Full Book of Pocket Change! Virginia Lottery Scratch Off Tickets

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are we live can you hear me hopefully let me get set up um give me one second running late of course obviously yes that's me okay live now okie dokie what's up everybody happy wednesday hi timothy who's all here james mr tommy's tube deborah the plates hi crystal hi lucy hi christiana oh well you can tell mr tommy's tube that's yours to tell absolutely beth great hello i am so excited okay i have to um just give it a couple seconds let people come in um because also my cuticles are a nightmare and i don't need that on the internet right uh hi everybody how is everyone doing how's your week going so far they won't believe words on the screen well if you type it i can back it up um what is up what is up back hi crystal how are you hi liz fine fine um let me put some moisturizer on hi ruby hi everybody we're doing a full book of virginia lottery pocket change sent in by beth so everyone please say thank you to beth because this is so cool it's so cool crystal i'm good i have been i'm feeling so much better my sinus pain is like gone which let's hopefully it let's hope it stays that way you know scratch cards with scotty lydia um so yeah so best sent an entire book of pocket change 200 tickets i so cool um there's my vitamin water hi king tv so yeah so we're gonna be doing a full book of pocket change which is the which is the um yeah there's casino turning stone they had a big bingo saturday and mr tommy's tube won 25 000 jackpot that is so awesome congratulations um so yeah so we're gonna do a full book beth sent i've never scratched virginia before hi damon hi anna i'm crazy how are you so yes we have 200 tickets so there's 200 tickets they're one dollar tickets and um i think all of them have extra chances for something i don't know exactly what that is i'm sure beth does obviously she's that's this is her her stuff let me see oh weekly drawings cash and merchandise prizes change often oh you're gonna have lots of entries that's awesome so yeah um that's that and we're gonna just keep them in like the two just because i feel like that might be easier so there's 200 so let's get scratching shall we um it's okay so pocket change this is the virginia loose change hi maurice hi precious hello hello um so yeah so you need i've never done a full book extra chances are sick i love that it's so cool i hope we get a really good return i mean i hope we get a profit that would be so cool for you oh my god um okay so you need to make your coinage over a dollar hello hello just like loose change in new york hi kai blue neck so i'm really excited this is so freaking cool so stinking cool shall we just jump in and get scratching i think so um hi john i'm trying not to miss anybody but it happens and i do apologize if i miss you all right and we start with the black box special zero zero zero coinage [Laughter] i have like i've coined the i've coined the phrase coinage uh if you throw in three cents they're still not gonna give it to you all right let's get scratching oh i'm so excited can you guys see good does it make sense does it look okay can you hear me good any issues um so there's one two three four five six spaces prize on the left side top prize is 500 let's do it oh i'm so i don't even know where they are all good awesome okay we got 1 1 25 okay so they're kind of small maybe in a little closer but they look like little coins that's so cute i love this oh we got a 50 10 and 10 so close three cents off zero zero one one oh fifty e we gotta win ding first win of the day all right let's see here where are you one dollar zero zero two twenty five ten ten five one and 25 10 5 1 50 5 25 4 cents off hi theresa how are you zero zero four oh starting with a fifty that's always good sixty oh thanks so much john fingers crossed oh we got another one 50 25 25 got that coinage got that coinage oh five dollar win there go i'm good i mean i still have a tickly throat but that's just straight up allergies but other than that i am i'm chilling all right we're up to six profit books sell the rest that's like i don't know we're just going we're just going with it going with the flow i love it ooh starting with the 50. i mean i see some virginia tickets pay out some good money so um i didn't see nothing there 10 1 5 1 50 25. zero zero eight one one fifty ten twenty five and ten oh oh that's gonna be tricky for me 25 10 5 1 5 and 50 10 20 nothing there so i have been working hard these past couple of days to get lots and lots of videos ready and up 50 25 nothing there uh because next week is mother's day week and that is the busiest week of the year