FULL | Post Qualifying interview | F1 Monaco Grand Prix 2024

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very many congratulations to the top three qualifiers for the FIA Formula 1 Monaco Grand Prix in third place Carlos SS in second place Oscar piastri and taking the 24th pole position of his formula one career and his third here in Monaco are pollit charir very well done charl what a lap you saved your best till last first up how special does it feel to take another poll here at home in Monaco oh it feels uh it feels as good as the first one I think in Monaco the emotions you get the tension that you have before getting into the car is uh so much more than anywhere else uh in the calendar um so yeah once you finish a lap and you hear that you're on PO position it's always a very special feeling however um maybe in the past the emotions were staying for longer uh but now obviously having started twice on poll and not bringing the victory which is at the end what what matters the most is uh where my mind is at at the moment just trying to prepare and make everything possible it's been a bit of a roller coaster the weekend has been incredible until after F3 where there was an issue with uh with my engine and there was a engine swap at the very last minute which was quite quite tricky uh but uh fortunately for me there wasn't any consequences on on my weekend we'll come on to the race in a second but how smooth was that session for you and at one point you came on the radio and said there was a problem with the pedals I think could you just clarify what that was about uh yeah I mean I felt some things strange but actually after that the feeling was was fine what about the session then did it build as you'd hoped going into to qualify no uh no we were in q1 it was very tricky I took that uh sticker that sponsor sticker on on a lab that was pretty important at that time which slowed us down quite a a bit then we pitted we take off the uh sponsor Banner from the front Wing we went again uh so that was already quite um tricky because in in qualifying in Monaco you just want to be out and and just do normal laps so I was just praying for no yellow flags or red flags after that uh luckily for me it was okay then in Q2 we struggled a little bit more with the balance of the car I couldn't find the right feeling uh but then in Q3 we did some modifications uhe especially with the front wing and the tools and uh my driving then I I found the pace again so I was uh a little bit happier in in Q3 um but the feeling was for some reason a bit better in fp2 fb3 is this the best Ferrari you've driven through these streets I think 20122 we I unfortunately couldn't finish the lap in Q3 the second lap in Q3 because there was the the red flag of czecho I think this will have been uh quite a bit better and I think the car was in an even better place uh back then because it was a very smooth qualifying uh it's all about the buildup in Monaco and maybe in qualifying we didn't have the smoothest of buildup but I'm I'm that doesn't mean I'm not happy with the lap I'm I'm extremely happy with the lap I'm very very happy with the car and it's been a really good weekend until now uh but as I said we shouldn't get carried away with with a ball position so how are you approaching the race tomorrow as always uh we just try to approach every races the same uh obviously having uh um in mind that it's Monaco Here track position is very important and um and we'll try to maximize our race and take that Victory um yeah all of what I said is very obvious but we are just trying to approach it as a normal race and that's what we'll do how easy is it to protect pole position on the run to sandok uh well uh I didn't see many times people losing into turn one so I guess it's a very short run down to turn one um but never say never obviously we'll focus on the start uh and um we'll see what happen very well done today thank you Char Oscar let's come to you now great job by you you've split the Ferraris uh here at Monaco how satisfied are you with that session um yeah I think on the whole very happy with it um you know we were struggling a little bit through the weekend we didn't really know quite where we sat um a bit of work to do after fp3 but the car felt very good in in qualifying um I think the last lap of Q3 um there's a a few Corners I wish I could have again but um yeah when you're pushing so hard it's kind of inevitable that there's going to be mistakes here and there um so no very happy with it I think the pace in the car was good um and yeah I think for for Monaco qualifying it went reasonably smoothly I hit the wall pretty hard in Q2 so that was a bit of a scare but um yeah apart from that it was a smooth qualifying and happy to be on the front row and hopefully staying on the front row this week yeah you say there are a couple of Corners which you wished you could have again I mean the gap between you and charl was couple of tents can you visualize where you lost that time uh yeah I think turn five and uh and the uh turn 10 the chicane after the tunnel were not my best um I think the rest of the lap was was pretty solid just um yeah struggled a little bit in those two corners whether it would have been enough for pole I'm not sure but um yeah I mean for me it's pretty pointless saying if you could have done Max summed it up very well a few days a few weeks ago um I won't repeat it but it's it's a good analogy and I think everybody can say the same so um yeah pretty happy with it on the whole all right and Oscar this is your second P2 in consecutive weeks on very different racetracks does this mean that you and McLaren can now be quick everywhere yes I think so I think we we came into this weekend pretty