Full Movie | 灰姑娘醉酒與男人共度良宵,沒想到是總裁 💖 中国电视剧

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Let me take it. Mr. Shangguan, how about this? I will take 3 more glasses and you buy three more bottles. Miss Du, how about you finish this bottle and I will buy all the alcohol. AII. You drank too much. Brother Lei. Who are you? I don't know you. Move. Shangguan, you can't fool me. You never planned to buy the alcohol. Well, well. What are you doing? I haven't finished my drink. Leaving now. I haven't finished my drink. Put me down. Lei Yuzheng, put me down. Why would you bother with me? Because you owe me. I owe you? l have nothing left now. I owe you? Put me down. Are you crazy? Yes, lam crazy. I have been crazy for a long time. Did you just realize that I'm crazy? I don't have a lover or a job, not even the house anymore. I'm a crazy person with nothing left. Why would you bother? Why would you bother? You should've left me alone. l'm just a lonely soul, who can die anywhere. No one should bother with me. Let me go. You think that I want to bother? lf it's not for Shao, for him, I would not give it a [ __ ] whether you die or live. Du Xiaosu, who do you want to show it by acting like this? Do you think that I would give you the key to the house if you drink to death today? Of course not, because you hate me, and you are dying to see me losing the deal. Do you think that I don't feel any pain? He's gone, and my heart is gone too. Have you ever seen a person without heart? I'm that kind of person, like the zombie in the movies, like those ghosts. Stand up. Stand up. Come on. Du Xiaosu, do you think that people will pity you if you treat yourself like this every day? l'm telling you that it's not only you who's in pain. Lei Yuzheng, you are painful? Do you have heart? There's only a rock here, a cold rock with no temperature at all. Have you ever felt painful? Lei Yuzheng, let me go. Where are you taking me? You said that you are ghost, and I'm taking you to release your soul from suffering. Lei Yuzheng, l'm not going with you. Lei Yuzheng, l can't go with you. Let me out. Lei Yuzheng, let me out of the car. Where are you taking me, Lei Yuzheng? u Uu UU What are you doing? Don't tell me you want to vomit. Du Xiaosu, l'm warning you. Swallow it if you want to vomit. lf you vomit in my car, l Give me water. Open it. Here's the water. Lei Yuzheng, I never imagined that one day I can torture you like this. lt feels so good. Psycho. Lei Yuzheng, stop pretending. Although you look like a person in front of other people, you are actually the same kind of person asl am. You think that you are not a lonely ghost? You are exactly like me, half dead inside. Have you cried at night? Have you waken up in the middle of night? Have you ever thought about what are you living for? Lei Yuzheng, I think that both of our lives suck. The person we love the most is now gone. The most important part of heart became empty. lt's like carrying ruins in the heart while living our Iives every day. Don't you think that we are funny? Where do you live ? What? Where do you live? Why? Did I say it right? l know I was right. Don't worry, Mr. Lei. I won't tell anyone. When the sun rises tomorrow, you are still Mr. Lei , the president in exquisite suits. No one would dig up into your surface or discover what's hidden inside. Again, where do you live? Or I can just throw you on the street? Du Xiaosu. Lei Yuzheng, why are you taking your clothes off? What? Lei Yuzheng, Lei Yuzheng, l'm telling you, don't do anything stupid. Lei Yuzheng, don't come here. What are you doing? Are you going to harass me? Lei Yuzheng, Lei Yuzheng, I will sue you for harassing me. You. let me go. What are you doing, Lei Yuzheng? harass you? Look at the mirror. Who would do this to himself? Harassing you Harassing you whose hair is as messy as shredded squid? You wish! Lei Yuzheng, what are you doing? Wake up. Gu, send some clean clothes for women to my apartment. Size? How do I know the size? Mr. Lei, here's the clothes you asked for. Thanks. So pretty , the whole Huangpu river. I can see the whole Huangpu river from here. lts so cool. When can I have such luck to sleep here? Miss Du, are you planning to leave without saying anything? Mr. Lei, l'm sorry . l should go back now. Oh, I will return this clothes to you another day. Want to leave? OK. But you might not