Full Interview With Comedian Bill Burr

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he's got a new special out it's called paper tiger you can watch it on Netflix in his bill burr what's up guys thanks for thanks for coming by good thank you for having me I still can't friggin hear myself can't hear yourself I can't I'm old dog you look hello you look like you've lost weight for your age for your okay thank you you look very good you look thank you uh what have you been doing it later what's your yeah what's your uh what's your tip I quit boozing like a year turkey yeah I saw you a year ago drunk at the Michigan game hammered Instagram is I'm sorry uh November November 24th not like I'm like a a a sober guy yeah I was just you know I was getting you know I was having a couple of two three and I just started bogging bothering me once I had a kid I'm like I have a baby upstairs toddler who's sleeping right now and I am legally hammered yeah not drunk hammered yeah after Thanksgiving decision you made her before Thanksgiving you know what's funny to last night that last day I drank I was watching Michigan Ohio State so drinking this stuff kentucky owl oh my god do I recommend that it was delicious and I remember saying to my friend as I was drinking my last one I was gonna do now I'm never [ __ ] quit I was having that much fun and then the next day I was just like I need to go on a little bit of a you know and you need to kind of put yourself in drydock yes for a second so I was just like oh my god damn it it's the holidays how do you do that during the holidays it's so hard and I just want a little bit of a streak and I went to this party and we were all gonna do a shot we were gonna have some bourbon we were gonna smoke cigars and it just so happened a commotion you know was it was wasn't just a bunch of guys it was women too and kids and stuff so there was just too much of a commotion it never happened and then I got into double digits and I was just like well let me just see if I can go through Christmas and then and then once I got through New Year's Day going to the road I go Rose Bowl every year all the best and get loaded right football heaven yes so I was just like I'm not drinking this year and then I just I just started telling people I'm not drinking this year I'm not drinking the share and it's it's easy now but it sucked for like the first three four months it just sucks but if you create that rule I think it's like if you just say I'm not drinking this year people respect it like I made a rule to myself cuz you know when we go out like there'll be a bunch of people stoolies who will say oh can I buy you a beer can buy you a shot I made a rule like five years ago no shots so we'll come up and say hey can I buy you a shot I'm like no I don't do shots yeah and if you just say it is point-blank like that you if you say like oh not right now like come on what's your problem no I don't do shots yeah I'm not drinking this year so you got the whole year yeah shots are for amateurs by the way shots are just they get you in trouble you're like fast-forward on your night yeah no they're getting your to your get on destination a little bit quicker but don't you feel like you don't quite know where that how far ahead you leap though no there's no oh yeah yeah I should say it's it's for younger people right yeah you know it's for sipping and just you know nice you know initial ascent to your cruising altitude that's what you know it's that's a day drinker knows how to drink but then yeah you guys like the stunt pilots that's throwing them down inverted and all that I don't I don't want I did that bed spin so I'm all set yeah that's when you know that you're drinking like your best drinking days are behind you when the act of getting drunk is more fun than being drunk like the flight up there's a there's a sophistication to it right yeah oh my god it's nice nice catching the buzz want some buzz oh my god I am the thinking man's drunk yes it's also a problem once you get past beer for I'd say I just started thinking about the hangover that's gonna come the next day I'll do it totally ruins my drunk experience which is why I do shots because that way I don't have to think that much in advance about the hangover I'm just already drunk oh my gosh [ __ ] well I'm [ __ ] tomorrow I actually understand that but the impending doom of the hangover once I turn 30 at least that for me was like the tipping point where getting drunk is usually not even worth it it's not fun enough to outweigh what I'm gonna be feeling the next day I guess a it's amazing that you figured that out by 30 it took me Wow ya know it's not even 50 I had to have a kid if I don't have a kid right now yeah I would be hungover and about 30 pounds heavier I told you before we started I went to the dentist for the first time in four years after I was like I should probably figure out you know some of these things and yeah it's try to be an adult death comes from the mouth for a minute it does what about actually that I think that's how like the Roman Empire went down it's all mouth [ __ ] each other until they died I think it was a what they consume oh the pipe it wasn't just that yes yeah french fries my big problem whenever I've tried to take a little time off drinking is if I show up at a social function or a party and I don't have anything in my hand it just feels like you know I got to be carrying something it's like maybe it's a crutch you know just to have it's weird walking around with that in your hand it makes you feel more comfortable it's a new it's a new skill set you have to develop and then it's actually fun watching people having a good time getting hammered is fun it's you start it's like watching