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what's up guys uh welcome back dana bailey here and today we are training legs we got some friends in town i'm gonna keep it a little more basic but it's gonna kick your butt we'll go over some tips along the way but we're doing a full leg day workout let's get it done [Music] all right starting off i like to start with nice heavy squat um as you're watching i know a lot of people ask like oh why is your head down and why is the bar so low on your back and what are those shoes for so instead of wasting your time go make sure you check out the video uh it's me and my friend bonnie and we go over high bar versus low bar and which one to pick and why so i am going to i do low bar because i am stronger at it um and i want to go a little bit heavier so today we are squatting i generally like to do my squatting a little bit heavier so we're going to keep our rep range around five to six reps so i'm still on my warm-up sets it takes me about four sets to get up to um i usually start around like i'll start probably at 65 and then work my way at 65 70 for five to six reps so i won't start counting those sets until i get there so this is still warm up but definitely if you don't know the difference between high bar or low bar maybe you're confused which one you should be doing make sure to go check that out and then start squatting [Music] when you squat whether it's a squat deadlift or bench those two those three main movements i think it's so important to have a setup i talked about being like like a basketball player and you get fouled you do a foul shot and everyone that practices foul shots they always practice the same way like i still remember mine mine was dribble drooper dribble spin dribble dribble dribble spin and then i would get set and then right into it and i did it the same every single time and that's the same thing that you need to do on these bigger movements is take it seriously no matter if it's a warm-up set or your heaviest set they should all your setup should look exactly the same every single time and i know like if i do something if i like step out wrong i literally will re-rack the weight take a step back because this is something like when you are going heavier and you're in that range where you're only doing five or six reps of something that is like you have to take that serious so practicing a good setup and if you watch all of my videos my my squats look exactly the same my bench looks exactly the same i don't that lifts a whole lot but that looks exactly the same too so figure out like a good setup where you come in lock those shoulders right into place lock your lats into place i do a one two get my feet in position drop my head and then i'm in it and if you do the same thing every single time you have the same setup every single time you'll know when you're gonna get a squat and when you're not because if you you come out alignment yeah just you're not gonna get it so get your head right and another thing to get your head right like today right now this feels heavy and uh i think it's important to just like make people realize that not every day is going to be your strongest so like four or five days ago we were all training here and everyone was here and i hit 255 for five or six and i'm doing five or six reps again and this 225 feels very very heavy now even though i have done 255 for five or six reps if it does if this feels like enough like stay there don't go up there's so many factors that go into like whether it's a good lit like if you're gonna feel strong that day or not strong that day whether it's sleep uh what time of day what food you ate what mood you're in is all good gonna determine like your weights and you know that like sometimes like you're doing lateral raises and uh 40s feel amazing and then you come back and like you 30s feel like those 40s or 50s like it just happens and i think it's important to realize like not every day is going to be your strongest and you need to just realize that and not push yourself into doing weights that might have felt great last week they might not feel great this week and it's not the end of the world it doesn't mean you're going backwards it does not mean that you're losing muscle or you're losing strength it just means okay i'm just not stronger that day so i think this is good so instead of doing 255 today i might just do like 235 i might just add fives and like other sets might feel better so if if this next step feels great maybe then i can add if it doesn't feel great maybe i take off so that's also important it's just like keeping control of that mindset so good setup and keep control of your mindset not every day is going to be the best so you do the best you can for whatever day that is guys my hair is getting crazy right now so next up i love to just set things obviously if you've been following me for a very long time you know that i typically don't really just do one exercise at a time not that that's bad one i like to do it because it saves time two i also like to do it because you don't have to go as heavy on things so we're gonna do a quad focus tri set the order doesn't necessarily matter versus uh because i couldn't decide i was like should i do a leg extension and then a leg press so the three