be able to get a taxi at this time. I'II take the bus. The earliest bus would arrive in an hour. lf you still want to leave, please go ahead. Eat something first. What? You dare not? Don't worry, it's not poisoned. Last night, Miss Du told me many things from your heart. Mr. Lei, it was an accident. lf I said any weird stuff, l apologize. lapologize. Talking about weird stuff is not a big deal, but acting recklessly is. You were lucky to meet me. lf it was someone else, you might have been robbed or harassed. Mr. Lei, l'mnot athree-year-old girl. Who are you trying to scare by saying that? I really appreciate that you saved me in the bar, but you shouldn't scold me just because you did something right. Besides, I didn't ask you to do that. You should've just left me alone. You think that I wanted to bother? l'm done. Xiaosu, here is your reward. Take it. This much? Too much for you? Then I will switch to a smaller package for you. Never too much. Thank you, boss You're welcome. You were such a topic last night. The sales last night was more than what we sold in a week . Keep going and we will pay you well. OK. Thank you, boss. Young lady, it is you. You haven't been here for a while. Why are you here so early today? Why are you giving me this pig? Because you are piggy Du. But don't worry, even if you really become a pig one day, I will not leave you. You are more like a pig. Who did you say is pig? Mr. Lei. OK, thank you , Mr. Lei Anything else? Mr. Lei, l heard that the Entertainment Center project is going to kick off soon, right? You are well informed. Why? lt seems that Mr. Lin doesn't trust us. No, Mr. Lei, that's not what I mean. The Entertainment Center is just a small project for Yutian. Mr. Jiang and l feel very assured. I was just wondering, since it's quite a big news to start construction, why don't we make some noise? You and Mr. Jiang? Mr. Lin, shouldn't the ranking be re-ordered? lt's none of my business, but I would love to know, but I would love to know, Mr. Lin, what kind of noise do you want to make. Mr. Lei, you got me wrong. lt wasa slip of the tongue. I just want to know about the noise. Tell me about it. l'm thinking that we can have an opening ceremony where we invite all the social elites as well as media. As soon as the news release comes out, everyone would know that, you, Mr. Lei, have made a great achievement for Yutian, so that the stock price of Yutian may keep increasing Why didn't I figure that out earlier. Mr. Lin, you are such a talent. l'm flattered. Then I want to ask, Mr. Lin, is this idea actually helping me or ruining me? Brother Xie, Lei Yuzheng really doesn't buy it. Why? I said a lot to convince him, but the opening ceremony wouldn't work. He rejected it and blamed me. l've told you that Lei Yuzheng is very low key. l've found the people, l 've found the people, and you can just sit and wait. and you can just sit and wait. Be careful, Xie. Don't make troubles for me. Right there. Let's stop here, stop, stop. Let's stop here, stop, stop Stop working, unless you want to be a [ __ ]. Supervisor Du, something happened. Engineer Wang, a bunch of people coming from nowhere wouldn't let us work and said they would break the arms of anyone who dares to work. What shall we do? Leave your work for now and follow me. Quickly. Let's get armed. Let's go. Quickly, run! But I would love to know, what kind of noise do you want to make. I think that we can have an opening ceremony where we invite all the social elites as well as media. When the news release come out, everyone will know that you, Mr. Lei, have made great achievement for Yutian. Qunfei, turn around and head to the construction site. What happened? Calm down. Why would you ask me that? What did you do? Calm down. Calm down. I'm the supervisor here. You can tell me if anything happened. Yutian has broken down our factory. You think that by leaving us some money this can all be settled? This is ruining our way to make a living. How are we going to make money? Right. lt has cut off our way to make money. How are we going to make money? Everyone, calm down. The contract was signed with Xinsheng, and the price was decided by Xinsheng. lt has nothing to do with Yutian. You should go ask Xinsheng instead of Yutian. How is there nothing to do with Yutian? Now we can't make money, then there's something to do with you. We don't care who you signed the contract with. Whoever takes apart the building is who we are looking for. We need to live, right? Right, we need to live. We want our money. What's wrong with that? We want the money that belongs to us. That is nonsense. Who's talking nonsense? 