FULL EPISODE Live at the Bluebird Cafe Delbert McClinton Garry Nicholson Rodney Crowell

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from the corners of the country from cities and the farmers with years and years of living tucked up underneath their arms they walk away from everything just to see a dream come true so god bless the boys who make the noise on 16th Avenue this quiet little cafe in the middle of this town with it gather up the poets every night and in the round and this sing the songs that made them great in the songs you never knew the ones they say they'll never play on 16th Avenue I'll hit it into Memphis Memphis Tennessee that's the one place in this world I can get some good day I'm hungry for some love and then some fried chicken goes down queasy and finger licking I know just where to go as a woman oh she shakes it up a right and lets it several real slow Memphis women and fried chicken Memphis swim and a chicken memphis winner and fried chicken memphis women h it over union Melser a good old gal she can smoke it t chicken fry some foul she got biscuits in up cornbread in the pan I get by to see her every chance I can catch you with when I turn the corner my mouth starts to water I'm gone for Memphis women fried chicken help us women a chicken yeah ting my whole guitar and I go down on bill I get a real good meal I don't care whis can kiss my lips longer get a taste of the barbecue there's a woman up on the bluff makes a living making pies got them chocolate-covered fingers dark blueberry eyes got the light powdered sugar Springer head apple turnover is the our compare when it's hot late and stick in you want some cool and sweet she keeps a handle crackin Lola homemade ice cream Memphis women and fried chicken Memphis women a chicken Memphis women and fried chicken Memphis women you know devil always tells me that he likes his greezy but I know he's just talking about the chickeny level time with it you know I was trying to in it well I'm trying to give me that look with you all handed that's my one good trickling I sound like a cheating or with a song like that you can end it two or three different times you know everybody kind of quits when they that's right want to you know so anybody don't know don't worry about time you meant to do it I meant to do it yeah okay well we're here tonight to have a good time and I'm the lucky guy that gets to be here with to my oldest friends Delbert McClinton and Rodney Crowell I just want to say that these two guys have influenced me so much through the years of Delbert's like I don't know I can't start saying all this stuff but a long time ago I found this record called Dilbert and Glen and I wore out about five copies up and gave it to wait all my friends and kept on kept on trying to be as much like Dilber as I could and then finally hired me to come and play in his band and then he fired me and then he hired me and then he fired me and then he hired me but I think there's more musicians in the dallas-fort Worth area if you haven't been hired and fired by Delbert at least three times you're not in the club and I first found out about Rodney in the in the early 70s and then I kept seeing him show up on songwriting credits everywhere and then when I first moved to Nashville I got to play with guy Clarke and Rodney made a record with guy and produced it and he let me be the the guy in the band to make the record that hadn't had all the experiences that everybody else had had and he was very kind to me and I always remember that anyway you two guys are two my very favorite songwriters on earth just in case you didn't know that and I get to do the honors however those of y'all for the one person here who doesn't know who that was that's the pride of Fort Worth and Panther Hall Gary Nicholson oh yeah and and one of the kindest most sincere genteel human beings on earth oh thank you that's true as they're just very true I have a image of my father through a succession of raggedy old used cars starting with about a 1951 Studebaker then a 53 Studebaker president 55 Chevrolet 57 Ford and he got stuck on that 57 Ford for a while but my you know I was like I thought about making a dedicated miss record to my father calling it a man of constant car trouble well you know I just have this image you know being five years old sitting in the backseat and my dad out there under that you know the hood up on the side of the road somewhere rainfall and you know just out there knocking the skin off his knuckles and cussing he never had a car that would run he also had bad luck with houses I remember he bought this here my mother bought this house in 1956 and just said a city there on the east side of Houston there and I know it cost some six thousand dollars and it got repossessed in 1965 and that was the same year that they bulldozed it down so it it was a tie so uh you know my dad was a he was an angry man and you know I understand why now the rock of my soul with the church on Sunday the rock of my soul with the work on Monday clean across a levy by the railroad track the other side of Houston in a two-room shed we've been knockin feted from a third-grade classroom the rock of my soul push to dust my broom the rock of my soul didn't have much luck you came to talent grinnin on a flatbed truck Rocka my soul didn't have much charm with a lack of education on the red dirt farm he was fond of disappeared on an eight day drunk coming home smelling like a low-down scum and you'd say I do like I say not like I do and you might make me proud another Houston kid they're on a downhill skip for crying out loud I'm the first-hand witness to an age-old crime a man who hits a woman didn't worth the dad five six seven eight nine years old that's what I remember about the raga my soul I told him I would kill him if it did not stop it Rocka my soldiers would not drop it a little I like dirty I could steal your shirt and talk with a guy another Houston kid now on a downhill skid like father like son I got out of prison about a year ago seven long years really went by slow I didn't