Fujifilm XT4 Wedding Photo Edit + Chill

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[Music] do all right is this working it is hello good morning friends good afternoon i guess i mean technically it's pretty much afternoon here as well um it's like 11 o'clock so i don't know why i'm saying good morning but what's up folks back again with another live stream i just did a wedding recently um and yeah i just need to go through my normal editing process so again we're going to live stream y'all going to hang out with me while i edit everything and yeah pretty straight straightforward we got my dude marcus mark marcus and mark we got all the marks in the house this morning so yeah these are some of the selects i've done so far from the day you know now that i think about it i don't think i actually shot the xd4 on this wedding i get so confused now because i use the egg i use dual bodies but i only have one xd4 so i'm like i like forget which one i used or not but to start out we are going to call some photos so let's get into our good old photo mechanic let's see oh you know what i need to do actually let's actually i need to separate my second photographer's photos it just makes it easier for me to work when i can call my own and then i can cull theirs so here's the second photographer she's using an xt2 so it's always nice when you have same camera bodies so we're going to select all these and create a new folder include selected full photos and then second photographer boom 150 that ain't right oh it's okay it's still moving i was like what which would you peeps recommend 14 16 i like the 16 i'm on the 16 2.8 the 16 1.4 is probably really nice um because that too eight it's a little dark especially for events and weddings and stuff what's that you're drinking some nice iced coffee that i made at home i basically just made the coffee let it cool down throw some ice on it do you have a free preset for capture one not yet no free presets hey christine is here it's another regular i gotta start doing some kind of something for regulars cause y'all be in here cool so now i have her photos separate from mine and now we can jump back into photo mechanic so now when i call yeah i'm going to start with mine and i can go back and do hers we want to make sure this is sorted by capture time come on phono mechanic it's over here taking up the whole screen uk in the house hello welcome to the stream would you consider the 50 to 140 2.8 for a ceremony i've actually never used it but it would be nice for a ceremony it depends on how you handle ceremonies because yet again if you've watched my full wedding days i tend to stay up at the front of the wedding i don't need a long lens most of the times i'll shoot it with a 56 so or like this this wedding particularly um they want wanted me not so close to the ceremony so i used the 90. i don't messed up oh photo mechanic what should i do with picture style are you talking about like how you're editing it or how you're taking the photos sir christopher berry's up in the house hello welcome to the stream is the 50 f2 a great alternative for the 56 i've heard it's pretty good i've personally never used it so the biggest thing with the 56 there it goes thank you photo mechanic um the biggest thing with the 56 is yet again it has what i like to call the old focusing system so for video it's just not the best it like hunts and it's just really not the best um so if you want a lens that you can use for both video and photo you might want to go with the 50 f2 um but like i said yet again i've never personally used it but the 56 so far is my favorite lens that i've ever used by fuji so all right so i'm in photo mechanic now i have it sorted by capture time and now i can go through and select all of my photos very straightforward process um if you have watched any of my videos talking about the yes method of culling that's basically what i'm doing now is pretty much you don't think you really don't think you just you see it if it feels good if it looks like it's in focus then that's the shot and you just pick it um the downside to this is i tend to over call but the upside is the process is way faster i'm not sitting here for 50 years trying to cull photos and then if i need to and i have too many photos i can just call down yo this lighting is not i hate cloudy days where it's just like one moment it's mad dark and then all of a sudden it's like oh yeah and then you're just kind of like thanks i have them both they're both special cool yeah chris chris uses the 50. i've never used the 50. a lot of people asked me about it actually sometimes so his hands are like blurred because my shutter is probably like mad slow because it was fairly dark what was my shirt yeah one 160. that's better there it goes yeah and so like i have a i chose a couple of the same kind of photos but i can just call that stuff down when i get to editing it's not that hard to just be like okay i have like five of the same photos and that's way too much that watch was given to him by his dad so that's a special shot here's mom helping him out i was gonna turn this into a gif actually um so i need to find a better way for me to but yeah that should be a decent gift that good old 14 frames a second would you prefer 85 1 4 or 70 to 200 on a full frame for your telephoto lens for i personally i just don't like i don't like zoom lenses um that's my personal and i think for learning at least especially prime lenses are really nice because you you you really start learning like the focal distance and how close you need to be this stuff and kind of what look you're gonna get i feel like zooms you don't really learn composition as well because you're too busy thinking about like oh i can just recompose and recompose it's like cropping almost it's like you just have all this cropping you can do and i feel like it's too much sometimes so those are great choices for weddings obviously but me i tend to be like an 85 and a 110 or something like that what is calling culling is when you choose things out of something or taking something out getting rid of or what's what's the great someone define it better than that take it back to sat days um culling is like yes setting apart from something so basically i'm just choosing the photos that i want to edit from the wedding i've just discovered photo mechanic on your channel do you use it specifically for file selection yes it is extremely fast and that's the main reason i use it i used to not use it i used to be very much about using lightroom for culling but like if you see how quickly i'm scrolling through these photos lightroom can't do that because basically what what photo mechanic is doing is just using the jpeg previews that come along with your raw files did they not do a normal photo i know they did okay dang why is this coming up again my cameras aren't even in sync with themselves how bad [Music] what software you using for preview and color this is photo mechanic the hands down best photo and see so the way i use it is i like to call after i've already imported but i know a lot of people who will cull first and only import what they chose the main