Full Episode: "The Spice Girls" E! True Hollywood Story

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they were five wacky Brits with Big Dreams I want to be a pup doar looking for fame my ambition is obviously to make it really big and a lot of fun it's just mad as you can imagine five teenage girls let loose into a house the world came to know them as the Spice Girls scary sporty Ginger baby and Posh in the next hour we'll follow these outrageous entertainers on their overnight Journey from pop star wannabes to Diva's extraordinaire they were just like naked ambition coming at you if you think you know the real story you don't you meet the ambitious girls she was able to kind of wrap guys around her little finger The Vicious girls everyone says God you know you must you must feel absolutely gutted and the girl who called it quits I wasn't really happy we'll learn about the band's meteoric ups and downs and the day the Dream came to an end I can make anybody understand my departure from the Spice Girls this is the story of excessive behavior and unbridled drive we are doing exactly what we want to do we're pursuing a dream this is the story of the Spice Girls The E True Hollywood Story on June 28th 2007 the biggest selling female pop group in British history confirmed the rumors 7 years after breaking up the Spice Girls were reuniting found an enormous amount of support from a lot of people to get back together so we're doing it for ourselves our fans and you know everyone out there mention England and you may think of a country that honors tradition but in 1995 the Spice Girls turned this reserved country upside down and curled even the stiffest of upper lips with their colorful costume and cheeky Antics these five English lasses set out to rule bretania and conquer the world music scene the group was the brainchild of an ambitious then 22-year-old Music Manager Chris Herbert in 1994 Herbert noticed the English pop scene was overrun with boy bands like take that and E17 he decided the timing was perfect for an all female group it's I just thought to myself you know it's possible to kind of do this with with a girl band make it both sort of sexy and Sassy so they become role models for young girls um and also you know appeal to the opposite sex as well Herbert's father Bob was a well-known record industry accountant Bob was searching for a new project to back Chris convinced his father an all girl pop band couldn't miss I think at the time he wanted to do a boy band and that was when I kind of just said you know let's do this instead I think this one could work Chris didn't leave anything to chance filmmaker Neil Davies he pasted up a story Board of what the band would look like six months before he did the auditions just using pop magazines we wanted the girls to represent a whole cross-section of of teenagers in the country to have you know different shapes sizes Heights um hair coloring characters the objective was not to have five look alikes in April 1994 the herberts placed an ad in Britain's popular Performing Arts publication the stage nearly 2,000 girls responded we sort of shortlisted it and then did more sort of induction days and uh workshops with the final 12 or 13 or whatever it was the first girl to catch Herbert's eye was Melanie Janine Brown a 19-year-old dancer from northern England Melanie had been performing in gentleman's clubs well I'm mie Brown I'm 19 years old and I went to farming I school she a very fashion conscious great looking girl incredible character and a very good dancer and had good singing ability as well so she kind of she was a good all around package Melanie easily bagged the first spot in the band next up was 19-year-old Victoria Caroline Adams a 5'6 brunette from a wealthy London family I went to um dancing College 3 years um left there and I did um fashion shows and trade shows and few musicals and things like that as cliche as it sounds I think you can spot a star when they walk through the door two down three to go 18-year-old Michelle Stevenson was a drama student at London University when she heard about the auditions I actually wanted to be an actress at that stage so that's what I was kind of focusing on I just kind of fell into it really I just went along the audition because I hadn't been to an open audition before and I thought it' be good experience Stevenson's hunch proved right she nailed the gig Michelle decided to put school on hold and join the group Melanie Jane Chisum a 20-year-old singer from Liverpool was recovering from tonsilitis when she auditioned even with a sore throat Melanie's talents won Herbert over I like to perform in arts college and I was originally going to go to the theater but much rather do this one spot remained I want to be a pup star for weeks 22-year-old Jerry Estelle Hallowell a workingclass gal from Watford England kept badgering Chris Herbert for an audition on various occasions she kind of kept on ringing into the office and really making a pest of herself that she couldn't get to one of the auditions I didn't go to the audition because I'd been skiing and i' burnt my face Hannah Well's musical training was spotty to say the least Jerry's resume included working as a game show host in Turkey but what Jerry lacked an experience she made up for in ambition she gradually persuaded us to come along to one of the workshop sort of days that we we were doing where you know we really were down to our last few and then I turned up to the the small audition where there was about 12 people and I think I blagged it a little bit and just was a bit loud and