uh we have a win hi kim thanks so much another dollar and i don't know what's going on mr tommy's tube you did not have to oh my gosh thank you so much oh i'm gonna cry yo stop it oh my gosh thank you so much for the super chat oh my god mr tommy stew you are too much my dear oh we got another win he's clearly lucky let's see what we got on this one another dollar can we go back to back oh that was back to back can we go three in a row oh my gosh thank you thank you thank you thank you that is very kind oh three in a row two dollars there we go oh my gosh that's that's the biggest super chat i've ever gotten ah thank you oh my goodness sniff's here sniff hi how are you can we go four in a row 51 1 10 10 and five oh nothing there these coins are so cute like they really went in with the design a little pocket i love that that's so cute are you starting with a 50 that's always good all right nothing that one sniff gilbert hi how are you so yeah so i've been working really hard um trying to get videos up through this week 50 25 nothing there and next week and i'm doing pretty good some nice wins too but um 50 25 nothing there um so yeah so i will be live streaming tuesday okay so the schedule for next week is gonna be kind of funky only because of how busy i'm gonna be i don't know when i'm gonna be getting out of work um it's kind of like hell week what's the scratcher here for actually oh so this is a virginia ticket and this is they have um bonus wins like uh extra like bonus entry things um on like their website uh for weekly drawings and it says cash and merchandise prizes change often at va lottery.com so i hope uh beth has some good chances from doing a whole book you know that'll be really cool if you get like a nice return and a really cool second chance oh thank you mr tommy's too that is really that is really extra kind of you my heart um four cents short there clean my 5000 prize tomorrow morning in center to buy mom's mother oh perfect mother's day is may 9th all right 56 we've got 25 10 50. nothing there we got a 10 50 25 5 5 50. we gotta win one dollar i like how they make the the numbers call it some mother's day 51 5 10 5 and 25 nothing there so yeah so oh yeah i was talking about the schedule right tuesday i'm going to um do a live stream with the new tickets because new tickets come out tuesday so after work i will do a live stream 50 60 70 but there won't be a wednesday hi cygnus hello how are you there won't be a wednesday night live stream or a sunday live stream so it'll just be tuesday um just because sunday is mother's day i'm gonna be exhausted and i don't know that time i'll even be done with work um so yeah so i'll live stream with the new tickets on tuesday so no normal video but live stream pedro have a good rest of your day it's not a nice day out it's raining and gray up here but enjoy it um so yeah so i hope you know people don't get upset or anything but yeah so i i won't do a wednesday just because energy i need to reserve it as much as possible um and then tuesday will be new ticket day live stream no normal video normal videos will be throughout the week though so yeah so there's that hope everyone is cool that it's it kind of sucks because 10 25 25 my job kind of really interrupts this during holidays you want your super jet pack well you guys know i love breaking those new tickets in like i love being like breaking news we got new tickets you know like sometimes i'll be the first you know someone won't see the tickets you know they'll see them first on the channel or something and i want i like that i like being first um oh we gotta win but uh yeah so that's that five dollars but then the week after that be totally back to normal zero two six 25 51 5 5 1. these tickets are so cute i would love that could you imagine a claimer on the new tickets the first day that they're out live dreams ew we gotta win for another dollar 0 to 8 25 1 10 5 50 1 10 10 1 5 25 25 so that's it 56 70 0 3 0 1 55 25 1 and 5 5 1 25 50 1 and 5. we got a 10 25 1 1 10 50 oh so stinking close three cents off hi thomas claiming the first day ten dollar ticket came out turned out she was stealing from an l.a man she was caring for it he was awarded the five million dollars she went to jail love that karma karma 55 10 1 1 25. 