kill my daddy but my mama tried she shot him with a pistol and he liked to die I'm on probation little straight and true there's every indication that the past is through I know about the raga my soul you this off we go baggage claim got some money in my pocket got my ticket in my hand ain't got time to talking got no time to explain ain't gonna ride no break em I know midnight train I'm gone by Jet Propulsion to the promised land I'm all run down through terminal jump over the chain and make love to my baby in baggage claim she called me up this mama said she needed to see me bad she was jonesing real hard for that loves way she won't he woke up sweating from a dream she had last night that was filled with sexual tension with no relief and sad she was breathing hard and even like a cold burning train she said come to me baby before I go insane now when I get to LAX up a jump in feet oh it bulletproof and handsome honey a wall the wall lounge around my baby I give all the love I will be saving up the windows and then yellow decks icky I got one more thing to do for let that hammer fall the hotel operator please hold Oh thank you well I'm going to do this pretty song for my wife but she just walked out the back door so next time you see her tell her that it sure was pretty I wrote this song with Al Andersson and people ask you how your co-write songs and stuff sometimes and it's always different and get together and you write the words and the music and together it all kind of happens together in this case the story is that al Anderson had written this melody because he thought he was going to have an opportunity to co-write a song with Paul McCartney because McCartney's daughter had fallen in love with n rbq which was Al's band and so he wrote this melody and he headed around for a while and so he gay I didn't write any of this melody and he didn't write any of the words so that's the way that happened this time you here's another morning soon she'll be waking up i watch her and wonder if there's a bad word for love so many times I've told her it never seems enough so I keep searching for a bad word for love mom stop one when I finally I she knows there's nothing more to say tonight when I'm out walking I'll ask the stars have gone you found them somewhere there's a word mom star when I find a way I Oh Shi there's nothing more to say so here's another more you soon she'll be waked I guess I'll just hold her tight - this better work I guess I'll just hold her tight all right that makes me think I'm gonna do one for my wife that'll be the same yeah we take it let's take it around them and when our wives so it sound like a good idea it ain't a swapping thing no but if you ever just swipe left we talk whatever mine didn't even come you know wrote this Gary and I wrote and we were all over there weren't we in Ireland yeah we were everywhere we were all in this castle in Ireland right it's only these Irish Katzen and the first couple of days we drew names for who we would write with so in the first day I you came and woke me up because I was sacked out and you said hey man you drew this guy name something or another you know so I went down and it was a guy named Michael McGlinn I remember and he's a he's a classical composer and he he composes for I wrote my dreams he said we're interesting out there you know it's like you you know he we first got together you know so me a southern boy and he's a classically trained Celtic classic composer you know and he we couldn't figure out how you know how to get started so how do we get this into Chrysler's over with him - yeah like I I hit on this idea I said I know what man we were in my room we pushed all the furniture back and got down on the floor I said you know you know sometimes you just got to be kids so you kind of just this American guy wants me to get down on the floor you know so but he did he was game and we got down on the floor and somehow we wrote this song I don't know how we did it but it came out I just figured it was a way to tell my wife how much I love her you with faith beyond religion research the great unknown free fall into darkness someplace we've never come I'm tired - I'm tired - you let's push it to the limit as far as we can see till there are no all still standing and it's only you and me I'm tired - I'm tired - let's build a ship of passion call it a wild desire sail upon this sea of life hearts of a raging fire I'm tired - I'm tired - I love the way that I'm myself with no one else but you without you I'd have never come this far every step I take I make a vow to you I'll never break this bond between our souls is ooh you tomorrow don't mean much to me look what we have today right here in this minute Bay is where I wanna stay tied to you I'm tired too I love the way that I myself with no one else with you without you I have never come this far every step I take I make a vow to you I'll never break this bond between our souls I'm trying to I'm trying to yeah I'm trying to I'm trying to yeah with faith beyond religion we search the great unknown however when you guys looked at this that was that was a good trip we all sit and played the songs that we demoed that week that night that I remember that song from that night I remember sitting with Michael you know Michael has that real classic Irish and he sing I'm tied to you and I said no it's yeah he says yeah you he could not get yeah all right since we doing some short wives I'll do what the man songs all if you can't lie no better you might as well tell it to what kind of maintenance is you got to start it man cuz I'm not laying it down here I run this home hey gum bragging in 3a yomogi you grant a knife silly grin smelling just like sin rolling up that how about its tissue paper Liam you digging down deep and I already know better again lino fella indicate Lando better man you might as well tell it's true I know you been fooling around some fool from way across town Taryn I could bang down you're making me out your clown you're looking for excuses that you know can't be bound and the more