um just pretended to be Mariah carry and she walked in the room and you know was as in your face and mouthy as ever and and and you kind of knew then this is actually this is the one that's kind of missing I said to her how old are you she said I'm as young or as old as you want want me to be I could be a 12-y old with big boobs if you want and and I think then we were like yeah she's got some real front this one hell was in Chris Herbert was ecstatic he decided to call his group touch but the young manager had no idea just how touchy pop star wannabes can be coming up out with the old in with the new but luckily we got on really well and they like me and then chick took me on and later naughty and spice a whole bunch of pictures came out from the uh sorted past of Jerry Hallowell in 1994 manager Chris Herbert sensed a cavity in the pop music Market that could only be filled with an all girl group he auditioned thousands and selected five performers who eventually became known as the Spice Girls along the way the young manager became intimately familiar with something he never experienced before a woman's prerogative they were just like naked ambition coming at you Chris Herbert and his father Bob were the creative minds behind the band The Herbert's business partner chick Murphy supplied the seed money chick Murphy um Larger than Life East London character gold necklace gold identity bracelet open neck shirt gold rollsroyce Murphy insisted on one thing he didn't want a contract because a contract would tie him down to a relationship and he wanted to shift them about and move one in move one out and keep them on the toes and keep them under pressure and keep them a bit you know hungry for it Chris and Bob Herbert reluctantly deferred to their Partners demand I would often argue with chick about the girls got to be put under contract um you know being a an accountant uh understanding legals and uh he was very Pro getting this contract sorted out but chip was you know no this is the way we do it and and uh and we we ended up going with that the girls consented to Chick's plan for the rehearsals each band member was paid a weekly stien of $96 in June of 1994 melb Mel C Michelle Victoria and Jerry moved into chick Murphy's vacant three-bedroom house in maidenhead 30 m west of London the idea was to put them all into one house and let them start bonding and and becoming a gang of mates as well as uh you know have just having to work with each other the idea worked perfectly in fact too perfectly it's just mad as you can imagine five teenage girls in in let loose into a house uh it was uh Teenage hell his bath is wicked can he wash my back from the first day Hallowell staked out her position within the group we just kind of went into the room and grabbed beds really and it was decided that Jerry would have the single room because she was the oldest Jerry also seemed to be the most driven we are doing exactly what we want to do we're pursuing a dream Jerry is a really bossy one like tells us what we're doing every day I'm so ambitious and I just want to get there really this is that's the whole point about what my ego fed I think Jerry's ego was only matched by her determination to succeed vocal coach pepy lamur I do remember always Jerry was at the corner uh in in that mirror while the others were having their tea and eating doing her diaphragm standing there and doing her movements and opening her mouth and going a and I didn't even have to ask her any of that it was always always Jerry doing it the group's schedule was cig we eat sleep and drink it really we all live together wake up in the morning go to the studio rehearse all day come back from the studio absolutely Knack her and go to sleep sometimes you have to just remember what your aim is to get you through it cuz sometimes you you get a bit down and a bit tired the forced intimacy and rehearsal schedule didn't suit Michelle Stevenson after 4 weeks she quit my mom got ill um she got breast cancer so I wanted to be with her and obviously that took quite a lot of my time and then University was coming up and I just couldn't I just couldn't do everything the search began for Michelle's replacement vocal coach pepy lamur suggested one of her students 17-year-old blue-eyed blonde Emma Bunton I went to silia Young theater school and then I did um a btech foring outs at bar College which I passed Emma's resumee also included working as a model and appearing on television I was so nervous and I thought what if they don't like me but luckily we got on really well and they like me and then chick took me on for the next four months the girls put in long hours rehearsing songs written by Herbert's Associates Irwin keus and John thce melb designed the choreography by September of 1994 the group was more than eager to perform I never heard one negative except only when when it wasn't going fast enough for them and what's happening you know we've got our songs we've got our music we've got their choreography what's happening I didn't really want to kind of jump the gun and and take the the quick option and fast track to to the record company I wanted to De develop them to have an act together a show for us to get the writing team production team around it probably get sort of like three quarters of the album written and recorded and then take it as a package to to a record company but Herbert's plan didn't square with the outspoken Hallowell Jerry pushed to do a showcase where the band could perform for record industry Executives I'm quite a motivated enthusiastic person cuz you know I'm just feel