Full Episode | MMK "Palengke"

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For parents, one of their primary concerns is figuring out how to provide a bright future for their kids. That's why many of them go abroad and endure being far away from their families. A lot of them almost become slaves to their jobs just to earn money. Tonight, join us in the story of a mother who dreamed and faced challenges that tested her family. [people talking indistinctly] [Gamay] My boss asked me to get some items to sell today. [Mom] Oh, just admit that you're really kind. Your boss is so lucky. Think about it, they found a vendor and a personal shopper in one! Our usual vendor is here. So, what do you have? Why? Oh, my, I bet you'll haggle again. Well, of course! So I can earn more, right? And I'm sure you'll give in to me this time. How can you be so sure? Because if you sell it to me at a lower price, you'll be luckier and you'll become prettier. [vendor] You're flattering me again! What do you want? [Gamay] Um, what do we get, Mom? How much for that container? Three thousand eight hundred. It's really fresh. [Gamay] Lower the price. It's too expensive. How will I profit from this? Okay, okay. 3,500. -It's final. -No, no, lower. No can do. That’s the lowest I can, Gamay. Oh, dear, high blood pressure. The medication for that is expensive. You should eat fish. Like this, it’s full of omega-three. It’ll help us stay young. Omega-three is good for the heart. When our hearts are healthy, we become strong, healthy, and beautiful. Goodness, you’re really something! [vendor] It’s still 3,500. My child might not have gone to college, but she's a magna cum laude in selling! Exactly! Hi, Gamay. You look more beautiful every day. Oh, Edong, please spare my child and stop flirting around! I don't like men who are violent and conceited! -Such a sweet-talker. -[Mom] What a tease! Fine, okay, I’ll take it. Here. This is 4,000. Don't you have 500 pesos? I don't have any change yet. Hold on, okay? Let me find... Gamay! Gamay! Here. -[Mom] Thank you. -I have some. And let me help you. Thank you, Jimmy. Hey! I think he’s courting you! Oh, come on! Jimmy isn't courting me, right? He isn’t! I can’t believe you! Maybe you just don't notice it, Gamay. Haven't you realized? Jimmy's always there whenever you need help. It's just a coincidence, right? Plus, Jimmy has a unique style. He’s quiet but sharp. How about it, Jimmy? Gamay already has a boyfriend, Dado. He's a handsome dude. Oh, I don't understand Gamay. She chooses boyfriends who are good-looking and charming but flirty. Not like Jimmy. He studies, and has a purpose in life. Right? Come on, Mom! Dado also has a purpose in life. And what matters is we love each other. Oh. You love each other? Isn’t that Lourdes? So you love each other? [Gamay] Dado! Suits you right! Uh, Miss Love Each Other? Come on. That’s enough. Let's take these. [somber music playing] He promised me so great things, but he was just deceiving me! And I was so foolish to believe him! I love Dado so much. I really, really, really love him! But when there's cheating involved, well, that's a different story! I’ll break up with him! He’s just deceiving me! Uh, Gamay... Here, have some coffee. Thank you. By the way, why are you so kind to me? Well... Why do you think? Um... Uh... Gamay, you know... [Edong] Gamay! Gamay! Is the news true? You and Dado broke up? Yes, why? So, can I do it? Do what? [Edong] This. <i>♪ I love you ♪</i> <i>♪ Even more than my life ♪</i> You're really crazy. <i>♪ This isn't a joke ♪</i> <i>♪ It's true ♪</i> <i>♪ My only wish ♪</i> <i>♪ Is for you to love me ♪</i> [Gamay] Move aside! Move aside! Move aside! Edong! Edong, that’s enough! Edong, come on! [grunts] [people talking indistinctly] [whistle hoots] Hey, she's my girlfriend! Not anymore! You're so violent, aren't you? We're done! Why? Who’d you replace me with? This guy? So what? Jimmy is decent, always there to support me. Not like you. Not like Dado. I loved both of you, but you're both worthless! Come on! [Gamay on V.O.] <i>"After that incident,</i> <i>Jimmy confessed his love for me.</i> <i>I admit that I didn't love Jimmy</i> <i>much at first,</i> <i>but as time passed,</i> <i>I fell for him</i> <i>because of his good personality.</i> <i>After a year,</i> <i>Jimmy and I got married."