reason i don't do that is because if for some reason like the couple comes back to me and they're like hey can you find any extra photos of you know something you know i don't want to be like oops sorry i only imported like half the photos and then deleted everything else there's nothing else left my wife imports all then calls and edits yeah exactly because it's like you shoot the wedding and actually that's what mark basically is getting it's like yet again if for some reason the couple wants more or wants an alternate shot of something or something comes up um you know being able to go back and look through all of the photos helps versus being like oh sorry i only had like two photos nice shots thank you marcus so this right here personally is not how i would do the bride getting her makeup or any makeup shots like that um but it would have been so much more of an issue to try and have the um the makeup artist move it just would have been so much more so i just dealt with it and sometimes you gotta you gotta learn on a wedding day when to be like no i need y'all to move because it will be better and when to be like okay whatever it's not going to be a big deal yeah i am not a fan of backlighting stuff at all so these photos were from my engagement photo session i did with them which i also have a behind the scenes of so let me let me share that with y'all if you haven't had a transfer stream yet um here it is so this was their engagement session this is the same couple how long do you hold on to photos from a wedding session i know some keep forever some toss um so far i've been keeping forever but it's obviously one of those things where like it takes up a lot of space so i'm always like half and half on like how i should keep stuff and when i should keep stuff yeah i don't think i've deleted any raws ever so far now that i think about it so they had this wedding in the backyard of her parents house i probably should have moved this mirror more of the video you can see the video you can see my second in it but it's whatever we'll photoshop that stuff out and it'll be fine it's yeah like this it's gonna be a little annoying but whatever can't speak for john but a lot of talks will have retention clauses exactly that's exactly what i so like per contract after like three years i can delete the photos um personally i've had a hard time doing that i keep jpegs basically forever but um the raws after a while like per my contract after like three years and it's more so like the first year and this that's mainly even about the um the jpeg so but like the first year you know i hold on to everything the second year i archive everything the third year at that point i can delete it if i want to wish you the best thank you for sharing your knowledge thank you so much most tops cover themselves for a certain period of time but then end up retaining them for years yep exactly basically you just you need a clause to be like hey you know only this amount of time i'm gonna keep your stuff because it takes up a lot of space and we all know that so personally i'm not a fan of the someone else putting on your earrings shots i like them doing it themselves it just looks a lot more natural um but you know yet again when you're at a wedding day and people suggest shots sometimes you just have to know when to be like you know that's fine whatever y'all can do it that way instead of being like the super argumentative photographer who's like no i only take the photo like this you know like which fujifilm emulation do you prefer um i like classic clone classic chrome and that's what you're seeing here and this is all classic chrome behind the scenes video for this not for this um with the pandemic and stuff i don't know i just i'd rather not do behind the scenes videos because especially at weddings not everyone is wearing masks and stuff and i just don't want people to be like look at this wedding people aren't wearing masks oh you know it's it's you know the professionals and all the workers there we're wearing masks we're staying safe but i don't want the guests to catch any slack for you know their day and they're staying within the rules it's small gatherings and stuff so this was the first look with her dad this could be a gift too yeah i gotta find a better way to mark these gifts i wonder if i can like do i uh how do i how do i mark colors i don't even know what i'm doing i don't know how to use the program i don't have it set up too that's fine whatever what's your craziest wedding experience i actually haven't had too many crazy wedding experiences which i count myself lucky for that because i've heard of all kinds of craziness from some photographers i've had very very chill weddings extremely chill weddings with like really just not too much going on yeah my cameras aren't even in sync how horrible but yeah this is the longest wedding day i've done since february it was like nine hours and most of it included just like getting ready and stuff and the ceremony was kind of long but um yeah this my fullest wedding in a while there's a first look with the brother yeah i don't like all this back lighting i'm just i'm not a backlight person i can't stand it and then she does a first look with her bridesmaids this was flash because it was pretty dark at this point here are a couple safety shots for me but my second also was shooting this she was off to the right of this photo hello jb how are you last time i asked question but you missed your answer when you use canon lenses on xd4 for video where you have problems with stabilization or is it gonna be like using fuji lenses i would assume it's like using fuji lenses um i don't know much about the canon lenses or if they have you know like stabilization built into them so i'm actually not sure i've never tried it i had someone try to do that to me on an engagement shoot there was external friends and one had clearly lived on pin oh and making me yeah it's it's hard it really is hard dealing with people making suggestions while you're at the wedding like just trying to do your job and like you want to be nice you don't want to just be like get that out of my face um which i have done before but um yeah it's definitely not ideal especially you know every photographer has their own kind of style so you got these people sitting there being like hey do this do that do this and it's just like that's not that's not my style you know like i'm not trying to be mean to anybody it's just not it's not what i do oh my goodness the lighting's so bad i think i was at 1600 iso they're like no flash at 12.50 oh yeah these are going to be rough too veils are always such an ordeal at weddings they always put them on at the last minute so you're like sometimes you're not in the same spot where you were like getting ready which was like nice so this is the 90 here yet again since i couldn't be too close to the ceremony and everything i used the 90 it just made more sense thank you for that sub um [Music] you can definitely accidentally get a venue find for capturing bts where no one's wearing matt exactly yeah there's there's too much right now going on there's too much right now