FULL FIGHT | Gennadiy Golovkin vs. Sergiy Derevyanchenko (DAZN REWIND)

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and now from the greatest venue in the world for sports and entertainment Madison Square Garden New York City New York you as a triple G promotions and Eddy heard from mushroom boxing USA in association with dibela entertainment and fight promotions proudly present live on the zone and Sky Sports the main event of the evening twelve rounds of boxing for the vacant IBF IBO middleweight championship of the world sponsored by take on say the official beer of boxing Chivas success is a blend and techno dome sanctioned by the New York State Athletic Commission and the IBF President Darrell people's supervisor Randy Newman along with the IBO president at Lavine supervisor Hilton Whitaker the third at ringside the three judges scoring will be Frank Lombardi Eric Marlon ski and Kevin Morgan and inside the ring in charge of the action at the Bell World Championship veteran referee Harvey dog and now the fighters are in the ring and they are ready the officials are in position and they are ready boxing fans for the thousands in attendance here at Madison Square Garden and the millions watching around the world ladies and gentlemen [Music] introducing first fighting out of the blue corner with his trainer Andre Rozier wearing black trimmed with gold an official weight 159 pounds his professional record 13 victories 10 of those 13 wins by knockout with only one defeat he comes to us from nuclear pool crane and Brooklyn New York he is Sergei the technician there Bianca [Music] and his opponent across the ring fighting out of the red corner with his trainer Jonathan banks wearing white with red and blue officially weighing in at 159 point two bounds as a professional 39 victories 35 knockouts only once with decision loss and one split decision draw from karaganda Kazakhstan the foamer eight-year undefeated little weight Kanani good Nadia let's go lookin hey hey hey [Applause] okay boxes we went over the instructions earlier as a reminder obey my commands at all times protect yourself at all times touch gloves good luck you can feel the electricity of New York City Madison Square Garden filling up right now Gennady golovkin seventh fight at Madison Square Garden he wanted Canelo this fall he did not get him he'd come back with a tune up against Steve roles in June he steps back up to world class tonight and his second fight and really first full camp with his new trainer Jonathan banks he's 37 but he isn't all-time great a lot of people believe that Gennady golovkin his loss to step this is chance to still among the elite we're underway around 1:00 here at the garden the Lumpkin in the white trunks Durov young Shenko in the golden black [Applause] drove young sent over conventional sérgio as a good jab is very steady and defensively responsible - he's gonna need technique against triple G he's gonna have to fight on the inside and back up golovkin which is something a lot of fighters can't do they say they're gonna try it but you're gonna have to back up goal often in order to be successful during shadow a little success there with the jab and we'll stick that out but you can see the better pedigree right away just getting off first getting that jab out there putting it right in golovkin's face the issues though the derrick pachenko has had in his professional career is that he's a bit of a slow starter it's what got him into a bit of a holes of Daniel Jacobs happened against jack poke a does himself out of it you have to start fast to try to get some points against look he's athletic he's sound you wonder but I would put it this way his best to review and Shenko is fighting us five guineas five and the no greater motivation than right here with this man in front of him with a middleweight belt on the line it's been a character chanko told me earlier today and on moving a lot right now not what aboot is standing straight in front of his man the Lumpkin meantime just kind of peers in he got off to a slow start against Steve roles in June of course he finished it in tremendous fashion there's a jab and another one from the luck and he has the most accurate jab in boxing lands over 30% of his jams in there a hook off the jab starting to get work started to get a bit of a ladder Chris you ever find out to give a bit of a cold who like symptoms go out kid earlier this week well one thing that was notable about golovkin is that on the second day way in which the IBF requires you can't come in more than ten pounds over 160 pounds [Applause] it looked like he had weathered that combination but clearly he had not now let's see what the Lumpkin does the ravine Shenko fires back in survival mode Thurmond ting Co put his head down to lock in had no choice but to punch down that's what caused the knockdown surprise knocked down here in the first round after directly and Junko had gotten off to a decent start that is the power of triple G founder of young chef ko moving his head a little bit more has to be a bit discouraging getting off to a solid start then suddenly on the canvas kind of a delayed reaction not that we will definitely take a look at that the class and the power and the creme rising to the top pumpkin [Applause] today started with an uppercut then theremin Janko was looking for a place to hide he did the level of the you must to do take their eyes off their opponent by looking down got caught on top of the head with a flash knock down there were kind of two grazing shots off the top of the head work their search area this is the second one there was and there were legal because he's going down there on his own the run song all-time great weight and Rooney here the footballer is here to enjoy this it's an international spectacle here surprise knockdown in round number one what's up to ten eight rounds for Icarus max I don't Chris we're just talking back and forth and suddenly I thought all right the uppercut got him I didn't think the shot to the back of the head would do that damage but knocked down in the first round it did look like they're even Janko was a little off-balance trying to go under those shots he got caught in a perfect spot just right there now he's gonna have to really pick up the pace to win rounds here he is not the type of fighter it just starts it with one shot and certainly you can't really expect to knock out the lunk at least we wouldn't expect that he's got to get some rounds as a bank if he hopes to win and he is already before devaron chained to the two straight right hands earlier straight to the body of golovkin I love that punch I hope he continues throwing it there's a little uppercut hook I got some to the body he's boxed well certificates that's the thing has been knocked down and really defines the fight as far as the story but he's fought well no he's bounced