like time's running out got to get there and I'm quite hungry for fame the other band members joined Jerry's rally the young manager was trapped he had to deliver something beyond the kind of pain and boringness you know the tediousness of rehearsing every day so he had to deliver a bit of Glitz this was going to be the bit of Glitz if this worked the girls would love him he'd get some money everybody's going to be happy but as the group prepared for the Showcase the girls appeared anything but happy Mel used to get frustrated with Jerry Jerry's a bit dizzy you know she'd be thinking of a million things so she wasn't necessarily focused out I know I didn't she forgot a bit that's why we just do it again we do have really bad arguments sometimes really bad arguments where there's things flying and there's swearing and it can get really really nasty sometimes we've got real extremes of people who don't like to say what they think and people who tell you exactly what they think with just weeks before the Showcase the band decided the name touch had to go the girls wanted a calling card with some flash Jerry was inspired by the title of a song the band recorded called Sugar and Spice hell thought the name spice click the other girls agreed the group had the songs the moves and the name all they needed was a little luck it was all riding on this one showcase coming up Jerry Hallowell makes her move talked about it and they said yeah Jerry came to see me you know with not much clothes on sticking out waggling her ass by December 1994 the all girl British band spice was itching to perform for 6 months the group diligently rehearsed their moves and songs spice was ready to take on the world but was the world ready for spice I'm going to have a castle with a swimming pool and um an island in the middle in the winter of 1994 more than 100 record Executives songwriters and music Publishers were invited to n Studios to watch the girls perform a series of songs this showcase will bring writers and bring new material our way and we'll have something solid the girls were more than ready it's obviously to make it really big really big with the group I think we we deserve it you know if there's a God out there I think we should make it on December 7th the girls took the stage at NoMa Studios the long hours of rehearsal finally paid off I think the buzz was there already from the moment they came on that stage because they look brilliant um they started with that energy the Showcase was a stunning success the girls were ecstatic their manager Chris Herbert was also thrilled but one problem weighed heavily on his mind you know I was well aware we didn't have contracts probably a bit paranoid you looked at them on the stage and they beled out there and uh you knew that everyone in that room was thinking it so uh yeah well we were nervous about that Herbert had good reason to worry as soon as the performance ended music industry execs started circling a number of guys approached Jerry and said hey look I think you could be pretty big why don't you come and see me and that was where the rot set in that was where in Jerry's eyes immediately she thought right it's byebye Chris I've seen the promised land I've seen guys in ammani suits and Chau for cars and she thought go with the money and why not Jerry wasn't contractually tied to Chris or spice hell took a meeting with another group of managers and she reportedly wasn't subtle about her approach they've talked about it and they said yeah Jerry came in to see me you know with not much clothes on sticking out her waggling her ass almost seducing me on the bloody table mean not physically but just saying come on you know you got to take us the managers were interested but they wanted the group not just hell which meant that Jerry had to convince her band mates to leave Chris Herbert the girls were reluctant she went back and reported to the girls and said you know I met these guys they look they'll sort out contracts they'll sort out this they'll sort out that they'll get us money we can make it with them you know we've been with Chris a year we haven't done anything weeks after the Showcase Chris made a move to protect his investment finally he presented the girls with a contract but Jerry stalled often you know I'd argue with her she' kind of say let's just go and get a song off you know can you get around to the Publishers just get a song off the shelf and let's you know go and cut cut a record and go and sign a deal sort of thing and it was was um and that wasn't that was never that was never the plan that month Jerry and melb took a Christmas vacation in the Canary Islands Jerry tried to convince Mel be to side with her and leave Chris melb agreed after the holiday Jerry again approached the rest of the girls she was always pushing for it yeah and as long as she what she was saying the others agreed with there was no stopping them and especially if melb would agree with it but Jerry had to put her plans on hold mounting career pressures left the singer in a state of depression this wasn't the first time hell suffered from mental illness at age 17 Jerry battled the disease after a terrifying scare with breast cancer and again 4 years later when her father died to make matters worse halwell was also struggling with bulimia an eating disorder we weren't aware of it I mean know she was she was thin she was skinny she kept that very very secret and the only person who knew was melb it didn't remain a secret for long according to halwell in early January 1995 the singer checked herself into the psychiatric unit at