so i was like because i would have loved to do behind the scenes of this wedding it went smoothly it was a great day i did their engagement so like i could link them up together um it would have been a very low key day i barely caught that that's handshake right there because yeah my shutter's mad low so yeah i just i didn't wanna it's just too much too much right now going on so no behind the scenes i'm sorry y'all so this is why i like a lot of people hate on photographers for the whole spray and pray style of photography but especially with me in this dark area shooting at the shutter like 1 125th 1 100 like shooting multiple shots makes sense because between your handshake and people moving like it just makes sense if i understand your workflow you import all pictures in the lightroom mark them in photo mechanic then back in lightroom select marked files is that right yes that is correct import everything select in photo mechanic and then basically just hook the selects back up in lightroom and then from there i start editing so these shots are all straightforward i'm just picking some where people look like they're smiling and things are fine and there's no camera shake i'm also skipping the photos when they're in that light because that's that's annoying this will be good in black and white but it's just like oh yeah these are gonna be rough i wonder if they would have let me use flash when they were walking in at least ah it's a little blurry but it's fine i was moving around too much yet again the emotion and stuff is way more important than a photo not being like perfectly sure an extremely perfect photo here is a brainheizer it looks like yeah following on from above is there anything you need to set up so that lightroom sees the selections made in photo mechanic usually what i do is i um oh this was blurry too it's more so basically all this information is written into the metadata of the file so i just tell lightroom to look at the metadata basically this was going to be another brainizer but there was some camera shaking it as well so much camera shake i have an xc3 what do you recommend for a backup camera should i get smaller cheaper food or another xc3 the xc3s are really well priced right now so if you can just go ahead and get another one having the exact same body is nice um but the xt30 is great too for the xd20 like a lot of those cameras are really good xc3 is only yeah that's what i'm saying like if you can afford a thousand bucks 9.99 on amazon that's that's a pretty good deal the xd3s are like and a lot of people are upgrading to the xd4 so like you just have a lot of that if you have prime they let you do payments yep i found it seems like they'll let you do payments but if you have another product that's already on payment then you have to like wait until you've paid that one off they won't let you do like multiple photos oh yeah their kiss came out of nowhere ah i was all blurry the camera missed the focus too who's calling me facetime do i have a meeting did i miss a meeting i don't have anything on the calendar yeah dang hold on y'all let me figure out who this is [Music] all right sorry y'all it's one of my uh wife's friends kids they called the wrong number they just kept continually facing me i was like what it's 2021 calling to say thanks for sticking around to the last one are using any auto or manual focus for these shots this was auto and yeah because my shutter was slow and the kiss came out of nowhere the shots were definitely this was flash but i had the flash turn down really low i probably should have turned it up a bit yeah this whole ceremony area is gonna the photos will be fine but they're definitely they're not gonna be the best and then family photos for just for these i'm just looking for open eyes and i'll usually grab a couple and that's another reason why i like to keep the raws because if someone comes back to you and they're like oh hey in the family photos x person had their eyes closed or something like you know i have all these multiple photos that i can go through and try and find an alternate or something whereas if i only import you know the ones that i called then if for some reason someone doesn't like one of the photos i can't do anything about it it's just kind of like oh well do you shoot with the electric shutter or the usual one in these type of situations i was using the normal one um the normal one is pretty quiet but the electric is even more quiet so it depends on how discreet you need to be so these were safety shots i don't even know if i'm going to keep them because it was raining off and on all day so a huge tip if you are shooting weddings and it's raining like take photos that you can when you can don't wait for like the timeline of the day and stuff so basically i had literally two seconds before we were gonna go take portraits and bridal party portraits and all of that stuff um so just to play it safe i went ahead and grabbed some solos of both of them this was like the best choice of a location that i had it was like right outside the church but yet again it had stopped raining so like you know i took these in case in case uh you know it kept raining and then it was just like oh too bad now you these are the only photos you have so i got some food again so i'm sorry i always be eating on the stream puts on electric shower spy photographer again it does it lets off a little like like this weird high-pitched noise why don't you call it lightroom is it slower yes it is extremely slow compared to photo mechanic photo mechanic flies [Music] but yeah it's just like raining everywhere all the bridesmaids have these nice purple dresses on they all get wet now there's wet rain marks everywhere which is mad annoying you know they're gonna expect me to photoshop that out because photoshop's magic and it's like no it's it's not it takes forever um so i'll probably do you know a couple of photos but if they want like every single photo with no raindrops on them i'm gonna have to charge more for that it's just it's a lot it takes a lot of time it's a lot there we go so these are all sister-in-laws that's these are his sisters and then the rest of the bride made shots but yeah we're like under a tree because it was raining we're like over here rushing trying to keep everyone as dry as possible it was like such an ordeal oh wait that one works better what's the tech reason photo mechanic flies compared to photoshop i think it's just because it's pulling the um the previews whereas like lightroom tries to load like the whole photo and i don't know it's just always like loading photos it takes it forever because it's trying to load the photos so we took a couple rain shots it was raining but yet again we're under the trees so it's not so bad and then luckily the rain stopped right as we started taking portraits like it could not have been any more perfect but all of those photos were like rushed is back up every drop of rain that would be horrible yeah their dresses got all messed up too fuji colors are very nice yes fuji colors are the best hmm so my wife went to a local farm and bought some thick cut bacon [Music] so good this