</i> Yes, Gamay really loved Dado. But that's in the past. Jimmy is decent and he's the right choice for my daughter. [Mom] And thank God she chose right. Sis, take them inside, go on. -[woman] Really? -[Mom] Yes. Jimmy, us moving out is a good decision, isn’t it? It's a small space, but it'll do. Jimmy, I've been talking a lot over here. You're so quiet. Don't you have anything to say? I don’t. Say that you love me. Come on. I want to hear it again. Gamay, I'll work hard. I'll study hard. I'll work for you and for our future child. I'll do everything so that you won't regret choosing me. Why would I regret that? You're the kindest husband in the world. Trust me, I'll do my best in everything. And you, just stay here at home. You don't need to work because I'll find a job. Jimmy, I can help you. I can be a vendor again. No. Just stay here. Focus on the family instead. I'll work hard to provide for your dreams. All right, all right. I have an easy life now, is that it? [chuckles] Let's just eat. Here. I prepared your favorite fried fish with spicy vinegar and soy sauce. Come on, let's eat. [Gamay] Have a seat. Hey, time to get up! You'll be late for work. Here you go, I'll prepare your lunch. Jimmy, come on. You’ll be late for... Jimmy? [ominous music playing] You have a high fever. [Gamay on V.O.] <i>"Jimmy was a working student</i> <i>when he got sick</i> <i>with typhoid fever.</i> <i>Because of this,</i> <i>he had to stop studying</i> <i>and lost his job.</i> <i>To cover our expenses</i> <i>and prepare for my childbirth,</i> <i>I went back to selling</i> <i>in the market."</i> When you’re selling something, you should always smile, okay? Hey, what are you doing here? It's hot here in the market. We got bored at home. And your child has been crying, looking for you. Get over here. I'm dirty, though. Just a kiss then. Cute. My baby is so cute. By the way, your mother dropped by earlier. She's encouraging me to go solo so I can earn more than just being a vendor. She said I can start with a thousand pesos. Gamay. So this is why you chose him over me. You have a husband and nanny, too. [chuckles] -How much is the nanny's salary? -You bastard! -Why? Isn't it true? -[Jimmy] What did you say? [Gamay] Hey, you two! Both of you, stop it! Hey, stop it! That’s enough! That’s enough! You... -Please, can you just leave? -[baby crying] So you’re the female in your family. It makes sense now. What took you so long? I've been waiting for you. Where have you been? Jimmy, about what happened at the market... Gamay, I have a job now. Really? Where? On a fishing boat. In Pagadian, Zamboanga del Sur. That's so far. [Gamay] How often will you come home? Every once in a while. You know how the life of a fisherman is. Jimmy, you'll be away from us for a long time. Why don't you reconsider? [Jimmy] I can’t waste this chance. Just go to the office and get my salary every 15 days. -Jimmy... -[Jimmy] I'm the man. I'm the father. That's why I should work for this family. [Gamay on V.O.] <i>"I couldn't stop Jimmy</i> <i>from working</i> <i>in Zamboanga del Sur.</i> <i>In six months,</i> <i>Jimmy was only paid once</i> <i>because they couldn’t get</i> <i>a good catch.</i> <i>My business was doing well,</i> <i>but Jimmy wasn't as fortunate.</i> I don't have money to pay for the letter delivery. The weather at sea is always rough. We can hardly catch any fish. [Jimmy] I'm sorry, Gamay. Nothing came out of my venture in Zamboanga. Jimmy, don't worry about that. We'll get through this. The important thing is that you're back and safe. And look, we miss you so much. See? Look at her. You missed Daddy, didn’t you? [baby cries] And don't worry, Jimmy. We won't go hungry. I'm earning well with our business at the market. You know, all our dreams will come true eventually. Well, if our business continues to thrive, who knows, we might even be able to build our own house. Be careful. You might slip. Oh, thank you so much for giving them this small space. Now it seems like they have their own home. It's okay. Who else should it go to? I told my son, it's fine for Gamay to build the house. -The land is his, after all. -[Mom] Yeah. Jimmy, is it okay if it's just plywood for now? Don’t worry, we can improve it when my earnings from the market get better. Take your time. Go on. Let's go inside and have some snack. Go on, go on. -Let's go. -[Jimmy's mom] Let's go inside. -We’ll join you soon. -Join us soon. How's your job doing, son? It's fine, Dad. Whenever I have time, I paint on the boats. And for now, I make fishing nets, too. How long will it be like that? Gamay might get tired of being the breadwinner. Jimmy, everybody in the market is suspecting