7O000 You or l? There are many of them. Don't irritate them. i /663δ Then we will go to Yutian 76660 and ask their boss for money. lf you cannot take the responsibility, there will be someone who can. We need to live. We need money. No, you can't go to the company. How can you go to the company ? Calm down, calm down. You can't go to the company, please don't. lt won't change anything. Everyone, calm down, calm down, calm down. You, yes it's you. Why would you incite everyone to make trouble? How am I making trouble? This is big deal for us. Let me go. Let me go, let me go. No. I can't let you go to the company. Although you are a girl, I may also hit you. Let me go. I can't let you go there. You. lt hurts Who are you? Let me go. Trust me, I can destroy you now. lt hurts. lt hurts. lt's such a shame for someone like you to be a gangster. Who sent you here? lf you have the power, don't bully a girl. Try me. Who are you? Where did you come from? lt's none of your business. President of Yutian, Lei Yuzheng . This guy is trying to fool us. Who knows if he's actually the boss. l have heard why you came here to make trouble. You think the relocation fee is too low. I can understand how you feel, but have ever you thought about talking peacefully about the relocation fee? Gathering around against the law and affecting the construction progress will cost you a lot. Wait. The construction progress has nothing to do with us. We can't even Iive now, can we? We just want to live. We want our money. There's nothing wrong with it, right? Yes. We want our money. What's wrong with it? Give us money Give us money. Why can't we? You can't go. We want our money . What are you doing? Stop it. Calm down. Let's calm down. What are you doing? No, no. Let's talk about it. What's there to talk about? What are you doing? Du Xiaosu. Du Xiaosu. Are you ok , Du Xiaosu? You have made a big trouble. No one shall leave. Surround them. Surround them. You cannot leave, especially you. She fell off by herself. She fell off by herself. lt has nothing to do with me. Surround all of them. No one can leave. You are all my witness. You can't leave. She fell off by herself. lt has nothing to do with me. Sir, faster please. The patient fell off due to long term fatigue and severe malnutrition which caused hypoglycemia and dizziness l have injected nutrient solution for her. Remember to rest well. lt's going to be fine. Thank you. Zhenrong, don't leave. Zhenrong. How could it be so unlucky! This happened on the first day of construction. l heard that the workers thought the cost of demolition was too low. That's why it was a mess. Mr. Lin, what's wrong with Xinsheng? Your company dumped such a mess, and now Yutian takes all of it? I really didn't know about this. ls it an unexpected situation? Mr. Wang, do you think Yutian now gets into trouble? Mr. Lin is afraid of getting Yutian into tough situation, or expecting it to be in trouble? Mr. Lei , you are so funny. Xinsheng can't even apologize enough to Yutian. How can we expect something to happen to Yutian? Really? l remember that I've communicated with Mr. Lin about the demolition costs. Mr. Lin told me that the workers were fine with it. Now we are faced with such a big mistake. What does Mr. Lin want to say except for apology? Mr. Lei, l suppose that these workers are not well-educated. Their words can be untrustworthy. Do you think so? Of course Xinsheng has responsibilities for that because we should not have trusted them. Yuzheng, has this been resolved yet? Let's all relax. lt has been resolved. We have talked to workers. A new agreement was reached. For the old and decrepit workers, the company will pay placement fees at its discretion. For the rest of those young and strong workers, their only claim is just to get a job. When the Entertainment Center is completed, we will recruit more people. And then, we will put priority on this group of people on this group of people. If there is no person with an ulterior motive fanning the flames in it, I think this kind of conflict can be avoided. Are you awake? Why