will be another gift i actually didn't really want to shoot at this spot but the video the video folks were using it so obviously you kind of have to go with what you have this was the spot my second suggested because she lives in the area and it was good like this is what i was looking for it's cool when when you get a second who really knows you she like knows exactly the type of shots i usually take she knows like the type of scenery i like so she's able to suggest areas and be like yep you're gonna love this this is gonna be great this is gonna be great so here's a brainizer i did so here are all the shots that get combined and this was with the 56. so this is what you end up getting when you actually combine everything i want to get lasik surgery on my eyes so that i can see the world in fujiko wouldn't that be cool you're like oh can i get fuji lasik oh no what's happening down here hmm and then once you have all this connected at that point you can crop this thing however you want to because this is like a good 30 photos if not more almost like working with a gfx file i love this shot right there this in black and white party time this is all the 56 1.2 so for this i had them facing away from the light i might actually even just take those photos out so i turned them around we went back and did solos again because yet again it rained but it stopped so the ones by the brick were the safety shots so i figured just go back and do some nicer solos now that i had them and the lighting was good and it wasn't raining things were wet but they were troopers this was a request from the planner i generally don't do these shots ah they weren't close enough i should have stopped down more this was also a request from the planner i love these kind of like in motion shots what was i doing my shutter's so low so many shaky photo i can't even it's been so long since i've done a wedding that i don't even know how to shoot clear photos anymore do but yeah i'll definitely call this stuff down here's the cake i went back and took these photos again just in case also because now the cake's beside it so this was me testing the flash so i'm just throw that in there anyway [Music] remind us of the camera setting for brenneizer to work is it focus hold yeah so basically what i like to do at least for the bruneiser is what i do so i have my camera set up that one of the buttons in the back or like the auto focus on it's just you know auto focus on so back button focusing so i hold that hold the shutter and that way or hold the focus that way the focus stays on my subject so i get my focus hold it and then you just take your shot i actually i recorded some um some footage for it so a brain hyzer video will be coming up hopefully soon in the next couple of months or so so here goes their intro honestly like the size of this wedding i kind of i kind of wish weddings were like this more often like it was like the perfect size i love your look have you ever considered releasing a set of presets styles for capture one yes i am working on my capture one preset now um and hopefully i hope to have it out soon like very soon here's the cake cut i shot these with the 16 2.8 this is all flash for cake cuts too a big big tip is always wait for the couple like the moment they're done cutting don't be like okay they're all done like sit there and watch them for a minute because usually they'll still play around or something will happen get mom in her fields there look at that that's the shot this is the 35 i think yeah 35 f2 and it flashed this is all on camera flash [Music] and then this is the 16 i think yeah father-daughter dance yeah my cameras are all out of sync this is the worst i gotta like go back and sync my cameras do you check out the location first before doing a shoot for lighting purposes not really i just kind of wing it um i'm a very winging it person i'm very confident in the unknown actually a lot of that i attribute to video games and also jazz because i play saxophone so i was explaining it to someone one time it it really reminds me of like improvisation like when you're improvising on a song you know the chord changes at least um but you don't really know what you're gonna do you know you kind of know the scales for the chord progression and you know the chord changes and that's it and it's the same thing with wedding photography like you have a timeline and stuff you have a general idea of like how things are going to go down you know how to use a camera you know that's the same as knowing your chord changes and all all of your chords and all your scales and all that stuff but when you get to the performance and it's time to improvise you know it's like okay do it do it now chord progression ain't gonna stop for you you gotta keep up with the core changes you know um and that's what wedding days feel like to me like when stuff starts going down i have an idea of what i'm gonna do but you know you just kind of do it based off of the information you know so cause like i don't know i feel like it's too too controlling to be like i need to know exactly what the lights gonna look like like yeah you're gonna have an idea and it's kind of good to know where the shadows are gonna fall and stuff like that but um you never know you know it could be a cloudy day and when you went and scouted the area before it was a sunny day so then it's like you wasted your time scouting for no reason so i'm just not i'm not a big fan of scouting beforehand now to see the location and to see some of the spots that's fine but lighting is such a it just it changes so often that for me there's no point to go scouting for light is it important to check out the location before yeah so yeah it's half and half a lot of times i go i literally go flying blind on weddings because i i feel very confident when i have the timeline and everything so i'm not really worried about anything and i'm confident in my skill of knowing light and knowing how to work with light and knowing how to improvise when stuff goes down so it helps definitely but i don't think it's like a necessity i actually i tell my couples that um it's almost better for me not to know location because then i'm more creative because it's new to me you know what i'm saying so like the area is like wow this is so everything about this area is so cool to me because i've never seen it before like it's just new and fresh and i'm like yeah so i have new ideas and i try things differently where like when i was in new york and i shot every engagement session at central park it got to a point where it was like okay we go here we do that we do this shot we do that we go here and it's like it was like an exact you know every time i did the exact same thing and it was just so annoying and you know i was like jaded like okay central park here we go um so yeah i almost like not seeing a place first and being able to go there and just kind of figure it out as i go mama's in her natural feels would you go with the v8 62 or the v1 i have not used the v1s i don't know much about them that's the one with the circular like heads i think right i have the v8 62s and i like them all this stuff