Full Episode- Jackson Vs. Jackson: #HerWayOrTheHighway

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judge today's case her way or the highway she says he's fooling around he says she's fooling around they both say that they have text to prove their claims let's see which one is right Court is now a session the honorable judge lynn toler presiding good day ladies and gentlemen I'm here today with essence Jackson and Ronnie Jackson mr. and mrs. Jackson you have been together six years married for four you have three children together you do not want to be married anymore mrs. Jackson you are seeking three thousand dollars from mr. Jackson for child care expenses as you go we will talk about that momentarily but before we do mr. Jackson I'm gonna start with you why don't you tell me a little bit about your relationship and why we're here in divorce court today essence brought me here to say she wanted to voice but I have news for her she don't change our way today it's a wrap we have the party's a wrap - but glad we havin the trust issues why don't you trust her I went through a phone one day unappropriate text message we heard one of s exes what did it what were they saying howdy can't wait to get they love family back together and I'm looking at it like they family he don't even have kids with her then I see a message saying how she can't wait to take that little trip to Atlantic City I only thought that existing movies I never knew those for real and did you have text in your phone talking about I can't wait to get your old family back together or you get ready to go to Atlantic City with your ex I wasn't getting ready to go nowhere he my ex mentioned it he mentioned getting our families together in the text messages was because I caught him texting a friend of mine and so it was after that situation so you caught him texting a friend of yours yeah what did that text say um I guess they had been like talking through video messages when he would be at work or when she will be at work they was video channel and what were they saying I mean how did you know what was the nature of the conversation part of the text message said I guess she got mad he posted something about me and he takes her back saying like well you knew I was already married so Hewitt and like towards the end of the text messages said delete the messages it was in his pictures I think he tried to delete the messages and made a mistake took a screenshot technology is going to love [Applause] mr. Jackson did all that occur some of it what part did occur well I was talking to her cuz I already like you know we had a essence invited this woman into our home on our anniversary day I'm looking at it like you know Fred yes ma'am it wouldn't even know we're near our anniversary but did you end up no it was supposed to be but I went down for it I couldn't get into it oh it was supposed to be but it was a scheduled threesome mr. Jackson was scheduled but did not occur it wasn't scheduled guys just got during the girl was there but it had did she leave the room she loved womb but you stay with the other chick she knew what was going on she was there never bring another woman into the bed with you yeah I don't care how long you know or how you know even if you you're bicurious or whatever you don't be but be by curious but you know she doesn't become attached to you as a person you know we if you go to have a three I can't believe I'm giving in threesome stuff but the other person oh I won't even I'm so sorry you say he parties every weekend comes in at 4 a.m. tell me what's going on with that here party animal I'm a homebody you just don't work he'd like to go out every almost every weekend if not every weekend he go out and he'll come sometimes they'll come back at 4:00 in the morning not happen no that happened two times your honor the times he coming home I'll meet her she'll Carter police over yeah I understand she called the police on you 10 times over 10 times 10 times it's not even when she calls the police what does she tell them and how does it turn out she'll make up a story a chokeslam burr I hit her I did this and Heidi was set up now you're going to jail she's called first you want to jail I mean matters the lie is the truth for the lie don't even matter did they ever take you in oh yeah mrs. Jackson did she'll call and like get the tire to drop and I be out the next day but it's like lying about was there 24 hours do you call the police on facts I have caught the police when I need the car to Farley's but I don't just call the police for no reason about yes physical activity was there was there concerns where you was he I mean it's it's appropriate to call the police if he is hurting you or you're frightened of him what are you trying to kick my door here I call the police because now you turn on my property so tell me what happened when he tried to kick the door in I wouldn't let him in a house because when he come in at 4 o'clock I'm not letting him in my house and so he tried to kick the door he lives there too that was a home that was a hold the police on you one day I come home it went even four o'clock it's like once something she didn't let me into like five Sunday morning so where did what did you say on the porch I'm sitting on the porch it's currently banging on the door inside just got tired and just kick the door open another incident I get ready to go out one day and one of her friends come