am I here ? You fainted yesterday with low blood sugar and high fever. You are sent here by someone. Here. lt's fine. The fever has finally subsided. Who sent me here? lsn't he your boyfriend? Boyfriend? Yes. The man who carried you in yesterday. I think he was in a hurry, running up and down, without a moment to have a rest Where is he now? Where did he go? He seems to have left early in the morning. However, he was here all night yesterday to watch over you. This morning, he bought you so much food. He's very careful. Wait for the doctor to come later. He'll check again for you lf there is nothing wrong with you, you will be discharged today. Okay , thanks. Good. (Back to work in Bovuan) Back to work in Boyuan. Uncle Lei, l have a friend in France I asked him to bring you the best deep- sea fish oil, spirulina, these cordyceps sinensis, ganoderma lucidum and other things. Remember to make tea and drink it. Oh, Uncle Lei, I gota VIP card for you at the spa resort. This place is convenient, especially to the golf course The doctor said the minerals in hot springs is helpful for your recovery from this cardiovascular disease. Greatl I'll be there. I'lI be there. lt's better to have a daughter, right? Ting, my little girl was spoiled when she was a child. But today, it's for the first time that I' ve seen her working so hard. As her father, I am relieved. But from the deep of my heart, l get to feel some sort of bitterness. Jiang, l still envy you. You have such a considerate daughter, unlike my son. People say that raising children is for our old time. But no matter how filial a son is, he will not be as careful as a daughter. Uncle Lei, Yuzheng has to be busy with such a big company. He must be tired. That's not a big deal. But don't worry. Now, l'm also in Yutian. l will try to help him. Then, lreally want to thank you sincerely. Miss Jiang is very considerate. At this distance, you still send good stuff to our home. Since you are really caring, everyone praises you. Yuzheng, why are you walking so silently? Uncle Lei, look at him. He calls me Miss Jiang even at home. He seems like a stranger. Like a stranger. Okay. He's back. We'll leave it. Let's have dinner. Let's go, daughter. Hello, l'm here to pay. Your medical and hospital bills have been settled. Settled? The fee was paid this morning. Thank you! (Lei Yuzhena) Xiaosu. How are you? Are you okay? 'm scared to death. Take it. l'm OK What are you two doing here? Mr. Lei asked me to pick you up. Xiaosu, how dare you? That's a group of bullies and you dare to pounce on them. You're really impulsive. He Qunfei said that you fought the bully at the construction site. I thought you gave up your life heroically. l've heard that Lei Yuzheng sent you to the hospital. And he accompanied you all night. He also left me a note, and allowed me to go back to work in Boyuan. Really? You know what? This is the realistic version of the domineering president falling in Iove with a clerk. What are you talking about? However, he did help me pay all the medical bills. What's the sign of Mr. Lei, Virgo or Gemini? He was as cold as ice one second ago. And one second later, he is kind - hearted and rescues the female employee without leaving the name! This change of style is really fast. To be honest, Mr. Lei is a nice person in fact. He is not good at expressing himself. I'm telling you, this is a typical routine of rich people. How to describe that? Pretending to be deep and making people wonder. Right? I'll tell you that this character of Mr. Lei actually has a lot to do with his family upbringing. l heard that his mother left him when he was very young. So, lreckon it's maybe the reason why he seems a little lonely. Fanlv, eat more vegetables. Look at you. You are too thin. Uncle Lei, iflbecome fat, no one will marry me. That's just right. You can be my daughter- in- law. You can be my daughter- in- law. Dad, what did you say? Look at Fanlv. She is both pretty and talented. She casually said she can't get married. You've got it right here. You don't have confidence in Fanlv? You don't have confidence in Fanlv? Ting, listen. These kids These kids have their ideas. We don't need to be in such a hurry. Useless. But we can't let them do whatever they want. Fanlv is a good girl. You are not worried. Look at my son. l'm really afraid that he will be worse off than