FULL MATCH - The Undertaker vs. The Great Khali – No Holds Barred Match: SmackDown, Nov. 9, 2007

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[MUSIC] [SOUND] Introducing the participants. First, from India standing over seven feet tall, weighing 420 pounds, The Great Khali. >> The Undertaker requested this No Holds Barred Match, after what happened last week at Friday Night SmackDown. But after I saw what Khali did to The Undertaker last week with that Khali vice grip. I don't know if The Undertaker was wise wanting this type of match up. >> You gotta be careful what you wish for, No Holds Barred, Khali needs one hold. No one has ever gotten out of this, the vice grip. He puts that on The Undertaker tonight, ball game. And remember Undertaker was put in that position because of your doings, John. >> That is just simply the most destructive person I have seen in the WWE- >> Former World Champion. >> The Great Khali. >> 7'3", 420 pounds. >> Look at this monster, that is impressive. >> Glad you're humoring yourself. >> I'm enjoying this, it's what I do, it's what I love, it's my passion. Unlike you who come to work here because you have to. >> That's why you take a phone call in the middle of the champion's speech. >> It's business, I apologize to my great fans who missed me. Apologize to Mr. Battista. [SOUND] [APPLAUSE] [SOUND] >> Introducing next, from Death Valley, weighing 299 pounds, The Undertaker [SOUND]. [APPLAUSE] >> He is the number one contender for the World Heavy Weight Championship. A week from Sunday, The Undertaker will be inside Hell in a Cell against Batista. Well, The Undertaker's gotta make it to Survivor Series. Because tonight, he's involved in No Holds Barred against The Great Khali. The man who debuted against The Phenom like no one we've ever seen before, leaving The Undertaker lying in the middle of the ring. >> Every time The Undertaker comes out, you can feel the electricity, you can feel the tension. But tonight Michael, you can cut it with a knife. It's No Holds Barred, against The Great Khali. >> Think about the man that The Great Khali has left defenseless with his vice grip. The Undertaker last week. The Undertaker's brother Kane, Rick Flair, Jeff Hardy, Batista, Rey Mysterio. The vice grip have never been broken, it is devastating. >> Here we go. John, I'm gonna ask you simply, did The Undertaker make the right move challenging Khali to No Holds Barred tonight? >> I think it's stupid. Absolutely not, you got a world championship match, you got Hell in a Cell with Batista, The Animal. Why would you step into the carnage that's gonna happen in a No Holds Barred with The Great Khali? >> Because Undertaker's The Phenom, he's the legend, he's ruled his yard in the WWE for 17 years >> And I don't know why the hell The Undertaker wants to stare at me, that's what got him in trouble last week. He needs to take care of business against The Great Khali. That's what he needs to worry about. >> No Holds Barred, no rules. Undertaker, The Great Khali and here we go, the best pure striker in the history of the game. The Undertaker going right to work on this 7'3", 420 pounds former world champion. Strategy John, first for The Undertaker. >> Get his hands flowing. That is what Undertaker when he's at his absolute best, he's throwing bombs. >> Undertaker perhaps gonna go old school. Going up to the top rope, Khali's in trouble. Undertaker, crushing the shoulder of Khali. >> Khali doesn't go down though Michael, he doesn't even go to a knee. >> Undertaker. >> No way, no way. >> [CROSSTALK] 420 pound man. >> My God. >> [CROSSTALK] with a choke slam. The cover by The Undertaker, there's two and a kick out by Khali. [INAUDIBLE] better calm himself down, my God. >> Undertaker controlling Khali, can The Phenom keep it up, when we return. >> We're back on Friday Night SmackDown, No Holds Barred. The Great Khali and The Undertaker. It is almost fitting in this arena has filled with that fog and that smoke, as The Great Khali is just man handling The Phenom The 7'3", 420 pounder, John. But Undertaker with a big haymaker. Trying to get back in it, but Khali's right hand drops The Undertaker to his knees. John, you know the Undertaker is adept at his game. So many times over the years, different styles for different opponents. But perhaps he has met his match in this giant human being. >> Never seen The Undertaker in better shape ever. For 15 years he's been here he's never looked better, never wrestled better, never fought better. Listed if you notice, Michael, tonight at 299 pounds, first time you've ever seen him listed below three bills. >> But again, he's adapted his style. Sometimes a bit more technical now, but he's just being manhandled. He's being punished