50 i love when we start with a 50. all right 10 25 5 25 we gotta win how did i know one dollar one ten ten twenty five one fifty three cents off 36 we have a 10 25 10 1 50 and a one one five fifty twenty five five and ten fifty twenty five guys i don't think i had a chance to tell you so we did a bunch of the million dollar premiere tickets this past sunday and i won another two hundred dollars in fandango and two hundred dollars in grubhub from the second chances [Music] four cents off there so enter those second chances in and if you don't want to mail them to me i'll do it 50 25 nothing there beth i think we're doing pretty good right oh we gotta win like we're getting some wins you know yeah a couple no wins there there there but you know oh let me do this i don't know i feel like it's a full ticket hey there we go 20 bucks boom they haven't done any of the drawings yet these were just instant wins on the second chances all right 50 i mean 5 1 10 50 25 25 back to back with a dollar if you bought these two tickets for 21 bucks that's awesome yeah they're gonna have drawings for bigger prizes too but um uh you can do instant wins you can get instant wins so hi miriam uh 50 25 two fives ten five five fifty ten and one what's awesome we have a summer of delivery food movies i'm excited after mother's day uh we're i'm gonna do some chilling for sure a day on the couch is needed we have 50 25 25 1 5 1 50 5 nothing there yeah don't be digging around garbage don't be digging around garbages right now 55 25 1 10 and 5. 10 25 1 5 50. all right come on and five so close christopher it came through for you that's awesome hi hi from clarinda iowa oh hi hi misty how are you sorry there's a little glare on the the names on the chats that i see 25 25 50. we got another win perfect they really wanted you to win hi victor how are you welcome to the stream two dollars hi brian hi rosetta try halloween paper yeah so um we were just talking about this ticket this uh million dollar premiere ticket it's got a second chance on the bottom if so if you don't win enter that second chance follow the instructions on the back of that ticket and enter those second chances and you can get some instant wins and entries into bigger prizes as well that we'll be drawing soon hi snake man 50 25 20 nothing there definitely worth it 25 1 5 1 50 5. i'm good 250 on awesome that's awesome i'm good you know i'm having having a pretty good day getting lots of work done 50 25 5 10 1 5 and you know thanks brian it's just been a productive couple of days and like the virgo in me is thriving 50 60 70. we are on ticket 53 1 10 50 five ten one five one one it seems to like to add up to 87 cents yes yes it does yep just like the same as the uh as like loose change hi scratcher chick how are you oh d rex you're a virgo let's see 50 25 nothing there we have 25 10 1 1 10 50. betty you would like to meet me maybe one day um x look-alike that looks like he was born 24th august yep i'm late august baby 15 25 10 10 nothing there um hi danielle is it oh shoot hi daniel did not mean to say danielle that's just my tongue and reading didn't don't work together daniel ola um let's see five five fifty twenty five one and one and we have five one ten fifty five and ten we got ten one five twenty-five fifty twenty-five we gotta win you aquarius join erin's facebook message me after stream i want to talk about a video okay sounds good may 1st it's almost your birthday one dollar 25 1 10 50 50 back to back come on be better than one there it is ten dollars that's better than one thank you so much for the super chat mr tommy stew i'll talk to you soon we got a five one one i am a fish 10 50 25. 25 50 1 5 1 10 nothing there we got 10 10 1 1 50 and 25 3 cents off how rude 5 25 5 one one fifty i love these like loose change pocket change tickets like i could play these tickets all day long oh should we switch up the coin this is my coin if you're interested information in the description down below uh um fancy nancy's new coin hi ramona thank you uh fancy nancy's new coin look at a little face taste rainbow number nine this was i featured this coin in today's video 1510 5 5 10 25 that they yes they do yes they do we got a winner for five dollars okay pocket change giving out higher numbers than new york that's for sure ooh selling his house whoo that's some big time 5 51 5 25 and 10. 50 25 nothing there we got a five one fifty five twenty five and a fifty we got a winner ding a ling ding dong there we go to another ten dollar okay at 100 we'll count up and see where we're at wow you're getting some wins 51 25 10 10 and 1. i mean y'all seen me do loose change books [Applause] awesome 55 25 1 1 and 5. we got a five ten twenty five ten five twenty five we got a ten five fifty twenty-five one and one yeah right new york needs to to step their prizes up no this is actually a virginia lottery ticket uh the book was sent in by beth oh we gotta win two dollars better than one five one ten one ten fifty okay so nothing there what he's doing okay sneaking we got a five one fifty ten twenty five one 1 50 10 1 5 and 25 oh and they scratch