full collection houseplant tour 2022 | 75+ plants in 1 apartment πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«

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hi everyone thanks so much for being here my name is kat and i make houseplant videos here on good and planty if you just want to absolutely love this video please consider liking it comment subscribing or follow me on instagram all these things help me grow my channel like a plant today is the long awaited houseplant tour in my new space i am so excited to get into this and share everything with all of you so much has changed since my last houseplant tour my collection is different my home is different i am different my house is not perfect right now i still have a lot of plants on the floor i have shelves to hang the whole thing but i honestly just didn't want to wait any longer i was too excited and yeah it's just kind of it's a little bit more real as they say with all that being said we are going to jump into it okay we are starting in my bedroom today i am doing my best to find the perfect angles possible let's start with this little shelf here it's the backdrop of a lot of my videos honestly it's one of my favorite little displays that i have going on right here we have the philodendron brazil she is a beautiful plant in the middle we have my philodendron micans that is exciting because it's actually a full propagation plant from my mama mikens that you can see over there then all the way to the right or left i guess your left i don't know we have the monstera at insone eye and that one is funny because a lot of you know i was not interested in a phil uh i always want to call it a philodendron in a monster i had in sonia for the longest time but then one day i woke up and i really really wanted one so i got one as we planned parents do she has not disappointed at all she has grown so much she really fills the space well and i'm just really happy with how this shelf came together and my little snake trellis back there some little knickknacks that i love i think it really adds a nice element to my bedroom where it's planty but it's not overwhelming those are the three little plants i wanted to start with but i also have a fun little plant on my nightstand to accompany me every night at my nightstand i have the monstera sulta pekana she is a lovely lovely plant known for that little silvery sheen on her leaves i'm super proud of her because when i got her she was kind of like maybe up to here and i've sprouted a few new leaves throughout my move which is a huge win in my book i'm very proud of her and i love her on my little nightstand i'm going to move you over there all right next i want to talk about a huge star of the channel it was a little hard to get the camera over here so so i'm settling with this angle but of course we have to talk about miss philodendron mikins over there that is the mama plant that gave me this philadelphia mic ends so she is a huge star she is starting to grow on my ceiling and i love her to the ends of the earth but oh what's that over there helping her grow and be amazing and beautiful well that is my that is my soul tech solutions light who is also the sponsor of today's video soltec offers beautiful effective grow lights that seamlessly blend into your home i personally love soltec so much because it is like a natural decorative light for me that very warmly illuminates the space without being this intrusive grow light with harsh white light or all the blues purples reds you know the drill i am so happy a with the aesthetic plus of having this grow light it's perfect and it blends into my little minimalist jungle space fairly well i would say however also obviously you want to grow light to actually help your plant grow and tech also took that box for me too the gray is a full spectrum photosynthetic plant light the one that you're seeing is the large aspect grow light i've been using this late probably for about four months now so i've really got to settle into using it and see how successful of a light it is and i have nothing but positive things to say i have noticed a lot more rapid growth coming from my mic ins and it really helps encourage the vines to grow up towards the light source whereas before i would kind of notice vines reaching away from the moss pole whereas you want it to stick to it because they were trying to get to like a window light source or something like that so the soltec light has been really really useful for things like that i also personally living by myself i really appreciate how easy of an install this is it comes with everything you need you just drill in the few little hooks on the wall you string the light through it and then you plug it in it also comes with a timer uh plug for your outlet so you can just adjust it to whatever time you want the soul tech light on and you don't have to do anything manually which is phenomenal let me tell you some bonuses also include that the light lasts up to 15 years they have free shipping and also a five year warranty so if you want to check them out i highly recommend it you can use codegood and planty for 15 off your order and i will have them linked down below in the description box so huge thank you to soul tech i love supporting a pennsylvania company and now that you've seen the philodendron mikens we can move on to the windowsill and some of my floor plants that i have i'm not really sure how i'm going to show these but we'll get into it all right i think this is going to be the easiest way to do this so we will start off here with my hoya obovata that i finally have thanks to some of you good implanters i painted this pot in a recent video and she is hanging out here on these books i believe that this is an east facing window by the way so it gets pretty good light i would say over here this is