[Full Movie] 狄仁杰 Detective Dee 骷髅将军 | 武侠动作电影 Martial Arts Action film HD

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Closed Captions were added by Moxi Media. A match made in heaven. Care for each other. Love lasts forever. Grow old together. May your baby's arrival bring you laughter. Lord Shi, Lady Shi, fortune smiles on your son. He's in for a hundred years of sheer bliss. I will handle everything. My poor child! Return swiftly on the journey. Hand in hand, walk together. With a hundred years of bliss, your marriage is sealed for eternity. Guards, to my side! Why are you standing there? Hurry! Defend! Protect our lord! Go. Lord, hurry! Son! My son! My son! Hurry! Hurry! Let go of me. Quick! Time is slipping! Go quickly! Lord, hurry up, hurry! My wife. My wife. My wife. Who's there? Who? Who's chasing me? Lord, you're back. Empress will fall, life for life. Daring to play tricks in our domain! Guards! Quick! Fight! Hurry! Ironclad General, it's all on you today. Win back the money I lost. Baldy. Just wait and see. Give it up. Your pitiful cricket won't win. Good day, folks! Money's rolling in! Right? Let me tell you. All of you, bet under my Divine Hero. I promise there's booze for you. Don't believe him. If you don't listen to me, sure bet, you'll regret it. Bite! Bite. Go! Bite! Fight. Fight! Oh! I win. Fine drink. You stole my drink! Why call it stealing? Drink's meant for folks. Now you, treated your cricket to some drink before, and got them all buzzed with no fear. Ah, you're cheating, right? Hey, is he cheating? Nonsense, pure nonsense. The money's mine. You can't snatch it! You old fox! Dare you cheat like that? Go to hell! You can't take the money. Yuchi Qing greets lord Di. Rare sight, a high official, finds time to stroll in the streets. I'm just a laid-back guy. It's good to come back to earth. Unlike you, so busy and grand. If folks get disturbed, it's not too good. Skeletons suddenly appear in Yuzhou. Governor Shi's household has been massacred. The empress commands you to go there, replace the governor, and solve the case. I'll assist you in the inquiry, Surprisingly, a lady joins me. The empress thinks I'll be too lonely, huh? So considerate. Your words, I can understand clearly. Though not as sharp as your wit, I deserve your respect. You'll see. Hold up. We can go. Any good horse? Better mind your manners! Hey, don't throw it! Luoyang's just about to be the new capital. Yuzhou adjoins Luoyang. At this point and this place, the skeletons appear. Quite interesting. I'm Ji Lingfeng, a Captain in Yu..Yuzhou. Honored to greet you, Lord Di. I've heard so much about your re…reputation, finally meeting you today. No need for formalities. Speak of the case. This way, Lord. Shi Yanxiu. Gotta call you Lord Shi. After enjoying twenty years of glory, you should be grateful now. Di Renjie has arrived in Yuzhou. Oh! Di Renjie is sent. Well. Seems the so-called Empress, is like a cat on hot bricks now. Di is famed for astute judgments. Shall we… Nah, that's boring. Not kidding with that Di Renjie, it won't let the mighty Empress lose face. I'm afraid the delay could be fatal, Let him, savor our fatal strike. Forgive my words. I shall face punishment. You shall suffer the consequence. Di Renjie. Well. Di Renjie. You timed your arrival just right. Perfect, I need a good wine cup. This powder is unusual, more like bone dust. Bone dust? Right. Miss Shi, I wanna know, what exactly happened at this residence? Last night, skeletons invaded my home. Everyone in this dwelling, got butchered. I managed to escape amidst the chaos. Miss Shi reported it to us. When we got here, it was already like this. Those skeletons are bizarre. They can split and even burrow underground. Burrow underground? Did you see it with your own eyes? With my own eyes. And they shouted, "Empress will fall, life for life." In the residence, did you find any clues? Lord, we've searched the whole residence. No, no traces discovered. Miss Shi, in recent times, did any suspicious people visit you? None. Miss Shi, pardon my question, when the incident occurred, were your parents here? My brother passed away early. My parents, worried for his loneliness, and arranged a ghost marriage for him. It was secretive. Only my parents went that night. Your parents just went to arrange the marriage. Right after it, the residence was attacked. Is there any connection between the two? Well. Eh? Who's the man? He's Master Xu from the Prince Yue's residence. Greetings, Lord Di, Lord Yuchi. You're new