewandering Nemesis hunters and they introduce themselves as The Bravery quartets but their leaders schooled one of them for messing up their pose their leader introduces himself as Don boss man and shocks everyone when he explains that they're there to save them Seth thinks about how Alma is the only other sorcery he has ever seen and desperately asked to fight with Don and the others Don agrees as he was impressed with Seth's bravery but the town's people don't trust Seth they explained that he is just trouble but Don states that they are the same since they are both Sorcerers Don explains that the quartet will go around town to help everyone evacuate and instruct Seth to distract the Nemesis as a decoy Seth wants to try to defeat it instead but Don explains that that's too Reckless and being smart is part of being a real sorcerer they part ways and set the size to try to use his Titan punch it doesn't work though as Seth realizes that the Nemesis can change from hard to soft he does his job as a decoy though as the Nemesis chases him throughout the town and he attempt to attack the creature fails however and Seth remembers that he needs to fight smarter at a nearby Bank Tommy informs his father of the Nemesis and The Bravery quartet arrives soon after Don is disappointed to see people still there and tells them that they will have to leave back at the fight Seth is glad to have found some chains and continues being a decoy however this time he lures the Nemesis and traps it using the chains he tells it that it can no longer do evil but it grunts at him and shows that it has another much more powerful attack elsewhere Alma heads back annoyed that the people that called for her help just miss took some wild animals for a nemesis as she approaches the island she gets a very unpleasant feeling she begins to rush back and hopes that Seth hasn't done anything rash in the village we see the aftermath of the nemesis's devastating attack Seth remembers that Alma told him that Nemesis can use magic but he never imagined it would be the strong Seth then hears Tommy scream in the distance and we see that he and the others have been tied up the townspeople now realize that The Bravery quartet just wanted to Rob them during the chaos and say that they were right about how terrible Sorcerers are the quartet point out that they have made a fortune and laugh in the faces of the townspeople however Seth arrives to question what they are doing Don thanks Seth for being a decoy so that people think Seth was part of the robbery and accused Seth of becoming friends with Tommy just because his father worked at the bank Don explains that they aren't Nemesis hunters and are actually treasure Hunters that take advantage when Nemesis appear Don mock Seth for being so gullible and Seth points out that the duty of all Sorcerers is to fight the Nemesis Don sighs as he explains that there is no value in fighting for normal people and Sorcerers like themselves are blamed for every bad thing that happens he points out how they are treated like infected creatures just as the town's people begin to scream at Seth they blame him for being the reason that the Nemesis appeared in the first place and call him infected scum this only proves Don's Point further as he points out how such just finished fighting until he was battered from head to toe and still all they do is shout nasty things at him the people don't even think of thanking him and as far as they are concerned Sorcerers are the same as Nemesis Don is sure that Seth knows exactly what he's talking about and reminds him that it's best to be smart he states that being rich is the smartest way to live and the quartet decide to leave before the Nemesis appears there Don gives Seth a Parting Gift since they are the same while he has a good laugh but says shocks everyone as he punches Don in the face Seth fights them as he states that the sorcerer he wants to become is nothing like the pathetic losers they are but he is instantly stopped by one of the quartet his name is Gigi and Don explains that his magic is terrifying and he would be the group's leader if he wasn't such a Don decides to not finish Seth off as he is certain that Seth will one day realize he is right about everything but Seth refuses to be put on their level just then Don sees that the Nemesis has responded to Gigi's magic and they begin to leave but the times people point out that they will all die if they don't untie them the quartet prepared to leave anyway and Dontel Seth that he better take off and leave everyone too if he doesn't want to die the townspeople can only cry out in fear as the Nemesis prepares its immense attack but Seth uses every bit of strength he has to get up he tells Tommy that everything will be okay and he won't leave them everyone watches in disbelief as Seth turns to face the Nemesis and he thinks about Don's words just as the Nemesis is about to unleash its energy beam he reiterates that they will never be the same and the Sorcerer he wants to become is an amazing sorcerer who protects everyone the Nemesis releases it's absolutely devastating attack as the quartet Arena of its immense power and they state that the townspeople are all goners Don bids farewell to the foolish Seth but they are all then shocked to see amidst the blinding light the Seth is blocking the attack and protecting everyone Dom points out how what they are witnessing is impossible as Seth could barely use magic and he wonders what Seth really is the Nemesis begins preparing its next attack but Seth will let it have its way and uses his Titan punch to punch a hole right through it everyone is in disbelief to see that Seth actually managed to defeat it and Don is amazed at how Seth used magic bare-handed the Nemesis isn't finished just yet but Seth can't even move anymore luckily though an attack Reigns from above to finish it off and the very upset Alma tells her Young Apprentice to just rest now Seth would later wake up and Alma scolds him for using magic bare-handed this isn't something that normal Sorcerers can do she explains that an organization called the Inquisition hates people that aren't normal when it comes to Magic and she assumes that the townspeople are probably already contacting them Seth points out that they just saved the town's people and refuses to believe that they would betray them Alma thinks back to just after she captured The Bravery quartet and Tommy returned the pieces of Seth's gloves while thanking them for saving the town Alma tells Seth that normal people and infected like them will never understand each other Seth then shocks her when he states that he will defeat all the Nemesis so no one else will get infected and the people won't have to be afraid she points out that far too many Nemesis exist in this world so sets decides that he will just have to find their nest and destroy it Emma points out that that