my hoya silver splash she is a stunning little hoya right now i just have her in some sphagnum moss but i will transplant her to soil shortly i just haven't had the time huge shout out to my friend that made this beautiful little seashell pot for me it's from the sill and she just glued on these little shells she's found so a big fan of that and they're just resting on my books up here and let's go over here to this windowsill we have some type of monstera i'm not really sure what kind of variegation she has so i'm not going to speak on it it's kind of up for debate and we will see as she gets larger but she does have a new leaf on the way which is very exciting and she's some sort of variegated monstera but that's pending next we have the sansevieria fernwood mikado i believe or mikado fernwood no fernwood mikado probably my favorite snake plant i just i honestly love how different she is she kind of looks like grass in a pot and i'm a big fan of it for some reason moving down we have the marble queen pothos in all her glory my oh my very sad and struggling maranta she is on the come up i do have a propagation of her that got root rot so i cut her out of the pot you'll see her later but this is the the plant that actually managed to live so she's she's on the rise okay here is my rickrack cactus again they're all just on the floor right now they'll have permanent homes later i just wanted them to get a decent amount of sun in between me trying to figure out where they're gonna live they're all kind of doing okay i think yeah this is the rickrack cactus huge fan of her my hoya sunrise ugh angel baby peperomia frost with a little sad flower sorry about that one she was dehydrated she i actually had her up in the window for a second like up there but she started burning at the ends this is kind of what a peperomia looks like when they get too much sun this was facing the window so i moved her down here until i could find a better spot for her this stunning little beauty is my philodendron florida ghost this is a good example of the variegation that they have the newer leaves don't have it i don't know this is a constant struggle for me but we'll figure it out i sometimes i get variegation sometimes i don't it's a fun little game we're playing this is the newest leaf coming in so we'll see what she decides to present to me moving over some random junk that i have well not junk i love that stuff but here we have the syngonium chia pens one of my favorite plants if you are new to the channel this is her newest leaf we're getting a little bit smaller now that we're growing off the moss pole so i think a chop prop and plug is coming soon but i'll let her put out like a little bit more growth before i do something like that now okay i have to like scooch in so down here over here by my little matrocha we have a foya australis and here we have my hoya jennifer hoya jennifer and my hoya rebecca she's a cutie she's like a waterfall of leaves okay under cloche one we have this alocasia dragon scale she was burning up by the window so i had to move her i was kind of worried about that happening with her being under the like moist glass by a window you know it kind of sounds like it'll burn and it did but i moved her down here here's her other leaf and then we do have a whole leaf on the way so that's good and this is some kind of node of something that was struggling so i just threw it in here eventually i do want to transplant her into some soil because she's definitely way more stable than before when she was just this little um wet stick right there well not wet stick what is that a stump and then under here we have a begonia from daya one of my last standing begonia after so many moves this one i believe is the maurice amy or no this is the crackling rosie i think i get them mixed up but i'll have the right name on the screen you can see this beautiful little pink color this is a newer leaf than this one and i have a baby coming in which is very exciting she was like a little bit um stagnant for a bit so it's fun to see her growing again and these two plants absolutely love their cloches i mean you can tell from the new growth just provides a lot of humidity and they're super happy about that i am a tilt from a gooden planter a lot of these actually all of these upcoming plants are from goodin planters so this is a hoya matild there are a few little cuttings again all of these upcoming ones i will transplant to soil but for now they're just hanging out in the swag they shipped in until i can get to that point the shidia ovata beautiful veins on this plant i actually mistook her for a hoya when i first unboxed unboxed her but she is a dish idiot this one here is i have to read you have to read the cup that she came in this is a hoya hush kiliana varagata i apologize if i'm not pronouncing that correctly this is apparently a very good one you guys were excited to see this in the unboxing video the variegation is stunning like i love this mint color that comes through with the dark green rim and then the cream in the center stunning this is a hoya enduences she has like these ripples on the edge which is how i know this plant the light just wants to illuminate her it's so cute next up we have hoya crinkle eight nobody corrected me on that so i'm just running with it and assuming it is correct and you can see the crinkles here with a little light splash on the leaves and then last but not least over here we have another hoya obovata when i kind of transplant some of these into soil i will probably pop the two hoya obavada together just to save some space and make it a fuller plant and i love this little indent that makes it look like a heart all right we did this side now i have a little patch over here okay let's get down to business this plant is a string of hearts and i'm actually shocked you would