FULL INTRO TO ON OBJECT INTERACTION in Power BI // Beginners Guide to Power BI

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in this video we're going to have a look at an overview of this new feature that just came out the on object interaction I'm going to show you how to enable it how it works and where you'll find your typical formatting options all of that and more so without further Ado let's get started hi my name is fernan and welcome to the solutions abroad YouTube channel recovery tips tricks and best practices when working with power bi I upload new videos every week so make sure you hit that subscribe button and the bell icon to get notified when a new one is out so the on object interaction is a new feature which is part of Microsoft's overall push for this office like experience so if you've ever created bar charts or any charts in PowerPoint you know this kind of format or this view will be very familiar for you because it's exactly how it would work here in power bi with just a little bit of a difference so the idea with this new on object interaction is that you will have your kind of static options at the ribbon so you'll be able to choose your visuals I mean anything else that is static up there and then anything else that is dynamic things like you know titles or subtitles dividers things like this which is dynamic based on what object you have selected will be next to the object instead of the format pane so let me show you exactly how these all work so here we have a report and I've just imported some data set here so that we can play around with it and as well as some charts to start working with the first thing that you'll need to know is that the on object interaction is a preview feature at the moment which means that you'll need to opt in and enable it for you to use it so what you'll need to do is go to options here and then under preview features here at the bottom you'll see that you can enable on object interaction so what I'm going to do is I'm going to close power bi and reopen that report that we were just in and we will see hopefully the new on object interaction in the report so now we're back here in this report here and you probably have noticed a few things already the first thing is that the format or the pane here for our visuals is gone which is now here on the ribbon so you're able to select your visuals here from the ribbon because these are kind of kind of static way to static options for you to add visuals you will see that on the right hand side as well you can close panes like this and you can just have more space for your page which is which is great under view you will still have your different paint options here like your filter pane your data pane your formats but what you'll notice is as I click them instead of stacking them on top of each other like a pain after a pain after a pain it creates this sort of pain switching options here on the right hand side so instead of basically bombarding you with all of these different panes which in my experience when it happens it kind of makes your report preview your report page smaller instead of that you kind of have this ability to switch panes one at a time which I guess it's this office like experience where you can you know close your pane if you don't need it or have one Active Pain at a time which I think it's it's great like I prefer this rather than the kind of stacking method so now what you'll notice from here is when you clicked a visual you will have these two options here on the left you have the build option which allows you to add data within your report and you have this add visual which lets you add or remove certain elements within your visual now we'll look at these two buttons in a second but I want you to pay attention to this new way to kind of edit your your report right so at the moment we have this visual selected if you double click in this report and at the moment by the way if you hover over these elements and if you click it it will do the cross filtering cross highlighting as you would expect if you right click and click format or double click what it will do is it will go into this sort of edit mode which basically instead of having the interaction you can now interact with elements directly into this report and edit them there so for example if you want to change the title here you simply double click which is more intuitive than going to the format pane you can just type here total sales same thing with different elements like here example sales you can edit that you can edit things like you know your charts here just note that although we can make all of these changes here on objects a lot of the more advanced features like for example conditional formatting will still be in the format pane so for example if you wanted to change the colors of this this bar instead of going to you still need to go to the format pane but what's interesting is that as I make those selections the format pane kind of focuses on that as well so it auto Scrolls to where you want to be which I think I haven't really tried it so much but it sounds and it looks like it will kind of increase my speed when it comes to kind of looking for settings and formatting options if you whenever you make a selection in the visual itself let's say for example you have different visuals that overlap and you might accidentally click one but you actually meant the other one when you right click on this visual you'll see that you will have an option to choose which visual or which part or which element of the visual you're actually wanting to select is it the sum of sales line or maybe you're looking to select the vertical grid line because maybe we want to change the color of that grid so that allows you to get a bit more finer control over what you're selecting within this feature as you noticed you had this right click option which is contextual to which element you are currently selecting so at the moment if I right click on the line chart you can do things like you know add labels or add other things based on what you can add in this element and that works for a lot of the different visuals and elements and they are contextual so for example if we right click let's say this this line chart or this this x-axis you will have different options contextual to what that element is which is really cool so if you're done with using this kind of you know formatting way once you're done and you're happy with what you've done to untarget you simply just deselect the visual and it will just go back to how it used to work so the the normal cross highlighting cross filtering now let's move on to the build parts of the on object interaction so this is where you sort of add your data and choose the visuals that you want to use for your visual so you'll see a few options here so you have a way to choose which visual you want to use similar to how you would normally do it in the format visual except that it's now next to the actual visual itself you have your different Wells here by default this will be not here so you will simply just have a simplified view here like this so just the type which is a list so it allows you to add data and based on the data that you add in these Wells power bi will automatically suggest what visual is appropriate or what is a good visual to visualize this type of data it will even try to suggest to which Wells you might want to add it so here as you can see we don't assign the the data within the kind of X or y-axis Wells it automatically does it for us however if you want to have that finer control like you did before you just toggle it off and then you have access to all of those different Wells so like the format modes in the visual you also have the ability to right click on a lot of these things so for example if you wanted to change the aggregation type of this y-axis at the moment it's summed or maybe you want to change it to an average you simply right click and it will give those contextual options for you beyond this there are some additional settings that you can customize to change the experience for yourself based on your preference so you'll find these new Options under the options menu so if I just open it quickly and we go to report settings you'll see there are two new options for you so just the visual type by default I would probably just turn this off and then this one in the build a visual menu always show all of the visualization types now this is a preference so either you see all of the visuals that you can choose from or just get the ones that are recommended by by power bi so you can toggle that on or off so that's a kind of good way to change how your experience is for the on object interaction so now let's move on to the add part of this which allows you to add or remove certain parts of your kind of your visuals or things like titles X and Y axis your titles you can even add things like analysis kind of visuals here like trend lines or forecast which is a pretty good and quick way to kind of add elements within your version so that's that's pretty handy if you can't find what you want to add here you still have the option to go back to the format Pane and add them yourself so speaking of the format pane you'll see that it's a little bit different now well it looks a lot similar than how it was before so you will still find your typical things like your you know your drop down collapse expand I'm grouped in the same way as before but you'll notice that they've kind of merged both the visuals as well as the other analyze stuff here like the trend lines reference lines so anything conceptual to to the visual that you have instead of having a separate analyze your data tab it's all now in this visual tab so you can kind of modify them all here there's also another tab here the properties tab which has a few more sort of advanced options now I didn't understand why it's not just part of the visuals tab but if you're looking for things like you know header icons or tooltips you'll find them in this in this tab the last thing that I noticed is when I was looking for the drill through options which you won't find here because it doesn't sort of make sense here but I found it actually in the Page information down here so options like the drill through or changing your page type into a tooltip you will be able to kind of do it through here and that's really it for this video I hope you are now a little bit more familiar with this new on object interaction in power bi thanks for watching as usual give this video a like if you found it useful give it a dislike if you didn't tell us to be better for next time ask your questions in the comment section box below so I can help you and you can help others if you really liked this video we have a patreon page where you can support the channel and get exclusive perks like Early Access demo files and credits at the end of these videos
Channel: Solutions Abroad
Views: 1,044
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Keywords: solutions abroad, power bi, powerbi, power bi tutorials, power bi for beginners, beginners guide to power bi, data analytics, dax, data modelling, data visualisation, business intelligence, how to power bi, power bi how to, power bi best practices, power bi tips and tricks, power bi standards, power bi patterns, power bi help, power bi tips, power bi 2023, power bi on object, power bi format, power bi formatting, power bi build, power bi add visual, power bi preview
Id: e_kHbmdC7hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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