place is called radiant but it's just a legend legend or not Seth files to find it pointing out that the Nemesis fall down as eggs so there must be some place where those eggs are being laid Alma decides that if he wants to defeat Nemesis so bad then she will let him help her the next time she hunts one but warns that villagers will probably fear them and run them out of town this upset Seth greatly as he hates to see Sorcerers treated that way but she settles him down and has him rest when alone Alma thinks about how it's been over 10 years since she met Seth and state that those memories are stained in red the color of flames that engulf everything her memory shows her waking up from passing out after being Gravely injured she couldn't remember a single thing and was told that she was found holding a boy as if to protect him she states that after she lost everything all that remained to her was a child she had no recollection of after her wounds healed she took Seth with her on her journey to ask anyone they saw if they had any recollection of her or Seth the answer was always no and she lamented how most people wouldn't even listen to what she had to say Alma sharp pain would bring her to her knees but she would tell Seth that it's the usual headache that her curse gives and tells him not to fuss about it being a sorcerer meant that she survived contact with the Nemesis received its curse and gained the power to use magic which they call Fantasia Seth is a sorcerer as well but mostly he was just a burden to her at that time and she regularly had thoughts of just leaving him behind however he was the only lead she had to finding her past so she couldn't leave him but explains that an incident would soon occur Alma explains that she was just starting to make a living as a nemesis hunter and Left Seth Home Alone one day so she could hunt a nemesis while alone a group of kids would bully Seth and blame him for being the reason the town's livestock died Seth tried to explain that it was the Nemesis that did it but they just began to beat him relentlessly while they stated that beating up bad guys is the right thing to do Seth's power would eventually erupt causing Alma to immediately sense something was wrong back at the village that has been tied up and the villagers want to burn him alive since they fear that if a monster like him touches them then they will be infected too however they are shocked that their tortures go out and Alma appears to touch a villager's face she points out that he must be cursed now and they all run in fear but she laughs at how it is clearly not true she freed Seth who cried in her arms and she realized for the first time how small and helpless he was she knew she had to protect him and wouldn't let anyone treat him like a bad guy ever again Alma no longer wandered aimlessly she still wanted to regain her memory but now had something more important what she needed was a place where she could protect Seth where no one could threaten or hurt him anymore the rest of the world continued to run them off just as before but when they did they would just let the wind take them on a New Journey Alma looks at his old clothes and realizes how much he has grown up since then the next day Seth tries to sneak out bauma stops him Seth says that it won't do any good trying to stop him balma shocks him when she reveals that she won't she knows that he wants to go look for radiant and ask what his plan to find it without any leads is but a shock to hear him say that with enough Spirit he will make it work Seth is in shocked as she gives him her broom and the gloves that have been patched up she makes him promise her one thing though and that is to make sure that he never becomes a monster he agrees and Promises to become the greatest sorcerer instead he eagerly begins his Adventure but stops and rushes back to Alma filled with emotion Seth thanks her for everything she has done so she asks him to take care and set takes off on his journey Alma watches him leave as she can no longer hold back her tears and thinks about how great of a burden he was Seth's Journey has officially begun and he speaks to radiant as he threatens to destroy it no matter what sometime later several members of the Inquisition gather and discuss how all their hunts have gone recently General torque the one that is referred to as the Beast arrives and states that it goes without saying why he has gathered them all there he has everyone's attention as he states that the day before just outside an island a certain sorcerer with horns was found on the sea the story continues as Alma meets with the authority on Nemesis research named doc doc explains that he sent his assistant to meet with her but realizes now that she must be lost Alma reminds him that he won't be paid till the job is done so he heads off to find the Nemesis remains before the Inquisition finds him Emma hopes that Seth is doing well in his journey but we see that he is on board an inquisition ship and questioning why he is being arrested Seth is prepared to fight them all and they realize that he is using a strange technique Inquisition Captain Dragon knob arrives and is told that the boy ran into their ship they thought he was suspicious so they tried to interrogate him but he started to fight them Dragon Op notices Seth's horns as such tries to explain that he just isn't good at flying with a broom yet Seth forces his way out of the pile and introduces himself as Seth the sorcerer draganov can't believe how ignorant Seth is and determines that word of their laws hasn't reached the outer lands yet Seth explains that he hasn't done anything wrong but they explain that it's only a matter of time and they arrest him Seth is certain that the cage can't withstand his magic but he is very wrong the cage was built specifically for Sorcerers and draganov explains that Seth will be imprisoned at the capitol for 10 years Seth states that that won't work for him as he plans to destroy radiant but the guards point out how it's just a fairy tale draganov explains that even the word is taboo and warns him not to add more crimes to his list draganov explains how cess curse is what allows him to use magic and sends him deeper into the ship Seth realizes the trouble he is in and remembers how Alma always used to tell him to hide his horns he then looks back to when he disappointed Alma with his simplistic plan to find radiant he thought he would start by looking somewhere high in the sky than perhaps deep down below the surface Alma told him to start in a place called Artemis instead as it's a research town where Sorcerers gather she urges him to search for a man named Yaga who is one of the most powerful Sorcerers around but also warns him to stay away from a certain yellow cat Seth is then startled to see a small creature in his cage and a girl named Mellie in the cage next to him Seth is