to Yuzhou. Prince Yue wanna invite you for a feast. We're busy with business. Can't make it. Well. Lord Yuchi, if your words reach Prince Yue's ears, it might cause some trouble, you know. I've heard Prince Yue is a carefree soul, and I was hoping for a drink or two. I just said, no time to lose. We got plenty of time. Hey, lead the way. You stay here. Quite lively, huh? Lords, Prince is waiting for you upstairs. Alright. This way. Drink more. Lord Di, take the main seat. Your Highness, it's so fancy. Girls, take good care of our guests. Yes. I've long heard that you're unique. Today, I know, you certainly live up to the reputation. Lord, let me give you a shoulder massage. Lord Di, Keep in mind, we have our mission here. We certainly need to break the case. As for wine, a delight of the earth, it's meant for drinking. Drink up! Drink! When we return, as you delay the case like this, I will report all to the empress. Report. No worries, keep on reporting. Lord Di, cheers! Have another drink. Sure. You just arrived in Yuzhou, but hasn't come to see me first. So, you're looking down on me? Oh no, not at all. The drink tastes so good. Great drink! The dance is beautiful too. This maiden, she is supposed to be, the famous secretary of Empress Wu, Yuchi Qing, right? You're even prettier than me. Before you come, I'm used to seeing ordinary faces. But today, I truly see a beauty. Really, I envy it a lot. Then, let me, dance for you. Guards, to my side! Protect me! Protect me! There's a monster. Chase! Mom! Mom! Mom. Run. Empress will fall, life for life. Now, with the empress in power, I thought, the one has such deep hatred for her, would be the Li imperial family. But who would have thought that, even Prince Yue, Li Zhen, would be the target of the skeletons. One is the Governor Shi's residence, and the other is Prince Yue, Lizhen. It seems that, their targets for attack, all're high-ranking officials. Assassinate officials, by the name of divine punishment, and stir up public anger against the empress. Like hitting two birds with one stone. Lord Di, Lord Yuchi, I've led people, to search the cave Miss Shi mentioned. Besides a few piles of bone dust, nothing suspicious found inside. Skeletons appear to kill people, chasing from the cave to the residence, what's the deep-seated grudge behind? Strange things like this, even I, never heard before. Huh? Even you're at a loss, so what shall we do next? We can't just let it be. How about, you stay on watch, wait until the next appearance. Lingfeng, from today onwards, you lead all guards in night patrols. Yes, my Lord. Thank you. How's the case in Yuzhou? Have you lost your tongue? Your Majesty, the folks in Yuzhou are already complaining, saying skeletons are divine punishments. Divine punishments? Punish who then? Could it be punishing me? It's not worth your anger. We implore. I toil day and night for the realm. Besides me, who else can share the Emperor's worries? Go tell Di Renjie. I grant him an additional three days. If this case isn't solved by then, he should take responsibility for it. As for that Prince Yue, Li Zhen, even his title as Prince, will be stripped at that time. We've guarded for so long. It should be safe now. Let's go. You can't leave. Anyone's free to leave, just not you. If you leave, who will care about my safety? Your Highness, around the residence, I've stationed many guards. See, there are even guards on the rooftops. Relax. Take a good rest. Just rest there. These skeletons are so fierce. With my frail body, how can I feel at ease, staying here? Your Highness, with the empress's orders, I shall continue searching for clues. Let Lord Di stay with you. You can't do this... Dear Qing, what's more important, the investigation or my life? Can you bear to, let the skeleton's claws, scratch my face? In my residence, there's plenty of good drink and meat. How about, we seal off the residence, enjoy singing and dancing? Wouldn't that be fun? Your Highness is right. Investigation is important, but isn't his safety even more crucial? Hmm. I suppose, Your Highness is so attractive, that you dare not to stay with him? Stay here. It's better for all of us to stay, right? You. Lord Di is right. I order, from today onwards, seal the gate. Lord Di and Dear Yuchi, you just stay here. Captain, it's almost midnight. Something should have happened by now. Since nothing has happened actually, it should be fine. How about, we go back, and have some rest? What do you think? Alright. Great, let's return. Damn