around he's backing up golovkin which is what you're supposed to do back off the monster and go to the bodies a lot can goes to the body as well with the hook goes upstairs and downstairs and it will be interesting to see with a full camp with Jonathan banks if they're able to establish what they call a new rhythm banks calls golovkin a happy warrior said he wants to bring that joy to the training bring the joy to the ring and let it all flow I think more important for golovkin he's actin he had a 266 day layoff between the Canelo fight and to fight against Steve role this is a guy that the peak of his powers was fighting four times in one year so being this active I think it's only good for Kalani he's back in there now again rolls was that was the long layoff and now you'd figure he's at the camp and leave off from golovkin and he's able to do damage with any shot we saw that against Steve rolls uppercut that cot don't give Chekov then there been tinkled added some good body shots counter body shots all I want to see a lot more of that appears dead gun chunko is bloodied a little bit right in the corner of his right eye as well doesn't appear the lumpiness done a lot of damage but his face dragon juncos face says otherwise final minute of the second round another lead hawk and a body shot by triple G [Applause] Drebin chuckles still effective with the jab [Music] three more good jobs but he is starting to bleed there there's a hook off them but the jab by triple G as well he's starting to bloody directly and check those face Matt Cutts is not in a good place for Derby Jenko you know the Lumpkin doesn't even appear to be throwing hard and yet look at the damage he's done it's been nice and easy so far in this fight he's been outbox for good at stanza of it and yet he has to knock down and he hasn't been [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that is obviously a bad pun in a bad place that can bleed right into the eye they're gonna have to do a masterful job try to close that up we're gonna see and trying to find out exactly where this came from it was a left hook by golovkin that caught him right on the brow here we go so we're not talking to clash of heads we are talking if this fight has to stop because of that pod that would be a TKO Gennady golovkin but if you take away that knocked out in the cut off to it just a slow start but he has done the damage so far in this fight Round three scheduled for the championship 12 I mean use this methodical and powerful even with the ruffian Shenko boxing well sergio jabbing well he's getting beat up expect this to be a really big and interesting round right here darren take let's fight or flight he's definitely not gonna fight he's fighting back there's gonna be an interesting run right here that's everything going against him so far as he lands a shot to the body Springs to the side trying to make things happen I love this by self-preserving same from Dana angle on golovkin [Applause] he knows the clock is ticking where's the right hands as well he's top he's experienced he knows this was his chance golovkin fires an uppercut back this is how sometimes I've had success against Godot DeLonge can get on the inside of the body and back him up go to the body after the gems but he has continues to have success with the jab but now firing off a combination on simple Jane and you can tell there's a sense of urgency in durban Genco here Andre was year in his corner you have to know that the chance is not great people survived the entire fight with that type of cut [Applause] great option here in round three to review and Shenko making it happen as the odds start to stack up against it what a five-shot life thereby golovkin they'll search it he doesn't even have to wind up to hit you hard you know it's just it looks like he's just placing his shots and he can do damage dravyam saenko comes back with a hook to the head his power comes from technique now the cut is bad it isn't a bad place and a jab lands by the Lumpkins but it doesn't appear to be filling up his eye right now in other words first I'm saying it could be worse right it could be and I think it will get worse it's gallopping with that jab [Music] we're knocking having a nice left hook that shook Durbin jankle right now it Sergio appear girl often that cut becomes basic target doesn't it that's what you're aiming for every single time you go ahead you turn up cut apart with solid jabs do not relent good body work might the Rebbe young Shenko he goes to the body again with the right hand he's been very effective and he goes to the head right hand to the head by derevko and gentle been effective with the bodywork Sergio yes he has and I love seeing that that's the only way you'd be golovkin you gotta take him to the body back him up just like he's doing right now final seconds of round 3 they get the sense of urgency for Gran vía and Shengo who has fought well in this fight the knockdown has been bloodied and they have to go to war every single round on that cut [Music] let's go to Steve smoker again Hall of Fame referees joining us tonight Steve why don't you explain to the people exactly how that works as long as that cut and the possibility of the stoppage it was a green shot found the stop it is a TKO canonical option you can see any claps a heads or anything not at all very clean right Steve thank you so much does that explain to people again if you a certain point if that's gotta they can go to the scorecards after war if it stopped if it's a clash of heads but not if it's from a punt if it has to be stopped if it's from a punch that is a technical knockout it is amazing how effortless it has been so far for golovkin who doesn't seem to be Sergio having a great night Durov Ian chenko has had a lot of success and yet I mean this looks like this could end any minute the loskis not having a great night but Durbin Janko he fought really well in that third round he's gonna have a have to have another successful run right here in the forest dravya and Shenko with a lot of head movement as well let's go to claudia x-ray house Claudia thank you BK we had a chance to speak to Rosario and he's a bit concerned with that cut he thinks he's ahead but he's not sure it was actually a punch even though Trevor did show that but he's asking him to keep moving forward and going to circular motions that way he will not be in golovkin strange Claudia thank you so much yeah I mean they've got a hope I mean the first time we saw it we wondered - could there be a clash of heads that is not what we have seen he doesn't have the benefit of replay here round four first minute of this round and Revie ingento goes back to work his jabbing consistently Gluck in that time with a three-punch combination finished with a right to the body and back to backing up golovkin he had some good success landed overhand right on