exercises are a leg press then you go directly to a leg extension then you go directly to a squat the squat we're not doing any weight because i want you to do at least the squat at the end so whether you do the extensions first or the leg press first it doesn't really matter so i'm gonna go leg press two extensions to a squat which is going to make those squats really really hard now if you are at a public gym and that is not possible which i understand it is very hard we used to work out at a gold's and if you're on extension and you leave that thing for two seconds boom it's gone so you just split them up it's not a big deal you don't have to do it exactly like this i just really enjoy that because it saves time so if you have the ability to do that totally saves time um and you can also start however you want um i i normally start with leg extensions before going to like a leg press because then you don't have to go as heavy it's like a pre-exhaust but i'm going to start with that we're going for a little bit higher rep range on these guys so we're going to go to like a 12 to 15 rep range for everything so again give or take if you want to go a little heavier on the leg press go for it man um leg press we're going feet low so on every leg press well i can't say on everyone but generally most leg presses are gonna have like this little uh well it definitely has a platform but usually we'll have like a little kink in the middle um since this is a quad focus someone with long legs was on here oh i need to move it down move this thing down since we're going a little more quad focus we're gonna keep our feet a little bit lower i don't actually like them all the way down um just a little bit too much emphasis on my knees so i go a little more narrow like shoulder width to a little bit more uh narrow than your shoulders feet slightly pointed out and i'm going middle to lower portion if we were doing more of a hamstring or glute our feet would be kind of above that line and i kind of still do the same thing feet are usually shoulder width and toes pointed out slightly so because we're doing a quad focus we want to get those quads a little bit more feet are bit going to be lower so why why does it hit your quads more when your feet are loads because you're going to have more knee flexion higher up less knee flexion so you hit that posterior chain so we're going lower feet slightly out and again this is one of those exercises that people like to put way too much weight on the leg press and they start doing and i don't even know if i can do it but this is not a leg press that is called a knee press or i don't even know like a patella press i want you getting all the way down as far as you can and then all the way back up so less of this so oh less weight less of this more all the way down really hit those quads and keep it on the lighter side so feet lower pointed out less weight we don't care how much no one's watching no one's at the gym saying like oh my god look how many plates they have on that like no one cares no one's actually looking at you so take the weight off and do better form get more range of motion you'll get more out of it so after we get about 12 or so 12 to 15 so again 12 to 15 that's high reps we're gonna go i'm gonna go directly to leg extensions so now that i kind of exhausted my legs a little bit my quads a little bit i won't have to go as heavy on this but we're also going to go 12 to 15 on here how you the way your feet are turned is completely up to you uh it doesn't show it without so if your feet are straight that's going to hit basically nice good even portion of inner and outer inner and outer toes out you're going to get more of that inside toes in you're going to get more of that sweep outer side so if it's something that you want to work on maybe you want to get more of that outer lateral quad then face your toes in if you want to hit more of that inside maybe this little teardrop right here that medial head then toes out if you don't know it just stay straight or do a little bit of both you can do six in six out or maybe each set you switch like i'm gonna do two sets this way two sets that way that's cool man get the best of both worlds so i generally will do straight to slightly in i like to work on that lateral head because i have really over developed medial uh heads here just way over developed from years and years of soccer so i generally never point my toes out because i don't i don't need anymore so i will usually go in or straight again 12 to 15 range whoa this seat is really far back again this is something that control is very important so not swinging the weight up it's a little heavy so it's not going to pop off if that if the wing look how cute she is in her little t-shirt if the weight if this pad actually comes off of your shin slow it down so i usually do a two second up two second down with like a pause a little one second pause just slow your reps down instead of just flinging it up and letting it bring it down so one two up hold one two down i should have probably did a little less weight someone was on here first one two up one two down and i also don't let the weight go all the way down i like to keep that tension on it the entire time so actually i'm gonna take a little bit of weight off