that Gamay’s business is thriving because she's involved with a fisherman. [Jimmy's dad] Keep an eye on your wife. It's your fault for letting her work for your family. [Jimmy's dad] That’s why she has the nerve to trick you. -[Jimmy’s mom] Dad! -All right, all right! Come on, let's have a snack. [somber music playing] [Gamay] You know, Mom, if I earn more at the market, I'll have so many improvements made to this house. Oh, my, thank you so much! Did you get me with your gratitude? I actually lost money because of your bargaining skills. Come on. Consider it your help to me. Here's your payment. No, no, no. It's fine. -Are you sure? -Of course. We’re close anyway. -You’re so silly. Are you sure? -Of course. -It’s no problem. -All right. It was just a bit of exercise for your muscles anyway. It's fine. It's just right. How scary! Stop doing that. All right, tomorrow, okay? I'll get from you again. [man] I won’t be here tomorrow. I’m losing money with you. [chuckles] Oh, come on. All right. Jimmy? Jimmy, I'm home. Wait a minute. I'll cook so we can finally eat. -[baby crying] -Why is my baby crying? Baby, why... Oh, my god! [Gamay] Jimmy? Jimmy, why do you have a gun? Where did you get that? Jimmy, don’t... Jimmy, I didn't do anything to you. What did I do? Put the gun down, come on! Jimmy, don't do this! There's a child right here! You're cheating on me. -Right? -[Gamay] What? Jimmy, I don’t. I'm not. Believe me, they're just rumors. I never wronged you. I’ll never do that to you. -Jimmy, believe me. -You're cheating on me. I'm not cheating on you! Why are you so arrogant? What are you bragging about, huh? Are you proud of your money? You're stepping on my dignity. And now, you're even cheating on me! [crying] I'm not cheating on you! Believe me, I love you. You don't love me! Ever since, you never did! Jimmy, don't do this to me. Have mercy on your child. Don't kill an innocent person! Put that down! Have mercy, Jimmy! [Gamay] Don't... [Jimmy's friend] Jimmy! -Buddy. -[Jimmy's friend] Buddy. [Jimmy] Hold on. Hey, man. What's up? [baby crying] [somber music playing] [sobbing] I couldn’t believe it. Your husband is so kind. Mom, he almost killed me. Maybe it's because you're so busy with your business that you don't have time to talk properly as a couple. That's probably why Jimmy feels insignificant. Mom, why would he feel that way? It's because of your focus on the business, dear. You know, Gamay, it happens in marriages, when the woman surpasses the ability of the husband to provide for the family. Maybe Jimmy is starting to belittle himself. And there are rumors going around that you're seeing other men. Mom, that's not true! My competitors in the market are just badmouthing me! Good. Look, I’ll feel bad for my pretty grandkid if she loses her father. How absurd. Jimmy believes the rumors. Just sort things out. Think about your family. -Think about your relationship. -Mom, I don't know anymore. Honestly, I'm scared. I'm scared for myself and my child. [Jimmy] Gamay? -Oh, no! -[Jimmy] Gamay. Oh. Jimmy! -Mom, good morning. -Good morning. Is Gamay here? Dear, talk to each other. Come on, dear, so you can fix things. Come in, dear. Talk to each other. Jimmy, come in. Come on, get in. Talk to each other, okay? But I don't want any trouble in my house, okay? -All right, Mom. -All right. I'll just get the laundry from the back. Gamay... I'm sorry for what happened. I'm embarrassed. It's just... throughout our relationship, I keep fearing that you love someone else after all. I know you loved someone else before. Dado. [exhales] Jimmy, that was a long time ago. Besides, we're married now. We even have a child. Even so. Gamay, despite that, I still failed to achieve what I want, to provide for you and our child. No matter how hard I try, luck always eludes me. But, Gamay, I’m trying. [Jimmy] I regret what happened. It will never happen again. Gamay, I love you so much. I love our family so much. Come on, let's go home. [somber music playing] [Gamay on V.O.] <i>"I felt</i> <i>the sincerity in Jimmy's words,</i> <i>so I pushed aside</i> <i>my fears and we reconciled.</i> <i>Together, we worked</i> <i>through our problems</i> <i>and our relationship.</i> <i>He worked as a seaman</i> <i>for three years,</i> <i>and I saw our lives</i> <i>gradually improve."