Full Mockup Tutorial Using Canva And What Mistakes To Avoid (Print On Demand Tutorial For Beginners)

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hello and welcome back to my channel or if you're new here then welcome my name is cassie johnson and i am so glad that you are here i'm really excited to make this video today i know that a lot of you are going to be like what do you mean why are you making a video all about mock-ups we know how to do mock-ups but i actually just got done doing a ton of shop reviews a shop review is where i actually record myself privately reviewing someone's etsy shop i go through your designs your mock-ups your descriptions your logo your banner and give you advice on what you can tweak to do better what you're on the right track with and then tell you what you can work on next to really grow your shop and i was gonna make a completely different video for this week but this is one thing that i really just keep seeing people think they're doing right but they actually are making really really big mistakes with and it is mock-ups and since most people on etsy just go to the etsy search bar type in what they're looking for look through all of those search results click on one and buy it that means that your thumbnail is arguably one of the most important things that you can focus on so in today's video i'm going to go over some of the most common mistakes that i see people making with their mockups what great mock-ups are and how to find them how to make them look more realistic to what they'll actually look like when the customer gets them using canva.com and then also how to add multiple mock-ups to the same project in canva so you can get your mock-ups done more efficiently as a bonus i also made two examples of different photo cards you can add to your listing just so i can show you what the full package should look like once you do this all the right way so make sure to stay until the end for all of these nuggets even if you think you're doing this the right way there might be a little mistake that you're making along the way that could really make all the difference and if you're feeling stuck and not sure what mistakes you're making even by the end of this then i will have my shop reviews and one-on-one coaching calls linked down in the description below and i'm happy to help however i can so first i'll go over the most common mistakes that i see people making with their etsy shop thumbnails and mock-ups and the first one is not using contrasting colors so there can be exceptions to this rule but i see a lot of people doing black text on say a dark gray shirt or a darker color shirt or doing lighter text on a lighter color shirt and when it comes to actually looking at that thumbnail in the search results compared to everyone else it gets a little bit lost in the shuffle doesn't quite catch your attention and people are just scrolling on by so just as a good rule of thumb especially when you're first starting out do dark designs on light colors and light designs on dark colors another don't that i see a lot of sellers using is cursives that are hard to read those swirly cursives are really pretty on your big huge computer screen when you're designing them but if you can't read it from the tiny thumbnail then no one is going to buy it so make sure that you're using big bold fonts even for cursives there are bigger bolder ones available that way you can easily read it even when it's tiny so this one might seem obvious to most of you but i see a lot of people making this mistake and that is actually using mock-ups that aren't the actual shirt that you're selling so it's really important to use mock-ups of the exact shirt that you're selling so for instance if you're selling the bella in canvas 3001 you want to make sure that your mock-up is of that actual shirt i see this the most with people who use placeit.net and that is a website where you can actually download hundreds of different mockups that are digitally made for you and it's all great but there are going to be lots of different types of shirts on there and not always the exact one you're selling so it'll have different sleeve lengths different colors and it will just not look like the actual shirt when someone gets it and i think it's just really important to actually use mock-ups of the shirt you're selling another big mistake i see people making is not lowering the opacity on their designs and so the design looks very computer generated and fake on your mock-up i'll show you a little later on in the video how to lower the opacity using canva that way it looks more like the ink is actually sunken into the shirt and more realistic to how it'll look actually printed now the second most common mistake that i see people making is using printify or printful's mockups for the colors that you don't have mock-ups for now this is one of the biggest no-nos out there the printify mock-ups that come with the design are hideous these are not going to help sell to your customer how great this shirt is going to look on them if you don't have a mock-up or a color chart for that color just don't use it that's my best rule of thumb these are going to hurt you more than they are going to help you the last big don't that i see a lot of people making and this one you might be doing today is feeling like you need to buy a different mock-up for every thumbnail in your store the reason why this is a big no-no is you're going to end up buying lots of different random mock-ups spending a bunch of money that you didn't need to and not making sure that they are the very best mock-ups available for every single design again most etsy customers are typing something in the search bar like women's t-shirts they're going through the search results clicking on one and buying it without ever coming to your store so don't feel like your etsy store needs to have tons of different mock-ups available in it once