golovkin Lumpkin is able to take his time obviously vastly experienced relax in Sergio there are a lot of skills that you learn as a boxer fighting with a cut is kind of a skill isn't it you know figuring out how to get through fights when you're dealing with that type of injury absolutely it's it's skill you have to learn on the job you can't get cut sparring and capsule that you learn the hardware you learn there and it gets in your way with a Vaseline the sweat it steams your eye it's very very difficult to see clearly when your bloody eye they'll search you along those lines it seems like Sergey is reacting well to this right he is not wiping at it he's not freaked out in other words the worst thing to do is wipe out it because the Vaseline on your glove and your eyebrow is gonna stick your eyebrows down I mean eyelashes it's got to keep the guard up as well in his right hand up there he's waving at it now but he is also firing that my hand I love the way Devon tinkle has responded to adversity look at those cloudy soft crying I'm telling you both body shots golovkin still baptized backing up [Applause] good combination by Caribbean center we are starting to hear word there's a possibility by a headbutt let's see what the Commission is saying specifically when we can get more information that's just coming to us right now again they get through this round and if that is on an accidental head but then it could go to the scorecards so that changes things I hope it doesn't go to the scorecard Arvind Chico finding some success with his combinations and it starts with a body puncher making golovkin it's just like that steve smoker we're hearing that the commission is ruled back from an accidental head butt what are we here [Music] to completion they'll give you the official word as soon as we hear [Applause] one apart when you get closer we had heard officially we have heard officially that Commission has ruled it that that cup was opened up from the head but so once again as Steve explained as I mentioned if it is stopped it will go to the scorecards so now the scoring becomes by the wind and these rounds that the repetition code could be winning vitally important [Music] [Applause] now Harvey Dopp wants to take timeout doctors are going to take a look at the cut saying it's okay and again we thought that back cut came from a hook from Gennady golovkin the Commission has ruled otherwise and here's how Chris Mannix hasn't scored so far it is that close and let me tell you something if you're Jonathan banks in golovkin scorner you have to be telling them if that's caused by a headbutt you got to stop racking up rounds you got to make sure that you're up on the score cards was this fight it could be stopped at any times good point the point doctors are gonna take a close look again here in New York you suck because there's there are a number of doctors up there on the ring apron and when you have several doctors looking and they're looking at a bad cut you never know and you won't have 12 rounds and I gotta tell you I think Derek and checked I was aware of that I think that's how he's fighting knowing that this bike could be stopped and if he gets just one more round you could win a decision in Antigua Lumpkin now Mike feel the sense of urgency you see the numbers right there in favor of European Senko now how the judges are scoring it could be a different matter but the rep um gentle is having success and he still he is landing those of scoring shots landing with the jab and following up the right hand suddenly things changed dramatically kanakam took to dip deep breaths right now look those body shots are catching up to him but he's a little more quiet in the this run Durban Chango had two good watch wounds look at the revenue and chuckles a pop in the chin straight out not to be full throttle but he's landing locking again took a big golfer bear there that's his third one this round the product didn't finish what I was saying earlier about how golovkin is physically he did miss the first weigh-ins and 170 pounds over the second had to strip down to reach 170 pounds that's unusual for Kanekalon so could it pull bone the what Canaries right now the Rebbe ungentle is working Kaneda golovkin golovkin catches him with a right uppercut but a love with herman jingle did he countered back with two hard punches to the body my hand was lost and maybe the judges can as well brethren checkup right back to work who's able to lock those shots that that jab and that hook did land owned by triple G interesting fight now everything is in the balance is every round dravyam chenko goes to the corner and the doctors will take the close look go visit their band jingle looks faster than me a little bit more busier in hand speed he's little bit more than triple Jesus in the last two three rounds offense is just tight Sergio look at that and hard shot to the body [Applause] 10 seconds rip dragoon Cinco golovkin gonna try to fight out of it we've really never seen golovkin hurt like this body shots by the Rebbe unsent go on triple G is in trouble the body is collapsed ins kryptonite and devorah tinkle found it because about the time [Applause] which woman I'm due to schools start touching outside you like your wines we've got work [Music] then we're gonna see different Tinka finally land that lets up right there to the liver golovkin felt that drop the turbine Jacob knew he heard his man down there if I'm d'oeuvre chinko this next round its body buddy body no we don't know if golovkin is winded from again could be a bug could be a cold wasn't feeling great to review and Cinco has done outstanding work here in this fight and that body shot again that was a wounded triple G we've rarely seen that Amy you just don't see this man hurt in his career Chris Maddox given to review and check though that fifth round as the love kid comes out firing here in the sixth he has got to change the equation here the Lumpkin at 37 is forced to dig down deep here at Madison Square Garden [Applause] a loss would be devastating to his career [Applause] straight up the middle comes to Revlon chenko one thing I know Brian is the older you get the less you could take punches to the head into the body and we're seeing that with golovkin he was definitely hurt with that body shot and the punch stat numbers they're directly on chenko in round five out throwing and out landing the Welkin a love can having a better round here in the first minute coming out aggressive and he's just gonna have to show war good counter chat he finds out a few more he is fired up feeling bump on his toe it's moving he's got rhythm [Music] the Lumpkin will try to take it away from the [Applause] he's hurting good any golovkin beautiful angles by depth and gentle not forgetting the body getting the angles spinning off the rugs banging away throwing hard body shots in every turn two