a reality show like I he's gonna have to apologize for that and like wow this person didn't seem that drunk and they just told me the same story they sent me two nights ago same story and person seemed pretty sober and they told me what they did for a living and why they don't like it twice within a half-hour that's their go-to story when they just bring everybody else I don't know what it what now it's just sort of I guess meshed with what we were talking about we literally just talked about like if it was an old person I'd be like oh no yeah it's like dementia I put Nana down yeah didn't know did you say that soon were you like hey man you told me destroy a life I'm not gonna ruin that good time I just listen like it's the first time you meet a be so hypocritical if I did that the third time you know that I do is you start drifting you just sort of drift or you finish the story for them yeah you're like halt we're same wavelength that's like I know I know how this movie right now I don't like I am a big as much as I talk and make fun of younger people what everything I am a big proponent and letting young people have their good time and just because it's over for you yeah and then come in let me tell you you better watch out for that because XY and Z it's like shut up old man I let me figure that let me feel that sharp pain in my liver right myself no I agree with you there because it's I can't stand people who get into their 30s 40s 50s and they just forget what being 22 was and how everyone [ __ ] I don't know anyone who has 22 and wasn't a [ __ ] parents most parents what they'll send their kid to school and it's like he's gonna get the [ __ ] kicked out of them no let's go muted colors doesn't want to stand out right actually it'd be funny next time an old guy starts telling you what's gonna happen if you keep drinking like that you just yell it spoiler alert Yeah right I think it's better than we enjoy this episode it's way better to be a [ __ ] when you're 22 and you don't have any power you don't have enough money to get yourself in serious trouble than it is to have all your [ __ ] together throughout your 20s then you turn 30 you're established maybe you've got a couple of dollars in your pocket and then you turn into a [ __ ] you're much more dangerous at that point in life yeah that's why I try not to make fun of pop stars and stuff I still do but like you get all that money you got a [ __ ] Lamborghini when you're 21 and riding around with your shirt off eat McDonald's and you still got abs I mean who can tell you anything right yeah if you bet if you ever been around someone I'm sure you have that has been famous for the majority of their life they're just not gonna be normal you mean someone who was famous when they were 17 years old Oh have I been around someone like that I'm sure you have your Hollywood bill like okay for example for nothing think about a guy like a-rod who was famous he was he drafted you know one one first overall so he was essentially famous when he was 17 18 years old so for the last 22 years he has been a rod I think you have to give a little bit to those type of people being like their world's not the same like what is your second act that guy's head yeah becoming an analysis it's just like I love this guy doing podcasts to a podcast well that's right he's come up let's let's how annoying is the press tour for paper tiger Ben because everyone's like hey Bill what do you think about canceled culture there's been moments of that and then mostly not in it's funny I found more guys talking about it then the female reporters or whatever and uh I I did I guess I did a radio tour there was just one person by the third one some woman I was doing a radio thing is she's just like she did it Royal Albert Hall in London how much fun was that it looked beautiful I'm like like finally somebody who get it yeah it was just all about you know having a good time and trying a new venue and and taking a chance by going over there and most of the special was about me being an idiot and trying to clean up my act so I don't you know screw up this great thing that I have with my wife and kids so ya know what the meteor I had most people most people most people I mean I'm sure you guys exist in the same sort of world that I do that there's this you know there's this one thing that's being asked and then there's what people are really feeling so it's sort of this weird like I was compared to the last election where they sort of misread where people were at I understand why the cancer culture people are doing what they're doing that their hearts are in the right place it's just the the the way that they're going about it yeah and it's just like you know telling a stupid joke is a long long ways away from taking your dick out at work I think I could say that right I don't know how you somehow get lumped into that where it's just like how could Joe right in front of all those adults right house watch online or or and tell that [ __ ] joke I think the mediums in which people are disagree now actually has a very big effect on this because it could just be a disagreement somebody being like hey I didn't like that joke and that should be the end of it but if it's a famous person or somebody with a checkmark tweeting hey I didn't like that joke too a comedian all of a sudden now it becomes a story and their blogs weren't about I have to be honest and you can disagree with people about what's funny what a pro produced to have that long tail line it's not really even at this point even worth talking about anymore I think it's it's sort of adjusting back and I think it is it was bad in the beginning that all you know people were doing what they were doing and there was no way