Watford General Hospital in London there Jerry found peace and the prescription drug Prozac an anti-depressant after 10 days Jerry grew restless and checked herself out of the psychiatric ward halwell returned to the maidenhead house according to Jerry she stopped taking Prozac after she returned home the singer claimed the drug robbed her of her creativity in in February Chris Herbert asked Jerry and the girls to make their deal official Chris W to the contract cuz he thought these are the girls I want I'm not going to change it I've got to keep them but Jerry warned her bandmates that under the Herbert contract they would have no say in the group's music marketing or promotion Hallowell sought out the advice of Music publisher Mark Fox Jerry and the girls took no prisoners and they saw me as an opportunity to introduce them to a new batch of people that they hadn't seen Jerry came to me and said listen we like what you said can you help us find find some writers to work with and can you also suggest some lawyers that we should be speaking to because I'm not sure whether our contract is good bad or indifferent and I'm not sure whether Chris and and Bob Chris's dad were moving fast enough meanwhile Chris Herbert set up a recording session with Elliot Kennedy a successful songwriter who wrote the hit song Everything changes for the Brit boy band take that girls were to go out there on the Monday and we were now on the Friday the girls were in the studio and I actually wasn't down there but argument took place and uh the girls all walked stormed out the studio I said we're not going to do this session until we sorted out these internal problems and I pretty much put Elliot on hold until I knew what was going on the girls didn't want to sort out their problems with Herbert the girls left Chris a note on the kitchen table it read thank you for all you have done we can't agree to the terms of your contract the five girls split they they had nowhere to go and only $16 between them coming up the Spice Girls bear their souls and bodies we used to get changed in the back of my car take the normal clothes off and sort of put the gear on right okay we'll Bunch your boobs up and do this and lift the skirt up in May of 1995 Jerry hell and her spice mates bolted from their creator Chris Herbert the girls were excited Chris was devastated everyone says God you know you must you must feel absolutely gutted about this you know kind of like the guy that lost the the the lottery ticket on Sunday May 6th 1995 Jerry hell and Melanie Brown traveled to Northern England they were on a mission to find songwriter Elliot Kennedy they didn't know where the studio was or anything like that and they just went around local Studios asking where Elliot's Studio was Sunday evening I was working in another studio and um the phone went she said Elliot it's it's Jerry here I'm part of this girl band that you're working with tomorrow we need to talk to you Hallowell and brown showed up on the Songwriter's doorstep and displayed a little girl power Jerry was being her best kind of um seductive self in trying to convince me to work with them because they were about to fire their manager well when is it going to happen when you're firing your manager and they said um tomorrow oh God what are we going to do you know I said well let's just go ahead with it and see what happens on Monday morning May 7th 1995 Herbert contacted Kennedy I rung up earlier and I said look the girls and I didn't really want to say that there was a problem or anything I said a couple of them come down with flu they're not going to make the session and I said um two of them are here I so I'm meeting the other three in an hour at the train station ell's manager came back to me and said look the uh the girls are up here um and uh and that the session is going to go on I said well you know I want it pulled immediately I've got you know some stuff I which I've got to sort out with the girls and Elliot's manager said no you know the session is underway and it's going to going to continue that way at that moment Chris Herbert knew his gig was up and from then on that was the end of our relationship with the girls I was pretty guttered about it just because of the amount of time we put in that I was young I would never sit there beating myself up about you know what you know what if what if the girls never looked back that afternoon Elliot moved the group into his home in Sheffield England it was Madness I went through so much toilet paper at which I I don't understand what they did with it all I couldn't stock enough toilet what do girls do with toilet paper spice continued to rehearse and write with Kennedy just days after moving into Elliott's house the group recorded their first single love thing ended up being a promo record for them and then the second track we wrote after that was say you'll be there the girls were thrilled with the results and decided it was time to find a new management team music publisher Mark Fox stepped forward he helped kind of put them in touch with a lot of people as well in June 1995 Fox arranged for the girls to meet with different managers and record execs at Sony Colombia and Emi what Emi you want to give us a 10 hour WI music publisher Mark Fox we used to get changed in the back of my car and get all the take the normal clothes off and sort of put the gear on right okay we'll Bunch your boobs up and do this and lift a skirt up I think the pop Market is completely dominated by men so you know we're just going to slot right in there the girls weren't shy about pushing their girl