think honest they they do get a decent amount of sun over here but she has taken off i haven't seen this plant grow so much i've had her for over a year and she is finally kind of coming into her own which i love to see this is my philodendron imperial red that i saved from root rot she was like two leaves a few years ago now we're kind of getting to a full established plant and i'm working on getting the color right but that's gonna take a little bit of playing around with the light and right now she doesn't even have an official home so that's pending in the famous wap pot i know you guys all want to know where it came from i don't know it was a gift for my amazing little sister i want to take a guess and say etsy but i could be wrong and here we have my snake plant ew oh my god what is that is that a mosquito oh my god so rude get out of here anyway uh sansevieria laurentii this i will make a note i propagated this leaf and this leaf from the mama plant but when you take leaf cuttings like that the leaves that come in after will not have the yellow stripe on the outside you can only maintain that if you do root division so just as a little warning to you all here is my philodendron melanocracym i'm excited i took a propagation from her and then she was completely stagnant for a very very very long time i was getting worried she was being very cactus on me but here we go new little leaf i think they really like honestly the light over here which is surprising because it's just shoved behind this door but when the door is closed they get very nice diffused light and last but not least we have this little guy the name is escaping me right now my brain is probably going to turn to mush by the end of this video but i will have the name on the screen and this plant gets the most beautiful flowers i got it from a friend shout out o'neil yeah i'm just really excited to see her take off she's kind of starting to grow a little bit taller over here and yeah hopefully one day i get little flowers and the last plant in the bedroom is probably you would never guess based on its placement and how small it is but this is my prized possession it is the syngonian batik i'm not going to take her out of the cloche right now because you can see that the leaves are reaching towards the sun which is coming from the window and it's kind of pressing against the cloche and i don't want to mess with it too much yeah my prized possession i was on the hunt for this plant for the longest time and someone sent it to me and she's doing pretty good i think those are two leaves that i grew from my care all of the original leaves did die off so under the close she went i panicked a little bit but that this setup even though it looks a little bit funky has helped her uh bounce back a ton so i definitely recommend it before we move on to the living room i just want to show this little pocket of plants sitting next to a water filtration system i need to sell this is my philodendron burl marks she's doing okay i'm trying to make sure that while they're kind of staying in these random spots in my home they get enough light so if i crack this bedroom door open here they do get light even though it doesn't look like it it kills me to have such a precious plant like the philodendron barrel marks uh varigata here on the floor and not displayed in all her glory oh my god this is such a nice leaf wow so cool yeah the minus of having all these plants on the floor is i don't get to appreciate them as much as some of the plants that are displayed already so i'm just taking a moment to really appreciate how stunning this is this is an original leaf from shipping that's kind of on its way out but it's not done yet so i'm not gonna snip it until it is wow this is so pretty next to her we have my uh syngonium uh what is she called oh my god my head is going away let me google it real quick oh sing i didn't even need to google it syngonium erythrophylum this side got too much light if you can't tell so sorry about that but here are all new leaves believe it or not from sitting right here she has tons on the way so she's on the come up [Music] and these plants are well known for their red undersides and this was a wishlist plant of mine for a very long time that is not lost on me so sorry for all this damage but we're we're coming back then below her we have the hoya chaperty eye thank you everyone for helping me id her i could not remember that name for some reason and she's in soil so i might keep her in this cup for a minute and then the last part over here is my aglio nema wishes she's doing okay she could be doing better like this leaf is probably gonna be a goner soon i got this new leaf right here she's a little small i think she would actually out of all these plants appreciate a little bit more light she always got a decent amount of light and this is a little bit probably a shock to her being in a slightly lower light environment but i do have new growth coming in it's just not super large yet all right now we are on the living room slash kitchen leg of this plant tour and behind me we have the one and only my magnificent monstera deliciosa that i've had for two or three years at this point so proud of her because i've grown her from i think like a six or no not a six maybe an eight inch pot so this size means a lot to me since i've grown her up to this point she is supported in the back by two little bamboo trellises because i wanted to make her a little bit more vertical if you kind of let them grow out they can definitely start to vine out of the pot and everything but i wanted her to take up a lot of the wall space that i have so i went ahead and did that i have a bunch of plants kind of stuffed below her so i'm just gonna hold them up so that you can actually see them so we'll start off over here i actually recently just