dicks to the body again right to the side of the head golovkin is forced to move back that rarely happens [Applause] a constant stream of jabs and right hands the revient echoes work rate is outstanding straight up the middle where the right hand comes golovkin that championship pedigree is being tested can golovkin answer just this with the hook [Applause] this fight very much in the balance and that cut the rebbe on Gentiles corner has done an outstanding job we haven't even mentioned it now in this right good chance by the locket Chris this has got to be close on the toughest cars incredibly close but there've been shank wipeouts did a great job of securing these rounds at least in the last two right hand and a hook coming from golovkin trying to pursue eight this router as the bell rings [Applause] I like to come back okay all around he buys everything disorder this quote we'll come down to one side you go get your hand all I need a spoon every time you go one each other company take a breath between God you can fight when you talk we're doing it all camp sounds like guns while they're doing the campus if you could do it on fight [Music] let's go let's go drama here at Madison Square Garden round seven [Applause] Chris Mannix giving that round to Gennady golovkin Claudia tray house has more Claudia thank you BK I just had a quick chat with Jonathan banks there since Avengers Eve this corner they're asking a knotty to keep throwing those hands that left hook that you guys mentioned really created some trouble for Gennady but fortunately he says he recovers but nonetheless they're expecting him to be a little bit more productive and make sure that he can finish up the rounds he started strong there Claudia thank you so much in that previous round in round six now here round 7 he gets to work immediately but the revenue in Senko is solid straight up the middle with his hooks with his right hands and with that ever-present jab making golovkin miss making him pay downstairs the rebbe and chenko is just in great shape his work rate has been terrific throughout this fight he had everything stacked against him as a good hook like a Lumpkin and yet he has battled back he has been consistent throughout this fight you know one thing about golovkin he has never been a body punching and Derick Canseco is not being presented with a very complex opponent philopon throws big shots he's throwing them all they're mostly all to the head the Rebbe young central was able to land to the body there as well there's a good chap I belong can that's what he's known for but there seems to be just a little less starch in Bluffton tonight again we don't know the level of his sickness if he was ill just not feeling great min left starts in his game here tonight [Music] good body shot by golovkin Derr Derr Michiko took it well goes to the body again with the right bending down with an uppercut again that cut in a bad spot that it is being managed find the ref Yong Chun Coast corner Mary wasn't and look at how Durban takes a Lanza body shop and then turns golovkin getting an angle on him I would love to see their been single double up those body shots drive down Shenko the last three rice has had an edge in power shots 45 to 31 so what you're sensing here is backed up by the numbers the tribunes Mpho has been busier employing hard shots as well there's another one to the body just missing with that right hand but he's busy he's slowing the Lumpkin doesn't [Applause] tries again to the body with the right hand and it comes back with a hook to the head just good first Attila me to his game oh yeah he turned south on right there gotta lead up to the body turn sautron banged away which is very identical Durman take apart rather in Senko having a good round golovkin has had successes what he's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] putting no closer to grab food chain [Music] yes I went over to the Commission they indicated that referee Harvey got called it ahead but I sort of indicated that the video replay didn't support that they looked at me and said in essence we support the referees ruling in this instance [Applause] doctors are taking the clothes crowd of course watch this fight to go on it is a barn burner right now round eight scheduled for 12 here's Chris Mannix his scorecard and he has it even these are close rounds Chris last couple of rounds very close but the activity out there even check oh I think that has won him the round that he's won the Lumpkin goes back to work with the jab take a look at the power punches through around seven and to review and Shenko has the advantage especially earlier on with that hard hook to the liver in which nearly buckled him that was buckled for golovkin because he's rarely staggering him there the Chico has never forgot about the body since the third round he's been digging downstairs and that's been the difference right hand to the head by Darren and Shenko he has had a tremendous fighting spirit in this fight Kenny had every reason to think everything was stacked against him but he is right back at it he jinxed to the body again [Applause] Lumpkin is just not busy enough with that Jam again I mentioned he's got the most accurate Jam in the game but he has been out jab did this fight because he's being countered at every time he jabs to the body and upstairs now he's stalking though he's got the revi uncheck go in the corner ready and Shengo spins out to a good antigua Watkyn hold this out [Applause] backing up your checkup crowd senses it [Applause] throughout the city [Music] so Joe this is the time to dig deep you just wonder who has the deeper reservoir it's incredible burning because we're seeing two different fighter golovkin started out strong now you see Devin Danko backing up golovkin and it's those body shots right there that I've been doing the job the revenant Senko getting the short arms that stop your body he's able to dig and he's able to land doing damage throughout this fight but also that jab that Jeb has just been outstanding straight up the middle although now it's the Lumpkin with the better jab it's gone back and forth Chris Mannix has it even these judges these judges are looking at this so closely and these old difficult rounds to score notify golovkin is protecting them ribs every time he does a jab he brings the elbows right back in round 8 here at Madison Square Garden Brian Kenny with Sergio more on Chris Mannix ringside Steve smoker is with us Claudia trails at 9 Burke and this is not quite what we expected although we should learn in this building that that can happen that's what Darrin tinkling RJ Rozier expected money shot at the Bell by derevko [Applause] your job is killing me that's all I need the sort that we do on the path [Music] the job is the one thing he can't be bad he surely right-hand [ __ ] today [Music] great back-and-forth action