</i> Let me introduce you to my husband. Jimmy... This is Miss Fe. She will be Tessa's nanny. -Miss Fe, welcome to our home. -[Fe] Thank you. All right, you can go back inside. Here's some ice. Oh, my, be careful, okay? You keep drinking. Think about your livers. Of course, Commander. [laughs] [drinking buddy] I'm really impressed with you, Jimmy. You used to just repair fishing nets. Now, you're really successful. [laughs] You know, buddy, I want a nice place. So I did this. I even tore down the house Gamay had built before. I felt really bad about it. Can you believe he demolished our old house? -It was still in good condition. -Oh, come on! Why would you feel bad? Plywood? One storm could sweep us away. And it’s not strong enough. Come on. Gamay, prepare more food for us. I brought home imported items, too. -[drinking buddy] Come on. -Hey, Gamay! What's up? It's like you're deaf now. Drink some more, dude. Gamay... Come on, Gamay, let me help you with that. No, go on, it's okay. I can handle it. -No, Gamay, let me. Let me. -No, it's fine, it’s fine. I'll bring out the food. Just wait a minute. It won’t take long. Come on, I'll bring this out, okay? Okay. [Gamay] Just wait a moment. What was that? He just offered to help. Are you sure? [scoffs] Jimmy, what are you thinking about again? I thought we were past this. What else do I need to do for you to believe that I would never cheat on you? And hold on, why are you ordering me around like this right now? Right in front of your friends? It's like you're humiliating me. Gamay, I've been gone for so long. You rarely get to serve me. I'm willing to serve you, there’s no problem with that. But you can't just treat me like your servant. -Hey, I'm your wife. -You talk too much. Do you know why you're like this? It’s because you're not the hero now, so you're mad. You really can't be happy for me, can you? [Gamay on V.O.] <i>"Jimmy never</i> <i>went back to being a seaman.</i> <i>He worked as a fish checker</i> <i>in a fishing company.</i> <i>His salary</i> <i>was considerably lower here,</i> <i>but he chose this job</i> <i>so he wouldn't be far</i> <i>from the family.</i> <i>But I suspect</i> <i>it's because</i> <i>he still doesn't trust me.</i> <i>As our business grew,</i> <i>we unknowingly drifted apart."</i> There's Dad right there. This is a nice motorcycle, Dad! Cool, huh? -It is. -I just got it. [Jimmy] Okay. You didn't even tell me you bought a motorcycle. I didn't tell you because I'll be the one paying for it. You don't tell me when you buy your jewelry, do you? [exhales] Your motorcycle looks nice, doesn’t it? Why don't we attach a sidecar to it so we can earn extra income? Better than me renting one every time I need to transport fish. This is for my personal use, not for your business. It's too pretty for you to use as a service vehicle. Tessa, we can both ride this. After that, you can go ahead and eat with Tessa. Jimmy isn't here yet. Okay. Let's eat. [Fe] Baby, let's eat. Mom, is something wrong? No, nothing’s wrong. Promise to God? You used to tell me that we shouldn't keep secrets. Well, of course! So, if you have a crush or if someone is courting you, tell me right away, okay? Oh, my, my baby is all grown up! You’re so pretty! Does that mean even if you and Dad argue, you'll still tell me? Tessa, misunderstandings are normal in marriages. But you don't have to worry. Your dad and I are fine. Mom, don't forget to see my school activity tomorrow, okay? -Promise to God. -Really? I’ll be there. Now, give me a hug. Mrs. Gamay, do you need anything else? Just put away the basins, and then you can go home. -All right. -[Gamay] Oh, here. Before I forget. There you go. -Thank you. Thank you. -[Gamay] All right. Uh, Gamay, can I borrow some money? I'm in a tight spot right now, and I don't have anyone else to turn to. I’m sorry. How much do you need? [woman 1] Well, 5,000. My mom got sick. I need to take her out of the hospital. Wait a moment. Here, here, that's 5,000. That should be enough. Gamay, thank you! Sure. I hope your mom gets well soon, okay? -Okay. -[Evelyn] Gamay... I also need a favor. [Evelyn] I need someone to co-sign a loan for me. Can you do it? You just have to sign here. Wait, won't we have a problem with this? Oh, no. You're just a guarantor. I'll be the one to pay. You're the only one I know here who has money. You're trustworthy when it comes to money matters. -Oh, come on! -I told you she's kind! [Evelyn] I envy you. You and your husband probably have a nice life. Jimmy must be really happy because he married someone hardworking. [woman 1] Yeah. Fine, here you go. -Thank you. -[Gamay] Okay, all right. -Thank you. -Take care, okay? -Gamay... -Tessa! Tessa! Tessa, I’m sorry! There's just so much work! Tessa, I'm really sorry. But here, I have a surprise for you. Here, I bought you a bracelet. It's beautiful, isn't it? Oh, my, it even matches your earrings. -Come on, Tessa. -Take it, come on. See? See? We match perfectly. It’s so pretty. It suits you so well. Tessa, I'm really sorry, okay? Don’t worry. Next time, I promise to God, I'll definitely be there. I'm so sorry, Tessa. Next time, don't make promises if you won't keep them. Come on, Miss Fe, let's go home. [Gamay on V.O.] <i>"With all the work,</i> <i>it was inevitable</i> <i>that I couldn't keep</i> <i>all the promises</i> <i>I made to my kids.