me. I'm really afraid that he will be worse off than me. Be a bachelor for life when getting old. Yuzheng has big ambitions for his career. lt's because that you set an example. Speaking of Yutian, I heard Lin say that, at a demolition site of the Entertainment Center, some workers are causing troubles. There seems to be a lot of things. There is such a thing? How come I didn't hear you say that? Uncle Jiang, you really have multiple sources from different aspects. from different aspects. Much better informed than my dad. I am ashamed of myself. Dad, there is such a thing. But all of them have been solved. You are assured. Dad, Yuzheng got home so late. Just leave all the things at the company. Can you let him have a good meal? Look at this girl! There's not much yet She then helps Yuzheng teach his father a lesson. Ungrateful! Ungrateful! Jiang, you have taught your daughter well. Look at my son. So impolite . You need to bear more about him. Yuzheng, about the company, don't put too much pressure on yourself. l'm here! I'll help you. Thank you, Fanlv. l beg you. You just left the hospital Could you please have a rest? You've been counting all afternoon. My head is about to explode. I'm still livestreaming here. (Drive all the way New order notification olease check) Here comes my fortune. l'm going out now . Then don't wait for me to come back for dinner. I'll be back later. Bye. Thank you. Girl, the money has been paid. OK. Your key. Thanks. Okay. Bye- bye Bye- bye. Mr. Lei, this is the medical bill you paid for me last time. One thousand seven hundred in total. Please take it What's wrong? ls that not enough for you? Xiaosu, you'd better take the money. You work so hard for the company Medical expenses should be borne by the company. You dont have to be so serious. How's your recovery going? Thank you for your concern. But for me But for me, sometimes I am really serious. I am sure to give you the money. Okay. I can see it. Miss Du doesn't want to owe me. Right? Then I have nothing more to say. If there's nothing else, l'm going out. Oh. Thank you for letting me go back to Boyuan. Xiaosu is back. Xiaosu is back. Xiaosu is back. l'm back again. Xiaosu. Xiaosu is back. Xiaosu, you're finally back. We've all heard about it. We know what you did at the demolition site. Xiaosu, you're great! Yes, its great! So cool! So cool! Xiaosu, welcome back! Mr. Ning. You'll not leave this time, will you? l hope so. Xiaosu, don't leave. Don't leave us. Lets go out for dinner tonight, okay? lt's my treat today Du Xiaosu, come to my office. yll go there first. Nothing, you guys get busy first. Okay. You go first. This doesn't 't feel like the right atmosphere. What does this mean? Miss Jiang. Come in. Congratulations, you're back so soon! l know that yuzheng is taking care of you for the sake of Zhenrong. Since this is the case, I have a new task for you. What does Miss Jiang want? This is the design for core function areas in Universal Entertainment Center. Yuzheng and I are not too satisfied with the designs that these people submit. I heard you have good ability. Then, I'|l give you three days. You can make several designs. And let me check out these designs. Three days. Several designs. You majored in design. l'm helping you to prove yourself. We value talent at Boyuan. Ok . BBO. L0O④⑧ MacBook Pro My Lazybones. I can't believe you are working overtime this weekend. My Beautiful Boss My Beautiful Boss will have an afternoon tea with her friend. My colleagues are dating, or staying with the kids. This overtime heavy duty can only be left to me to enjoy alone. So poor...hard work. Really comfortable. You should be free today, right? Let's eat hot pot? No. He Qunfei wants to ask me to go shopping in Reel. He wants to give me a New Year's gift I have to go. I think Qunfei is sincere to you. Don't keep tantalizing him. Which side are you on? Why are you hitting so hard? Talking like my mother every day. Marriage is the most important event in a woman's life. Do you know? I can't be in a hurry. Go this way please. How's it going? Are you happy? Sit here. Siqi. You look great with this bag. lt is more beautiful than the models on the posters. Really expensive. But it really looks good. Qunfei, tell me the truth. Were you painful when you swipe your card? No. As, long as you are happy, it is worth. What do you want from