you're seeing here is with the v862s um this type of reception area this is like easy lighting 101 for photographers like you don't even need off-camera flash you have a tent the tent's white the tent's not you know it's not super high it's also it's angled so most of your bounce is going to bounce right back in so i'm just i think i have my flash as close yeah so you know basically i'm just v8 62 right on top of my camera with a mag sphere on top of that pointed straight up and that's that's it that's what i was doing at this whole reception if i can get it on here yeah so yeah that right on top of the camera just like this and that's it and it's like enough power of the flash is like 132 and i raised my iso to capture the the ambience of the room ambiance here's a group shot because we never got one before oh yeah and then this is also another gif i think what video games do you play pretty much a lot of everything but you know i'm an old head so i like my i like my traditional jrpgs i like my third person shooters i'm not a big fan of um first person games i'm just not i feel like they're played out at this point there's just too many first person shooters it's it's too much for me i can't take it anymore also like the first ever first person shooter i played was tribes and it was like a online multiplayer only game so for me if if it's not multiplayer i don't i don't understand the point there's just too many first person games and it's just i don't know it's not fun to me unless i'm like competing against someone and i can get like totally thrashed you know what i mean if i go some light painting but what am i playing right now so horizon zero dawn just released on pc so i've been rocking that for a minute i love open world games those are probably my favorite type anything third person because yet again so growing up with video games because like i was born with like mario you know so i've played stuff since then for me it feels more natural to be controlling the character and like seeing the character rather than it being first person um so that's even like your old school mario you know it's you looking at the character so it's kind of third person i guess um so i prefer that i prefer to see my character like i'm controlling the character i'm not a big fan of like immerse yourself in the game like it was you i don't want to be in a place where we're shooting up people you don't see like that's not that's not appealing to me i'm investing in that flash next week yeah it's good it's a good flash um i actually i think i talked about it in my most recent video the fact that they can talk to each other is great the fact that they can talk to other godox like speed lights is great like it's really good they're great flashes they work well very straightforward so this is all reception kind of stuff it's just like i go through this fast i just look for people making funny faces or dancing or something or some kind of silly pose or something people interacting with each other like her and her sister you know like stuff like if i see something stand out then i'll grab it oh no that's the spot on the center i think when shooting weddings i see that you take a lot of in the moment photos as well as stage photos is it good to have a mixture of both or is it up to the couple so it really i think it's up to the photographer and the photographer's style um really so you know there's some photographers who are more very posed kind of photographer and if that's the case that's cool and just make sure you market yourself like that and then everyone understands that's what you are and you'll find the clients who really want and like that um this is some 35 i usually don't do this i don't like to sit on the edge of the dance floor and just take photos so i'll do it every now and then but most photographers do it i like being a part of the party so that people don't feel like you're like a creeper in the corner just like spying on them so i usually get in there with everyone and use like a 16 or 14 or something but yeah i think having a mixture of both helps but really it's it's just about your style so you know like i say that i mainly have a very photo journalistic style i like to capture kind of the moments and that's what i focus on i focus on the like the emotion and facial expressions and stuff like that of people um so because of that i try to lean towards that mainly and i let my couples know that when they meet with me you know like if you're looking for extremely perfect photos where everything is heavily edited and you know that's not me and i tell them that and i let them know like you know if that's what you want i'm probably not the photographer for you and that's fine um more of it yet again is about being in the moment so i don't think you have to have any like if you're a very staged photographer and that's what you do you know then lean on that and make sure your couples know that and the couples who will find you will like that and that's what they'll want and you'll go from there they had a little outfit change at the end of the night so i made sure to get some photos of that and that's a big thing too when you're like about to leave the wedding don't just like find a couple and be like okay time's up bye-bye you know like if some like last minute thing happens like they do an outfit you just stay for two extra minutes you know like big whoop they didn't pay for these two minutes it's fine it is fine you know i get a couple of these cool photos everyone taking one last little shot you know it's whatever yeah i can't remember it was some song that everyone got hyped on so i stayed for the song caught a couple more photos cool so that's done let's go back to lightroom i'm going to oh yeah i gotta do the second photographer i got excited let's open up my new contacts sheet second photographer oh hold on real quick [Music] all right sorry about that are you still using oh you're talking about the pictures like do i check the lighting like before i start taking the photos usually not i can't just see it oh no that wasn't a cookie that was bacon thick cut bacon are you still using the gfx100 no fujifilm loaned it to me because when i became a fuji creator they're like is there anything you'd like to try and it was like word it was like the gfx100 would be swell so i had it for like two weeks so here are my second photographer shots so with the second photographer i already know i'm barely gonna use any of their photos so when i call their stuff i go through like i go through pretty fast like i don't bother to really look too hard at anything because i know i'm i'm just really not gonna use the photos select those as fours so i can use those photos for other stuff and because a lot of times her shots are just like doubles of my own shot so really i'm looking for anything i might have missed or an angle that's kind of cool this stuff was all on the xt2 um she tends to shoot wide which is cool because it's a very different perspective than my own photos so she'll use like the 23 f 1.4 throughout the day this is a dope shot i didn't even realize she got this ah this would have been so good the