tell me in the club with my ear you know essence just be style your clothes I'm like why for what she finna come to the same club I'm coming to what she be some clothes for so I get back to the house and the whole bath too full of our things for no reason she have no she had a flashback that's why she bleached my clothes mrs. Jackson did you bleach his clothes yeah bleach is why I believe just cause me yeah another lady at my house baby said my kids that's what their situation occur from explain that situation what happened I don't know who the lady was I still don't know who she is to this day she wasn't in the house watching okay one of my kids told me that he'd be having women in the house he had a woman babysitting him well where were you out of town when this happened to what yeah I was that time had you left him no I have friends that could babysit he has some lady I don't know that he was messing around we cuz I later seen text messages in his phone if they was messing around he had an old phone that he left his facebook login to and I got on the air and read all the messages from more than her see see live he's blocked you from social media tell me about that guy comment on the picture saying I'm beautiful why I see even on your page telling me he's blocked you from social media tell me about that only blocker cuz I don't like seeing certain stuff on her person I'll talk to you mr. Jackson do you block him on social media no I don't have a block I don't care what you see on my pictures on her nothing he blocks me he blocks you he get mad at every looking guy comment on the picture saying I'm beautiful there's no random guy I have all types of why is he even on your page telling you dude same reason you've got all the type of girls I'll tell a beautiful she beautiful she just go you know she's on Facebook with her he said he said he likes a break picture says it's beautiful how is that her fault it's not a [ __ ] cccc but she talked him back she talks back she give him conversation oh I miss you too all this oh yeah nobody we just had argue about this dude like last week now healing they're telling you beautiful oh thank you I miss you so I miss you too that's how she talked to him she won't look at it it's like a lot like he doing now Bobby do you think she's messing with her ex or any of her exes or anybody else from the text messages I will say she yeah what's the most I mean you don't message you've seen the trip to Atlantic City they can't wait to get a little family back depart last time I let's take a trip to Atlantic City cuz that's pretty suspect he's sent that to me I didn't ask him about going to Atlantic you approved it why did he feel they feel comfortable enough to ask you to go to Atlantic City what after the situation he was my friend uh-huh stop I was giving him conversation we talked we text messages but it was never nothing physical mm-hmm no action so you are entertaining him you were entertaining him I did it and I always I made my wrongs I always I mean when I know you don't how did you amend you amend that wrong I say me I made that wrong okay when he asked me about it I talked the true funny lie about it and try to hide it he say me and he wasn't even staying with me when I sent those text messages that's a woman's job inside the diaper you if you would like your case to be heard on divorce court call us toll free at one eight seven seven three one one twenty two twenty two or log on to our website at divorcecourt.com mr. show watch full episodes on our streaming platforms and for exclusive content go to Apple TV what causes you to believe that she's doing something wrong I see techsmith's it can be with girls like with girls she tell me this is my best friend it's my best friend all this and then all of a sudden on down the road she didn't have sexual intercourse with this person I'm like it just come out are you interested in women too no high school huh that's where I messed up I told him that I used to mess with women in high school I'm not in high school nowhere I'm 31 with five kids I don't mess with women I'm not innocent okay he's still bringing up numerous some that I'm doing in the present mm-hmm well you did offer him that threesome [Music] [Applause] talk about it was a mistake and we talked about but I'm just telling you what that's something he wanted okay you want three thousand dollars from him as you leave for childcare expenses tell me specifically what you're looking for and why we have we got three kids to get right my last baby is one he disabled uh-huh it's hurricane for him by myself uh-huh he don't he never home you don't help watch him he don't doesn't matter he doesn't help watch him he doesn't nothing he don't buy diapers he don't buy nothing he come in kiss him in the face and talk to him and he think that's helping me she mind if she is he paying most of the bills I think most abuse you pick off job you you pay all the bills abuse do you work out of you do you work yes ma'am what do you doing we're riding in my yard so I don't even know what she tell my mom going all day he made my work out of my girl he makes my giving it to me I mean I don't pay all the bills I pay some well why would I pay all the bills when she kicked me out give me a percentage how much you know she paid four percent of the bills does she pay sixty Levin eight sixty I paid forty uh-huh I'm gonna pay fifty cuz I don't have control over nothing now