here Thurman chinko comes first backing up golovkin which is what you're supposed to do in and ending it right there with that body shot but back comes golovkin plugging away around their vinci code right and left hooks back and forth very difficult to judge on that round sergey derevyanko there you see the IOC's Lumpkin to open up round 9 [Applause] Trivium centos corner is an outstanding job with that [ __ ] it is barely a factor although of course it is always there and always a possibility Chris Maddox giving the last two rounds to forevah and check out food activity in those last two rounds so few fighters in the career of Gennady golovkin have been able to stand up to this type of power their paycheck is doing that and is just moving forward for most of this fight Claudia Trey hoses with Jonathan banks in galuf Kim's corner Claudia thank you Brian coach JB what defensive adjustments have you mean the corner fire what happened you cut I'm looking up you cut them down because of that five ponies on eBay [Applause] [Music] he's getting this more than the reaction on your getting out of it I'm getting a good reaction out of them but this kid is younger than most the kids that befall most gods did he fall so this is like his big man he's the technician he's letting his hands go do you think I meant either dude match the speed and let his hands a little too you see you guard the guy you just gotta stop for more than one punch you need to go to the theater via check on his God to work backing up golovkin by the way does banks think that that cut came from the punch evident I believe he does think that right I think he believes that it depends on what he's been told by the referees the referees job to advise bold corners where that cut came from to make sure they're aware the Lumpkin fires back to the jab Steve small grip you want to back that up what is that what is supposed to happen in that case that's the referees call the Commission very rarely will overturn it now in Nevada they go to replay we don't have replay here so we have to be guided by Harvey Doc's call Steve thank you so much yes sir I get it disappeared that banks say look he could cut it by with the Jazz we showed a replay where we thought that's the way it happened but the Commission evidently ruling otherwise so that's where we are right now now we're in round nine so this could just go to the cards anyway and it'd just be straight up from the judges what around Durban tinkles having well we were in the corner of Jonathan banks he was doing some great combination were backing up good luck and not forgetting the body just incredible stuff by Darren Cinco thank the Welkin they're just as you say that now throw in that jab and landing straight up Durham chenko has to take a big gulp of air he fires back with a jab in the right hand Wow to review and chuckle coming right back it looked like he had been hurt [Applause] this is been a war [Applause] take a deep breath relax let them down with the water your time champ whose time is it your time don't wait for him all right when you get close to no worry about the top get them to the body yeah okay give me numbers now you nearly every time you hear the numbers right now you got a name yeah yeah and you got to move there for you bro don't say let's go back to round two again this is the punch that we showed earlier at the time had opened up that cut now he wasn't cut prior to the punch second that you're gonna see blood trickling out right afterwards again naturally its own I'm pretty sure that's will cause the point above the corrector seeds already pawing at it without any punch in our head but that's what it was it was a punch line I believe that's the case as well not even thought now then again this doesn't look like it's going to be stopped because of the cuts of the point could be moot and they will just go to the judges cards at the end of 12 rounds right now Chris Mannix is giving multiple don't have some bleeding and irregular Chico is getting accurate here in round 10 [Applause] Watkins left cheek is reddened and started to pop up from Jeff young junco [Applause] this is a man who's 33 years old he only has 14 brutal fights his professional career has never got me traction he had the one big shot against Daniel Jacobs he fought well but came up short on the short end of a split decision but now he is having the knack of his life [Applause] just the champion but Durbin Cinco Caribbean Central punches circular just short and heart the Lumpkin fires back now the right hand central fires back three chaps in a while combinations is behind golovkin check Oh has not been moved cannot control that course through punch that he's famous on as pop Steve Rose will be for Jill sometimes guys right and they know when this is their last chance surveyed every check goes fighting like no this is his last chance together [Music] we're gonna fire back success Caribbean Central Coast beautiful aqua [Music] [Applause] the luck could even nod to him showing it with respect [Applause] 40 seconds left in this round [Applause] [Music] [Applause] crowd is on their feet [Applause] another firefight here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to go [Applause] [Music] [Music] the brilliant work by Dara panchenko here boddhi satva backing up golovkin it's easier said than done and without that golovkin cannot take the body German Jacob demonstrating just that these rounds of Rio have been flow just as you see success for of young Shenko comes back firing like that rounds 11 Chris Maddox how did you score that tenth round gave that tenth round - surveyed area the jegos I think he's activity has just been the real deciding factor in some of these close rounds wow I'm just I'm calling it I'm watching it I'm giving no thought to how to score it the judges it's a very difficult fight to score I'm humbled watching both these guys Brian it's just I know that adversity that Sergey Durban tinkles going through the cut down everything Claudia tray hose is in the corner with gorilla and CentOS man Andre Rozier Claudia thank you Brian coach Rozier how do you see this fight developing it's a close fight the knockdown has us a little behind but he's working he's doing a lot of good things he can't wait though you have mentioned a couple said he has to go to Astoria Cannes what kind of reaction do you get from him yeah we have to keep it close so he can keep working and he has a better advantage when he uses his technique in a circle thinking don't raise your back to you that I'll try Rozier they're tough time to be interviewed it's all on the line here round 11 final two minutes both men digging deep well they think they could be behind Chris and I think that's a natural thought given that there was the knock down they know he's a 10-8 round in there and there are so many tight runners extremely excited I don't