planner made her like come out a different way this would have been hype i'm so sad this is not the shot that we like ended up going with yeah most of the stuff i have already a lot of the times i end up just calling it down anyway so i'm usually pretty quick with these and i'm just really looking for some good angles some different facial expressions and stuff what is that a picture is that a window how cool well look when my flash gets caught by her and it becomes off camera flash here's the first look hey john dope youtube channel after everything's calmed down any plans for london that would be hype i have not been outside of the states yet so i'm definitely trying to go somewhere also don't they have like oh there's me see we're all matched up gotta be safe don't isn't there like a fuji store somewhere in london for the ceremony she was using the 56 ah this would be good in black and white wow that'll be good in black and white too yeah really good alternate angles yep she got him with all the groomsmen which is hype these are fine i don't really need them there's him in his fields yes that's what we want thank you for that sub yes that's what we want and see that's what you use your seconds for because i missed all that [Music] new to this channel that don't look like adobe bridge it is not it is photo mechanic hug with dad from another angle and then the ceremony itself grab some multiple angles and stuff but for the most part i have everything i need so outside of people being in their fields for the most part this is very straightforward she went again around and got the multiple angles which was height [Music] she also got the kiss yep it's at a weird angle but it's sharper than mine some more people hugging and then most of these i don't really need doubles up that's good yep yep yep so good i love i love having a really good second photographer i cannot tell you there's me so we'll get that a four yes and she always shoots wide so when i'm shooting tight i'll have like some nice alternative wide shots it's always so good so good [Music] these are about the same as most of mine there's me again yes so good what kind of mask do you wear i need recommendations i cannot remember the company that i got my mask from uh most of this i have there's her testing lighting [Music] usually i let my seconds go early so at this point it was like about time to go i think we ate our vendor meals real quick [Music] and then i basically let her go and like i said most of this is all just like doubled up of stuff i already have so for me i just really don't need it so unless the angle is really good or like a good facial expressions in there i just i just don't use it yeah and that's it for her because at that point i let her go actually i'll keep that photo what's the strangest request you've ever had at a wedding i can't remember like i said again i really i don't have strange i don't have a lot of strange weddings i really don't no edits selected all metadata read metadata from files read yeah those wearing a mask all day like that is rough is that a bug oh bro my dude done flew into my coffee thanks a lot bro just ruined my whole flow just messed me up so now y'all can see up here at the top it's reading the metadata from all the the files so it's gonna five star everything basically there's that light just coming in oh what my iso is as far down as it can go okay well that's what it is then a little overexposed my wife made some homemade bread too so good so good [Music] hmm so now at this point y'all can see everything filling in you can see all my five stars here updating [Music] i'm an idiot too i should have done that for the whole thing so let's stop this real quick there we go read metadata from file i want to say thanks for inspiring me to start my business your list gave me the best ideas your prices your recommendations awesome yes yes yes get in there next video is 40 minutes so homemade bread and bacon that's gonna be my next my next video [Laughter] so here's all the five stars updating and coming through this looks like it's gonna take a minute it's a lot of photos i haven't shot 6000 photos in a hot minute [Laughter] bacon and chill photo edit bacon and chill thank you for that sub oh god it's so good y'all bacon is so good my dude said extra protein the landscape bro they always come on like fridays or tuesdays and it's so annoying they literally park because our our unit is like an end unit so yes there's a lot of night uh a lot of light which is nice but they park like right there and then just the backyard's right there and they should be like i'd be like let me sit down and make a video today nope bacon and chill extra protein should i drink this bug for extra protein my dude messed me up come on bro he said what a way to go out just iced coffee my life away um it's like smoke cured or something so good thank you for the sub so many subs so we have this stuff reading the xmp right now so i'm just waiting for that i guess technically i could edit some stuff while i'm waiting for it i just i never trust lightroom i feel like if you try and do two and three things at the same time see but you see like these are all the same this one's the money shot i may as well just get rid of those and that's that's usually what i do is i'll just cull it through if i have the 56 and the 23 which additional lens would you pick up for weddings probably something longer um so personally i like the 35 and what you'll see me kind of do throughout the day is when i'm starting getting these getting ready photos i usually don't use my 56 at all so it's 23 and 35. um 56 doesn't come out until i'm at the reception or um at the ceremony or during portraits so it's kind of half and half but i would say get something longer i've found in my experience that at the end of the day something longer ends up being much more useful because you know you're going to be at ceremonies and you're going to have to be a distance away and it's just a longer lens it's better so like the 50 well you have the 56 so you may want something like the 90 um or yeah i would either say get something longer or get something shorter so the 90 or like the 16 are probably gonna be your best next choices because those are everything i use yet again four or four lenses from super tight which is usually just my 56 all the way through to the 16. i'm so sad that bug landed in my coffee like really i'm hurt so we're waiting for this to come through we called it we're ready what i usually do is i section off everything after that into sections but i might not do it for now i don't feel like it at the moment but i probably should would 16 35 and 85 work yes because your 16 would take place for any wide stuff while you're getting ready and stuff but yeah generally for me getting ready is 23 and 35 portraits is usually 23 and 35 or 23 and 56. ceremony is 23 and 56 and then when they walk out i use the 16. reception is 23 and 35 speeches is 23 and 56 and then reception dancing like free dancing open dance floor is mainly the 16. yeah i'm gonna be calling down this stuff pretty hard actually i kind of over cold but like i said again that's what i