</i> <i>Jimmy and I became busier</i> <i>with our own livelihoods</i> <i>when we had another kid.</i> <i>We had our youngest, Heart.</i> I sold all my goods so I won't incur any losses. How about you two, how's school? Uh, Mom, I need extra money for a project. And I might come home late, too. Here. Will this be enough for you? Is it sufficient? Mom, my classmates are already circumcised. It's just me left. When will it be my turn, Mom? [laughs] Son, I have a lot of things to attend to. We'll deal with your concern later. I'll talk to your dad and ask him to accompany you. Thank you. You seem quiet, son. Is something bothering you? [exhales] I got transferred at work, Dad. I used to be a checker. Now, I'm a radioman. [Jimmy's dad] Did your salary decrease even more? -Eight thousand pesos. -What can you do with 8,000? You can’t provide for your family with 8,000, son. That's exactly what I'm worried about. [Gamay] Don't worry about that. We'll manage somehow. My earnings at the market are stable. Jimmy, wait. Where are you going? Jimmy! [motorcycle engine starts] Jimmy, where are you going? [James] Mom... Why are you wearing a skirt? Did you get circumcised? Why didn't you wait for me or your dad? You're always busy, Mom. I just went with my friends. Where did you get circumcised? I hope you didn't do it just anywhere. Be careful, you might get an infection. Don't scold James. It's not his fault. You're the ones who can’t give time. Here's an antiseptic. Clean it with this. James, let me do it, okay? They said they'll renovate the market. What will happen to us now? We'll be at a loss for sure! Oh, no, I bet they'll increase the rent again. -For sure. -We’re doomed. Oh, no, we’ll lose the business! Oh, come on. It's for the improvement of our market space. [Gamay] It will attract buyers. Don't think negatively. [woman 1] Oh, easy for you to say. You're rich now. And your eldest is almost done with school. [Gamay] Oh, just don't think of bad things. Come on. Mom... Tessa, come here. Mom, I just need to talk to you. [Gamay] Come here. What do you need? Come on, silly. Why are you here? Why, what's the problem? Mom, can we talk privately? [Brian] Good day! For Mrs. Regenida Gistadio? That’s me. Hold on, okay? Mom, I have something to tell you. -Later. Hold on. -Mom... It might be important. Wait for a bit. That’s me. Who are you? I'm Brian. Are you the guarantor for Miss Evelyn dela Cruz? [Brian] She hasn't paid her loan for several months. You're the one who signed as her guarantor. [Gamay] Yes, I am. But I didn't take a single cent from what she borrowed. It's her responsibility. [Brian] Yes, but as a guarantor, you’re the one responsible if she fails to pay. It's in the documents you signed. [Gamay] Wait a minute. That wasn't part of our agreement! Why should I pay for something I didn't borrow? What happens if I don't pay now? We will be forced to file a case against you. [Brian] I'm sorry, that's just how it is. [Gamay on V.O.] <i>"My problems kept piling up.</i> <i>Besides paying off others' debts</i> <i>as their guarantor...</i> <i>I was transferred to a new area</i> <i>in the market</i> <i>which we call</i> <i>the living dead zone.</i> <i>There were few buyers there.</i> <i>And not long after that,</i> <i>my business started to decline."