talked about her in a video but this is my calathea rattlesnake beautiful beautiful plant and this is a size that i haven't you know come across usually when i see them they're sold in smaller four inch pots with leaves that are not as big as this one and i'm just hoping i don't mess her up this is good this is like the challenge that i needed and i also love the back side of these plants very beautiful plants next is the hoya carnosa compacta one of my favorites i would say overall throughout the collection as always i'm just going to talk about how fun these leaves are it's kind of what it's known for it's just like a little i say it every time it's just like a little salad bowl you know and it's like so noodly and fun and different and i love the texture it brings to any plant shelf or display or anything like that i will be putting shelves up on this wall over here i have just been putting it off so she's gonna be one of the first plants i place on that wall because i think that she's definitely a statement piece and has picked up a lot over time like these vines were not as long when i first got her so i feel like we're kind of finding our footing and going down the right path this plant is a little bit newer to my collection i haven't really featured her yet this is my rafa de fora de curciva and i found her at the market for like like 10 bucks or something like that which felt like a steal since they used to be so expensive the price has definitely gone down quite a bit but to find a four-inch pot with leaves as fenestrated and developed as this felt like winning the lottery so i had to pick her up i was like mid move and i've i have no room for new plants really but she was an exception i want to display her in the way that she deserves to be displayed this is my dracena marginata also my lucky plant since i got her as a gift after my childhood dog passed away not to make an emo it's actually very nice to have this kind of i don't know symbol of that time period this is like one of the most probably sentimental plants i have in my collection this one's kind of hard to place because you want to give it space all around like 360 so that it can really you know blossom it can't really go against a wall or anything like that in terms of display this is probably one of my more challenging plants however she is worth it and one day she will be a big tree okay next up we have the neon pothos i actually propagated her recently um my bathroom has no windows in it no light or anything but it felt so wrong to not have a plant in a room in my home so i ended up actually just snipping her and putting the propagation in a little jar of water in the bathroom and i was like if it dies it dies but it's actually putting out roots with no light which i don't recommend i was just kind of gonna use it as like this disposable decoration for the time being personally i'm not a huge fan of fake plants i'm not going to shame you if you are uh but that was like the price i was willing to pay but she's rooting so maybe i will eventually pot her up in here as well and make it a little bit fuller and you can see where i chopped it is actually putting out a new leaf right here i'm tired of doing this philadelphia lady here this is another plant i actually chopped i was a little bit worried about her coming back to life but we do have some signs of growth she is definitely like if you compare the newest leaf size to what it was before pop propping her you know it's smaller but usually i notice after i chop a plant like this the next few leaves are a little smaller but then they kind of bounce back and get back to the original uh leaf size i love this little reddish color it's one of my favorite colors across my collection probably one of the one of you good and planters helped me out to get her you guys found a good deal you found a good deal and you hit me up and i was like please please send her to me because that was back when this plant was extremely expensive and hard to find she's still probably not the easiest plant to find but i think prices have gone down quite a bit which is very cool i would love for this plant to be accessible okay here we have the lemon lime philodendron which is reminiscent of the neon pothos when i first started collecting plants i actually got them mixed up quite a bit this one the vines are a little bit skinnier the leaves are softer and thinner and yeah she's been growing quite a bit a pretty easy care plant but this is one that i find getting leggy the longer she grows so i'll probably have to propagate her eventually all right we're reaching the end slowly of the plants on the floor over here this is my black gold goldfish plant which is a variety of goldfish plant i've talked about this plant a decent amount on my channel i am a big fan of goldfish plants i think that they are so easy so vocal and really fast beautiful growers on top of that the flowers are to die for they look like little goldfish that's where they get their name from she actually doesn't have any flowers right now which is rare she's been flowering so much recently the leaves are still i love the color on this specific variety the regular goldfish plant is just green but this one has like a little bit of a burgundy tinge to it especially on the undersides and i love it she would probably appreciate a little bit more sun but again we're doing our best here last but not least this plant is not on my floor it is on my little dining table counter thing but this is the skindapsis skindapsis pictus a gr agrarius something like that and she was given to me by a friend so shout out to val i love how many plants of mine have come from other people it makes it so like nice and such like a loving collection i feel like this plant has a leggyness issue i've talked about that before in some of my videos i'm just