confident that we could be um in the fight for for pole and the win again um I think going into qualifying maybe we weren't as convinced this week but um no it felt felt good um yeah pretty hooked up in qualifying and I think for me you know we say im and Monaco are very different circuits but both of them need a lot of commitment um um you know Emily you get it a bit wrong you're in the gravel trap and the wall here it's there's no gravel trap it's just the wall so um they're both two pretty big commitment tracks obviously here being a step above everywhere but um yeah maybe a bit more similar than than people think all and Oscar final one uh what about tomorrow then the race uh where do the opportunities lie for you um I mean the run to term one is always your your best chance uh at any track here obviously it's a very short run like like we know um yeah the strategy you can you can try something because yeah um unless there's a massive Pace difference which I'm pretty sure there won't be then overtaking is is impossible here um yeah it'll be one or lost in the pits probably um so make sure we have a have a good day all right very well done to you thank you Carlos coming to you now great job as well uh look just sum up the session as a whole first of all well just summing up the weekend in general it's been a bit of a struggle for me right from the beginning I'm I haven't been as confident as I'm normally around Monaco and yeah I haven't been at at my best uh luckily we stepped it up for quali and in qual I was feeling one step uh better uh unfortunately it was a bit too late and I was still yeah lacking those last couple of T from from confidence anyway very happy to see you know Charles putting it on pole and and the team having such a strong car around Monaco and being in a position to to to win the race with Charles tomorrow so yeah overall I think very happy for the team a bit unfortunate that the weekend that I've struggled the most with the car has to be in Monaco where qualifying is so important what have been the issues with the car just a a lack of confidence and last like Oscar was saying you need a lot of commitment around here and maybe this lack of confidence that around another Tru would be half a tenth to a tenth of commitment in Monaco means it's two two three1 uh luckily for qual as I said I stepped it up and I was a bit closer but there were stages of the weekend that I was really really lacking really struggling which is a bit of a new thing for me around Monaco because I'm yeah normally felt really comfortable around here so something we will have to look into but uh yeah keeping the positive we we managed to save the weekend with a with a decent couple of laps in in Q3 and uh we will go from there tomorrow sorry to dwell on it but it's an interesting point what is the car doing that is not giving you the confidence you need just a bit of inconsistency I've had a lot of moments you know in in practice um and when you have so many moments of nearly touching the wall nearly having a a yeah a session a session over you know when when you're so close to the walls this immediately takes away confidence you know and U and you I've had a a lot of those during the practice and it meant that for some reason I was just lacking Confidence from then onwards yeah but yeah just losing the rear in places where you don't expect to lose it and and then never getting quite close to to the walls as I wish because I had to leave myself a bit of margin to in case the the rear was snapping on me so um yeah as I said not I deal but uh we managed to to save it okay and you've just said it would be you know you'd like to see sh win the the race tomorrow how confident are you of getting ahead of Oscar at the very least we will see what we can do at the start what we can do with strategy in order to do every single bat possible to to Charles to go and get that win um he's been driving amazing all weekend I think part of that Delta I think comes from Charles also being super committed and having a a a particularly strong weekend this this weekend I think he's been on it since fp1 and he's been extremely quick uh so yeah we will do everything we can to to win the race tomorrow all right thank you for that all right let's open this to the floor name and publication as ever who's first yeah Alex Kus Autosport question to sha please first of all congratulations on poll position you mentioned the changes you made ahead of Q3 on the front wing and the steering wheel tools I just wondered how did it feel different around the lap was there any a couple of particular places or just better everywhere thanks no it felt better everywhere I think what we struggle the most coming to qual and the thing that is most difficult to actually counter which normally we always try to anticipate the new conditions but one thing you cannot really anticipate is that you are going faster through corner and that means with the bumps there are in Monaco the wheel lifting and just the amount of uh time you pass in the air with the wheels not touching the ground is just quite a bit more compared to fp3 because of the increased speed around the corner and that made it a lot more tricky to actually fail the balance and to uh um yeah just be on the limit and be consistent so I was a little bit less consistent um then I started to be a bit more aggressive with the front Wing to have a bit more load and help that and that was a bit better um as I said I think the best feeling of the weekend was fp2 fp3 um however in the in qual it was still good and it was still the best out of everybody and I think we've got a great car so um um but it was just a bit of a trickier session to put everything together but I'm happy we we did so