you! Come back. Are you foolish? Let me tell you, whatever Lord Di instructed, follow it honestly. Yes. Captain, Captain, what's wrong? Are your legs aching? Your legs are aching! You didn't see it. Lord Di, that's how he behaves. Turn around and dismount swiftly. Then straighten his robes. That swagger. I wonder, we're all the same, why is him, so famous? Why are we so wet? Captain, you keep praising for Lord Di. But he doesn't impress me much. This skeleton case, he can't solve it either. If he's truly that brilliant, why keep us busy then? I'll beat you if you talk nonsense again. Midnight now. All is well. Midnight now. All is well. Midnight now. All is well. Defend. Midnight now. All is well. Midnight now. Send…Send a message. Yes. The skeletons appear again? Seems their target isn't Prince Yue. Hurry. Wait. I suspect it's a diversion. You stay here. I'll go check. Ok. Run, run quickly. Lingfeng. Avoid prolonged battles. Be careful. You've got some talent. Why do you have this jade pendant? Ji Lingfeng. Capture her. Tomorrow midnight, in the cabin in the woods. Lingfeng. I failed to capture her. Please forgive me, Lord. Lord Di, Captain Ji, there's trouble, at Prince Yue's residence. It indeed went wrong. Let's go. Miss Yuchi, are you okay? Just minor injuries. What about Prince Yue? Your Highness. The skeletons have been driven away. Come out. They're truly despicable. If it wasn't for dear Qing saving me, I would've been disfigured. It's all your fault, Di Renjie. I told you not to go, but you insisted. Now, you see, I almost lost my life. Even my dear Qing got injured. Thankfully, you're safe. Thankfully, you're safe. Originally, I planned to stay with dear Qing, and have a drink under the moon. But darn those skeletons, my plan fell through. From now on, wherever you go, I'll be right there with you. Also, Di Renjie, if you can, protect my life well, I'll, be your sidekick. You flatter me. If I, I ensure your safety, That's certainly my honor. With your wisdom and courage, Your Highness will surely be secure. Just stick with him. Dear Yuchi. Dear Yuchi, and you too. I overlooked, one crucial thing. The murdered councilor's son, he was Wang Qingnian, Minister of War. This confirms our speculation. The skeletons target high-ranking officials. It's now clear. For the chaos caused by the skeletons, they're all planned by someone. I have a sudden thought. You've been stationed in Yuzhou for years. Have you ever heard about, the rebellion in Yuzhou two decades ago? Yes, I can recall it. My father told me when I was a kid. Around twenty years ago, Some rebels tried to pass through Yuzhou, heading straight for the capital, Chang'an. However, they were exposed. Someone reported the rebels. They were secretly crushed by government f... Forces. The rebellion plan was nipped in the b… Bud. Before, the empress asked me, to organize old documents. Then I came across this record. The one who reported it was Shi Yanxiu. The leader who suppressed the rebellion, was Wang Qingnian. They were both rewarded for their efforts. One rose to become the governor of Yuzhou. The other became the Deputy Minister of War. Here comes the skeletons! Let's relax. It's just a gust of wind. One more thing, where is the county chronicle? My l…lord… Ok, I know. Just lead the way. Captain, I'll go with you. I've searched over there, but didn't find the records of that year. Nothing here. Keep searching. Lingfeng, any clues found? No clear records discovered, Lord. Let's go. Miss, this way, please. Do you need carvings or paintings? Whose paintings are you interested in? Twenty years ago, Xia Qifeng. The rebel leader Xia Qifeng, he has stationed in the city. You can arrest him now. Xia...Xia Qifeng. Your Highness, the painting shop ahead, it's owned by the chronicle recorder back then. He's been retired for years. He should know something. Don't tell me, tell my captain. Let's go take a look. Hey, sweet hawthorns. There might be new clues. You haven't paid yet. Dear Yuchi, have one. I'll pay. Keep it for yourself. Captain, she doesn't want it, so you have it. Alright. Shopkeeper, come out! My captain needs to talk to you. Smell of blood. Take the body back. That woman with the scroll, she did it. Chase! Yes. Captain! Stop right there, thief! What thief? Really, I know nothing. Just now, a woman put this in my hand. She said someone would come for it. I really don't know anything. She initiated the move, so we counter-move. I have to say, Your Highness, if you really feel nauseous, you can