kind of letting her do her thing for a bit this plan i will warn you she's thirsty she's a thirsty thirsty plant this plant is still in its nursery pot that it originally came in which usually you know contains some more moisture and reduces the frequency of watering but i i feel like she's always thirsty she's actually not thirsty right now which is great very beautiful plant low light tolerant she's not like well she's under the skylight actually which is awesome i have a skylight up there that i put the monstera under i should have mentioned that and i think it's been keeping all of these plants on the floor you know a little happier see where should we go next i'll bring you over here come with me all right i'm bringing you over here to my console area with plants that can handle a little bit of lower light however i do have another soltec light that i'm going to install over here and i think it's going to really help out the plants on the moss pole but i want to address an elephant in the room which is this this is just one of the many ridiculous parts of being a plant parent i think yeah you're looking at like i think there's eight massive miracle grow uh bags of soil behind me and i just want to paint you all a picture of me coming home from a like three four day stay in scranton vlog coming soon open the front door ready to just plop in my bed and there are just eight individually wrapped boxes of soil going all up my apartment's staircase blocking everyone from getting into their apartment pretty much i panicked and carried all those boxes up so fast it completely wiped out my body so yeah i have all the soil miracle grow is not my first choice but i had to like mass buy soil for a project slash video coming out soon so i had to go with the cheapest option and yeah this is what my living room looks like right now kind of ridiculous but anyway over here on my console i want to talk to you about a few of these plants so right behind me i have my syngonium uh my singuna syngonium podophylum varagata that sounds right she's growing up by a moss pole and she has outgrown it up top so i'm not really sure what i want to do with her yet i keep chopping her but like i can only chop her so many times before the plant is extremely unhappy but i also don't want to extend the moss pole i'm kind of happy with the height i might encourage her to start growing up my wall a little bit and i think the soltec plate i'm gonna install above those two plants is gonna really help out with that so i'm very excited for that next to her i have the subscriber plant throwback which is a hawaiian pothos and she's been doing really well too actually the leaves are getting smaller which i'm not a huge fan of hawaiian potos can get really really large leaves again i'm excited to install the soul tech light there and kind of see what happens and really encourage that upwards growth here i have i need to change her water but this is the sad propagation from my sad maranta plant she does have roots coming in here you can see i'll let her sit in this water that i will change and then i'll probably just pot her back in with the other maranta that you saw in my bedroom and then over here we have my hoya pubic helix one of my first toya very very fun plant the splash on these sleeves is everything to me very beautiful and i was sun stressing her for a little while that stress is slowly fading because she's in a little bit of lower light that's what happens when you send stress ahoy you get reddish color and it even showed up in some of the splash the splash kind of turned pink on some of those so we got her and we also have this zz plant in a basket this easy plant has not been doing much if you give them proper lighting they will thrive they can grow actually kind of quickly but i have not been doing that i really take advantage of her low light tolerance and kind of use her to um you know green up a low light space oh my god i'm getting growth i have like a new shoot down there okay i take it all back she's doing great she is doing something and with all of that we're gonna go to the kitchen oh yes my kitchen which is also my living room there's a few plants over here i'll share with you this i believe is a western facing window but it's kind of one of those uh little pockets where the building kind of wraps around it so it doesn't give me great light all day this isn't like a very well lit space of my home the skylight over there actually helps quite a bit first plant i want to talk to you about hoya curtsy i recently shared her in my hoya video she's so tiny i just added a little bit more soil to her and her roots did not really show that she was ready to get bumped up so i'm gonna let her kind of like sit in this pot for a little bit longer i also have this jade plant with three things any scientific knowledge i have of plants at this point is out of my head i have been filming for quite a bit of time she's great she's very vocal um doesn't need to be watered all that often especially since she's in a can that retains a lot of moisture this was given to me by a good implanter making me so happy yet again when she's thirsty you can squeeze her leaves and if there's a lot of give if there's some wrinkles she's thirsty if not don't water her i water her very rarely honestly she's a good one this is a good egg and then of course we have to talk about my monstera propagation she's been growing for a long time this is probably one of the best leaves my monstera has pro has grown over time and i wanted to share the wealth so i propagated her and the roots are coming along so well look at this it's it is spiraling because of the vessel she's in but that's okay and at this point i really need to get her into some soil it took a while for her to like pop out any form of roux and i was getting a little bit nervous but once