you look at some of the most successful stores you'll see that they just use the same mock-up over and over and over again because they've found which mock-ups convert the best for them so i'd try out some different mock-ups and see which works the best for you then i would just keep reusing those same mock-ups as your thumbnail photos every single time that way it's one less variable to try and have to figure out every time you make a new design so now on to what makes a mock-up a great mock-up and how to find them so i go ahead and actually purchase all of my mock-ups on etsy.com because this is the largest place that has amazing mock-ups available from tons of different sellers so let's go ahead and see what the difference between a good mock-up and a great mock-up is so i went ahead and just typed in women's shirts so when i'm looking for great mock-ups i go through and see what's working well for other people and if i keep seeing the same mock-ups over and over again especially on best sellers or big stores then i know that those are best-selling mock-ups and convert really well so like this mock-up for instance from this store is being used again twice up here in this top row i see this mock-up literally all the time in tons of different stores so you'll kind of start paying attention to what's working well for other people what are the big shops using what are their best sellers have what types of mock-ups are they using and really this year i've seen a huge shift from these flat lay shirts to these actual human mock-ups and they've been making a huge difference once you look through the bestsellers more and more of them actually have those types of mockups as opposed to the flatlay ones but essentially what you want out of a mock-up is a gorgeous picture that really tells the customer how great they are going to look in that shirt one of my very very favorite mock-up stores is moonlit mockups nothing sponsored by them i just think they are absolutely gorgeous so for instance if you wanted to buy a few holiday mock-ups from them you can see how this beautiful photo is going to probably convert better than just a random flat lay with nothing to do with halloween another one of my absolute favorite mock-up stores is lennon smith mocks she has some really really beautiful mock-ups that will help make your store look more professional today also shameless plug here is my mock-up store stop mock and roll this is a mock-up store i started with my sister sam last year and we have a couple nice mock-ups for you as well so just like i said in the first point in the don'ts you don't have to buy tons of mockups to have a successful business but buying at least six of the nicest mock-ups that you can find the absolutely most beautiful most gorgeous mock-ups out there are really going to make the biggest difference in your store you would not even believe i wish that i would have started buying nicer mock-ups sooner because trust me this really does make all the difference in getting someone to actually click your listing and give you a chance so now i'll show you how to add all of your mockups to the exact same project so you can make your mock-ups more efficiently and i'll show you how to lower that opacity that way you can make them look more realistic to what they'll actually be printed as so you want to go ahead and click create a design but now instead of doing a custom size or picking anything else you're going to go ahead and actually click edit photo and you'll select one of the mock-ups that you've purchased so now that you've opened up your new project with your mock-up the canvas is automatically going to be the correct size of that exact mock-up so now you'll want to go ahead and click add a page and this is where we're going to add another mock-up in so you'll go to your uploads you'll go ahead and upload files and upload the other mock-ups that you've purchased now you do have to keep in mind you want to have two projects one with any mock-ups that are long-wise and another project for any mock-ups that are taller this does only work with the canvas staying the same size so i do recommend as you're purchasing mock-ups if you can just go ahead and purchase mock-ups that are just long ways just to keep it simple and easy for yourself should go ahead and actually drag the mock-up that you want over into the space and then you're just going to drag and drop it until it's the same size as the canvas above it so if you have to cut off some of it so be it but this is going to be so much easier then you also want to try and center the actual t-shirt that way you don't have to try and center your design off-center if the mock-up say is over here so once we do that we'll go ahead and add a page and then you can even drag in say another one and again drag this one larger make it take up the whole space and if you can get it to where again that shirt is more in the middle of the page instead of getting cut off so now you have one project with all of your mock-ups within it and now you can actually just save them in bulk after you add your designs so i went ahead and saved this design that i made in last week's video if you missed it i went ahead and showed you how to make best-selling halloween designs using creative fabrica so i'll link that video down below if you missed it i did a tutorial on how to make another design and then also kind of walk you through how i made this one as well so you'll go ahead and add the design to your shirt and then this little button here is for the transparency and you'll go ahead and bring this down to anywhere between 85 and 95 you'll have to kind of play around with it per design to see what what looks best and makes it look more real for you and it's important to make sure that you're being realistic to the size that the design will actually be once it's printed so the easiest way to do that is to compare to the size that you made it