excited to hear that Mali is from Artemis and was on her way to his island island 21 to retrieve an emesis he assumes that the small creature named boobri is her pet but it's actually a friend Melly was separated from the only person that could prove her identity but she assumes that she will be fine when doc comes to get her she is Amazed by Seth's horns but disappointed to hear that magic doesn't come out of them just then the ship is stopped by doc who is sure that he will be in grave danger if the inquisitors find out that he is carrying Nemesis remains with a ship mali's glad to see that doc has come for her but yells out that she was caged for saying that she was retrieving a nemesis doc tries to deny knowing her but Dragunov appears to explain that he knows he is carrying a nemesis and has him thrown in a cage Seth introduces himself as he explains that he was the one that defeated the Nemesis that he is carrying doc then states that he gets a big reward if the remains are in good condition but gets nothing when they are Torn to Pieces Doc is too fearful to hunt Nemesis himself and simply allows the sorcerers to do the hard work he points out how nemesis Fall Like Rain these days and it's because the sorcerers are strong enough to defeat the Nemesis that their presence is tolerated doc credits them for doing the tough task of defeating Nemesis one by one but Seth explains that his plan is to take down radiant instead he states that he promised Alma he would and DACA is surprised to hear that Seth is her pupil Seth wants stock to take him to Artemis just as booby shows up with the keys to the cage the trio make their way up the ship but Seth explains that he needs to get his stuff first they have a hard time finding his stuff so doc just wants to leave they finally spot his things but are shocked to find that they have been caught by draganov doc tries to say that Seth threatened him but melee screams for them to just give Seth his things back so he can go find radiant Seth then surprises everyone when he uses his Titan punch to attack the guards and his two new companions retrieve their things Melly shows off her defensive magic but it isn't enough as they are once again surrounded Mellie is overwhelmed and begins to faint so Seth tells her that he will do something however Melly shockingly tells him to shut up and instantly wipes everyone out DACA explains that it's her curse when melee is under extreme stress her personality completely changes Mellie demands that they give them back their ship and is forced to blow them away when they don't listen doc can't believe how much trouble they are getting in and dragonoff somehow sneaks up on Mellie he points out how Sorcerers should have never revealed their true nature and decides that Mellie will receive capital punishment doc fears for her life but Seth soon threatens draganov to not touch her his Titan punch does massive damage and it allows him to finally make their escape dragonov credits them for escaping and stops his soldier from shooting them down he explains that they can't do anything too bold if they make it to Artemis more importantly though he is intrigued by how Seth was able to use magic with his bare hands on board Doc's ship medley apologizes for her personality change and Doc states that it's the reason why she will never be a great sorcerer Seth is Amazed by her power though and excitedly asks her to teach him some offensive magic doc then explains that they are nearing Artemis and Seth prepares for the city of sorcerers they finally arrive at Artemis where Seth is Amazed by all the other sorcerer's ships he is told that in order to find work there he will have to register as a resident but Seth explains that he was only there to find Yaga for some reason duck desperately wants that to become a resident and tells them that Yaga will only meet him if he is a resident Seth agrees to do it and is Amazed by the place called sorcerer's Paradise as it's a place where Sorcerers don't have to suffer for just being themselves doc rushes them so they don't miss the ceremony but then explains that Seth is the only one that needs to go Seth takes him along anyway as he seems to know Alma and we see that someone is intrigued to hear that name Seth and the others arrive at the welcoming ceremony and set the shocked when an announcer introduces the founder of the crazy Academy it's a yellow cat named Master Lord Majesty the cat explains that new members will be completing missions with them as fellow Sorcerers and together they will eradicate the curse that causes them such suffering the new members are called onto the stage where the Headmaster gives them a contract to sign Seth tries to read it but Master learned Majesty tells them it offers lots of bonuses and implores him to hurry up and sign the cat is glad to see him sign as everyone applauds but the new members then realize that the contract is charging them thousands just for using the pen the ink costs thousands as well and Lord Majesty explains that each of them now owes a massive debt to the academy they will now have to take part in missions as Nemesis hunters for the Academy to repay the debt and the crowd cheers as they were all there at one point the ceremony is over and Doc is glad to know that he won't have to see Seth anymore however an official arrives to explain that doc has been acknowledged as Seth's guardian and Guardians assume equal responsibility for the debt incurred afterwards Seth realizes now why Alma warned him about a yellow cat but States it's not like they have to do what the swindling cat says Seth explains that he will just find Yaga and leave after he finds radiant but doc tries to explain that that would just leave him with all the debt they head out in search of Yaga anyway and encounter two paths Seth ignores doc to choose the golden path so docmus explained that the golden path costs money set the next steps a towel from a nice old woman to wipe dark sweat but doc points out that he was charged for that too they head to a pub where doc warns them not to order anything but Seth instantly orders some milk just then Mellie is treated poorly just for asking about Yaga but this causes her personality to change and she destroys the pub at the end of the day Mellie apologizes profusely Seth can't believe they haven't found Yaga and Doc is stressed about that Seth is shocked to hear a cauldron speak to them and the small man emerges from it but states that he is no one worth knowing by name he explains that he might be willing to tell him where Yaga is but first ask Seth what he thinks about the academy that Lord Majesty built Seth says that the cat is a creep but the town doesn't have anyone calling them infected or treating them differently everything unfortunately costs money but everyone seems really happy the man wonders if Seth Knows Why Majesty charges so much money Emily