your lips keep moving the more you keep losing round no better it again line Oh Bella get Akane line no better than then you might as well tell the truth then she was gone with that girl from up to sweeper I know better she called here looking for you and she told me that you never better and you could be more discreet with your love letter I smell some mother man I love your cashmere sweater if you get Lalo better no better you might as well tell the truth I guess you're acting to make up your bed give in the morning they're gonna be all right well I don't think so I think you better pack your bag your mama's house not only reason I fancy that you leave I want here man I see you get outta line thank you well the story behind this song is I I can't really actually remember writing this song it just kind of appeared to me and I was really glad to see it show up but I didn't really know what to do with it and I remember turning in it in to my publisher and they didn't really know what to do with it either but thankfully there was a young lady that worked there at the publishing company that said you know I bet Bonnie Raitt could do that song do you know how to get it to her and I said well no and she said well there's an address here on the back of this CD it says the fan club I guess and so we kind of left it at that and she put it in the mail and bonnie was good enough to get it in the mail and listen to it and record it so sometimes things work just another homesick Chow time running wine ready to stand trial though I'm guilty your side show some mercy night I can't make it through the fight alone oh no no no don't make it easy keep me working til I get all right but please please just shine enough light on me till have free from this shadow hug down keep me out shadow of down and as I'm trying to make some sense of the swamp against Lord I know my best defense is your love when the Stratton gets insane and the Lasser is full of pain keep me calling out your name oh no no no don't make it easy keep me working till it all but please please just shine enough light on me till I free from this shadow of doubt keep me eye shadow I will whisper in the dark from the bottom of my heart till I see one live stone start to shine and I will shot from mountain high reaching to the sky till you open my so blind oh no no no God don't make it easy keep me work until I work it all out but please please just shine enough light on me till I'm free from this shuttle down keep me up out of the show give me aa shadow we came out with together with a common desire the people we had model set the westcoast all mine wait man let me tell y'all wrote this song but this pretty good story me and this woman left Texas in the middle of the night she just got a divorce and had a 66 Chrysler and Ida have nothing and we decided to go to California and we went and we've bought with big time and love you know and was after about a month and she left me but I was really in love with I really was his only woman on the UM that ever really broke my heart well the first one anyway mono there wasn't a bunch of them but she done it she done enough for several anyway he had within 30 minutes of her leave we were we were living in a an apartment in Venice California that had four locks on the door and the floor the walls and the ceiling wall painted black and the place was nicknamed methedrine Manor because you could go up on a roof at any any point in time and find Riggs just laying everywhere from all these speed freaks shooting up up there we thought whiz in paradise anyway she left me in every which the we were living with a friend of mine Glenn Clark who I record a couple drugs with him we would live in this little tiny place there wasn't any privacy for anybody Maggie and I had a mattress shoved up in a double closet with the doors off and some sheer curtains hanging over the mattress there's only privacy we had with the whisper all the time of Glenn Medeiros he's right over there you know but he couldn't see through them sheers and that was that was where we lived anyway she left and I sit there on that mattress and wrote this song about 30 minutes after she said I'll see you later brother I came out wears together with common design the people we had - at the West Coast don't mind two months later got trouble in mind my Maggie move down lift me behind but it's alright call this midnight and I got to move out somewhere the way she live she'll turn my head around seem like overnight she just up and putting me down and gonna let it bother me today I've been working and I'm too tired anyway but it's alright call this midnight and I got two more miles and when I'm kicked in her red mouth from the people I know I've been doing our camera opportunity Shogun flu I'd be a big star bout a day but I'm sweeping out a warehouse and Westdale a Buddhist all right cause it's midnight and I got two old bottles away you I'm 16 from the people of opportunity's knocking butter can't seem to open it though I'm being mixed about a day but I'm asleep in our warehouse and we're still a Buddhist all right cause it's midnight and I got two more bottles and yeah all right cause it's midnight and I get you more bottles and wet Willis all right goes it night and I got two more bottles away you
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Views: 86,217
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Keywords: Live at the bluebird cafe, live from the bluebird cafe, bluebird cafe, nashville, nashville tv, full episode, delbert mcclinton, gary nicholson, Rodney Crowell (Musical Artist), Delbert McClinton (Musical Artist), songwriter, Songwriter (Profession), Music (TV Genre), Guitarist (Profession), Nashville Sound (Musical Genre), Nashville (City/Town/Village), bluebird, Acoustic Guitar (Musical Instrument), Acoustic Music (Musical Genre), Singer, Musician (Profession), Original
Id: zuxjT8e5P9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 53sec (2873 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2015
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