to tell people about it now there is there was a little bit of an overcorrection and I think it's just gonna come you know the pendulum has swung back to it but I know they can't go all the way back right just to like more of a you know you know listen to people for hundreds of years or something the cork has to fly off the bottle first and then it's got to swing all the way this way and then it's got to gradually you know come back to like you know a place where now you're aware that this stuff goes on you're gonna listen to people and then you'll take the proper channels to figure out if whatever went down went down and then it did these are the punishments and then that's it your than that that has nothing to do with being a stand-up comedian okay so how was Royal Albert Hall and you are a venue guy you've been to venues not only as a stand-up comedian but we talked last time you're on about all the different stadiums you've been to where does it rank I have 57 and I'll tell you why I would say that one was that one was probably the top just because it was past Carnegie can't believe I can have this conversation with you it was past that in that it was another country's Carnegie and all those people showed up and I was taping this special and it's just the whole thing the way it worked out and Mike the way Mike binder shot the thing it was really like everything just came together that night so I would say I would say that but there's there's different reasons to like a venue I would say the first rough and rowdy that I did with you yes is one of the top venues because that's the house that Ric Flair girls refer but there's different reasons to like stuff where was that Charlotte yes you know I was just watching I didn't have time to see where it was was I was watching every look like for years watch The Undertaker versus mankind the hell in the cell yes and just as far as working a crowd for what at all costs when mankind gets up off the stretcher I thought he died yeah and when and I totally bought in yeah totally bought in that even every time I watch it he sells it so hard you buy in you know he still got her but when he gets back up and slowly starts picking up speed and has that crazy smile does that rumble' i every time i watch it die laughing applauding yes going this is working a crowd at such a masterful level and even like that you watch how the Undertaker when he really knows he hurts him he'll take a couple of bumps to give him a break or miss a move just the the artistry yes of what went on that night and like I just love people that like make fun of wrestling like yeah you know it's fake it's like you know a movie's fake but if it's done right right you go along for the ride yeah right and like I don't man I don't think it's ever been done better than that so what happened I was thinking was that in Mellon arena was that with the Penguins used to play I think so yeah the Eagle right cool was it was in Pittsburgh and I'm thinking how big wrestling was I don't know where it is right now but how big was then that was when the rock and Stone Cold and everybody so they were playing you know all the arenas also the place for what was that jean-claude Van Damme moves John Claude Van Damme movie the face off no not face off I face off that was Travolta movie with him where they were playing Dennis Rodman no they had to like stop a bomb at the igloo a hockey gear [ __ ] I don't know all right but I think you just bought a movie it it sounds good us downside you know some parts a repo yeah can we get that made I don't know but I love how you guys how into the system you guys think I am your your tracksuit that made you look like oh I just put this on we know you got a tuxedo under there there's a reason I'm wearing this I'm finally doing my to my buddies got a podcast at a historical hyenas and they're like Bay Ridge Brooklyn guy sorta oh gosh to them and then I was coming up here I'm like oh wait you got that tracksuit July January yes I was just like oh it looks good yeah it's very comfortable it always whatever your tracksuit everyone's it it you kind of carry like I don't know like a weight to you where everyone looks at you like what's that guy's a scumbag are--some you you it ups your level of respect class also brings it down a level but no will [ __ ] with you yeah but you could you just walk around your ears walking into a Starbucks and everyone's like okay well like I'm not dating that guy and guys like I'm not [ __ ] with you're getting what you want you're getting a reaction I also think if you're rocking a tracksuit yeah somebody somebody does think you're up to something I was walking past and dude this morning he was standing on the stoop of a barbershop just smoking a cigarette and tracksuit and I was like that guy's running numbers I'm convinced of it yeah I'm given a wife-beater on he doesn't have a job but he's got a really strong side hustle yeah and which is almost more intimidating I wanted Tiny's winning because I don't a stoop in the middle of day everybody's hustling to work he's having a cigarette chillin chillin yeah Joey nowhere to be he's on his own time something to aspire to Queen yes we can agree yes I want to talk real quick about doing your special in England what okay what was your decision-making process why were you like I want to go overseas to film this because I plan on doing a bunch of these and each one has to be a little bit different or it just becomes I don't know too much of the same thing I would think so I've done summon the west coast the East Coast I did a couple down south it's like where do I do this next one it was a big risk because so much of it was about here obviously I live here and I was just like but I I always