power so every wants to know what are the Spy Girls and then they'd barge down and without an appointment just push the way into the office jumping his guys there say we're the Spy Girls We're the next big thing in pop do you want or we'll go next door they're dancing in front of you uh Jerry's got half a kit off in front of you Emma's doing the whole thing about being a baby whatever and then Noah is outside sort of chatting up as I said the secretary thinking what a way to the anr guys heart is to make sure that the girls in the office think they cool as well Fox realized the girls needed someone who could harness the group's high energy in June of 1995 he introduced the group to Simon Fuller a well-respected manager in the record industry Fuller's client roster also included talents like Annie Lennox they needed that kind of manager someone who was going to be able to take what they had and put it on a world stage you know and Sim was perfectly played for that former Spice Girls publicist Nikki Chapman when they came in to see Simon they saw someone with vision who could take what they had and make it 100 times bigger they played some music and it was very very raw very rough around the edges but there was something there the members of spice were immediately impressed with industry Legend Fuller the question remained was the industry Legend impressed with spice coming up the spice Wars Jerry wanted to make a lot of the decisions but you can only make decisions if you know all the facts by June of 1995 the all girl Brit band spice was set to rock and roll the group had everything going for them but spice still needed a manager and a contract Jerry hell was about to take care of that she was able to kind of wrap guys around a little finger Jerry Hallowell believed spice could soar under the guidance of Simon Fuller a legendary manager in the record industry lucky for the group Fuller was impressed with the girl's energy and irreverence I realized I wanted become a pop star I'm I would say um a real wannabe you know I'm last of the dying we and we want to be on Smash Hits as well on top of the pops and things like that he saw something that he knew he could work with and um you know and to and to make you know one of the biggest band in the world in July of 1995 Fuller signed the group to a contract the terms were kept confidential Fuller immediately started shopping the group around to record labels it wasn't a tough sale the B on the girls um got to such a height especially after everyone knew that they were working with Simon and his writers and prod juices that ' be fair to say that every major EO company was trying to sign them Simon Fuller decided spice's high energy was perfect for the edgy record label Virgin Records journalist Rick Sky virgin might have been willing to give them more of a free hand than other companies and I think that in his negotiations uh Fuller would have would have seen that for Fuller the negotiations weren't just about control the thing with Simon is that he's really creating something of his own in a way the record company are there just to distribute the albums and the singles and you perhaps to fund it um and obviously to make money from it on July 13th 1995 spice Inked a deal with Virgin Records for an undisclosed amount of money and a hefty signing bonus the girls quickly got down to business working on their first album they were doing something something every single day whether it be learning to co-write with the producers whether it be um dance lessons I did media training with them as always Jerry was in the thick of everything Jerry wanted to make a lot of the decisions but you can only make decisions if you know all the facts and I think it'd be fair to say that Simon actually made all the really big decisions one of Simon's biggest decisions was to rename the group Simon was concerned that there was a band I think from Germany called spies so they became Spice Girls because there was a problem contractually with the name in August of 1995 the Spice Girls traveled to Los Angeles to meet with virgins us-based execs virgin wanted the best press the best TV the best radio they wanted the creme deeme of the music industry to be working on this group that's how important it was after 6 days in La the Spice Girls returned to London to shoot their video for the first single wannabe in June of 1996 the video played on a popular British television Network the Box the response was amazing former box production manager Sam sarou the video was playing constantly we were we were playing Spice Girls like you know almost once every hour it was just unreal unreal was an understatement within a few months the British public and press couldn't get enough of the Spice Girls in August of 1996 Peter Lorraine publisher of top of the pops magazine interviewed the group and provided each member with their own nickname melb turned into scary I mean I do like my animal p things I've got my LEP Skin Bar underneath the youngest member of the group Emma Bunton took the name baby I'd like to be quite comfortable Victoria Adams became Posh I like quite basic clothes I do like designer clothes I'm sucker that that Jerry hell transformed into Ginger I just dress how I feel take responsibility for getting voted worse dressed person and last but not least East Mel C was sporty I'm sporty by name sporty by Nature journalist Andrew Harrison you had this thing materializing they looked like Josie and the Pussycats they looked like a cartoon they looked like superheroes they didn't look like a band there were a bunch of um completely