explains that it's for Research into curing the curse the man begins to explain that it's not all the money is for but their conversation is interrupted by alarms doc says that the Inquisition must have followed them there and are attacking now the man is glad that Seth is there to see this and tells him to watch carefully we then see that the Inquisition has come for Seth but several Sorcerers on brooms appear to meet them draganov explains the order he received to retreat and reveals that they aren't the only ones with influence in this country he is talking about master Lord majesty and wonders how much money he threw around to stop them furthermore he states that members of the 13th sorcerer coven are in that town and any one of them could take on a thousand of their soldiers the town of Artemis has military and political might so fighting them would be equivalent to going to war with the nation itself draganov tells them to retreat but thinks about how intriguing the boy with horns is and decides that he must inform General torque of him Seth is amazed at how they were able to push them away and the man points out how that is the power of Artemis Academy and its Majesty who amasses it all It's the Last Sanctuary for prosecuted Sorcerers and Majesty will do anything necessary to protect it Seth explains his plan to destroy radiant but the man questions if it would make more sense for Seth to just use his strength to protect Artemis the place that protects sorcerers Seth rejects the idea since everyone outside still has to face the dangers of the Nemesis and to help them they have to change the world itself the man laughs at how Seth thinks he can change the world but Seth points out that if no one else will then he will do it Seth thinks that the man will take him to see Yaga now but the Man reveals that he is Yaga member of the 13th sorcerer coven elsewhere General torque is surprised to hear that someone actually managed to escape Dragunov dragonov apologizes but torque just wants to make sure that dragonoff actually saw the boy with horns use magic with his bare hands Tork wants them to keep a close eye on the city and wants to be told the next time the boy with horns is spotted another member arrives and Macs to hear about the boy who uses magic bare-handed torque points out that they are well aware of the danger he possesses and decides that they must capture him at all costs some time later Seth barges in on melly's tea party and he asked her to teach him magic so she wonders why things back to when he spoke with Yaga and told him that he was almost pupil he asked Yaga where radiant is but Yaga just destroys the letter Elmo sent explaining who Seth is Yaga says that he has nothing to give someone with no strength and if he wants him to teach him then certainly to show him that he is strong enough to earn it Yaga was unimpressed by his Titan punch since he is just Gathering Fantasia on his fist and tells him to learn basic Magic first Seth desperately asked Melly to teach him but she can't since she can only use offensive magic when her personality changes Seth wants her to at least teach him how to gather Fantasia but he can't understand her teaching methods he decides to learn on his own but Meli has an idea they find Doc who has prepared roses for his beloved Miss Melba Miss Melba works at a cafe and Doc pays the price for leering at her when her father smacks him Meli must then explain that the puppet on Melba's hand is her father her father smacks docs flowers away Emily explains that he is a great cook and wonderful father Melba apologizes for her father's Behavior but Mellie explains that this happens to Doc all the time they enjoy a meal on the house and Seth explains that he is there to search for radiant doc thinks about how foolish Seth is for this and instantly gets irritated when Melba is Amazed by How brave Seth is Seth explains that he needs to learn magic first though and Mali says that she thought doc could help since he is a researcher doc begins ranting about how terrible Seth is for asking for help after all the terrible things he has done to him however he instantly changes his mind when Melba points out how amazingly kind it would be for him to help doc instantly decides to help and states that with his help using magic will be easier than frying an egg Doc is then shocked to see Seth getting more attention from Melba but Seth can't handle the flavor of her roast beef flavored tea doc pretends to like it and is offered plenty more doc then uses Seth's training as an excuse and they get out of there doc then angrily explains that he will help since he promised but says that he won't be touching any Fantasia and will only help with reading grimoires Seth wants to learn the spell meteor drops first and Dawkins shocks him on how to visualize the magic he wants to make sethan shouts the incantation but it doesn't work several more tries result in failure and Doc tells him that it takes more than Spirit to make it work Seth gives it another try as magic forms on his fists but he just unleashes another Titan punch and he sends doc flying afterwards Seth continues to apologize but doc refuses to continue helping him Mellie desperately tries to think of a way to help Seth train and shocks the others when she states that she will pound the magic into his body to make sure he remembers it her personality has changed as she uses meteor drops to attack and Doc is forced to try and protect Melba but is just sent flying again Mellie then chases Seth as he refuses to fight her back but she tells him that is why he is weak her next attack sends him flying and we see that his glove is cut open mellie's massive destruction causes debris to almost fall on her so Seth tries to save her however he realizes that his Titan punch won't be able to reach in time and begs for meteor drops to work this time he screams it out loud and shocks everyone as the spell works and he saves Mellie Seth couldn't be more excited and we see that crazy Melly seems glad as she reverts back to her normal self Mellie is ashamed for all the damage and worries that Seth might not want to ever speak to her again but he points out how he could have never learned how to use the spell without her things aren't perfect though as doc seems to have flown off again later Seth shoziaga his spell Yaga says his Fantasia leaves a lot to be desired but explains that it isn't bad Seth assumes that this means he can go to radiant now but Yaga shuts him down Yaga explains that many of the world's most noted Sorcerers have tried long and hard to get there but not a single person has succeeded in doing so Seth will have to become a first-rate sorcerer if he wants to step foot there and Seth begs Yaga to take him as his pupil Yaga agrees but test him with the cauldron crash attack first as Yaga expected says somehow managed to stop it and Yaga tells him that