wanted to perform there and I performed there last year and I went up there and I'm such a Zeppelin fan and I and love John Bonham and stuff and and that's my favorite concert footage of theirs at Royal Albert Hall and it still looks the exact same and that when I did that first show last year as much as I had a good set I had a good time the whole time I wasn't quite present cuz I was like oh my god this is it I am on stage here John Bonham's drums were right there I'm standing where Robert Plant was I couldn't get out of my head I felt like I've won like a radio contest you know go meet your favorite football player and you totally clam up and don't know what to say and so it felt a little bit like that so but afterwards you know and my reps all came over because they wanted to you know check out the place and then they were all kind of like this [ __ ] place is beautiful obviously you know Americans right I never heard this place right this place is beautiful you should do especially me I was like do you think I could and they were like yeah and it scared the [ __ ] out of me because I knew I had this great hour and I was like what I've coming over here [ __ ] the whole thing up but I I just I couldn't resist how good-looking was so I had this healthy sense of excitement and fear going the whole way over and I just did some tune-up gigs before I went over there cuz he's had to get into to how many live well I did the Liverpool gig first where I got this fat I lose hats all the time this one I've been hanging on to for a minute so I did that one first and that was a good show and then the next one went okay and then the next one was good then the next one was good then the next one was great so it's kind of it's always kind of a the first one always goes well because I'm just okay I'm in England alright [ __ ] it boom I do it or I'm wherever but then the next one you go on stage and you're like okay how did I do this last night so now you're not present so it just puts you like that half a beat behind and then it starts not going well and then because you're in England rather than it's been like I need to [ __ ] get this going you start taking away my [ __ ] was last night lucky do they not find me funny in London in England and then you can then you can start doing the death spiral so there was a little bit of that for a few minutes but I just been doing it long enough to know how to get out of that and so you still do go into that every now and then oh absolutely absolutely the night you know we taped back-to-back nights instead of doing two in one night what you want to do is two and one night because you know you do you little BP on the first one and then the second one you swing out of your cleats and then usually how I do is I take you know the better of the two and then there's always something I got to like cut out because it goes too long so what I use it's almost like a parts car if you watch those guys well yeah they buy two and they just cannibalize all the parts you just take like two little clips so you can take something out and they stick that because I don't want to have like like jump it back and forth because even if people don't know you did that it's gonna feel that because all crowds have a different vibe and it's like you're gonna be like you know left speaker right speaker left speaker right speakers it's gonna [ __ ] it up so yeah you have to it's got a seam like have a flow to it I think so I don't know that's basically cloud well you got to change in here stuff up when you go overseas like there's certain things that you can't talk about in London that they won't understand that might be part of your normal act in America if I was just walk down the street talk to somebody in London yes if you're going to my show at this point cuz I've been over there enough times there into what I do so all I'm taking is a couple thousand people that listen to the podcast and get me they come in there but that is not a good indication of if I was just to stand out on the street and just pull a crowd in a park like a street performer and there would be a lot of people like you know like they wouldn't have any idea what I was talking so there was a few things I had a change like instead of saying Stedman I had to say Oprah Winfrey's husband which ended up actually being funnier uh-huh because I wasn't even doing the man the respect of saying his name right so they call Zach Ertz his wife right yeah if it came more absurd the whole thing became more absurd and fortunately most people who watched it really got it and you know and then it's just a normal I didn't like it so I didn't watch it and then there's II I loved it so I watched it and then the stuff we were talking about earlier right I didn't like it therefore you should change the whole thing so I can't change everything about yes where was the college football trip this year it's this weekend it's Clemson which I was so excited about but Florida State stinks yeah a little weird Oh have you been oh how are you don't know I liked it I liked it there's a rock tonight I came here I was in a good mood you know I you know what I like I took time off where you go to Clemson obviously busy Hollywood schedule of green lighting things like that I should say the track suit I like to that's you know what like you guys big on the pizza here never tell somebody where you're excited to go get a slice from don't even [ __ ] do it someone's gonna ruin it okay here's something do you do you have any people Hollywood bill do you know anyone at Clemson that can take you through the facility oh I I will be like brought in through beneath the stadium mmm-hmm on a Zeppelin yeah that's how I'll hook you up with Mike the guy who cuz the