tend to do anyway the only thing i hate about this process is it takes forever so usually i'm just kind of sitting here like okay read the xmp go ahead now i can't really do too much yeah i love this shot so much yeah make sure you get yourself a good second photographer someone you can really like just be like cool do the thing because i know you're going to do it julie do the thing that's basically how it is with me when i know i can depend on my second photographer i'm just like do the thing which 16 do you own i have the 2.8 i like it the autofocus is nice it's great for video that 2.8 sometimes is not enough light how do you send your photos to the customer i use pick time for that um pick time is basically an online gallery and so i upload all the photos on there and then i deliver them that way so here is um this is my pick time right here and it just gives me nice little galleries that i can use and send to the customers it also helps me with getting sales of prints and stuff so pick time is really cool i've been on them for a hot minute now and i absolutely love it how long do you keep the gallery open for the clients um typically one year the second year is it it's archived and it just chills um and they can basically hit me up to reopen it at any point in time [Music] a lot of these shots where the croppings all weird like that or black and white for me so i already like automatically know they're going to be black and white yeah and then see like i can call this down too this will be black and white also the nice thing about black and white sometimes is it like hides you know like all of this stuff that just wasn't nice looking now you don't even care about it because it just looks good this might even be that's another thing that happens to a lot of my second photographer's shots is they are just like all black and white because they're just like such alternative shots to the main ones that i'm taking that it just makes sense to be like black and white these are the black and white alternative shots the angles are so big you know like it just it works that way let's see how these shots did thoughts on street photography i love it it's fun stuff it's actually i tell people this a lot but the way i practiced oops the way i practiced for wedding photography was by doing street photography and a lot of people might be like what but how but the one thing that i've personally found that's very much the same between wedding photography and street photography is that anticipation and knowing of the moment about to happen and getting there and grabbing it you have to have this like extra sense to know like oh i see the scene that i want and i see the people like coming towards it and it's about to happen and something good is gonna happen and getting there before it happens and then taking a shot that's very much the same from wedding photography and street photography fujifilm uh i can't even i can't speak today they up in here look at it holding on 1250 iso now it's just a case of white balance which is the worst actually did i show y'all one of my favorite street street shots i've taken yo and i'm so hurt because i lost i lost this photo like the the digital file because i would sell it as a print i love this shot here's one of the shots i took when i was in new york [Music] some good street photography stuff this was on a canon 6d i want to say a 50 millimeter lens but i can't remember but yeah i i love this shot so much like the shadows are just so good you see you have the person there walking like right up to between the columns such a good photo so so good i miss being able to do street photography because like north carolina it's just not [Laughter] it's not happening actually let me let me give y'all a better there you go you see a little bit better this way do you print photos and sell them i don't yet um like i said i would totally sell this but i lost the file i can't find it nowhere i'm so sad i'm so hurt i mean i guess i could take a photo of this and but it's just not the same i love this shot so much y'all like so much actually i should grab this whole i have this whole artifact of ryzen print that i did a while back because yeah i used to do a fair amount of street photography when i was in new york do you have any photo books are you considering making one uh maybe that'd be cool but yet again being in north carolina there's just not much to shoot unless i'm going to like the middle of nowhere or just like something of that sort [Music] this was some street stuff i did when um i'm not sure if y'all are familiar with selection but they did like a photo walk at some point which was mad hype so this was a shot i did [Music] man this stuff is so old so so old any tips for posing do you have a checklist with poses i don't um i do have like some go-to poses that i typically do but the biggest thing with posing i think is just um [Music] at least for me is having that connection with the client and having them interact with each other when you're posing people but yeah this stuff is all 6d canon 6d stuff from back when i was in new york [Music] so yeah i miss street photography [Music] i miss it so much oh wow look at these old sessions this stuff is old y'all this was also canon also if you've never used um artifact uprising i i highly recommend it it's good stuff this is also canon [Music] here goes uh this was from my first wedding ever like literally the first wedding i ever did this angle is kind of wonk but it's a cool photo i think it works out this thing is still reading xmp data it like really is over here trying still do you have a printer i do not this all came from artifact uprising they do like an everyday prints where they'll print like 10 or 20 photos of yours on these little square photo things actually everything behind me too this is all artifact uprising as well i just like they print on recycled paper and i just like the way it looks let's see if i have anything else decent here not really there's no like banger shots this was like this was like when i first got my camera and i was like trying to take photos it's cool but i don't know i'm not feeling it some more street photography type stuff um this was with my iphone i used to do a lot of i iphonography as people called it at one point i did a lot of iphone stuff that plant looking healthy i don't i don't know my wife actually be getting on me because i don't water my plant enough and i also i have the windows closed fairly often in here so there's no light so she's always like your boy's over here dying and i'm like i know he ain't got no light you don't water him enough here's a little book i did um this was just random this is just like a bunch of random prints this is all just stuff off of instagram oh yo so this shot right here um so i was like walking around i think i took this with my iphone but it just looked so cool like someone had dropped an ice cream so i was like oh snap and i went to take a photo of it and the kid who had dropped it was still right there so he like sees me with my phone like wow this would be a great shot and he's just like so sad like that was my ice cream i was like oh