for Q3 thank you sh M Frip question to char have you planned something different for tonight compared to the other Saturdays where you get poll no no no no uh nothing different at the end we did the job on the Saturday and then the only thing I can do is to try and focus on the Sunday's race and do the best we can uh we can do as a team but as I've said I think in the past there were some mistakes we were in different situations I think the team has got a lot stronger since then and um yeah as I said we'll approach this race uh as all the others and I'm I'm confident that will do a great job thank you yep another onea colbo a question for charl uh confidence is key here in Monaco uh did you think you could be a strong Contender for po position as soon as you EIT a track in free practice in fp1 yes but the I mean I prefer to have fp2 fp3 as positive as it was but when you have such a good fp2 fp3 and also fp1 you go into qual knowing that you've got everything to lose and if you don't take B position then you look completely stupid so uh uh the pressure was still quite a lot on uh but we managed to um yeah to pull it off which was uh which was really nice and obviously as I mentioned earlier with a change of engine at the last minute that wasn't uh making me any more calm um so it was a bit of a tense qual going into uh uh going into qualifying thank you another one yep platel formula Pion another question for Charles last year after qualifying you said that the biggest negative difference between SF 23 and the 2022 carer in Monaco was Bump riding so what's the biggest differ difference from last year now I think just the same but in the good uh Direction this time and this year I think we've had a very good curb riding compared to the others I think this is a strength um so uh yeah curb riding have been very good uh since the beginning of the weekend and I think that g gave us a lot of consistency around a track like like here especially in low grip conditions like this was the case in free practices so um that was positive thank you y uh jles Richards the guardian just question for charl again um this will be third time for you coming from pole here do you feel any added pressure given the bad luck you've had uh from pole in the past and that this might be finally the time you uh throw the monkey off your back no not not at all I think the tension the peak of the tension actually of the whole season I will say is in qualifying in Monaco uh then for the race it's not like you more relaxed but uh uh well yeah actually you are more relaxed just because the race you you've got to focus on the starts you've got to focus around the pit stop because obviously the laps around the pit stop are extremely important but um yeah the qualifying in Monaco is uh big part of the job it is true that in the past we didn't have the success that we wanted um but I I yeah I don't want to think about that anymore um and uh I'm pretty sure that it will be a good one this weekend thank you any more yes Luke Smith from the athletic I ask a question for you last couple of races the pace has clearly been there but things maybe haven't quite gone your way how important would a big result be tomorrow to kind of set the season on the right track and show that the pace has always been there just needed a bit more luck um I mean I don't think it changes the world for me I always try to not you know think about the the end results so much I think for me leaving a weekend satisfied with what I've done in my control is a more important thing and I think the last two weekends especially IMA have been very much the case um you know I think I've put myself in a good position for a good result tomorrow but um yeah you know I'm not really concerned with whatever the result is I want to get through the race getting to the end of the weekend going I don't think I could have done anything more than that so um that would be more meaningful to me of course if you get a trophy at the end especially the biggest one then it uh then it it feels nice but um yeah I think I think the momentum in the last few weekends is definitely already helping um you know with results that in the history books mean not a lot so um it would be nice but yeah if I can leave this weekend thinking I've done nothing more uh or not been able to do anything more that would mean more to me thank you yep still another one thanks um Phil Duncan PA question for Charles Charles have have you allowed yourself to to think how you would feel if you if you actually won here in Monaco and if you do win tomorrow do you think that puts you back in the frame for the championship given Max is is way back in six um I haven't thought about it too much I had lots of things other things to to think of until now and my priority was to uh um have the right qualifying position which now is done uh however now we have to focus on the race and I cannot afford to start thinking about how it will feel if this happens I think I uh have more to gain in focusing on the process to get there and what can we do in our in what we control until tomorrow's race to uh put everything together and to give us the best chances in order to win the race tomorrow um Championship is still long I don't think One race is going to um yeah change everything for us so uh yeah we've got to we've got to stay calm and I think he too early to think about that I think Red Bull has still got the strongest car on the grid however it's uh true that on a track like this that is so specific they didn't have the best car and they struggled a lot more uh but that doesn't mean that it will be the case until the end of the season so yeah too early to say thanks show anymore yeah this I another M from speak fa one to