</i> Mom, can I talk to you? What is it? Tessa, just say it. I have a lot of work to do. It’s about... [cries] Tessa, come on. It’s nothing. It's nothing important. [Gamay] Tessa! No matter how much you count, it's useless. I still have many debts to collect. I can start over again. Stop being a vendor. Be a mother to your children. [Jimmy] Look at Tessa. Ever since she finished school, she's always out with her friends. I'm already at a loss, and you're talking to me like this? Am I not being a mother by trying to make a living? What do you want from me? To just stay here at home? What, is your salary enough to support all of us? Don't belittle me. I'm sorry you're the only expert here. It's not about that. [exhales] Jimmy, at the market, they see all the sacrifices I make for you. Here? There’s nothing but problems and arguments! It's like I'm the worst mother and wife in your eyes! [Gamay] Am I really that terrible? [scoffs] You should answer that yourself. [retches] Tessa, what's really happening to you? [coughs] It’s nothing, Mom. I just have a stomachache. Just have some hot tea then. Gamay, don't you notice anything about Tessa? She always wears a jacket even when it's hot. And every morning, she feels nauseous and unwell. Tessa. Are you pregnant? Answer me. [cries] Yes. My god, Tessa. Why? Wasn't it your dream to work abroad? You threw all that away! [Gamay/ And when were you planning on telling us? After you give birth? You deceived us, Tessa! Mom, that’s not true. I wanted to tell you several times, but I couldn't because you were always busy. Now, you’re making it my fault? Yes, I'm sorry I'm busy! Because I want all my kids to have a comfortable life! That's what you want! But did you ever ask us what we want? We don't just want comfort, Mom. We want parents! Hey. Don't you talk like that! You’re the one who made a mistake so you have no right to pin this on us! You promised me that you wouldn't keep secrets from me so I could guide you! But you're always tired or worried about something. We hardly talk like we used to. [Jimmy] You know, this is your fault. If you only guided your kids, this wouldn't have happened! If you also watched over them while I was away, this wouldn’t happen either! How could I do that? Every day, I’m looking for money I can bring home! Just admit that you’re just finding a way to one-up me! -That’s it! -Yes! Because all you do is rub your business right in my face. [Jimmy] You’re always the greatest! The only thing you talk about is your business! All you’re concerned about is your dream! And because of that, you’re slowly losing all the people you provide for! Gamay, Heart has high fever! If I didn’t need it, I wouldn't ask you to pay me back. I understand that. But what can I do? I really don't have anything to give you right now. Can't you find a way? My youngest, Heart, is in the hospital with typhoid fever. I pawned my jewelry, but it's still not enough. -[boy] Miss, I want to buy. -What is it? -[boy] Biscuits. -Oh, I'm really sorry. I don't have anything to give you right now. I’m sorry. -How many biscuits? -[boy] Two, please. Here you go. James? James. James! Hey! It's school hours, what are you doing here? And you guys. Huh? Why aren't you in school? Why are you loitering here? -You can’t do this! -[student] Let's go, let's go. Hey. Hey, wait! You need to pay! Hey! And as for you, you shouldn't accept them here! It disrupts their education. The problem with you is you just want to make money without caring about the kids. Hold on. They come here on their own. You're responsible for what your child does! And you. You know right from wrong, don't you? Why are you doing this? I'm happy here. I have lots of friends. At home, there's no one. I can’t talk to anyone. You're always gone. [somber music playing] My child is frequently absent from school. He's addicted to computer games. All the problems came at once. [exhales] I never imagined it would come to this. All my hard work ended up in nothing. Don't lose hope. Your family needs you. My family? [cries] They all think I'm worthless. Every time I talk to them, all they do is throw my failures back in my face. [crying] Gamay. Dear. Maybe you need to reflect. Accept the truth in their accusations, even if it hurts. But, Mom, it wasn't my intention to neglect them. In my pursuit of fulfilling our dreams, my dreams for my family, I neglected them. In my desire to sacrifice everything for them, it almost led to the destruction of our bond. How about you, Mom? You also worked, but raised us all well, right? That’s because I balanced everything out. With all the problems that I have, I don't know what to prioritize. How can I balance everything? Dear. Whatever you love the most and is important to you, should be the one you give time and attention to. If something disturbs or hurts you, turn away from it, okay? [somber music playing] Tessa, look at your baby. He's so handsome. Hi, Baby. You need to settle your bills now. Sure, I'll go in a while. Thank you. Well then, I’ll sort out the hospital