pretty similar to suffer life's if anyone was wondering 1 1 5 10 10 and 50. actually no powerball those scratch a little different it's like the powerball ones 51 10 1 10 and 5. oh that's awesome timothy i hope you win on those uh cash words i love that 10 110 1 25 and 50. five ten one twenty five ten yes miriam we just want to know if they pay 50 67 need nothing there we got a 50 5 10 10 five one twenty five five five one one and fifty the extra chances um are for well they're for beth to enter on the website anna you're from virginia i didn't know that i like these tickets 50 25 10 10 25 we got a winner that's sneaky this is the sneakiest way they do it because they really make you count awesome two dollars better than one twenty five one ten five fifty one eighty four 50 10 5 25 1 and 1 5 5 10 do you want some pringles oh nothing there 500 bucks on it that's awesome i think the most i've won on a um i've almost forgot the word cash word is 40 no maybe 50. um what are the odds where are they i don't think do these say the odds hold on i can't read that far away oh yeah odds of winning any prize are one in 4.80 uh odds of winning the top prize are one in twelve thousand two hundred and forty so twenty fifty twenty five one one 5 10. hi g-mans how are you 10 55 5 1 25. yeah yeah i'm the same way beth i expect nothing and so if i get anything i'm like there we go all right we got a 10 25 10 1 50 and we got a winner we got a winner one dollar and we got 25 1 25 10 10 and 5 one i mean ten almost said one hundred fifty ten five one five and twenty five please 25 5 25 50 we gotta win ding-a-ling ding for two dollars five one twenty-five fifty one and ten ninety-four we got one twenty-five one ten five and fifty five one ten fifty one twenty-five oh 100 bucks daily okay five go ahead go ahead with your bad lottery self i love that y'all see what i scratch and sometimes i'm hot and sometimes i'm not sometimes i have i'm i don't know sometimes my brain's like no no pick that one those are all the loser tickets hi maria 1 25 10 50 10 1. 55 10 1 5 and 25 50 nothing there the second chances are for um beth who sent the book in to enter online for a second chance 25 1 5 1 50 and 5. ten one ten fifty one five oh okay so that was uh the first 100 of them says 100 more so let's just take a quick peek and see what we got so i'm just going to go through i'll zoom out a little bit just so we can see yeah oh yeah no these are not new york ones but i mean it's the same game all right so we have two three five seven 17 22 uh 23 33. 35 56 57 58 63 64. 67 68 73 and 74. so 74 back so far and we still have 100 more to go that's so exciting all right let's get back in there all right ticket 100 51 5 5 1 25 ten ten one five fifty five let me keep the pile separate yeah pretty good so far biggest win in that one was a 20. i'd like to see something nice and big in this side of the book 5 10 5 25 50 25 we gotta win could be right here two dollars 50 25 1 1 10 10. one ten five fifty twenty five and five ten one twenty five five fifty and a five ten one fifty twenty-five five and one yes that five hundred oh could you that would be so awesome i want that so bad i want to find the 500 for you so freaking bad 10 25 50 1 5 and 25 we got a winner come on oh five dollars better than one 108 we got 5 50 1 5 10 and 10. ten five twenty five one fifty and one we got a fifty five 5 10 1 25 1 50 10. scratching in harmony how are you welcome to the stream 50 25 10 5 1 1 1 25 5 25 10 10. 25 5 1 5 1 50. all right i feel a nice big win coming 10 5 50. 25 25 we gotta win two dollars twenty five five twenty five ten ten five fifty five one twenty five ten five fifty twenty five ten one one one 25 50 10 25. we gotta win come on big zero one dollar those zeros are much bigger than new york so i get excited fifty ten twenty five five five and a one one five five fifty ten twenty five twenty five ten five fifty five we have twenty we need five more cents and a one 10 25 10 50 one and a one oh my goodness they're just teasing us now just teasing us we have five twenty five five which one oh i did thank you one two one 25 10 25 1 10 and 5. 56 7 nothing dang thanks kristiana i totally missed that 1 10 and 50. nothing on that one we got a 50 5 10 ten one and five fifty six seven nothing there um give one second i just need to get drunk get a drink get a drink one two six all right we got a fifty five twenty five okay five ten okay we need five cents more than five cents got a winner one dollar all right fifty ten one one 10 50. i said 50 when that was a five so it's 52 tens of five and two ones i wanted it to be 50. all right we got a five one ten fifty twenty five and a five fifty one twenty five 5 5 and 1. i love these tickets i love it i could play i mean we had the loose change loose change doublers loose change multipliers i want like a 10 loose change ticket fifty twenty five five one one and a ten one three two ten fifty one 25 10 1 25 1 10 50 okay five one nothing there all right we got a fifty five five fifty we got a winner come on what do we got what do we got one dollar one five ten fifty five and twenty five one three six one ten fifty five one and ten oops i almost i almost moved it over 151 25 5 and 5. 