go outside to vomit. You keep doing it in front of us, so we also feel disgusted. I've said, until the case is solved, I won't leave an inch. He was killed with a single stab, without signs of a struggle. Clearly, a skilled killer. L…Lord, the shop has been sealed. I've checked. No suspect is found. Edict from the empress arrived! Let's go. Edict: By the empress's words, orders are given, for Di Renjie and Yuchi Qing, by the fifteenth day of the fourth month, to solve the skeleton murder case. If the case is not solved by then, both Di Renjie and Yuchi Qing, you'll be dismissed for incompetence. and Li Zhen will be stripped of his title. What? Strip? Captain, we only have one day left. Lord Di. Think of a way! Captain. Just take orders. Lord Di, time is short. I'll obey orders. What do you want to tell me? I find it. Captain Ji, don't be nervous. Come in. Xia Hanshuang greets Captain Ji. I'm sure, you also want to reveal your true identity. Now, the skeletons have caused chaos in Yuzhou. Is it related to the rebellion back then? Right. What's your relationship with Xia Qifeng? He's my father. Also, he's your father. Nonsense. Truth or lie,, you know the answer, right? Back then, our father's efforts were in vain. He left behind a son and a daughter. He entrusted his men, to raise the daughter, and hide the son in an everyman's home. If I'm right, on your jade pendant, there must be a "wind" character. Join me, in avenging our father, completing his unfinished business. Some are born for power, some for simplicity. What about you? With my own hands, I aim to earn military achievements, and make my way to Chang'an. Alright. As you avoid hatred, then, I'll take the heads of the subordinates, who fought alongside our father, to accumulate military merits for you. Tiger roars, mountains unfazed, Golden spear, moonlit art displayed. This painting, it clearly tells the tale of the rebellion. The landscape must hide something, some secrets back then. Though the poem speaks of the past, it holds no clear hints. It points to the rebellion's location, but reveals no other clues. Look at this painting. it seems just like, an ordinary landscape, with no hints in bold hues, and no clues in subtle hues. This evidence, to us, is merely better than nothing. I believe, this painting, it isn't as simple as we thought. Tiger roars, mountains unfazed, Golden spear, moonlit art displayed. Tiger roars, mountains unfazed, Golden spear, moonlit art displayed. Look, there's a double image. Here, in the shadow of the mountain, within the cave. I see. Quick. Tell Ling Feng, he should come with me. You and Prince Yue wait outside the cave. Ok. Ling Feng. My l…lord, what's wrong? Outside residences of officials Wang and Shi, this powder has been found three times. It can't be a coincidence. Right. Right. Everyone, stay alert. It's unusual. Retreat! Lord Di, isn't it too late to leave now? Are you okay, Lord? I'm fine. Go quickly. Go. Why haven't they come out yet? Stop turning around. You make me feel giddy. Dear Qing, you know, could our captain be dead? We're investigating, and deaths is nothing new. It's normal. Nonsense. Based on my observation, you act upon whatever he says. Could it be, you've developed a liking for him? I know you've fallen for him. Am I right? Say it again, and I'll shut your mouth. The empress thinks I'm too lonely, huh? So considerate. Look! He is coming out You come out. Captain, let me do it. I can apply the medicine for you. Oh, but, I don't worth it, Your Highness. Thanks for your kindness. I can handle it myself. Captain, You know what? Thankfully, you escaped alive. You aren't aware of, how she was worried about you just now. Your Highness, please mind your words. Now, we shall think about the consequence, if we don't catch the murderer. Tomorrow is the deadline. If you're not worried about your title, just continue enjoying yourself. It's my fault. The woman escaped, and you got injured. I fail in my duty. I shall take the blame. Tell me, you call yourself the Yuzhou captain, and is this a captain's ability? You failed to even catch a single person? Captain, just give a nod, and I'll punish him. This, isn't all his fault. No worries. Come on, Ling Feng. Stand up. In today's venture, we actually gained some clues. For long, we were deceived by skeletons' appearance. Deceived? You might not know. In the cave, when I was tussling with skeletons, I noticed something. These skeletons, they are made up of countless tiny bugs. And this powder, it showed up