expenses first. Dad, I'll come with you. I have some money you can use somehow. All right. Let's go. Baby, Papa will leave for a while, okay? Hello. -[baby coos] -[cries] Mom, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Mom. Sorry. Don't cry. Come on. I'm sorry, Mom. I should be the one apologizing. I'm sorry for all my shortcomings. I neglected all of you. Even though I couldn't fulfill all my promises, believe me, I did everything for you. In my heart and mind, I only wanted what's best for you. [Tessa] Mom, I realized that, too. I said a lot of nonsense to you and Dad. I'm really sorry, Mom. Tessa, you're right. Don't cry anymore. What you said was right. My goodness. I just can't believe that only yesterday, you were just my baby. [Gamay] Now, you have a baby, too. I feel like I’ve missed out on a lot. Tessa, now that you're a mother too, I hope you learn from our mistakes and shortcomings, so you can be better parents. [Gamay] You and King should be partners, not rivals. I missed out on so much, a lot of important moments of your lives, because I was never around. I promise you, from now on, I will dedicate all my attention and love to you. Just give me a chance. [both crying] Oh, no, Gamay, you're packing up. So it’s true that you're really leaving your stall. So you've really gone bankrupt and don't have any capital left. Well, that's how unpredictable life is, but I hope you don't give up on your business, okay? I've lost so much already. I just want to salvage and take care of what's left. All right, look after yourselves, okay? And your goods! Don't cheat your customers. [woman 1] We will miss you, Gamay. Take care, okay? -You, too. All right? -[woman 1] Bye-bye! [soft, calm music playing] Jimmy, it's late. Aren't you going to sleep? Don't you miss selling at the market? Sometimes. You know I loved doing it ever since I was little. I may not have finished my studies, but when I'm at the market, selling goods, I can do amazing things. That's where you find your worth as a person. Because that's where you excel. [sighs] But that's not right. I used my business as a crutch when I was sad. Instead of drawing strength from you and our family, I relied on material things. Forgive me. I made a mistake. Gamay, no. We both made mistakes, so we'll make amends together. James, Heart, come on, it's time to eat! -Come on! -[James] Come on! -Let's eat. -Let's eat! Let's eat. Jimmy, this is too much. What's all this for? I sold my motorcycle so you’d have some capital for your business again. We know that you'll be happier if you continue selling, because that's what you’re good at. But that motorcycle was important to you, right? Your happiness is more important to me. That’s right, Mom. And I'm sure you won't neglect us even if you have a business again, right? Because you'll miss us, for sure. [laughs] Right, Mom. And we'll miss your delicious cooking, too. -That’s right. -Hey, I'm the one who cooks! [all laugh] I know. I missed so many important moments in your lives. If only I could turn back time... Let it go, Mom. [Gamay on V.O.] <i>"From that moment on,</i> <i>I made amends to my family.</i> <i>I loved them</i> <i>in a way I hadn't for years.</i> <i>Respectfully yours, Gamay."</i> [Charo] Aiming for a better future for our kids is a noble goal for parents. It's a responsibility that we can't underestimate. But, like our story tonight, this noble goal is useless if it comes at the cost of neglect and lack of time for our families. This is Charo Santos. Good evening to all of you, <i>Kapamilya.</i> FISH PORT FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO SHARE THEIR STORIES SEND AN E-MAIL TO: MAALAALAMOKAYA@ABS-CBN.COM [ending theme playing]
Channel: ABS-CBN Entertainment
Views: 1,874,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ABS-CBN, Kapamilya, abscbn entertainment, ABS-CBN Online, ABS-CBN Philippines, Philippines, Entertainment, Showbiz, ABS-CBN Entertainment, Kapamilya Channel, Maalaala Mo Kaya, series:MaalaalaMoKaya, format:fullepisode, type:digital, genre:Drama, True Life Story, March 6 2023, 20230306online, MMK March 6 2023, YT0psJulia, Maalaala Mo Kaya Full Episode, Full Episode, person:AssuntaDeRossi, person:WowieDeGuzman, person:KristelFulgar, person:MahlouCrisologo, person:MakisigMorales, Palengke Full Episode
Id: S8kn9W8Kero
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 49sec (3229 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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