because i can't i can't demonstrate when it's really heavy not ready for that yet so obviously ours is plate loaded uh machine ones are also just as good so what i'm talking about uh not letting it come all the way down this is where i usually stop there's already tension on my quads so yeah you're coming down you're just not doing this where you lose complete tension i feel that anytime you take tension completely off you're gonna strain that's where you're going to start like straining muscles here so i don't want to like strain my knee muscles my knee muscles my tendons you don't really have you don't have knee muscles believe it or not you have muscles around your knee so one two up one two down i stop before it gets there don't lose tension up hold and back down so 12 to 15 there and then we'll go directly and we're gonna do assisted i'm gonna go on this side assisted squat so squat means your toes are your knees are gonna go completely in front of your toes so believe it or not that's not a bad thing it's not it's not a bad thing for your knees to go in front of your toes so we're going to go about a shoulder-width stance i'm going to just hold on to this uh just so i because after leg extension and that or leg press the leg extension this is going to be a lot harder so i like to just balance myself you're not pulling yourself up so the first part of the movement is going to start with your knees so your knees are going to break and they're already going to be in front of your toes i know you got to get over the fact that that's actually allowed your body kind of hinges back your knees come forward and you're going to go as low as you can to the ground and then up and i stay pretty much on my toes the whole entire time this you're going to be on your toes this is a quad emphasis work uh quad emphasis tricep so knees in front of the toes and then let your body like kind of hinge back so you're here and then up and then i stay in that back position you're not fully extending all the way up keep that tension on lean your upper torso back let your knees fall to the ground and then you're pushing up with your quads this is pretty much an all quad movement here and then keep that torso leaning back if it helps to hold front ways this isn't a heavy enough rubber band but you could even grab someone's hands and let yourself lean back if i had a heavier band you might be able to do this so nope not not heavy enough then when you get good i'm gonna show off for a second i've been practicing these with dance then when you get good balance will come into play oh that was a bad one that was a bad one guys i know i can do this i'm just not warmed up not warmed up not warmed up there we go oh it's so much easier just all you got to do find a little pole don't pull yourself up this is just basically hold and you're just going to slide your hand down just helps with a little bit of balance so that is the tri set whether you split it up or not it's up to you i'm going to keep it together four rounds 12 to 15 reps of each [Music] exercise [Music] [Music] my skin look better with the natural light oh hopefully all right so now we're going to move on to a little hamstring tricep again if you don't have the availability of using two different machines at the same time not a big deal the first part of the tri set is going to be on the same machine so we're going to be on this little power squat hack squat it's called a v-squat or power squat you will be able to do this on a regular hack squat as well this one is just a little bit better because we have the little angled version this is i generally only use this machine facing the opposite way so we are going to be targeting it target target target targeting targeting hard again like oh my god targeting our posterior part of our leg hamstrings and glutes so we're going to start off with a hack squat or v-squat good morning so good morning you've done these so if you don't have one of these you can just do it with a barbell you'll be placing the barbell on your back and you're just sending those hips back and then bringing them forward squeezing your hamstrings and glutes we're going to be doing the same thing on this the second part we're then going to add into just a reverse squat so you should be able to not have to change the weight and just go right into the next one because you're going to go as heavy as you can for the the good mornings and you should be able to keep the same weight and go right into the reverse so good mornings on av squat so we're going to be in here putting our shoulder blades into the pad here get that off i walk i like my feet pretty far back we're going to have our knees somewhat bent and then the movement is gonna start with hinging at our hips and that will also be the first part of the movement when we do the reverse squat so just practice like letting your hips go back and that's the only part of the movement you really really need uh your knees aren't really going to bend or straighten for this first part you keep them slightly bent and they stay that way the whole entire time so hinge at hips let that butt draw back and then once you get here in a nice squeeze position you're going to squeeze up squeeze those hamstrings squeeze the butt hips forward but then don't straighten your