by Khali. Cover, under the leg and Undertaker kicks out at two. >> People will always ask, what's the secret to longevity? It's simple Darwinism, you adapt or you don't survive. The undertaker is a master at adaptation >> And we talked about the punishment The Undertaker has taken in this match up. He's made it a career of withstanding punishment, being able to take it all and wear his opponent down. >> Understands enough he's not gonna overpower The Great Khali. Just learned that lesson right there with that headbutt. >> But you know what he does a lot of times Undertaker, John. It's like that rope-a-dope Ali style. He sort of lets his opponent punch himself out. But Khali now punching himself out, almost had a win in this No Holds Barred match up. And Khali with that football sized hand. [NOISE] >> This is something Michael you don't learn to adapt to. This is something you just hope to survive. >> Look at the way Khali's hand envelops the entire shoulder of The Undertaker When is the last time you saw the look on the face of The Undertaker that you're seeing there. >> This is why I say Undertaker taking this match was not smart. He has Batista in nine days. Batista The Animal, Hell in a Cell >> Hey, earlier tonight Batista said he was pulling for The Undertaker. He wants the Undertaker to come out of this matchup with a win. Wants The Undertaker to be 100% heading into Survivor Series. And look at Undertaker back to his feet. And The Phenom, rights and lefts, now the body shots to the Great Khali. >> I think the worst thing Batista could've done was beat The Undertaker at the last pay-per-view Cyber Sunday. >> You got a motivated Undertaker, who just ran into a huge elbow. Every time The Undertaker musters [INAUDIBLE] Great Khali knocks him right back down again. >> We can't coach size, you can't teach strength. >> Golly, just measuring The Undertaker. There's the big chop, Undertaker still on his feet. And no, the vice grip, the vice grip. Those massive hands and palms and fingers wrapped around the skull of The Undertaker. >> Undertaker's done, no one has ever, ever got out of the vice grip. >> Khali wearing Undertaker down, much like he did last week. This is what I mean, nine days away from a world championship with Batista, why would Undertaker take this chance? The vice grip which has taken out Kane and Flare and Jeff Hardy and Batista, and Mysterio. And The Undertaker is locked into The Phenom again. Undertaker with body shots. >> Let me reiterate Michael, no one including The Undertaker has ever broke this >> Undertaker back to his feet >> And in No Holds Barred, you can't get the ropes to get a break from Mickey Henson >> And he broke it, Undertake broke the vice grip. Can you believe it, Khali in trouble, choke slam. >> Four bills plus. >> Shoulders down and Khali kicked out. >> No way. >> There's no way. >> No way. >> There is no way Undertaker is gonna go for the tombstone pile driver with his massive humanity. >> And Khali counter, in a clubby blow to the back of the neck. Went for the vice grip again, look at this, double slam. >> Ball game. >> Undertaker left lying. Undertaker sat up. John look at this >> The triangle choke. >> The triange choke is locked in. Can he get it? He's gotta get that leg over it. >> Undertaker he's got in it, he's got the triangle choke locked in. >> Got it synched in, there's no break on the ropes, there's no break on anything. >> No one's ever broken the triangle choke in the middle ring like this. Undertaker's got it in climb >> And it's synched deep. >> The submissive maneuver. And Khali tapped out. >> He's out, he's out. >> Can you believe it? >> The winner of this match as a result of a submission, The Undertaker. >> The Great Khali tapped out to the triangle choke. >> That's what makes The Undertaker so dangerous. On his back, he wins the match. The Great Khali unconscious. Undertaker did that from his back. You're telling me that's not dangerous? You're telling me that not adaptation? You're telling me Battista better watch this and worry about the fact he has got this man, The Phenom, in Hell in a Cell in nine days for the World Championship.
Channel: WWE
Views: 48,299,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wwe, world wrestling entertainment, wrestling, wrestler, wrestle, superstars, कुश्ती, पहलवान, डब्लू डब्लू ई, मैच, सुपरस्टार, व्यावसायिक कुश्ती, مصارعه, wwe 2020, SmackDown, Undertaker, Great Khali, wwe full match, undertaker full match, great khali full match, undertaker vs great, undertaker vs great khali, undertaker vs great khali full match, undertaker vs great khali no holds barred
Id: sUs8rBgN9H8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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