in printify so for me i like to add my design up as high as i can on the shirt so as close to this dotted line here as i can then i like it to go an inch or two past the collar on each side that way it takes up the full chest area when you click preview here you can really get an idea of how much space that's going to take up on the shirt and compare when you're going back and forth between making your mock-ups and actually uploading it to printify this will get easier over time but at first i just go ahead and eyeball them back and forth until you feel like it's a pretty close fit to what it'll actually be printed like so now that we've lowered the opacity and gotten the design the right size on our mock-up we can go ahead and actually right-click it and push copy or you can even click this duplicate button come down here on your next mock-up right-click and push paste so you'll probably have to resize the mock-ups to make it the correct size if the shirts aren't the exact same size if you want to kind of try and position it this part is important you do want it to be as close to realistic as possible you know an inch or two below the neckline right in the middle about as big as you said it was going to be and then you'd go ahead and add the new design if you were doing two like i am here for the actual white so i'll go ahead and add in the one with the black checker board instead of the white we'll resize this one to the size it'll actually be on the shirt again we'll lower the opacity this time i did about 90. that looks about right to me and so now you have all three of your mock-ups made and you can go ahead and click share download and then you save all of your mockups as a jpeg not a png if you're getting that your mockups are too big it's probably because you're saving them as the wrong file type so do jpeg all three pages and click download and just like that you're going to have all of your mock-ups ready to go so like i said before it's a big no-no to keep any of these print-ify mockups so i'm going to go ahead and actually delete all of the mock-ups from printfy and i'll show you what i'll add to actually make it a really successful listing so what i added to my listing here is three beautiful mock-ups that really show the customer what their design is going to look like and how great the shirt's going to look on them then i have a size chart and then i do one or two photo cards so for this example i made you two so i made one for reviews so highlight a good review you've gotten about the actual t-shirt and then this can actually be a secondary mock-up so you could make this new for every single design and instead of doing a separate mock-up you'd add your design for each listing onto this actual photo card and then you'd add your logo in the corner to make it all nice and branded and then here i have a photo card giving them more information on something so one example here is talking about how i don't take returns or exchanges but you could do something like a care card or any other information you think they should know because if you can answer all of their questions from the photos without them ever having to go to your description that will help with your conversion rates immensely again if you add your logo to these make them your brand colors make it even match and look really nice with your size chart this is just going to again bring your listing to the next level and help you get those conversions so the last thing i want to show you is actually how to zoom in on your mockups and the right way to do that because if you're looking here again we talked about how your thumbnail is one of the most important pieces to the puzzle of getting sales on etsy right now you actually can't read the word nurse very well in this tiny little thumbnail photo so either you need to make the design bigger or you need to zoom in in this case i think the design is actually bold enough i just think the picture is too large so we're going to go ahead and unedit that and actually zoom in using this closer to the design so this is about exactly where you want it you want the design to take up about the whole center of the thumbnail but you still want to show the pretty mock-up and what's around it so sometimes i see people zooming in only on the design which is not what you want you want to kind of somewhere in the middle where you can still see the nice mock-up but now the design is actually better showcased and go ahead and actually save that that way it stops people in their tracks while they're searching they can easily read it see exactly what your shirt's about and that should help you get more sales on your etsy store i really hope this tutorial helps you in upgrading your mock-ups and making sure that they're done the right way in your store so you can get more sales on etsy today thank you so much for staying all the way until the end and for supporting my channel so far if you haven't yet feel free to like this video and subscribe if you're getting value from these videos and i just wanted to say a huge huge thank you to everyone who supported me so far i just hit 10 000 subscribers this week which is absolutely crazy and amazing and i can't believe how fast i got here it is all thanks to all of you so i couldn't appreciate you more and i wish you all the most success and happiness and i'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Cassiy Johnson
Views: 70,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: etsy for beginners, print on demand for beginners, print on demand tutorial, canva tutorial for beginners, print on demand mockups, canva mockups tutorial, how to use canva, print on demand canva, etsy shop for beginners, how to sell on etsy, canva for beginners, mock ups for etsy, how to make mock ups, where to buy mockups
Id: -5rxiuu2fyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 16 2022
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