facility is unbelievable that like they have this football facility that is just it's insane basically instead of paying the players they put a bowling alley and all this all these personal in there to be like hey isn't this fun it's like well it would be fun if they got paid yeah I like Clemson I should have said that I [ __ ] up all right so what what unless you misspoke yeah misspoke that was a totally you know what it was cuz I bet on Clemson and they didn't cover the spread that's why I didn't yeah you had yet a little axe to grind Richard sure enough now that you're a father it was too hot see yeah I am mature now I was too hot there when I went but it's gonna be nice and cool it's gonna be mid-october you're gonna be beautiful it's gonna be great it's gonna be great what what are the most recent when we leave to 80 percent of that when you I'll tell you after when you had a wheel I said yarn you had almost all of the stadiums have you picked up any new ones all the pro ones yeah I have she's in credits a streak that I just love to talk about gonna say there's some rich guy who's been to all mothers does he have its own plane oh oh you totally got your own plane man that's like the peds ago lady come on that's not fair middle seat on a dc9 it'll buy out like an entire Southwest Airlines yeah and just ride on his own so what have you picked up I'll he'll do that yeah Vince young stop yeah yeah that's kind of cool but you still can't lay down that's true I guess gross yeah yeah yeah what do you wish ones have you picked up recently cuz it's so for me who don't know who maybe didn't hear the first time bill was on he goes in all his travels stand-up you know comedy working on movies Hollywood he tries to hit a stadium every time he goes to a new city and you have been to almost every single stadium in all the four majors I've seen yeah a home game of almost every team okay cuz a few people like I've been to a home game of the Phillies but it was the vet I've still never got to the new one so there's a little bit of that going on but all the baseball all the football all the hockey except three and I got six or seven basketball like just a couple of tough cities like I'm only played Memphis in New Orleans a couple of times so trying to not only play there and sync it up when the Grizzlies and pelicans have a game has been a little bit tough and then once a year I go to a a big college football game I've been to college hoop racing have you won MotoGP next year have you done Duke yes Oh Carolina oh my god dude yeah that was almost on par with the first time I went to the Super Bowl the Patriots are in and they won cuz I went when they lost to the Packers and I want to when they beat the Rams the first time and then but that was just like people standing the whole time I came out my ears were ringing like I'd saw a concert it was [ __ ] it's a small small right like five seven thousand Camden indoor it is like as far as a sports experience scuse me just belch there it's it's definitely it's an overused term but it is I got Mecca something that's so wrong well what about fog allergy in Kansas yeah Mecca I always love that it's a basketball Mecca yeah medal from around the globe gathered to kick the Knicks think that that means like the Knicks are amazing now it doesn't it just means like everybody dreams of playing in New York City because of the parks yeah not I mean what happened what out all those in the rap songs they always talk about that one but went up there the [ __ ] I say rap songs and all the rap - when they sing they're always singing about the lyric about the burger park or something like that but no nobody's really not really talking about it so it's a pretty good sign as a Cubs fan it's like it's pretty good sign if your team stinks you're probably talking about how awesome your stadium is yeah that's that's really kind of the subtle were these or something the more your franchise stinks the more music ends a ninis on the field in between plays yes yep I which I went to the Patriots Redskins yesterday good I love that stadium because it's this weird hybrid of old and new it sucks I love that state who loves FedEx Field yeah well you had a seat that wasn't behind a giant cement pillar I know Dan Snyder's lap no no no I actually Hollywood bill came in and was a man of the people but I was and I was talking to some dude next to me so totally not Hollywood I was so proud of myself yeah you just see the other hand lives no but it was the [ __ ] speaker the [ __ ] they were pumping out was literally they were playing Twisted Sister and guy was yelling like that sunday sunday sunday voice-over it yeah and then this guy who knew the game that's why I liked him was shouting it becomes like when you're in a bar and you're hitting on a you know some chicken you're just screaming in her ear and then she's yelling in your ear it was I had like my teeth hurt cuz my ears have [ __ ] from all the years of listening loud music so I I went out to go get a water and get away from the speaker and then I came back and just kind of stood in the middle and he probably thought oh he's being Hollywood bill right it's sort of my it's like two personalities act like the Hulkster him you know what I mean yeah when I die my beard black that's that's when yes that's what I'm a man of the people red the red is Hollywood bill something they don't talk about enough in that Stadium because you always hear about Seattle they pump into crowd noise right like that's what Pete Carroll has been doing for years at FedEx Field they have a live marching band inside the stadium sits in the endzone they just leave the microphones on the band right when like in between plays until the ball snapped so you hear the