think they can be truly constable than they've won too many of them decisively I mean they've got to be thrilled with the work Caribbean chenko has been terrific golovkin though Parnevik champion hall-of-famer digging knows he cannot afford a loss he wants to keep everything going [Applause] he is down to his last four minutes and he quoted it feet travel ruffian check code Oh sir Joe is just so tight again those punches the jab right hands straight up the middle difficult to get around very compact strong every time he gets hit he comes back with a counter two or three punches and does not forget the body one thing this reminds me of Brian he go back to the spring of 2018 jollof had an opportunity to fight the Erika Janko what can I adopt out of that creep on that fight he didn't want to fight him you went on instead clock - mother ocean instead and they far easier fight maybe what we're seeing is why Canelo Alvarez will fight November 2nd moving up to light heavyweight most boxing fans thought a trilogy would be looming this could certainly derail that [Applause] the Rebbe and chenko shaking that off it's got a good chin it's been able to weather a number of storms in the time-worn the last round with so much on the line [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Rosie over there right [Music] [Music] [Applause] actually what colors the Lumpkin did not look good there in the corner he was spitting blood he is taking deep breaths he's got to dig down one last time Caribbean Central comes out firing firing out the body top off still going to the body Chris you gave that last round to the Vulcan it is likely very close the only fighters to gets around 12 against triple G Canelo Alvarez Daniel Jacobs and this man sergey derevyanko 35 knockouts in his 39 wins [Applause] Wow that is drama I mean just in the corner the way golovkin looked and then to review and Jenko with a whole team of people working on his face well it is the big drama show but we didn't expect it to sway it's a daring take aside so much on the line again triple G signing up with the zone has his own promotional company getting into a long-term deal with the hopes of getting tonello Alvarez and now that is on the line very much so look at those body shots and how he turns golovkin getting the angles making golovkin miss and trying to back him up that's key and that was game plan and strategy and Andre Bussieres party yeah one of the things we talked about was design for those you have a blueprint because he's been the trainer for Carter Stevens and Daniel Jacobs in a way Sergio I think you know al Perez said a bit of a blueprint that if you can take these punches you can throw a lot more back so moving and Eric from Chico executing the game plan look at the bodies still dig it away at the body [Applause] tell you that said fellas these rounds aren't close but we don't know how they're swinging Chris is doing the unofficial scorecard for us one of these rounds Chris is it fair to say could swing either way several of them cooks one eat away important to know final minute of this fight the residents echo has made a tremendous stand he's landed many power shops warp the most power shops in the last 25 fights against golovkin since Compu boxes to trapping him again this is a man who had 23 consecutive knockouts between 2008 and 2017 a man who stormed through the middleweight division up against a severe cast here tonight final 30 seconds let's see what they got resented attack but they're trying right on their feet [Applause] but cut by golovkin now they spit out that's the fight that was the rule Square Garden on its feet and it will go to the judges scorecards [Music] the question is sir to the direct said don't do enough did he take enough rounds to offset that penny it's gonna be tough for the church's ranking Durbin take a one-step surgery he started twisting things around started following the game plan going up the body backing up if the judges start to feel yes she's gonna be close to the water the judges are Frank Lombardi Erik von Linde and Kevin Morgan they will have the call here and those were difficult rounds there was an effing flow as I mentioned Sergio and each round we're at any 10 second stanza you would say now this guy's getting the betterment wait now the other guy who would you rather bathe in those 12 rounds that man right there without looking at the cut in the blood Morgan Lockett let's go back to the fight again it was fascinating I'd love to come into it with a certain mindset that golovkin is the favorite he expects him to do better in simple very well early on he went down from that raising shot to the top of the head that was in the first round in round two this is where we believe the cut of heard and from a punch and the Commission overruled but either way it goes to the scorecards anyway because for FDM check those corner did such an outstanding job closing that up there were the body shots and that's the most part the most hurt anyone's ever seen golovkin he was to the body now was his kryptonite the body and that's the reason these close friends I would think some judges love the work of government April while he was consistent he was busy he landed 200 those punches by any opponent of simple Jing her facing adversary' keep coming forward that kicks out to a Champions I made up [ __ ] a great fight it was a great fight I feel up inside to pull it out many many times saying no no I'm gonna answer this guy right now but again 200 230 shots landed 180 three of them were power punches he had a beautiful jab Churchill but he also grouped devastating hooks Chris Maddux is in the ring right now but let's take a look at his scorecard he swung a few of those rounds over to trivia and Shinto but he gave to look in the 12 and he had it by one point and if we do this a lot Sergey what we're looking at a fight for scoring it I've done this for decades you not only have to store it but then you have to circle how many those round but if judge reasonably and the other way and Chris even said many of these rounds were closed I would hate to be a judge in this fight and I will hate take me golovkin going into this third straight fight going to the judges I hope this isn't a drop of water Canella was out there to meet us and traders out there the Lumpkin needs to keep winning it's not as if it's over if he loses but while that's a setback someone deserves to win this fight Brian someone deserves to win and we have a decision my bumper is looking at the decision right now let's go to him in the ring [Applause] [Music] we go to the scorecards here at Madison Square Garden a round of applause for these two middleweights for one [Music] boxing Kevin Morgan scores it 114 113 Eric Marlin ski and Franklin Bharti both have it 115 - 112 - the winner by unanimous decision once again a world champion from Karaganda Kazakhstan