me? What do you want from me? Siqi, see. This will soon be Chinese New Year. Hang on. l know you buy me a bag for some reason. Waiting for me here. How many times have I told you it's not appropriate for us to meet our parents yet. I'm not going home with you for Chinese New Year. But that's what you said last year. lt's been a year. We both have to take a step forward, right? Two days ago, my mom called, saying she'd like to meet you. We've been in a relationship for so long. So why can't we meet our parents? Why is it necessary? After meeting your parents, we have to meet your aunts and uncles. They will ask endlessly when to get married? when to have children? That is annoying l promise you all you need to do is coming home with me. Don't worry about the rest. I'll handle it. You think I'ma little girl? Easy to tell a lie? After meeting your mother, we must still be rushed to get married. But is it wrong for my mom to be anxious? We are not young. Then marriage is a matter of time. Marriage? What marriage? l'm not going home with you anyway. lts useless even if you buy me a bag. l heard you have good ability. So, you have three days. You can give me a few options to choose from. Xiaosu, I want to take you somewhere. A beautiful island. There is an elementary school on the island. Teacher Sun is there. And the cute kids. This is what you said before. The children you sponsor. Let me introduce you. Look at this. This one is called Xiao Mei. This is Teacher Sun and Doudou. This one is called Shanwa. Teacher Sun is so young and handsome. But why Shanwa is so black? He runs every day on the mountains. No one can even catch him. (Driver Service) Miss Du. Selling wine again? Good cost control. Transportation costs are saved. Mr. Lei, don't bother me. I have business to attend to. Hello, lam. Mr. Lei. You are the one who called the chauffeur. What's the matter? Shall I show you the order number? No. Then I'll call a new order for you. I can't take this. Why? We know each other. lt should be good . You are assured but I am not assured. How? Miss Du, are you afraid that I will hurt you? Are you okay? Why are you holding me? You're the one holding me, okay? I'm telling you, show some respect. Chauffeurs do not offer this service. Or you walk to the car by yourself. Du Xiaosu. Why are you so noisy all the time? Can't be quiet fora while? Chauffeurs like you often meet the drunk persons like me who don't let go the hold? Get on the car. What are you doing? Go. What are you looking for? This car does not have a keyhole. Start. Foot on brake. Look there. Tap on it. Are you a chauffeur? Hey, l said you. Hang up the gear. Shut up. l said Driver Du. Are you driving a senior mobility scooter here? At your speed, I won't even get home tomorrow morning. Cut the crap. You asked me to drive. lf you don't like it, you can return the order. How bad is that? lt seems I am mean, don't you think? There are not many pretty female drivers like you, right? What if you run into a pervert? Before you take the job, is there any training on preventing perverts given to you? At this low speed, I can't get home for a while. We are free now. How about chatting? lt's dangerous enough to run into you. Good! Driver Du. You're in the gutter! Good job. Sorry. I didn't mean to. E 9686 Your car is too tall. I didn't even see there's a curb, nor a flower bed in front of us. I have to stretch my neck out to see. Stretch one more for me. Don't make excuses. Call the police. Get a tow truck. lf you hadn't just talked to me, and distracted me , I'm calling the police for a tow truck first. Don't talk to me Yes, yes, on Qingshi Road. Then there is a bank building. Okay. Thanks. The tow truck will arrive in thirty minutes. Delay your schedule . Really. I am so sorry. Why are you saying that? Are you going to cry? What are you crying about? No, I am not. I am not crying. How could you cry suddenly? Really? I am just. just want to earn more money as a designated driver. Now the car is hit. Wait. I didn't say anything. You broke my car. I'm not complaining. On the other hand. I didn't ask you to pay for it. I can't afford to pay if you ask me to. You say that your rich people. Why do you drive such an expensive car? lf I had known this, l should have returned the order. Okay, fine. Stop yelling . lf you keep yelling like that, the police will be called