he will need to learn to control far more than that with his frail hands he warns that his training is strict but Seth eagerly accepts later Seth interrupts melly's tea party again and asked to stay at her house he had been sleeping at the park but doc explained that that cost money too and he needed to find a place to sleep Nelly gladly invites Seth to stay in one of her empty rooms but is embarrassed when she has to tell him that her tea party guests are just dolls the story continues as Seth indurizyaga's training and Yaga explains to him that he will never get better if all he does is run some time later Doc's peaceful morning that he spends admiring Melba is interrupted by Seth and Meli he tries to shoot them away but Melba interrupts him to ask if he would like to try her new coffee recipe doc agrees to try it since he wants her to like him but set the melee fear for his life doc tries it and is shock to find that it actually tastes good doc takes a moment to celebrate how his life is finally turning around for the better but is then captured by a creature Yaga explains that it is a devil fish Kraken the water system below them is where Sorcerers dump animals from experiments and this particular creature loves coffee Melba's father explains that doc reeks of coffee from drinking it there all the time so that Beast might actually eat him below them doc waits to see the Monster drinking his coffee and fears that he will be eaten however just then the Kraken is lured Away by ascent and we see that it is Seth and Meli with a giant bucket of coffee Yaga told them to take care of it alone and for Seth to consider it part of his training the Kraken appears and they are relieved to see that Doc is still alive unfortunately Seth's Titan punch doesn't hurt it as the Kraken is too soft and Squishy and Doc is quick to point out that the monsters didn't even feel it meteor drops don't get to the creature either as it takes off with the coffee and shoots out ink outside the city the Inquisition keeps a close eye and dragonf wonders why they must keep watch for the boy with horns dragonoff doesn't think he looked as dangerous as general torque seems to think and he wonders if the boy really has that much power Seth wants to learn stronger magic but they decide to try and stop the Kraken from moving using traps the first chap only ends up capturing Doc and in even more dangerous trap does as well melly's last plan is to use an arrow with sleeping potion on the tip but that just ends up hitting doc too crazy Mellie arrives to school DOC for continually getting trapped and we see that the duo are completely disheartened Yaga appears to ask if they are ready to quit since fighting a creature on its own turf is quite difficult but Seth refuses to just give up and let doc die Yaga wonders if Seth actually thinks he can defeat the kraken but says states that that doesn't matter and he doesn't need a reason to help a friend they realize that they have to try something different though and Seth gets an idea when Melba offers them a drink the two head back down with another bucket of coffee but doc surprisingly tells them to just leave Doc is frustrated that Melba won't give him the time of day and has decided to live the rest of his life with his new friend he named devil doc tries to cut ties with Seth but Seth tells him that they can part ways after he saves him sethan shockingly pours the coffee on himself but duck is frightened that devil will surely eat Seth devil does eat him but Mali explains that that was his plan the coffee he poured on himself was filled with powerful spices so devil ends up spitting Seth out with it weakened Meli is able to stop its movement which allows Seth to land an attack Seth goes in for another strike but dog begs daddy stop he explains that he and devil bonded over their love for coffee and are now friends Seth wants them all to be friends together and Doc agrees as he can't believe how Reckless Seth was to save him afterwards at the cafe Seth realizes that he isn't nearly strong enough and Yaga arrives to offer more intense training doc musters up the courage to compliment Melba on her coffee but she tells him that her father actually made it and her father tells doc that he will be the one making his coffee from now on later Seth continues training but ends up destroying his gloves Yaga decides to take the gloves but gives Seth another pair these are quite different though as Yaga explains that they prevent the wearer from using magic at all and shocks him if he tries to take them off Yaga has decided that Seth isn't worthy of his instruction as he is now and points out how he has never seen such crude and careless use of Fantasia Seth points out that being able to gather absurd amounts of Fantasia just means he is powerful and the more power he has the better Yaga explains that Gathering Power isn't a bad thing but true ability lies elsewhere he tells Seth that he has been so focused on becoming powerful that he has forgotten something crucial and the new gloves are not to come off until he finds the answer at the cafe Seth complains about how Yaga isn't making any sense just as duck arrives Melba's father assumes he is there to make another pass at his daughter but Doc is actually there to tell them that they have an invitation from Lord Majesty the invitation is to explain that their debt has soared to unprecedented Heights and is by far the highest debt in the history of Artemis Academy docmus explained to Seth that this isn't something to celebrate and that must alert Majesty that they have no money to pay the debt Lord Majesty has them do tasks instead and Seth wishes he could use magic to make things easier doc works hard as well as he thinks about Melba and their bright future together just then Millie notices something and Seth goes to investigate we see that it's a bravery quartet and Don explains that his genius is what allowed him to discover the treasure that they are about to get Seth arrives that they are shocked to see each other but Seth forgot who they are they reintroduce themselves and explained that escaping the Island's prison was easy Don explains that they are there to steal Emily shock Seth when she uses offensive magic and tells them that she has been training too Mellie has discovered that their power comes from their shorts and Don reveals that their shorts are made from the same material as magic gloves his subordinate corrects his mispronunciation of a word but pays the price Don then offers to take the magic suppressing gloves off of Seth in exchange for them ignoring their wrongdoings but Seth refuses to make deals with people like them Don explains that he actually respects Seth a lot after seeing how his punch defeated the nemesis he sympathizes with Seth as he states that power is everything in this world and without it stronger people will just take everything from