the new IBF IBO middleweight champion of the world good naughty good [Music] [Applause] [Applause] 115 112 114 113 kinetic golovkin close it out now maybe you agree you know but those rounds were closed Sergio we send it all throughout and Chris is scoring that one way of doing the best he can these judges also do the best they can I know consider an outrageous I'm a bit surprised but not outrageous no it's not outrageous that the judges had a difficult job 114 113 as close as a gift I'm glad it wasn't a draw I just feel sorry gate during chinko deserved a little bit more you Facebook a lot of that verse room and knocked down the cut the blood and he still kept fighting to have a fighter I know what he went through golovkin went through hell he was the only one seriously invisibly her what a fight hey look everybody just does their best Steve smoker just sat down next to min he thought he liked Chris Mannix the scorecard you can have it and Chris had at one point over to directly and check oh one point you swing one round it goes right back luta pela is up on the ring apron yelling down at us saying he won that fight look I understand the review and check those people totally believing that Sergio and yet you have to score it round by round and it's difficult and that was close the Gondry Rozier the trainer of their event Inca was confident to this fight he knew what he had to do this is a third time he was against the corner of fighting golovkin they executed the gameplan to a tee but they didn't get the decision hey the Rebbe young chef Cole fought beautifully let's go to the coffeeboxx stats look when we said that's the most punches landed against golovkin I didn't say golovkin landed more punches again according to copy box they're doing the best they can a direct and chicle out throwing but not out landing the power shots though widely in favor of durian Shenko it's an image it's an inexact science and craft Sergio scoring a fight round by round you turn it in it's a 10-point must system and when you turn that round in it's gone you don't do make good rounds you don't collect them back you don't talk to anybody you hand it in and it's gone that's it and that's how you end that knockdown was crucial to the scoring but 114 114 113 as 12 says it gets Chris Maddox is in the ring we're going to speak to both fighters Chris take it away Gennady congratulations you are a middleweight champion once again but this was as close a fight as you can get when that final bell rang did you think you would want [Applause] I want to say thank you so much my opponent this is great job you know definitely I respect his team I told you he's very top guy this is huge experience for me you know right now I understand I need them more what did you need more of you know absolutely there's focus in boxing you know just have the first round I feel not just easy for me know this is tough fight it look you are one of the best conditions fighters in boxing usually third or fourth round you looked a little more winded than we're used to seeing how did you feel physically coming into this fight you know right now I think it's bad there for me good there for Sergei enough for his team you know just got this huge experience for me right now I'm radio I know what I need exactly after you pick up that knockdown did you lose any focus did it change you at all yeah I'm lost little before cuz I just I know everyone you fight for me you know and so you're ready respect you know he did again he came right at you in this fight tried to force the action in this fight did you expect that type of fight from him yeah I think so just she saw me so big hard to know just I'm really this was one of those fights that was so close I know you have big goals in the division but does this fight deserve a rematch if you big fight for the zone for people of course I'm ready just to know guys I'm I'm boxer just I'm ready for anything we talked to Sergey for about a minute or so right after the decision was announced what did you say to him oh yeah you know this is best part for me no justice huge experience is Maxim destroying all just respect his team you had hoped after being here in June that you'd be back here fighting Canelo Alvarez and not Sergey Durbin Janko did that affect your focus at all during the camp for this fight Roxanne is right now there's my experience and you know a little bit more and you know still strong in my camp you know just more serious you had said when I talked to you after you beat Steve roles I said who do you want next you said everybody knows who I want next is it still the same do you still want Canelo in your next fight absolutely did y'all say I'm open for anybody like it look it just so many great champions so right now I'm here just Sergei a lot of boys you know just come on get a little bit of commotion here in the ring but that's okay did you learn anything about yourself in a fight like this at 37 years old do you have to do anything differently to fight at the top level I need to know water cards you know it does I need a little bit more focus what has to happen for you to get Canelo Alvarez in the ring everything is ready just called toll canal just if you said yes let's do it congratulations Gennady you are world champion once again thank you so much thank you guys you know thank you fellas thank you guys we're gonna turn to Sergey David Shenk oh he's over here Sergey second fight at Madison Square Garden second time you come a little bit short but it sure seems like you won the crowd how are you feeling right now spasiba my umbrella to come spasiba my commandeer estonia Magali a specific top you salsa da New York semi Valencia Sucre a Miss New York us Brooklyn ah thank you so much I feel great thank you so much to all my fans to everybody who came to Madison Square Garden thank you for my team I want to thank everybody it was a great night of boxing the second round you took that bad cut you can see it tough over your eye you had to paw at it all night to keep the blood out of it how did that cut change this fight that each community vollis the new video was not a debacle mutharam the cat really changed the fight I couldn't see at times and he was targeting the eye but you know no excuses it is what it is I was trying my best you told me before the fight your game plan was to move around and stay active in the ring you took the fight to Gennady golovkin in ways that we've seen few fighters do it in his entire career what made you do that Masuka denied Rodriguez Yemenite nine nights of the white quest to answer he will not show me a puppet that sway me draaga means the dream name is guava yahushua died him he was it was stocky with Mossad that when you when you polish Allah's worship Allah Tala cachaca talk when I started moving I felt like I was giving him room and I was getting hit with those looking shots