138. come on virginia you better start paying out you got all eyes on you 50 25 10 5 5 10 five one five and ten one forty all right we got fifty fifty we gotta win we'll scratch just in case you know just so there's no doubt and we have a dollar ah thanks john we got five fifty five ten one and twenty five nothing on that one all right we got twenty five one one ten five fifty almost one five fifty twenty five five and 10. 50 25 nope nothing there we got 10 5 1 5 fifty and a ten hi jay young welcome to the stream fifty five one ten ten and five ten ten one one fifty and five yeah i guess we had a big thunderstorm last night i slept right through it my friend said it was quite the light show but um i was out like a light 10 125 25 5 and 10. i sleep better during thunderstorms so i woke up really rested today i was like why was that sleep really good and then my boyfriend's like well we had a massive storm last night and i was like no i had no idea 10 5 25 25 5 and ten and it must have started like right after i went to sleep too ten one ten five fifty and five fifty sixty 70. nothing there all right i'm sorry it's been two four been six months since you left me six eight nine tickets okay we have a big win coming we got a big one 25 110 5 25 10 one fifty i mean ten fifty one five fifty we gotta win could it be the big one big zeros one dollar all right 1 25 10 1 10 50. ten fifty one okay five twenty five and one have a 1 25 10 50 10 come on oh one they're really teasing us aren't they ten one fifty five and one all right we got twenty five 10 5 25 10 1. we got a 50. oh we got a win all right come on nice big prize two dollars hey it's better than one we have a 50 50 i mean ho my brain these little numbers my brain are seeing numbers that don't exist 5 50 10. one twenty five and one we have a five oh he was flying 10 50 and one so 1 5 10 5 50. nothing there ignore my words my words are not going to be right [Laughter] okay okay get it together focus on 1 10 50 10 5 and 1. 5 25 25 10 1 and 10 hey no i lied i thought one of those was a 50. no winner my eyes are starting to blur man i'm getting i'm getting old my eyes are going okay 162 1 25 5. yikes that's really sad carl i'm sorry uh 50 25 5 5 1 10 1 50 5 five and one one six four one ten twenty five fifty five and one all right 51 10. hi florence thank you so much 60 70. i know that's there's been a lot of fires thanks john yes i will be i will be maxing relaxing after mother's day that's for sure they got them in franklin county wow yeah it's people are doing people people do things and it sucks it sucks so much all right nothing on that one all right starting with a 50 always good 50 10 5 25 looking good come on nice big one five nothing there oh starting with a fifty oh there we go there we go gotta win got a win one dollar we have a ten one one ten five fifty we have a one one twenty five 50 10. hi benny i already said hi to you uh hi benny hi goodness rated goodness rated bo hi how are you welcome to the stream 50 nothing there 1 25 50 5 and 5 50 25 nothing on that one all right we have a 50 ten and five one ten and a five yep they're one dollar tickets 5 25 1 10 5 and 50. nothing there all right we got a 1 25 10 50. one come on come on come on five oh nothing there benny well you're welcome we got a 50 we have two fives ten and another we got a winner ding-a-ling ding come on two dollars two dollars two dollars to make your house cute could you win 20 million dollar jackpot uh you could win up to 500 on this ticket and we have 25 5 and five 50 25 we have a winner here we go are we getting hot again one dollar are we getting those wins got a 50 10 10 50. there we go come on let's keep it moving like this another dollar keep the money coming in oh i'm sorry timothy hi brian how are you um 23 cents off from that one we have a five 50 10 5 1 25 4 cents off from that one 180 come on let's get a win 10 50 25 okay five one one we got a 50 good start it's always a good start get a 50. 120 there we go we got another winner dollar 182. one one five five 25 and 50. 