multiple times. It's colorless, tasteless, and harmless. So, what's the purpose, of leaving it there? Since we got no answers, let's stop wasting time. We had one more day. I'll figure out, how these bugs are used, and how to restrain them. I'll also get an ace in the hole. Success or failure, it all depends on this move. Not this. Keep searching. Not here. Go for another one. Maybe this? No, not this either. No. No. No. No. Let me check this. It's the wrong one. Doesn't seem right. We can't find it. Lord Yuchi, in this city, all scholars and intellectuals, they've gathered here. Sir, in these records, have you found the bug, that can gather in a mass, all-white, and can merge into the ground and walls? Lord, I know a kind of insect, all-white, called the "Fu" bug. But I've never heard, it can merge into the ground and walls? Have you heard of such a creature? Never heard of it. No. For any small bug, that can merge into walls, it's too strange, to be seen before. Then keep searching. Gather all people in the mansion. You can put up notices, or inquire from house to house. Within half a day, I need the answer. Yes. My lord, no results yet. Fine. Perhaps, we start, in a wrong way, right? Bite! Bite! Fight! Bite! Fight! Bite! Miss, you're rich, huh? I have a question. Anyone who knows the answer, I'll offer you a fortune in silver. Who knows a bug that can swarm together, all-white, instantly blending into the ground, and walls? That kind of bug, I don't know it. Do you know? So much silver, you see. I don't know. Never see it. Take it back. Put it away. Don't tempt us. Let's continue. Come on. Hurry up. Put your bet! I know the bug. You know? This bug is born in tombs, feeding on the flesh of the dead. How to restrain it? Fire. Many thanks. A councilor died a few days ago. That Councilor Wang, his son has returned from Chang'an. His presence caused a stir. It' said he has returned for the purpose, of settling a score, with Di Renjie. Who do you think he is? Dare to embarrass Di Renjie? He must be a bigwig. It's said he's from the Ministry of War. It's going to be interesting. Not really. Let's finish this and head home. Aren't you scared of skeletons popping up? Quite terrifying. Do you agree? Absolutely. We're having a tough time. Wang Qingnian, you finally show up. Your Highness, my father died mysteriously. I just received the news in Chang'an, and rushed back to Yuzhou overnight. Your Highness, I beg you for justice. Well, although, Yuzhou, it's indeed my fiefdom. However, I'm just more of an absentee. The one who took over Shi Yanxiu, as the new governor of Yuzhou, is Lord Di Renjie. In this case, how can I help you? Di Renjie. Lord Di, despite your higher rank, I shall ask you, who killed my father? Tonight, if you can't get at the truth, and surrender the murderer to me, you won't leave here alive! Don't worry. She's almost here. Coming soon. Look, she is there. Wang Qingnian, you killed my father back then, and it's time to settle the score. Hanshuang, stop! Why? Why? Let me tell you why. Because my home is here. I can't be unworthy of, the armor bestowed on me. I can't betray, those brothers, who have fought together with me. Lord Di. Lord Di. I am, the manipulator of the whole incident. Forget the past. Let it go. My sister. Brother. Brother. But, once I chose this path, there's no turning back. This beautiful lady, I haven't had a close look yet. Could it be... is she dead? Yeah, she's really dead. What a pity. The perpetrator was finally brought to justice. The skeleton case, it's closed. Captain. Your Highness, everything is ready. You can set off. Alright. Di Renjie, I recognized you as my captain. It's indeed a wise decision. Your trick yesterday, it was truly impressive. You know, who would have thought, with a stand-in of Wang Qingnian, we could lure out the real killer? Your contribution to solving this case, it's truly commendable. I've said it before, the truth will come to light. But, thanks to you, I have every reason, to visit Chang'an. Just thinking about the busy city, I get excited. I wonder, how many beautiful women, are eagerly waiting for me. However, as the new governor. you have to stay in Yuzhou. But don't worry, when I reach Chang'an, I'll still think of you. Hey! Well. Report back to the empress, and leave the governance to me. Lord Di, Farewell! We'll meet again in Chang'an. As for the details of this case, please convey them to the empress. Wishing you a safe journey. Dear Qing, it's time we left. Let's go. Di Renjie, goodbye! Lingfeng. we're