over the- toop women um and they seem to be on a Perpetual big girls night out the Spice Girls were about girl power and their message was simple the five girls between everybody was saying whether you're You Know Rich whether you're Postman you know the president black white gay straight treat everyone the same with you royalty that's it in June 1996 the spice girl's first single hit the record charts with a bang it was absolutely remarkable and it just wasn't in the UK once we've had a hit the rest of Europe and Japan followed and then the rest of the world one month later the group struck gold again with their single say you'll be there the Spice Girls appeared Unstoppable coming up Spice Girls Revealed wow here's Jerry Harwell in some sizzling you know snaps in the fall of 1996 The Spice Girl single wannabe was hot and so were the five members of the group The British public hungered for every detail of the girls lives and the Press obliged the tabloids were will to reveal The Good the Bad and the Ugly a whole bunch of pictures came out from the uh sorted past of Jerry Hallowell two months before the Spice Girls were to release their first album Jerry Hallowell learned firsthand about the pitfalls of stardom in October of 1996 the Sun newspaper published nude photos of the singer taken when she was a teenager Jerry's spice mates were not surprised everyone was prepared for it and they just got on and they gave support to Jerry and it was a United Fund it was like yes she did do then we're not going to deny it she played it very well they never had any regrets that was the thing about the spice gos everything they did they did with their head held high on December 26th 1996 the band released its first album spice record sales exploded and so did the girls fan base you don't I don't think it actually sinks in until you read your fan mail until you go and you see crowds of people screaming at you the Spice Girls became pop royalty they seemed right at home with Britain's other Regal family journalist Mark Kemp they met Prince Charles and there's a photograph in here of big lipstick mark on Prince Charles's face with record sales booming the group's manager Simon Fuller turned up the heat he always had Vision it was always seen as a as a global project um and everything Simon does is Big you know the sponsorship deals he did the media coverage everything he did with those girls was an event in May 1997 Fuller orchestrated one of the biggest endorsement deals in pop music history the group signed a multi-million dollar contract with soft drink giant Pepsi Cola even Hollywood couldn't resist the Spice Girls in the summer of 1997 the girls began work on their film Spice World the movie was a comic look at a day in the life of Britain's most popular girl band film took eight to weeks yeah but also at the same time we were filming the movie we also WR writing the soundtrack Spice World after the movie wrapped the Spice Girls continued to make media appearances and attend recording sessions the girls were exhausted think so it's 20 things all happening at once and the one thing that you really need is to focus on the music and in a way as for all of us then because of the nature of the machine that then becomes the SP sc's brand according to Jerry she started binging and purging food she asked Fuller for a few days off but he said no Jerry became convinced the manager was more concerned about money than the girls they suddenly began to think this is very this our career could be very shortlived if all we do is is just product placement and things and that's how we're making our money um we have to control we don't want to be linked with these products anymore in November 1997 on the eve of the MTV Music Awards Jerry and melb joined forces and plotted a takeover Jerry and melb I think they got the rest of the girls into such a frenzy they stayed up all night discussing it at MTV they didn't go to bed and that they rang their lawyers at 5: in the morning and by the following morning um Simon had been informed that his Services were no longer required I think they just had enough and they felt it was it was time for them to manage themselves Ginger space was finally in control troll the last thing that Jerry halwell did was take a break soon she got R Simon they worked even harder cuz they had something to prove halwell was determined to succeed in December of 1997 the film Spice World premiered you'll have a feel good Factor on it you hopefully you'll leave that movie smiling and that's what absolutely over double laughing the reviews weren't exactly glowing but it would take more than poor reviews to bring the group down that month Posh Spice announced she was in engaged to England's number one soccer player David Beckham you have to realize that people aren't always going to want to you know be interested in you so your family you have to make sure is is the strongest thing and the most important thing because they're always there for you as with any family there were bad times by March of 1998 reports started to circulate about dissension between Jerry and the other girls according to Jerry's autobiography the singer grew tired of the hectic routine and wanted time to find herself that spring Jerry was scheduled to do a British TV interview with ITN news about her past scare with breast cancer but hell's bandmates decided the interview interfered with the group's performance schedule the group cancelled Jerry's interview that was the final blow on May 27th of 1998 the Spice Girls were scheduled to appear on London's national lottery show