25 25 5 10 10 and 1. all right we got a 1 5 50 5 10 and 25. we have 10 25 5 5 1 and 50 4 cents off our pile is getting low fifty i mean five one five there's the fifty and another fifty we got a winner awesome awesome another dollar we got a five fifty twenty-five one one ten fifty twenty-five nothing on that one one eight eight twenty five ten five ten twenty five and five one five twenty five 5 10 and 50. 50 25 nothing there 5 25 1 50 5 and 1. nothing there we have a 10 25 5 50 5 and 10 25 we have a winner we have a winner ooh five dollars there we go get higher numbers that's what we need higher numbers i love it 192. we start with a 50. one one five 10 25 10. dang 25 50 okay 10 1 5. and one dang they tricked us with that one 194 50 star oh there it is another winner come on five dollars there we go better than better than ones twenty five fifty one five 1 5 196 110 25 1 50 and 5. all right 197 last couple tickets to make up for any kind of lacking money 25 10 10 5 5 25. all right here we are our last two tickets 198 25 10 10 1 25 and 5. all right black box can we get a last win on one nine nine come on everybody cross your fingers 25 5 25 10 10. and one nothing on the last one all right so let's see what we got yeah exactly fun fun is all that we're here for because i can't be putting pressure on this all right so we'll go through these we are going to start with 74 because that's what we had in the first 100 tickets let me just take a little sip and we'll just go through them so 79 84 85 86 88 and 90. 91 93 94. 95 96 97 98 uh 100 so 50 back there uh 105 107. all right so 107 is the total that i'm counting um i would definitely uh do a second look if i were you but that is 107 out of 200 which is you know just over 50 which is pretty good you know i've seen some books come come back like 38 40 percent so ah thank you so much for sending this whole book and that was so much fun guys beth really hit me in the feels with the pocket change i love these tickets i love them i could play them all freaking day they're so much fun and if you do do the second chances you have a bunch of second chance entries which is awesome i mean they pay out in new york i don't know how they do in virginia but i cool oh my gosh you just did a virginia book guys we've done tickets from all over the freaking world can you believe it that is so cool that's so awesome have a good night timothy so yeah so that is our live cash word wednesday hi ignacio we'll get something else i'm so excited um yeah and i'll send some new york tickets for you to see if you can uh win me anything on on some new yorkers um awesome oh my gosh i'm so excited bye anna thanks for coming thanks for stopping by um yeah i don't really have anything else uh next week's schedule will be kind of funky um there's still boxing there's still box there's still spots in the book for this weekend for sunday if we don't fill it up we will have to push it if you know if you're in the book if we can't fill it up we'll have to push it till after mother's day just so we can fill it up um 75 a spot for a a spot in the 30 dollar ticket the 200x if you're interested um other than that uh bye thomas thank you all for coming thanks for watching me scratch virginia tickets oh my gosh that's so cool i have a bunch of videos to go film tonight and get them edited and up um and make sure hi lizzy and make sure you if you guys are watching videos um i do paypal cash up in venmo timothy and shoot me an email if you want a spot my email is in the description right down there in the description box um so yeah so that's that's that and i hope you guys have a good rest of your week uh there will be videos and i'll try to keep everyone up to date on the schedule and all that stuff and i hope you guys had fun i had a great time i love these tickets these are like chef's kiss thank you all so much for being here and uh have a good night everyone be safe out there take your allergy meds wash your hands stay safe no problem timothy absolutely stay safe stay positive wash your hands and i will see you all tomorrow bye
Channel: Lilly McAvoy
Views: 834
Rating: 4.8378377 out of 5
Keywords: scratchers, scratch offs, scratch off tickets, instant win, instant win tickets, scratch cards, Lilly mcavoy, bet, gamble, play to win, scratch to win, match to win, winning lottery ticket, win, winner, lotto, lottery tickets, lotto tickets, scratchcads, Lilly, McAvoy, How to play the lottery, virginia lottery, virginia lottery scratch offs, VA scratchers, Pocket Change, losse change, full book, VA pocket Change ticket, cashword wednesday, live lottery, live lotto scratch
Id: 6wfiz_fQ-lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 23sec (4163 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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