separated by life and death now. But for your siblings, getting reunited, it's a good thing. The whole city will remember you. Let's have another pot of drink. Forget all the worries. Once I chose this path, there's no turning back. The way she spoke to me, could it be a message? Her death in front of me, it's telling me, the Skeleton case is not that simple. Maybe she was also a pawn. Terrible. Xia Qifeng, the clues are indeed here. The child and the mother insect, the child follows the mother's orders, and the mother follows the owner's orders. This powder's been found multiple times, What's the function? I see. The mother insect controls the offspring, which swiftly devour the flesh of the dead, and then attach itself to the bones. When the larvae move, the bones move. The psychedelic powder intensified the effect. It makes the bones move like magic, and tricks people into seeing them kill folks. Mother insect was put in Xia Hanshuang. The manipulator can not only control her, taking her life anytime, but also utilize the Skeletons, stirring up public resentment. Truly kill two birds with one stone. It's been a while since you visited here. You shall have fun first. I'll report to the empress. Chang'an is still the same. Your Majesty, the skeleton case in Yuzhou has been solved. The culprit has been killed. The details, these were recorded by Lord Di, for your reference. Cheers to Your Majesty's success. As the miscreant is apprehended, malicious gossip among the public, they will be refuted naturally. Congratulations to Your Majesty. Qing, you did a good job. These days, you and Di made great contributions. I shall reward you. I'll take my leave now. Report! Mind your manners. Your Majesty, some skeletons invaded the palace. They're heading towards the hall. Lord Yuchi, didn't you say this case was solved? Close the doors. Prepare the fire arrows quickly. Yes. Attack! Faster. Seems like the case is solved, but he trapped me in Yuzhou. However, as the new governor. you have to stay in Yuzhou. Di Renjie, goodbye! And he directly went to Chang'an. Faster. Faster. My lord, the fire arrows are ready. Get ready. Everyone, retreat. Retreat! Retreat! Release. Release the arrows. Watch out! Di Renjie. These are all illusions. Press a damp cloth to your nose. Get some water. It's too late. Use wee. Di Renjie, you're really someone. Back then, I should have killed you in Yuzhou. I've been acting foolish for years. For the Li royal family, it's time to reclaim the throne. You all will die! Protect your skin, everyone. Subdue Li Zhen, and these bugs will disappear. Let me deal with him. Li Zhen! You badass! I just kindly saved you, why you don't appreciate it? I should've peed more. You! You're just a wild one popping out! Wild one? Look at me, so handsome and charming. How could you call me a wild one? Go report to the empress. Your Majesty, Li Zhen has been killed. Your Majesty, Li Zhen is dead. They used a method, similar to the so-called "mother-child insects". Place the mother insect inside the body, and drive child insects to cause trouble. With psychedelic powder, we were misled, into viewing them as skeletons. Now, since the mother insect is dead, child insects will burrow underground. There should be no more worries. Di Renjie, having a good official like you, it's fortunate for me, also fortunate for the entire realm! Bite! Bite! Bite! Bite it! Bite! I have money for another round. Let's bet. Bite! Bite! Bite! Bite it! Bite it! Bite it! Bite it! Bite! I win! Your performance is poor. Mine is the best. Who else can beat me? I can. Why blame me? You said not to bet on this one. English Subtitles were translated by: Dang Yuan, BFSU
Channel: Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official 圈影圈外官方电影频道
Views: 350,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 電影, Movie, 电影, Film, Full Movie, 中国电影, 中國電影, 中文電影, Chinese Movie, Chinese Film, YouTube Movie, 狄仁杰, 狄仁杰 电影, 神探狄仁杰, 狄仁杰之骷髅将军, 骷髅将军, 狄仁傑, 狄仁傑 電影, 神探狄仁傑, 狄仁傑之骷髏將軍, 骷髏將軍, Detective Dee, Detective Dee Movie, Detective Dee Full Movie, Skeleton General, Skeleton General Movie, Action, Martial Arts, Action Movies, Action Film, Martial Arts Movie, Martial Arts film, Martial Arts Action Movie, 武侠, 动作, 武侠片, 武侠电影, 动作片, 动作电影, 武俠, 動作, 武俠電影, 武俠片, 動作片, 動作電影, 武侠动作片, 古装武侠片, Chinese Action Movie, Chinese Martial Arts Movies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 32sec (4652 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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