Jerry Was Missing in Action it suddenly started leaking out Hey Jo is not coming out to the car the chauffer's there and she's not coming out something's happening the next day hallowell's publicist made the news official Ginger Spice was leaving the band The News couldn't have come at a worse time the Spice Girls were scheduled to begin their first American tour director Ian Danier was hired to make a documentary about the tour I was passing news vendors placards on the street saying Spice Girls are dead um Jerry has left it's all over Executives at Virgin Records launched into spin control I arrived the officers and said well that's it I guess you know well it's been nice and they said no what are you talking about you know it's all going to be on if five girls weren't touring four girls will in June 1998 sporty scary baby and Posh jumped the pond and kicked off their US tour despite Ginger's absence the band carried on as long as our fans are there and they're they're as loyal you know which they look like they are going to be or that they are being there that's all that matters to us coming up Surviving spice you're alone by yourself and it's like starting over within the span of 21 months the Spice Girls went from no buies to international pop icons but in the spring of 1998 on the eve of the group's big American concert tour the band was in turmoil Ginger Spice Jerry hell called it quits the Diva's departure made front page news and fueled rumors spice Mania was over girls as as young as 3 years old and they were distraught crying asking for Jerry after leaving the Spice Girls Jerry Hallowell described her feelings to her fans it's like leaving a marriage you say goodbye to the whole establishment the friends the family everything so you start so you're alone by yourself and it's like starting over and starting over is exactly what Jerry's bandmates decided to do they managed to turn it into um a heartbreaking challenge you know our friend has left but we must pick ourselves up and go on two years after Ginger's departure scary Posh Baby and sporty released forever the group's first album since Spice World the record received mixed reviews but sold more than 2 million copies hopefully we will be together forever but you you know you never know what's going to happen but you can never take away from us what we have achieved as a group soon after the girls ventured out on their own all five pursued solo careers while Mel C stayed single her spice mates started families in 1998 Melanie Brown married Spice Girls dancer Jimmy Gozer 6 months later Brown gave birth to daughter Phoenix chai 2 years later the couple divorced in 2006 Brown had a brief romance with actor Eddie Murphy in April 2007 Mel gave birth to daughter Angel Iris DNA tests proved Murphy was Angel's Father Brown demanded child support Angel is my baby and Eddie's she will always know that she was planned and wanted by the both of us Murphy admitted fathering Angel but denied planning the child Eddie also insisted he covered Mel's pregnancy expenses and paid child support the dispute landed in court in June 2007 Melanie Brown married movie producer Steven bellante Jerry Hallowell welcomed her first child daughter Blue Bell Madonna in May 2007 Jerry did not identify the father 3 months later Emma Bunton also had her first son Bo Emma's boyfriend Jade Jones was her baby daddy of all the Spice Girls Victoria Adams achieved the greatest post breakup celebrity in March 1999 Posh gave birth to Sun Brooklyn then on July 4th that Year Victoria and Soccer Star David Beckham tied the knot the couple's wedding reportedly cost more than $800,000 both bride and groom wore crowns and took their vows while Seated on matching Thrones that was the moment when people just went my God she is she's like Princess Diana the Beckham family soon grew to five with the arrival of sons Romeo and Cruz then in 2007 the beckhams moved to America David signed with a Los Angeles soccer team and Posh and Beck went Hollywood they're widely regarded as the uh the the king and queen of showz really you know people absolutely loved it but girl power wasn't forgotten on June 28th 2007 7 years after their breakup the ex-band mates reconvened they kissed made up and announced that the Spice Girls were reuniting we found an enormous amount of support from a lot of people to get back together so we're doing it for ourselves fans and you know everyone out there they also planned a world concert tour I'm excited you know we got some shows in America um I'm excited the kids are excited Dave's excited I think all of our families are so behind what we're doing on November 13th 2007 the Spice Girls released their greatest hit CD the message was loud and clear England's most popular girl band ever was back have you forgiven Jerry no absolutely not no of course we we love each other we're all friends absolutely there's nothing to forgive a is that [Music] lovely
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Views: 77,764
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Keywords: E!, E True Hollywood, True Hollywood Story, THS, Full Episode, Documentary, Celebrity, News, Celebrity News, Celeb, Documentary news, Full Ep, Entertainment, entertainment news, Emma Bunton, Mel B, Melanie C, Geri Halliwell, Victoria Beckham, Baby Spice, Ginger, Ginger Spice, Posh Spice, Posh, Scary Spice, Sporty Spice, Girl Group, Spice world, Spice Girls
Id: BaKjZea9s5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 34sec (2554 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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