crowd cheering but it's just oops we forgot to turn the micro to the lapel mic off the trundle what is this it's the design yes how they designed yeah it's just like it's like a music venue but but rather than getting a great sound from the band it's like I went there like pregame people chatting in the crowd was loud yeah it was crazy like I was looking there so he brought a baby and I was sitting there going I hope they got like those weed whacker the drew brees yeah yeah I saw pictures of that game was it really as heavy in New England as it looked on TV yeah it looked like I wouldn't say it looked like you were in Foxborough but it mor look like when Jacksonville when they have the big cocktail game between was it in Florida oh yeah Florida in Georgia yeah LSU yeah Georgia that's what is yeah so it looked like that it was like sort of half the stadium was Pats fans and stuff so I'd you know I try not to be you know obnoxious and be a dick when I go to other people staying like my team's like really winning like we were I'm not gonna sit there and clap whenever I see that I just say that person kind of deserves to get this [ __ ] kicked yeah so alright so what would be if you had to pick your favorite Stadium in each sport like you're number one what would help great question you can't do your own teams oh you can't well you know what you don't appreciate your own stains because you grew up and yeah like I can never quite appreciate Fenway because to me like Abby's like oh my god I went there in the green monstah but it's just like I always saw that and I thought that that's what a ballpark looked like for the most part so baseball all right well there's different categories so I'll tell you what was a great one just off the road okay going going diners drive-ins and dives here I'm gonna say County Stadium Milwaukee Brewers and first of all what I loved about that stadium was they still had the beer keg back in the day every time they hit a home run they had some big titted blonde would slide down a slide into this alleged bucket of beer mmm like America you know what I mean so she was gone by then but just like the design like I'll just I don't just looking like all that all the guts of it were hanging out and just the way they added on to it stole a film major leak yeah oh is that what he filmed this yeah that one old Tiger Stadium was great I love the overhead yeah and I sat there oh my god that's at the right field because I was like I wanted to be in the overhang with the short porch and we are they used to call it that was a great one the Astrodome knowing that Mickey Mantle hit when I hit his last home run there Elvis played there a Earl Campbell that Monday Night Football game I saw one there these as far as like the old ones the cookie cutter ones that were going away Candlestick was just a great miserable punishing place yeah to go see a game just freezing you're right on the water I always remember this week in baseball there'd be like hot dog wrappers just swirling around in the outfield yes but as far as like the newer ones I'd have to say that the best new one that I went to is Pittsburgh yeah I agree it's just that's the view of the bridges and like it's probably not the Pirates in 79 was one of my favorite teams of all time it's just a shame their ownership is just running it like you know like the Nestle corporate like that whole downtown area to where you got you got Heinz Field right next to it's not a scene but they got the casino there too they got everything right down to end the bridge come back that's city since I've been going there just on the road has been incredible where it's like it was when I started going there in the late 90s it was still the hangover of like you know the whole steel industry and all the stuff yeah went away was before the tech boom and like the downtown was like desolate it was scary and it was just I don't know it wasn't a lot of action going on downtown and I went to old was it that's once three rivers I want you that I saw willie stargell right before he died they did some commemorative thing to him Sammy Sosa was was on the Cubs I remember I sat in right field so he was right there it was a year after 98 that was cool um what about hockey what's the best barn oh I can't say the Boston Garden you got I took a tour of Maple Leafs garden that was cool before they took out all the seats and [ __ ] that thing up but I never went to a game there I went to the old Montreal Forum which was a weird one I saw them against the Minnesota North Stars in 89 when Patrick was still there still a kid Winnipeg was great I took a hockey trip one weekend me and my brother went out there was a Friday Saturday Sunday Calgary Edmonton and Vancouver all had home games I was like [ __ ] it let's go and he goes alright let's go so we went to the Saddledome and it was like I love that thing yeah it was snowing out that was a such a grace like he just thought Lanny McDonald was gonna come skating out on the ice just and it was snowing out it was great then we went up to Edmonton and they played Vancouver and what was awesome was we only heard one national anthem and it was Canada and I was like I am is deep into the NHL as I can be right now I'm the furthest north team yes I'm in Canada and all I heard was the Canadian national anthem and that was still Northlands Coliseum which became Rexall place and they had like I got chills when I looked at when they had their Stanley Cup banners from the five that they won during the Gretzky Messier era and I saw all those all of those guys Paul Coffey all of those guys like the retired jerseys up there it was just like this is where I went down this was there we said the coldest ice in the league cuz they was