Charles and your brother Oscar um going into term one tomorrow how do you balance aggression versus conservation given that that's really sickly the only chance you've got to either gain or or lose a place short of strategy or something on toward happening I mean we are We Are Family so uh starting on the front row both of us will have a meeting with my mom tonight and uh I'm sure she will calm us down um and hopefully I can get through uh turn one in uh in a first position and Os kind in the second place um but uh yeah let's see obviously I think do you want me to adopt you as well don't be jalous Carlos um but you I need a haircut from your mom here I need to find a new hairdresser in monac whenever you want whenever you want I think she has availabilities and uh she will find some for you for sure um so uh yeah no I mean uh uh I I think that we just need to focus on ourself we can only control what we can do best and uh that starts with a good start if we have a good start I have little doubt that we will keep that position in turn one um and we've had good starts recently so I'm I'm I'm not too worried Oscar I think Sor was well I think Matt was directing that question at you as well just the run to turn one with your your brother uh um I mean it's a it's a short run compared to everyone else um I don't know I might try and bribe your mom to let to let me go through but uh I don't know it's a it's a short run obviously and um you know it is Monaco still but the race you know isn't all one and lost at turn one there's still some things you can do you can put pressure on and uh you know make the right strategy calls and it can still get you still get you through so um yeah it's not the be and end off but it would certainly make life a bit easier all right thanks so any more okay what do one more see car Miguel question for science Carlos do you have because we know it's impossible to overtake in Monaco do you have any chance to win tomorrow uh I think in a normal race is impossible and then the focus will be like I said before you know to see what we can do with the two cars to to to win the race with with Charles that he's in the the best possible position to do so um then obviously Monaco you never know all sorts of things can happen but if uh I win to moris probably because something weird has happened with Charles with strategy or with safety cars that uh I hope they don't in a way and obviously we all want to win but at the same time I feel like Charles deserves to win in Monaco after his unlucky run he's been extremely strong all week all weekend and here in the past so yeah tomorrow is a day to to kind of wish that nothing happens and and see if we can win with wish house thanks car hang I think we've got a couple more so um the level of adrenaline is we guess very high after such a qual it's a question to all of you um higher than any than anywhere else how do you manage this in order to be in good shape tomorrow to be in the good mind set are you even able to sleep after such a high intensity qualification I think I got the start of the question um yeah I mean it's um it's a for me Monaco qualifying is the most exciting session of the whole year um I think for us as drivers I think for the fans watching um yeah I think if there's one session you want to watch for the whole year um it's it's the session we just had so um um yeah it for me it gives you a feeling like nowhere else um especially when you put a good lab together it's very very satisfying here um and yeah I don't really have more than that so can you sleep will I sleep I hope so um I'm repeating the question by the way um yes I mean of course I will I think you know the adrenaline is always there on a race weekend um but yeah I should be fine I hope yeah I I don't struggle too much to sleep so I think I I should be fine same I'm a good sleeper seven eight hours should be fine for me if there's one day maybe you don't sleep it's Friday to Saturday after Friday I had but I managed to sleep so all good for tomorrow thanks all let's just where are we going Alex Alex K Auto Sport another question to sha please and you just you just said this was the Monaco qualifying is the peak of tension for the whole season every time the camera cut to you between sort of q1 Q2 to Q3 when things were a little bit closer than they might have looked in practice you mentioned you look a bit stupid if you dominate practice then don't get po position were you able to stay calm in the car at that moment yeah yeah yeah I mean once you are in the car actually you feel so good uh or at least I feel so good and uh everything goes away uh it's more the two hours in between fp3 to qual that there you start to feel a little bit detention that you know that you need to prepare everything that you need to anticipate truck conditions and all of this but as soon as I put the helmet and then I'm in the car I'm I'm completely fine and I I really don't feel anything anymore all right thank you sh very well done today good luck tomorrow we'll leave it there thank you
Channel: Quick Lane HQ
Views: 38,763
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Keywords: f1 driver, f1, f1 news, motorsport, lando norris, grand prix, action sports, monaco f1, monaco gp 2024, monaco press conference 2024, monaco grand prix, max verstappen, f1 driver switches, f1 explained, driver press conference f1, monaco drivers press conference, press conference f1, formula 1, formula 1 news, emilia romagna gp, monaco qualifying 2024, monaco qualifying, post qualifying interview, charles leclerc and carlos sainz, monaco post race interview, motor racing
Id: BG4hRVI4tv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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