him but with power he can make everything go his way Seth yells that he doesn't want to be anything like them he concedes to wanting power and wanting to be strong but proudly states that he will never use his power the way they do Seth is sure he can still defeat them without magic and the quartet attacked them but luckily crazy Mellie arrives to fight back Gigi stops part of her attack with the Troublesome Shield but Seth tells her to attack again Seth then surprisingly uses her attack to go airborne and then to kick on Dawn Gigi is taken out as well but Dom wakes up to capture Meli bobri desperately attacks Dawn forcing him to fall and Seth instantly Springs into action but medley cries for him to stop as he isn't able to fly a broom without magic Seth thinks about how taking off the gloves will get him expelled but decides that that isn't important now Seth fights the electrical shock and manages to get the gloves off just in time to save Dawn afterwards Seth apologizes to Yaga for breaking his rules and decides that he will just have to find another way to get to radiant Yaga stops him though and explains that he hasn't expelled him Yaga decides to give Seth another chance and explains that it's clear Seth managed to find the answer Yaga gives him his old gloves but has made them fingerless he explains that Seth has never actually gathered Fantasia with gloves on all he had been doing was forcing the Fantasia surrounding his arms into his gloves which just ended up dispersing most of it he explains that most Sorcerers can't use magic without gloves which means anyone who can do it bare-handed is considered a heretic these were the gloves given to him by Alma and is clear that she did it on purpose to protect Seth with his new gloves Seth can now make use of the abilities he was born with and Yaga warns that training is going to get much harsher from now on elsewhere Lord Majesty is glad to see his plan to have stopped the criminals worked out perfectly and we see that doc was left behind to keep working sometime later Seth stops his face after a difficult training session when Yaga reads something about the Inquisition Seth thinks that they're all just evil bad guys but Yaga explains that they are all individuals like themselves and Seth needs to understand that before he fights them outside the city we see that dragonoff is fishing as it's a good way to pass the time while they wait for the boy with horns to reappear he is pretty laid back so one of the soldiers wonders how he can be so unreliable but another Soldier tells the rookie that he will see how incredible dragon off is one day that night the rookie is stunned to see draganov cook for everyone he thought joining the Inquisition meant fighting dangerous Sorcerers to maintain order in the world but that's not what they're doing afterwards the rookie sees dragon off while doing laundry Duty dragonf wonders if he has disappointed the rookie as all the rumors about him are not true and he is just another guy who strayed from the road to success it is said that he can see everything but dragonoff explains that only General tort can do that a dangerous storm appears and dragonf wonders if he is imagining things as he sees something outside the next morning the rookie laments how they spent the night repairing the ship he thought being an Inquisitor would be more glamorous like taking out evil Sorcerers and winning the people's gratitude news has spread about a captain named Conrad leading a large-scale heretic run and the rookie can't help but notice the vast difference from their own Captain just then a report states that a nearby Squad was attacked by a nemesis and they are now stranded on an island back in Artemis Yaga explains that just like everywhere else the Inquisition is filled with good and bad people throwing a label on an entire group of people would make him know better than those that discriminate against sorcerers we then see that dragonoff has answered the call to help the other Squadron led by Captain Edmund Edmund shows them their cargo that they are proudly bringing back to headquarters and explains that they are all Sorcerers that were harassing citizens draganov's Manor then asked to repair their ship and they talk about how Edmund made a big name for himself for capturing several sorcerers the rookie hates repairing someone else's ship and decides that he will ask to be reassigned to a different Squadron so he can be led by someone other than draganov afterward Dragon of is told that the repairs are finished Justin and Nemesis appears and Edmund states that it's the one that attacked his ship it's enormous but draganov explains that it's not interested in them at all admin is glad to see that it's heading straight for a town which means they are safe the rookie can't believe he doesn't care about all the people that will be harmed and Edmund says that only an idiot would fight that thing when there is no need to Edmund explains that his only enemies are the sorcerers but dragonoff points out that the Nemesis are just as dangerous as them Edmund points out that their weapons aren't enhanced with Fantasia so unlike the sorcerers they can't finish off a nemesis however dragonf reminds him that even so they have their own ways of fighting Dragunov then gives an energizing speech to his troops as they prepare to fight the Nemesis and the rookie watches with admiration that night Edmund is told that Dragunov and his men haven't returned yet he is happy to assume that they were all killed since drag it Off made a fool of him but shocked to hear that Dragunov has returned draganov explains that they merely rendered the Nemesis flight list and sank it in the sea Edmund plans to report the victory to headquarters but is shocked when draganov raises his bow to him draganov reveals that he has learned Edmund's secret and his troops confirm it he explains that the people Edmund captured don't need to be caged since not a single one of them is a sorcerer and Edmund has been falsely claiming that all the people he captures are Sorcerers Edmund tries to make a deal with him but dragonoff refuses as he is just another being that harms and threatens the lives of powerless people that night Dragunov feeds his men again but he's glad to see that the rookie is eating this time however he can't stop thinking about how the gigantic Nemesis seem to have already been heavily injured by a huge sword nearby we see a menacing looking man he was responsible for hurting the Nemesis and he decides to head to the most populated town nearby called Rumble town later said the melee attend a festival thrown by Master Lord Majesty doc explains that Majesty is doing it for financial gain but also to build relationships with other countries so that the Inquisition can't mess with their town doc explains that if Seth plans on spending money even when they are in debt then he should