so goddamn fast and we met him unfortunately twice in the finals lost both times and dude this [ __ ] we do like we would have the ice set jest so it was ice it was literally like slush right just trying to slow them down we had a small it was this all crazy the NHL's we had a smaller rink like you can magic having a smaller football field like dimensions of what you play on what actually could be different sizes back then so we had a smaller rink we played more of a grind it out style and that's just one of the things that I love about the NHL but also drives me up the wall like last year that they allowed the st. Louis Blues to play the way that they did to win a cup it was great for the fans of st. Louis I'm really happy for the Blues fans but as a Bruins fan to watch the Bruins get beat by a team playing per ones hockey because they penalized that style of play out of the game so he had like this Olympic hockey team a finesse you know the no touch icing let's let's do this and they just were running our goaltender and we had there was nobody there we'd add no more lue cheats no more McQuaid or anything like that so having said that I hope that style of play kind of comes back a little bit because I enjoy that I enjoy hockey that's probably my number one number one sport I love it yeah I love it cuz it's also like it's never been the sport in this country it's row gets sort of outside there's a loner sort of thing to it it's very like is hipster bill cause now I looked at no it's more like it's more like a stand-up comic book state of being a comedian there's such a weird like ridiculous amount of respect and no respect for it whatsoever right right like if you tell some of your community I could never do that level but whenever they show us in a movie we're always like a rubber chicken we're on our stage or we've earned a lot of that but like it's weird it's just like yeah it's completely like one of my favorite two things I ever saw making fun of stand-up comedy was when cliff Clavin tried stand-up on Cheers and the in the Simpsons one time made fun to stand up and it was just it was done really it was really done well Krusty went dark yeah all sorry everything oh yeah oh yeah the cigarette yeah yeah watch that don't you hate pants that was a great episode yeah once yeah once what's a year I'll watch that alright yeah I think you have to do another show after this but so I'll do one last question Hollywood bill is in demand yeah he is you know last time I was here I was down to earth bill now and we're in your heads in the class that's it this whole track suit is just a front you're just gonna have to like you know ride this out with me we're in three years later see if I come back down to earth and then you can see who I really start really yeah yeah you've seen this office is the first time you've been in here right net where Hollywood now I gotta be honest you had a green room you said a green room the the lovely lady who brought me in I could not tell the difference between this place in the other place oh damn it's very sparsely well I mean you have no there's nothing on the walls whenever I walk into this place if I'm in the studio I'm like this is this is crankin that's when I'm out there I'm just like this whole thing could shut down tomorrow yeah we're street we have all the phones set up these guys blog on flash paper yeah cigarette going this way like a room full of phones it's just a bunch of dip cans pretty much all right so the C key question if you want to go see bill stand up are you going on tour soon when's my next one Oh Hollywood bill will be in wine country promo code take first rate dollars off with an ascot Oh take all right so then now give us football we need the football that's that's just the question okay continue my my thing is I don't know who do New England Patriots are right now because we basically I think we're what we are every year where we have some holes that in the screws need to be tightened down everybody's looking at the record but if you look at our September schedule we basically had the same type of schedule as a college football team yeah we played three cupcakes and then we played the three no Buffalo Bills and we we we had problems yeah we Bowling Green yeah yeah all the Mac team yeah line them up Lafayette Lido and Kent LSU Lafayette or whatever the Ohio State Miami do I don't you pictures are gonna win the Super Bowl again probably what I meant stadiums I don't know what are your favorite last year we got real lucky that uh was it girly girly was hurt yeah that's huge dude yeah yep yeah the amount of clock that they could eaten up the amount of options that there we did think about winning it is not only do you have to be good you always have to have like that looked like the first time we beat the Rams why the [ __ ] didn't like March stop using martial [ __ ] yeah no one will ever know he doesn't know right he's on his back porch right now staring off into a lake so a man was just trying to connect when are you gonna let it go Mike do you have tickets for the Superbowl are you planning on going to Miami no the last Super Bowl first Super Bowl ever went to was we lost to Green Bay when Brett Favre took his helmet off and ran and then the next one I went to was the Rams and I kind of called that game just because I was talking [ __ ] I was walking down the street Bourbon Street I kept pointing to Patriots fans go they don't know they think they know because they kept saying it's a scrimmage and all that why'd you show up I go Bill Belichick is a defensive genius because I was going down there thinking I was gonna drop two grand again and see my team lose but then I started thinking like wait a minute he was the defensive