Full moon or New moon for Spiritual growth, Which is better ? Sadhguru answers

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[Music] [Music] my question is that so many people have become enlightened on full moon days like buddha tamil saints on taiposam so how is the full moon different from the crescent moon of shivaratri thank you well the young woman what's her name well if you want to make use of the full moon yes it's a good one it has its qualities between full moon and new moon or no moon days the difference is of presence and absence difference is of reflected light or darkness if you're seeking exuberance of activity if you're seeking a relationship with the world around you if you are seeking success in the world i would rather i would generally craft your sadhana around full moon but you have matured to a place where all these things are not fundamental goals of your life the goals of your life are transcendent in nature you want to go beyond all this you don't mind success as a consequence but not as a fundamental goal you don't mind love and romance as a consequence not as a fundamental goal you don't mind wonderful relationships as a consequence of your pursuit but not as a fundamental goal if you have reached that place in your life then we will make use of mahashivratri and every shivratri 12 to 13 shivaratris in the year but as a part of this because i know you're a young person for you certain things matter still so from 28th of march i think am i right the next full moon day in the month of march now we will have committed to 12 full moons that we will have satsang for these 12 full moons at whatever time all these times will be announced i think it's 6 40 if i'm right this is i'm calling this full moon flirtations because full moon is like that that is the nature because it's an outward exuberance new moon shivaratri is an inward stillness if you're seeking stillness we seek shivaratri if you're seeking flirtations with life then full moon so we will have full moon flirtations for the next 12 full moons bear with me let's see what we can do namaskaram satguru so today being maha shivratri i just wanted to know what is the best thing we can offer to shiva on this occasion best thing is yourself [Laughter] because what else do you have what else do you really have everything that you have is something that you gathered from this world don't think it belongs to you you can use it for some time don't ever think it belongs to you your home your people your wealth the warehouse of collection that you have it doesn't belong to you it's only there for your use for some time so giving those things what is there you take it and give it back what is the point of that even the very body that you carry is something that you gathered from this planet even giving your body means nothing if you can give yourself that is the best thing you can do but you need something symbolic to offer because you want to offer something so normally it is held this way that on mahashivratri day if you just offer one leaf a vilva leaf which is dear to shiva just one leaf not even a flower they said that's enough with the right attitude with devotion burning in your heart because you don't know how to offer yourself you just offer a leaf that we'll do here i have plenty of leave today i will offer one for you wherever you are from i'm not able to see where she's from what her name is but we will offer a leaf more than one leaf for you and for all those people who are sleeping today and those who are awake we've all already offered many many here we'll offer some more especially for you this girl i don't know where she's from [Laughter] one leaf will do the idea is to tell you the question is not about what the question is about how you must understand this what you do does not determine the quality of your life how you do it that is what determines the quality of your life [Music] when i say how instead of trying to fix what if you just fix how your life will be in order whatever you do the nature of the human being is such in every action you want to be something more something more and something more when you want to be something more you can rob somebody you can go and conquer somebody you can enslave somebody or you can just go shopping [Laughter] or you can love and embrace something becomes yours either by buying it by enslaving it by conquering it or simply by loving it and including it and embracing it as a part of yourself the same thing happens but how you do it is what makes the difference will your actions be of love empathy and compassion or will your actions be of conquest enslavement domination shopping i'm not against but it's one of the ways you can make something so on this mahashivratri day don't even bother to pluck a leaf why pluck a leaf just offer yourself will shiva take you away no no because you're anyway his why will he take you because you do not know how what is this offering myself means what so a leaf is a you don't even have to go and pluck a leaf in the middle of the night just mentally offer an offer a leaf that is enough look at him he's an ascetic what will you do with things that you offer if you are if you offer gold silver diamonds what will an ascetic do with it if you give me gold change what will i do what will i do with it i will only think of melting it and doing something some project but what will an ascetic do with your offerings you you offering yourself means you will never be an impediment in your life that must happen there are thousand impediments in the world there are many many issues in the world you must make sure of this one thing in your life that you are never the issue in your life you are not the problem you are always the solution problems will come from outside they keep coming the more you try to do in the world the more problems you will face but you should not be a problem you should never be an impediment you should never be an issue in your life this is what offering yourself means you've already given yourself so why will you be in the way [Music] so
Channel: OnePath
Views: 27,941
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Keywords: Sadhguru about full moon, sadhguru about moon, sadhguru about new moon, sadhguru on difference between new and full moon, moon impact on human, moon and spiritual growth, mahashivratri night, mahashivratri 2021, moon as enhencing tool for growth, sadhguru, sadhguru onepath, sadhguru jaggi vasudev, sadhguru yoga, sadhguru isha, isha yoga, isha foundation, adiyogi, sadhguru meditation, sadguru, sadhguru 2021, sadhguru spiritual awekening, @onepath, sadhguru update, sadhguru latest
Id: mDennY3M_Eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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