at least try to win the upcoming broom race afterwards Lord Majesty welcomes everyone as he states that it's time to test their knowledge and skill in a broom race the prize is 10 million coins but we see that Seth is still outside since the entry fee is more than he can afford just then a guy named Nick arrives and his groupies explain that Nick has won the last two broom races he is a highly renowned citizen but upsets Seth when he brings up Alma Nick has only heard stories of how Alma refused to work with Artemis and assume she just ran away because she was weak Seth angerly states that Alma is the strongest sorcerer ever so Nick tells him to prove it as her Apprentice by beating him in the broom race Seth is determined to do it and explains to Meli who Alma is he tells her about their past and how she is scary when she's mad and just as scary when she's not a while later Majesty announces that the climax of the festival will begin shortly and Seth arrives assuming that his awesome broom scared everyone out of racing he quickly finds that he is wrong however as several other sorcerers arrive on much more impressive brooms this includes Nick who has one that's the latest model with improved output and many other features Mellie appears to reveal that she is racing as well and the two decide to work together doc watches as he is furious for having to pay their entry fees he tells them that they were given a one in ten thousand chance of winning and his money is on them so they better win even if it kills them Seth thinks about how much stronger he has gotten since beginning his journey and vows to show everyone the race begins and Seth wants to immediately make a push to pass the leader Spectators watch carefully as they point out how fast Seth is even though he is using a really old broom Yaga explains that the broom is actually Superior despite its looks and credits his training for making Seth A Bit Stronger the rookies he is up against don't stand the chance and Doc begins to believe in Seth in the race satyajetnik to tell him he has caught up but they're all shocked to see a giant thing next to them it's their Majesty's robot a Majesty explains how surprised he is to see someone with one in ten thousand odds come this far Majesty is funding the race and doesn't want Seth to win so he tries to attack him Seth manages to get away but Majesty's attack continues so Mellie is forced to use a shield it won't last much longer though so Seth attempts an attack on the robot but Majesty surprises him with an attack of his own doc assumes it's all over but Yaga reminds him that he was the one that trained Seth and we see that Seth has learned to use defensive magic Seth uses his Titan punch to attack the robot forcing Majesty to run for his life but the explosion forces Seth to have to rescue Mellie she tells him to leave her behind but Seth refuses as he wants him to cross the finish line together everyone is then amazed as Seth quickly catches up to Nick but Nick insults his broom Seth points out that it's the best broom in the world since it's filled with Elmo's love and he nearly catches up Nick refuses to lose and pushes past his teammates knocking them off their brooms Nick crosses the finish line and is announced the winner but Seth is nowhere to be found the crowd then erupts with cheers but it's because they see that Seth gave up first place in order to rescue Nick's Fallen teammates later doc laments how Seth lost since the entry fee puts him in more debt Seth points out that a little more debt won't make a difference at this point and agrees with melee when she says that they need to look for work near Rumble City we learned that the mysterious man's name is grim he states that he is there to do an urgent job and there will be several casualties later doc thinks about his future life with Melba but in it she realizes that he has a massive ridiculous amount of debt and leaves him doc determines that he needs to find work but all the requests he has received are useless he finds one that is a nemesis hunt and thinks about how this is definitely one he should avoid because how dangerous it is unfortunately for him says saw it as well and Doc's attempts at hiding it fail the letter explains that even though several members of their Community are missing the Inquisition which governs her Town refuses to believe them about the nemesis Seth excitedly wants to do it but doc refuses to go with them and even pretends to be feeling sick however Melba hears about it and is Amazed by Doc's bravery since she didn't know he was an adventurer she commends him for sacrificing his own safety to help others and doc says that he considers himself the most kind-hearted Adventurer in Artemis Academy she points out how afraid she would be in front of a nemesis but doc says that an adventure of his caliber is used to it they prepare to leave and Doc calls himself an idiot for agreeing to go Yaga arrives to see Seth off and tells him that the world outside is unforgiving he needs to make certain he knows what he must fight and what he must protect they leave as dragonoff spots them even though they are disguised he is certain of where they are headed based on their Direction and has to be put in contact with General torque Our Heroes approach their destination but doc tells him to get inside the ship the place they are headed hates Sorcerers and are governed by the Inquisition doc Tulsa Titus horns as well since if they are found out then they will be in grave Danger the island makes tons of noise as they approach because of all the factories Mellie explains that the place used to be called Prosperity but it is now known as Rumble town they land and Doc reminds them to be quiet since if they draw attention to themselves the Inquisition will capture them in no time they realize that it's a bit strange that not a single person is around but decide to look for their client named Zeta anyway doc eventually needs to take a break but Mellie realizes that boobry is lost and Seth and Meli go looking for him boobry is found shortly after but he's pretty upset they prepare to head back to get doc but are shocked by the passing Nemesis and chase after it the Nemesis is about to get away so set that smelly to set a trap but they are shocked when the Nemesis comes from behind them Seth wonders if it's able to teleport but they realize that there are actually two identical Nemesis the Nemesis attack and there's no time to set a trap so Seth decides to attack he thinks about how Yaga told them to gather as much Fantasia as he can and bind it to what he envisions to be the greatest power he knows Seth envisions Alma and releases a powerful skull attack after taking down one Nemesis Seth prepares to get the other but they are shocked to see the Nemesis shall sleeve Seth goes after them while sending Mali up high to prepare a trap but Seth can't believe when