by you. Wait for the tow truck. Wait for a second. You hit me car. You drive my Lincoln like a classic car. You hit the flower bed. I didn' t ask you to compensate. Now you're here for crying out loud and I am here to comfort you. Why? I should be the one crying Anyway, I cannot afford that. lt's up to you. E 96888 Why am I so unlucky ? Originally, l wanted to drive a car to earn money. E 96888 But I met you by chance. Fine. Stop now. AlI you think is earning money. ls that for that house? You are so stubborn. That's the only thing he left me. l have to get it back. Did you call the tow truck? This way. Yes, it's me. (Jianα Fanlv) Mr. Lei. Last year's financial report is here. Please check it out. Although the net profit increased by twenty percent over the previous year, the assets and liabilities were already up to 75 percent. Already close to the red line of the real estate company. What departments are handlers of these debts in? Well. This is mainly what your father was responsible for at that time. Excuse me. Mr. Lin. Yes, l'm with Mr. Lei. Tonight? Wait for a moment. I'lI confirm the time with Mr. Lei. Mr. Lin said he had a friend who introduced several domestic well established investment fund They are very interested in our Entertainment Center project. Do you want to meet them tonight? When? Wing Kee Restaurant 7: 30 p. m. OK. Miss Jiang, the dinner tonight is quite important. You see. I wear it like this. lt seems not quite right. Or. The dinner tonight is about Boyuan's advertising revenue for one year I brought you here just to support. You don't need to say anything more. l am here. Mr. Wei. I have to introduce to you in a big way. The one next to me is our talented girl from Boyuan. Du Xiaosu. She is also a popular figure. Miss Jiang, you're exaggerating. Xiaosu. Mr. Wei is a big player in our media group. On Huaihai Road, half of the billboard space belongs to him. Mr. Wei usually has a low profile. He never attends a dinner party without some big issue. He greatly values ​​us today. Xiaosu, remember to treat him well . Miss Jiang, you have wronged me. Today let us have a drink, shall we? Let's also drink for past together. Mr Wei, for you. l've seen a lot of beauties. l've seen a lot of beauties. But the talented woman is not common. Miss Du is beautiful and talented. l willingly drink it. Great! Miss Du cannot have the bias. Only propose a toast to Mr. Wei, not to us. We're all waiting in line. Exactly . We are here, Miss Du. You shall also propose a toast to me. As you like. As you like. lt's my turn for the third cupl Cool. Ms Du is a good drinker. Yes. Exactly. Here. Miss Du, l'll propose a toast to you too. DTDI G RJD R]) R] Mr. Lei, you are here! Why is Mr. Lin out too? lt seems we are all out to avoid drinking lsn't this my classmate Du Xiaosu? Long time no see. Then I'll go back to my client. Talk to you next time. Goodbye Xiaosu. What is it? Miss Du and Mr. Lin know each other? Yes. We've known each other fora long time. Miss Du is my schoolmate in college. We haven't had much contact since graduation. I didn't expect that we can meet in this place. Miss Du is working in Boyuan. Xinsheng is now cooperating with Yutian. Small world. lsn't it? So, Mr. Lin and Miss Du were schoolmates. This is called a meeting of old friends. Mr. Lei, let's go back. Don't keep the guests waiting. Yuzheng, what brought you here? To meet someone for dinner with Mr. Lin. Boyuan is having a dinner party today? Nope. l'm dealing with some customers. So l called Xiaosu over here to come and help me. Yuzheng, I'm doing this for the sake of the Group's performance. That's why I'm working so hard. Shouldn't you think about how to reward me? lf you want to increase your salary, that's easy. But I'm afraid you despise that money. That's not what I meant. I mean. Xiaosu, why are you still here? Mr. Wei and others are waiting for your toast. Yuzheng, you don't even know how cunning they are. They seem to be very prudent, and not willing to sign the contract. You are not tolerant to alcohol, so don't drink too much. If you drink too much, no one can carry you back. l knew you would care for me. Don't worry, Yuzheng lt's our responsibility to be here. Right , Xiaosu? 