do you mean you don't have control over in Santro everything everything she won't picture to go this way she want my man Kay to live how's she gonna do nothing I'm like I wanna ask for one part of the house right that's outside in the garage she'll coming there to tell me are you just leaving to lose everyone I wanted to go she don't look at it like that everything you gotta we don't even have company and it got to be perfect all day long in the house I'm like didn't even Holly the kids for spilling milk but you want to come in here and tell me how to shave him my man K she seen a little speck of hair around a single stump we finna be for like a week oh I'm not getting those scans for like a month is this this is so much it's like her way or the highway is that sex yes ma'am thank you give me those scans okay it goes down in the divorce court yeah mmm give me those scans do you think you contribute to the parenting in the home I'm there for my kid my kids love me they know who I am I play with my kids all day long when I'm there and the babysitting probably she got to do something I watch the kids what if she in the house all day long I'm not I'm not what I'm saying the die before you sitting right there beside him you know that's a woman's job the Chinese a diaper she's she's making she's paying most of the bills why is it her job you know you 2019 idea of economics but at a 1950 idea of of chores in the house why is that her job when she's making money just like you she can sit there and hold a phone all day changing this pimp holiday didn't even matter you know she just sit there all day long but you don't even want to take care of your kids like that I do when I know she tired and I know she need a break I gave my baby but other than that I'm glad now I'm talking about all day working on a date she think I suppose the car much do you make per month what we're seasonal with me I do small engines so during the summertime private like 2001 2000 a month in the summer how much do you make I keep my baby get a disability check [Music] you you don't have anything to show me about costs or who makes what or my anything I just don't have any numbers to base it off but I wanna give you some money is all the time so I got a baby disability [ __ ] mm-hmm he make money all the time and that's what I pay to be with the baby disability check he think cuz the baby get disability shaked in that's what I'm supposed to be doing with the chick she don't pay all to be valid and then another no she always wanted somebody pay W so is the last time way too bill but that's a that's started to be an issue because it's her way out of highway it's like the urges one all day long are you here is the light going let me say this to you mr. Jackson you need to become an active and involved a parent in your children's lives I know you too it becomes all that much more important to be a constant and meaningful presence in their lives it is not a woman's job to change diapers it's a parent's job to change diapers where they legs around and you put your diaper on all of that is bonding and caring and loving and all of that kind of stuff so you don't don't separate yourself like that especially now that you're no longer gonna be in the house together I think you are cheap with the money I don't have any any way to designate who's got water whatever's going on so I'm going to award you Ana nominal amount hey kid I want to give you something meaningful but I don't have any numbers to work with oh I could have showed your numbers I have like my bank statements all mine when I pay my bills it come off on my bed at home they don't what basic yet ourself I could've been a gay but a money so I'll give you a jumpstart thousand dollars because I don't think he's contributing meaningfully I can't give you three one thousand deaths that's a statement that is premium II was $25 yeah well imma give you some jump stop thousand dollars for foot for those babies calm down relax you don't have any extra money stop calling the police when the police are not necessary don't stop bleaching clothes and tearing stuff about me being that crazy person do you understand what I mean your kids grow up in a tornado their minds go and then you'll never get them out of the house and trusting by time 18 your water mount one thousand dollars in favor of mrs. Jackson so is this really over been over for a long time now do you regret bringing another woman in the bedroom yeah judging I had a lot to say today what was your reaction about how things went down and all the advice you had to give to you we need to listen to you just told me that this is over that it's been over is that true believe the same thing well I really don't care anymore on divorce court people share the most intimate details of their lives join the conversation and share your experiences on our Facebook page and Instagram at divorce court see how other couples deal with their relationship issues the discussion can get heated don't miss it [Music]
Channel: Divorce Court
Views: 697,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Divorce Court, divorce, marriage, Lynn Toler, lawyer, television show, reality tv, judge, 3624, Dating, Love, Relationships, Couples, Cheating, Infidelity, Comedy, Drama, Court TV, Romance, Bride, Groom, Husband, Wife, Wedding
Id: p1qlcl0O7hM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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