knees out i know you can't really tell because i have knee sleeves on but they're going to stay slightly bent that whole entire time so send that butt back keep your back nice and flat and it's nice on this i guess i can show you because you won't be able to see my back your back is going to stay flat so you're not rounding if you need to use a if you don't have this machine and you're using a barbell you got to keep your back flat that whole entire time and then squeeze up so this is basically the movement and just let your butt drift out squeeze your butt on the way back up and then back stays super flat and then we're going to go into a reverse squat you're going to start that same way you're i guess i have to demonstrate on this but the movement is going to start with your hips generally a squat starts with your knees bending your knees bend and then your body comes down we're going to start with a hinge at our hips so our hips are going to go back sending that butt back but then we're going to bend into it which you should be stronger because now we're using our legs and then up squeeze forward so hinge at hips let the butt come back so it's like a like an angled low bar squat except we're on the machine so it keeps you in very good form so with the machine again feet are about the same shoulder width toes slightly pointed out hold wherever you need to knees always stay slightly bent so that you have a little bit of tension on your legs you don't ever wanna like lock your knees out um and like send your knee caps backwards you don't wanna hyper extend your knees so knees always stay slightly bent first part of the movement is going to start here so hips go back and then you're going to go into a squat from there so hips go back butt comes back into a squat and up so i'll try to do the motion like pretty in slow motion so that you can see what moves first so if you come directly at a like side view you'll be able to see what comes first so we're in our starting position but comes back then i squat down and up but comes back squat hips forward so we'll stick to a 10 to 12 range 10 to 12 with the good mornings most likely not have to switch the weight and then go right into your reverse hack and if it's open be so i can save some time i'm gonna go directly to a lying leg press whoa then we'll go directly into a lying leg curl words are hard today you're gonna go light because we just did good mornings we just did a reverse hack and now this we're already exhausted so this is more just that toning so again 10 to 12 you can do a little bit higher range if if you're doing a really light weight and big thing here since we're going oh somebody's holes on here a good key to knowing how if you're doing too much weight is when your butt is completely up out of the air and your hips aren't down so a good way to not do that is elevate your chest so as you come up there's no way your hips can come up because when you're down here and the weight gets heavy a lot of times we'll do this little thing and our hips are off the pad so elevate your chest and when you come up there's literally no way they can come up off the pad because your chest is up sending them down so if you have a problem with your hips coming up one lighten the weight to elevate your chest so again these are nice and controlled just like our extensions so one two up maybe squeeze for a second back down toe placement is up to you if you want to have your toes out i think having your toes out hits like you're like the outside of your glutes pretty good so i kind of like that um because i can already feel them tensed up so i like working that lateral lateral head of the glute if you just want more just straight hamstrings keep your feet uh straight and then in in is gonna get actually that inner thigh which i don't need to work that i like i want to work my booty a little bit more so i'm going to actually have my my feet angled out a little bit right here at the top boom it's hitting right here and then obviously my hamstrings and that is your tri set so three to four rounds of that 10 to 12 reps of each exercise and then we're almost done [Music] so [Music] guys i was actually gonna throw something else in there but i'm exhausted almost that's exhausted so headed up seven different exercises if you can do the triceps you'll be winded like this so this was a quick easy you should be able to get this workout done in about an hour unless you take your time like i do with my squat so but everything else if you can keep that rest time pretty low you can get a little more cardio a little hyperventilation going on so thank you guys so much for watching just a basic leg day and i kick my butt i'll see you guys next time i'm gonna go lay down whoa get you all set ready to go oh wow wow she's just like what are you doing she's like mom oh we were in the same mill we okay can you sit up on a bench with me and dana
Channel: DanaLinnBailey
Views: 89,039
Rating: 4.9412222 out of 5
Keywords: full breakdown leg workout, full leg workout, leg workout, full breakdown leg workout dlbdaily, dlbdaily, dlb daily, dana linn bailey, dana linn bailey legs, legs workout, workout for your legs
Id: jQ4K4t0BbtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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