coordinator when they beat Elway in 86 and shut down that hire he beat the running gun Montana Buffalo Bills yeah and Mike I didn't realize that Montana and I and I just said that as this pause that became my positive mantra and I was ended up being right that's like I knew knew but I but anyway so I saw them win and then I was just like every to me my buddy like every time they go to the Super Bowl we're gonna go so the next time I would you made that deal I was gonna go you're like [ __ ] that's a lot I know I was gonna go but we were recording the world series of dice this how long the Patriots been winning tour with the late great Charlie Murphy Dave Chappelle show and it was a early Monday shoot and I was gonna be able to make it so my buddy went took somebody else and I was really bummed out that I couldn't go psyched that I was doing Chappelle show but I was bummed out I couldn't go but I had to admit like when the game was over and I was sitting in my apartment and I still had two grand in my pocket and I was thinking like you know is it ever gonna be better than the first time I want my brother and my dad mmm-hmm my dad's like old-school never does anything from so you know someday I'm gonna get myself a cold drink of water he's one of those guys it's like dad today someday God just never does anything from self and he went to that game and like for three months my mom told me every day he woke up going I can't believe I was at that game was like am I really gonna top that so I never went again I look at it like someday you know my kid gets older I'll go with her or something like that if she's into it yeah okay all right so best Stadium though give me best stadium to finish out best football foot football college Worf NFL Lambo Lambo and then also old Dallas Cowboy Stadium because I loved I loved Tom Landry Cowboys when they were like this respectable franchise that did coke and banked hookers yep as opposed to when it was like back when people some people thought wrestling was real yeah I like that era as opposed to when they were okay it's sports entertainment that was a hammer game Cowboys when they came and then I wasn't as big a fan then I like the Tony Dorsett Drew Pearson you get the nice little rectangular yeah yeah Robert Newhouse I should start wearing remember when remember that weird thing when we kind of joke about every now and then Jack Del Rio and who's it Mike Nolan we're like hey we're gonna wear suits on the sidelines as coaches hey coke sweat or anything but suddenly it's feeling hot we're work we're getting you we're smoking you out we're also it is yeah yeah I'm feeling you guys are coming at me during this weird time in the comedy climate the name of this podcast episode is gonna be like we can't so bill Berg you won't believe what he said about minorities yes it's gonna be insane let me hit you're gonna Gary's gonna be insane you have to sell advertising with you got to say what we do with curiosity hits we have cornered the market huh curiosity hits I think I just coined in advertising phrase yes which one of these [ __ ] Space Odyssey guys they're all gone stare Bubba in the eye every time I go to the bathroom here there's a camera in there no there is a bug or something that's legal yeah in here you're on an even floor it's leaked so Ronnie consent party states so I can tape you whenever I want hmm that's the rule we're good all right we should probably let you go bill burr thank you for stopping by yeah I'm the one the best all right thank you guys yeah by the way I love when you and L presbytery football games in one night and you you have to have money you have to better I just I can't no no it's about time somebody just admitted how much fun gambling is before you lose everything yes I'm a boil you lose your wife and kid I mean there's nothing better than having action on a game I can't understand people it's this new thing where people are like well you got to be a sharp only bet the games you should bet it's like know if there's a football game on you have to bet it if money bodies are made you have to bet it I I got buddies in mind that if there's a game they don't give a [ __ ] about they put money on it so they will yes yes that's exactly I do during baseball season there's if I see but I'll party a job you got to know he's at the worst thing that's happened is live betting because if I sit down at a bar or a restaurant and there's a game on and I didn't know it was gonna be honest like well now I'm gonna lie about it because now I have to have it it's on in front of my face I like like your face is lit actually I'm getting crazy eyes well I've actually bought these it's great if you saw if you show up for an engagement so one game on two screens did you blow these coming up no there's a game coming up right here the Braves and the Cardinals they had action on that too okay yeah so I'm ready to go it is the perfect way to kill time if you're early for an engagement bet on something I lose so much just bet what you know you want you oh yeah that's a good advice bill why bet we got but will you can people well bill Berger you go all the way thank you I wish i you
Channel: Pardon My Take
Views: 369,954
Rating: 4.8612099 out of 5
Keywords: Barstool, Barstool Sports, Sports, Grit, PMT, Bigcat, Big Cat, Barstool PFT, PFT, Barstool Big Cat, Pardon My Take, Pardon My Take Barstool, PFTCommenter, Funny, Podcast, Gritweek, Big, Comedy, PFT Commenter, Bill Burr, Full Interview, Comedian, Stand up, Laughs, Just for laughs, Hockey, Stadiums, Theater, Sober, Being sober
Id: wztQ2x-nrag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 21sec (2661 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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