he sees several more identical nemesis Seth is prepared to capture them all but he is stopped by the mysterious man who introduces himself as grim he explains that he is pursuing the Nemesis as it might be the key to finding someone he has been searching for for years Grim wants to know why Seth is after the Nemesis but Seth refuses to answer Grim summons his weapon to threaten Seth but Seth still refuses to answer and tries to fight him Grim isn't bothered though and determines that he must immobilize Seth to get answers he easily stops sets the attacks but complements him on his excellent Fantasia Grim wants Seth to give up as the difference in their power is obvious but such just prepares his skull attack and it gets groom's attention this attack is stopped as well and Grim hopes Seth understands now he asks for information once again but this time Mellie appears to attack him she is certain she defeated him but they are shocked to see Grim is okay curb is sure that people will be coming soon after all the commotion and decides to leave he leaves but guarantees that they will see each other again and Seth can't help but admit that he was extremely strong Seth and Mali must run soon after though as members of the Inquisition arrive elsewhere Captain Conrad has a soldier do push-ups while he gives his report the soldier explains that it seems like Sorcerers were the cause of some damage and Conrad becomes extremely excited as he states that it's finally time for a sorcerer hunt back with our Trio we see that they are being hunted doc can't believe that Seth instantly caused problems the second they got into town but Seth points out that the trouble found him he explains that there are at least 15 Nemesis and Doc thinks how capturing all of them could lead to a reward that would pay off all their debt Seth wants to get the Nemesis right now but DACA explains that they have to find their client first at Conrad's headquarters he is shocked to find dragon off waiting for him draganov speaks to him very casually so Conrad reminds him that he is no longer Dragon of subordinate and demands respect Jack enough just tells him that he is there looking for Sorcerers and Conrad determines that it must be the same Sorcerers that destroyed a building the night before draganov tells him to just leave the sorcerers to him but Conrad refuses since it's his town so draganov explains that the orders came from way up the ranks Conrad still has an issue with it but instantly shuts up when he hears that the orders came from General torque Conrad wants to know what's going on but becomes Furious when draganov tells him it's confidential information elsewhere our group is told that there is no Zeta around but crazy Mali appears to get a man to confess that he is Zeta zeta's wife explains that their eldest son Taj came into contact with the Nemesis the group assumes that the boy is dead but are shocked to see him still alive Taj denies ever seeing a nemesis but he is clearly cursed as he sneezes out a purple substance wife states that the Inquisition seems to be ignoring the fact that there is a nemesis in town and they couldn't care less since they are immigrants there are several factories in Rumble town so many immigrants come there looking for work everyone there already has a poor opinion of immigrants like them so Zita can't imagine what they would do if they found out that Taj was infected Zeta then corrects himself as he states that Taj actually just has a cold Seth stares at their concerned faces and proclaims that he will defeat the nemesis Taj can't believe they are willing to help and offers to take them to the Nemesis on the way Taj explains that the Nemesis he saw was huge and Melly determines that it was the source Nemesis The Source Nemesis is the one that infects others with its touch and the ones they saw must have been acronym assists that split off from the source of nemesis Taj points out where he saw the large Nemesis and the trio go ahead to find a strange looking tree with feathers these are the trees that inhabit a place where Nemesis exist but they have never seen one this big they don't usually get this big so they determine that the Nemesis must have been there for a while just then the ground begins to shake and all the troops Evacuate the area doc points out that it's no ordinary earthquake and years of digging have made the island unstable they realize that people are being moved to balance out the island and the clock tower is giving the directions Seth points out that the Nemesis came out before when no one was around and thinks that they might be waiting until everyone leaves doc fears that the ground might fall beneath their feet so set the size that they should just watch from the sky he was right as the Nemesis appear but there are too many they decide to take down a small group first but they'll call Seth crazy as he punches down from the sky to attack Seth gets the job done as he is certain that the Nemesis won't move but he is soon attacked his French check on him but Seth reminds them that they are in a fight Seth holds one of the Nemesis Somali can attack and he notices something Mellie successfully cast her spell and Doc dreams about how much money they will be awarded Mellie fantasizes about having a feast and Doc imagines how impressed Melba will be Seth is surprised to hear that they are not done yet though as Meli explains that they still need to seal the Nemesis inside Scrolls the process could take a while but it should be fine since the Nemesis can't move just then more Nemesis begin to fall into the Trap and the group are excited for a bigger reward however Grim makes an appearance that shocks everyone and Doc watches his dreams of having a family with Melba go down the drain Grimm greets them and uses some kind of spell he is now able to determine that they intended to capture the Nemesis alive and he asked Seth what a certain woman entrusted him with Seth just wants to fight him again but Grim has no time for them and leaves melis chain can get to him in time as he gets away but she explains that she put a mark on him so he won't be able to take them by surprise again nearby Grimm carries a couple soldiers and puts them in a coffin as he asked the undead to take care of them elsewhere we see that the echo Nemesis are being controlled and the person controlling them thanks for watching I'll be recapping another anime next but I'll continue this one if it performs well [Music]
Channel: AniCap
Views: 416,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, recap, movie, anime recap, movie recap, Shounen, Shonen, Seinen, Shoujo, Josei, Kodomomuke, anime recaps, anicaps, anirecap, anime summary, ani, anicap
Id: qzWULUQiie4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 2sec (3542 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2023
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