that first sign of root comes in like you're good this happens so quickly the rest of the growth it just took a minute for her to kind of start the process i guess and then behind me right here is my golden pothos i put her on top of the cabinets and she kind of just spills over the side as we all know golden pothos are very easy plants so she is totally cool with being where she's at she's actually reaching for the window a little bit which is sweet yes pretty much it i also have all of my veggies here i'm growing some lettuce some tomatoes some basil and i have one little lavender plant that's starting to sprout which is cool and i think that's it for the kitchen so we have one more place to go all right now we are up by the entrance to my roof so i had to put my succulents and cacti up here because this is definitely the highest light i get in my apartment and i can barely see bear with me i'm also hoping the audio is okay up here i had to open the door to put the camera somewhere like i said these are all most of my cacti and succulents and i have they get a little bit neglected up here so just i'm sorry okay here's a haworthia [Music] beauty i'm gonna kind of breeze through these another haworthia my sad little aloe plant i'm really trying with her but i need to remember to water her they're not all super resilient up here this is another horthia dorothy are probably my favorite succulents i find that the variety is really really cool and this is one of those with like the translucent leaves a little bit and i don't know i really love them here is some kind of cactus i'm not sure what kind but i'm obsessed with the pot it's a little porcupine cactus with the porcupine kind of clever right another succulent i don't remember the names of these off the top of my head but i think i have some of the names archived somewhere so i'll try to put them on the screen this one's gorgeous oh she's loving the light up here this is fun this little baby i love her little cutie succulent i have this little barrel looking cactus i like how compact it is that's fun oh this is my mama hortia that the two other horthia that i have that look like her came from and she's got more babies on the way so mama's busy in here she needs some water though sorry about that queen this is her other baby i showed you her first baby this is the other baby and another cactus this is another pot i painted little cow pot she usually has flowers but she's not flowering right now you can kind of see the flower carcasses around the rim of her but her flowers are really cool my euphorbia she's growing this is fun i don't check on these plants enough i really need to start checking on them and watering them and i have this cool cactus this one the color got me i really love the silvery green color from this one string of pearls a classic she was almost dead during the move she really didn't like being dehydrated um but i was surprised how fast she bounced back i thought i was gonna lose a lot more plant like when i tell you all the balls were like shriveled up but she bounced back she's thirsty again of course but now i'm less scared about her dying this little guy is very interesting so i thought it was a stefania erecta but you lovely people let me know that she is something else so i have to look in the comment section and find her proper name but i noticed and you all told me to give her right like the brightest light possible so i put her up here to see what happens and i was stuck in this phase with her of only getting flowers but now i actually have these cute little dainty leaves as well as flowers but yeah you guys were right on the money with that and i just want to say thank you and the bulb has like some more growth coming in which is cool and i've just been letting her do whatever she wants up here um since you know it's kind of like a shelf out of the way and i can just plop her on there it's a lot less stressful than finding like a good place where she could bind so greatly and i do see some more roots coming in when i got her she was pretty much unrooted so any root growth is also very good to see oh my god there's a helicopter go away kind of went away this is my oldest plant the last cactus i'll talk about and this is her propagation my friend actually asked me recently she was like what happened to that propagation you took off your cactus and i was like honestly i don't know i have no idea what's going on in the perlite in here i was like it just keeps growing like this is growth but do i know if she's actually rooted in here she is rooted i see roo okay she needs soil but yeah this is the mama my oldest plant and this is her baby so very proud of these two they are icons and i love the little bunny ear thing happening with her after i propagated her so love these guys and the last plant in our collection today is right down here i will put in a little video of her and that is my hoya carnosa crimson princess and she's doing really well she likes it up here and she's beautiful so now my eyes are burning i'm going to take you downstairs all right and that's it for today's plant tour thank you all so much for watching again thank you to soul tech for sponsoring today's video if you want to check them out you can use code good and planty for 15 off your order and they will be linked down below in the description box go check them out i really genuinely love them so much please like this video if you enjoyed leave a comment hit subscribe hit the notification bell all that good stuff and i will see you in my next video bye [Music] you
Channel: Good & Planty
Views: 20,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: itI7-TLMEY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 51sec (2331 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 01 2022
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