that go up him through and that's why I started taking the fight to him and getting closer and not giving him room for maneuver you took that knock down early in the fight but it looks like you recovered extremely quickly did that give you any sense of just what his power would feel like the till Kuwait almost died yeah yeah yeah my him all Sukanya lots of nice he only problem to spoken over the tilma start over no he hit me in the back of the head he hit me behind the ear I didn't really see the punch but I didn't really affect me that much took the shot the back of the head yeah yo Stolley nitro pedals right here boy jubilation at the competition yeah I got up and I wasn't really hurt so I continued to fight and you know it was nothing not nothing too bad you've been in some close fights before you get a narrow loss to Daniel Jacobs you didn't get a rematch there do you believe you deserve a rematch to this fight Diane Pikul booyah my cheer yes little was more fun yeah I would like the rematch if it's possible I'm ready gratulations Sergei and a terrific performance thank you Brian Chris thank you very much there's no questions sergey derevyanko fought beautifully tonight with heart with grit with style with energy but look the fight was close we heard for we're here in it I heard it they just walk into the street Sergio that hey you know what golovkin beat Canelo and he got ripped off no I didn't get ripped off he didn't quite get the benefit of the doubt and tonight de rivier Jenko didn't quite get the benefit of the doubt in the judges minds in certain rounds but I would just say this fight was close fight was close incredibly close book was that a big enough drama show for you I mean look the trilogy might have to wait now their event inko his tail off pilate brewery's not dead and he still not have pulled it off in some people's mind it's not controversial I'm really excited that we got a winner that's that's definite because I've been in drawers drawers no one wins especially after that brutal fight right there someone deserved to win you're right and look a lot of these fights are controversial but they're just disputed they're just clothes and you can think and you have to also remember in your mind in my mind you go into it thinking hey do represent those do a little better than I thought and maybe you give them the benefit of the doubt a judge has to wipe that out of his mind and judge two humans in their boxing doesn't know you don't know who the champ is you shouldn't know who the Challenger is you don't know who has what reputation you judge you just judge scoring blows and I believe they did the best job possible and I have no problem with this I'm so I will say it again though Sergio I'm a bit surprised if you who won that fight I would have thought the Rebbe ingento would have gotten apart what did you have it as a fighter I have to judge adversity and there was there was a lot of adversity being met by during tinkle the cut the knockdown being hurt and then coming back to her golovkin and pushing him back doing something that we've never seen hurt that man right there golovkin backed him up consistently make him miss make him pay back him up against the corner there have been chamber followed the gameplan that Andre Rozier set out for him that's what winning is as a fighter I credit that but it was a wonderful match and the judges yes they have the toughest job in boxing but it's extremely difficult and I tell fans all the time and I've said this for decades now hey score it yourself ten nine add it all up at the end that's how you have the fight and maybe you think oh no no what this guy won no no how you judge it how you add up your numbers that's how you scored the fight and sometimes you don't like the result look there's also something I don't know if it's ironic or cruel to golovkin getting booed here at the Garden huh but look that's what happens just as in his fights against Canelo Alvarez where the fans thought wake the loved him didn't up to win the fans here recognizing the honesty of the effort from deriv and Yancheng KO save wait a second the made guy won this fight we don't like that fans can be fickle we know that especially in boxing but I don't think that boo was intended directly I golovkin it was more that Devin chenko deserve more credit he deserved more praise and I think that's where the booze came from let's take a look down through this fight again it was fascinating from the start and it looked like I don't know easily slow start for Gennady golovkin we're a driven shed rain comes in to get the melted song meaningful to these guys as they now go for their next fight certainly golovkin wants to get Canelo Alvarez for a third time so as it opened up again you can see the activity the busyness from the rocket and the knockdown by the way that knockdown did not change the result of this fight you take away the knockdown I believe it would still be a majority decision for golovkin so if you're thinking well the knockdown was the difference actually no it wasn't the cut in the second round which again we believe came from a hook de rêve de and Jenko had to overcome all of that throughout every single round from that point Falls he overcame every single thing thrown at him literally and he was able to hurt golovkin to the body never neglected the body all the way to the end into the championship round kept digging away kept moving golovkin pushing him aside backing him up now neglecting the jab every time he got hurt he came out with two three punches that's what I was the champion he didn't get the decision and later rounds Treveon junco kept the pressure on and just at any moment where you thought okay golovkin is going to show the championship pedigree the Reverend Sekou came back and was just busy straight up the middle again according to copy box it was extremely close and punches landed slight edge to the lucky a fantastic fight I wouldn't say for once but maybe it is my pain this time I got the break this time I got the call when it was razor razor close and golovkin is able to walk out a winner when many people thought the other guy did better just an incredible incredible I mean that's the big drama show that's as big as it gets golovkin a champion again Canelo said in order for the trilogy to happen he had to beat a name pick up another belt he did just that but are we gonna see Canelo triple G oh we're gonna see the rematch or derevenko you
Channel: DAZN Boxing
Views: 845,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ggg, derevyanchenko, dazn, ggg derevyanchenko, full fight, recap, replay, highlights, gennadiy golovkin, boxing, fight of the year, sergiy derevyanchenko
Id: 69ClJxkUmKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 21sec (4221 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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