'll go in first then. Mr. Lei, let's go back. Thank you very much for the hospitality, Miss Jiangl Thank you for coming here, Mr. Wei. Miss Du is a good drinker. Thank you, Mr. Wei. Nice to work with you. See you. See you. Miss Jiang, see you. Xiaosu, how will you go back home? Do you need a ride? No, thanks, Miss Jiang. I'll just take a taxi myself OK, I'II let you be. Miss, shalllcall youacab? No, I want to walk by myself. OK. JThe pain brings out the weakness insider sSometimes it's better not to nail the white lier JLove and pain keep wanderina between usr rCan 't find a wav outr rl want to turn back the timel rWould it chanae anvthina then? r What on this street is so attracting to you to wander alone? Mr. Lei! Are you sleepwalking? You are so funny I just want to walk down the street by myself. Aren't you afraid of encountering some bad guy at this dark night? Me? lt's hard to say. Maybe you'll run into a greedy one. ln the dark night like this, anyone is OK. And then, he will put you into a woven bag and drown you in the Huangpu River. lt's scary to even think about it. Get in the car. l will give you a ride. Didn't you hear me? You are not afraid of being put into a woven bag and drowned in the Huangpu river? And then, you will disappear forever. Here's the only chance. Fasten your seatbelt. lt seems that Miss Du drank a lot today. Not too much, just a little. A little . Enjoy all the pleasure in your life. And never Ieave your wine cup empty under the moonlight. lt seems you are upset. Why are you laughing? You know what? You are really annoying. Really? I'm not surprised. Don' t you want to know why? Tell me about it. Are you feeling particularly good about yourself? lt makes sense. Look at you. Growing up in a wealthy family. Highly educated and handsome. lt is natural to feel superior. But, don 't you think this self- righteousness and your prideness are really annoying? lt feels like you are going to tell the truth after drinking. That's the beauty of alcohol. You always wrap yourself in a shell. lt looks good on the surface. But inside, you are an extremely insecure person. Miss Du, I advise you not to speculate on other people's minds. What makes you think that you know me so well? How could I? By my intuition. Do you know what it's like to be stuck in a swamp? Struggling only makes you fall deeper and deeper. Pray for someone to come to rescue you. [ __ ]! No one can save you. There is never anyone in this world that cares about other people's sorrow and pity. Looks like my previous judgment on you was right. You are a heartless person. You cannot feel any pain. Your heart is like a cold stone. Fine. I'lI take that sarcasm from you as a compliment. But I'm not like you, drowning in your own misery every day. Maybe. Xiaosu! excessive for her? She did that for work. The competition in Boyuan is so fierce. AlI she can do is to keep going. You know all the reasoning! How come I didn't see you being more active? Why don't you make some extra money? How come you didn't do the hard ( work and hustle of others? Damn it! Awake? Why didn't you wake me up? Thank you for the ride. I drank a little too much today. I talked too much. Just take it as a joke and forget it. lt seems that you come back from the alcohol. Sometimes it's good to listen to your true thoughts. lt is hard to hear someone speak out the truth. lt's great. Goodbye, Mr. Lei. Miss Du, actually, l've always had a question. What exactly made you break up with Zhenrong so suddenly? lt's because you fall in love with someone else or is it that you have secret troubles? lt's all about destiny . You must have heard of it, right? For us, the only way to be free is to let it go. But who can really let it go?
Channel: 甜剧小屋
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Keywords: 甜剧小屋, chinese television dramas, chinese tv dramas, chinese drama eng sub, chinese drama, c-drama, k-drama, asian drama, love, romance, 霸道总裁, 帅哥, 灰姑娘, 美女, 爱情, 情感, 恋爱, 中国电视剧, 电视剧, kiss, chinese love drama, romantic chinese drama, top chinese drama, chinese new drama 2020, eng sub, korean drama, 出色中国电视剧, 大陸劇, 偶像剧, 酷看獨播劇場, KUKAN Drama Channel, 现代剧, 古装剧, 新剧, 武侠, 玄幻, 动作, 为你逆光而来, 他在逆光中告白, 若你安好便是晴天, 全世界最好的你, 奈何BOSS要娶我, 麻烦请你先告白, Confess Your Love, 动物系恋人啊, 逆袭, 【Full Movie】, chinese new drama 2023, 满满喜欢你, 海上繁花, 竇驍 李沁 張雲龍
Id: V9jnkO8CnVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 58sec (4738 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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