i'm so sorry look y'all i got some presents from fujifilm let's see what it is where's my box cutter bacon i need a real box cutter this is like i don't know what this thing is all right let's see what we got i can't even cut the box open the right way do you have a photo that have a very crazy backstory i don't actually i don't i wish i did i wish i had some kind of crazy like crazy story type of photo but i don't [Music] um saying this thing is big the new xt40 is there an xd40 best advice for getting clients just started with wedding photography i i have a couple of um a couple of videos i did actually on that um i think it was like one or two videos but still it's like useful stuff let's see if i can find it oh man so many so many videos so there's this video and then there's also this video these are some good like kind of starting tips to get started with wedding photography and to kind of get your first clients in and everything so this is oh it's all taped up i can't even get to it oh goodness i can't tank tape it's hard to buy a bad professional it really is like most of the cameras that you're spending good money on they're like they're great cameras especially nowadays like cameras are good [Music] all right this is the 50 to 140 f 2.8 this thing is long y'all oh it has stabilization built into it yo this thing on the xd4 is about to be beasty i've actually never used the fuji zoom lens so this is my first this is my first time using a fuji zoom is this thing done it's still not done oh great job you gotta take the cap off oh yeah this thing is long i've got the 55-200 no memory card so it won't let me focus i'm not used to these long lenses i'm over here using the 23f2 and the 35f2 which is like a little tiny and then you get this thing and i'm like well dang no card into i know i know come on um save data sequential is the ibis on where are you ibis where are you i don't know where the ibis setting is is it only in the video hey thanks for that sub oh thank you so much let's see ibis ibis huh i can't do ibis oh what wow you can control the ibis from the lens how cool it's like the um the software knows that the lens is saying hey ibis so when you turn off ibis on the lens it turns it off on the camera too like they function together i had no idea 140 how long is that full frame equivalent that's like a 200 right this is a 70 to 200 yeah 50. good old chevroneted 200. yep so i'll be taking this thing on a ride at some point i guess see how it works out hi from western australia love your work used to do weddings but not anymore just move to fuji camera awesome how cool santiago sanchez what's up hello welcome to the stream is that the 50 no this is the um the 50 to 140 to 8. cool okay our stuff is done so i am i'm gonna be good and i'm gonna go ahead and section everything off like i usually do so let's make a collection set which will be emily and ethan and then within that set so we're going to make a smart collection flag photos rating is 5. source folder contains ethan now the problem is their their engagement folder has the same name so i'm gonna have to add um the date capture date which i'm forgetting what the date was do i have a calendar somewhere close by let's see capture date was the 15th there cool so 1200 photos that's the most full day i've had in a while excited to see what you think of that lens i've been wanting to ditch my 56 and get the 50 to 140. yeah i have a wedding coming up on like next week a little small thing so i'll probably use it there so up oh oh no that timing's about right no she showed up our stuff is never in sync i thought i fixed this let's see capture time i'm pretty sure it just needs to go up by one hour lightroom keeps blinking i mean lightroom is a questionable program there we go this this looks better yeah this looks more accurate having stuff out of sync is like the absolute most annoying you got the best flat lace thank you so much that means a lot i hope to put out a flatlay video at some point so up until here this is going to be groom getting ready or actually do i do getting ready groom yeah and then what i'm going to do is create another smart collection name it getting ready groom add text is getting ready groom and the reason i section stuff off like this is more so for peace of mind while editing so instead of getting overwhelmed and feeling like i have so much to edit what i'll do is i'll section everything into parts like that so that i can say okay 50 photos i can do this 50 photos edit it be done with it export it and get that little like small win and be like cool i've edited and i can then break my stuff into sections rather than feeling like i have 1200 photos to edit you know instead of feeling like 1200 now it's going to be like cool you know i have 50 here 100 there 70 here 20 there so on so for this is group portraits and that way if i have a day where i edit but let's say i don't really feel like editing a lot i can at least come in and finish like a section or two and then instead of being like oh i still have all these photos to edit i can say cool i have finished two sections of the wedding and feel accomplished so it's it's really good for your peace of mind and just like making sure you're not like oh i have so much to edit oh no so this will be getting ready bride we'll go ahead and make that smart collection [Music] i used your look at someone in smile trick at a wedding once one of the best ways to get candidates um and then this will be details and let's go ahead and make that as well this is more getting ready bride except for that photo and because i already created those sections now i can just [Music] name them and then they're going to populate in the smart folder which is always nice [Music] getting ready bride this is details this is getting ready bride this is details again more getting ready bride no no this will count as details and then now we're up to ceremony oh we're still how are we so out of sync what happened i guess i can move these back one hour right there we go yes we'll call this ceremony which it already is it looks like i didn't make this section yet i'll take all these and call it getting ready bright again and then back on to ceremony these are all group portraits it's all good my lightroom acts up too yeah i mean lightroom is wonky that's just that's just what it is this is gonna be couple portraits and then i also need to make a couple portraits [Music] here goes more group portraits more couple portraits oh that snuck in [Music] there yep and this should all be couple portraits yo what happened i guess i doubled up yeah some of her photos i had fixed the time already this should be group so all these photos except for this one will be couple i don't know what to call the rest of this details maybe yeah we'll just call this whole section details this is where it starts getting annoying because you don't know how you want to section off stuff so we'll say first dances uh oh yeah i've done messed up gotta shift this time back there should be first dances this isn't labeled as anything i'll just i'm gonna call this stuff reception and so here we are again with details this will be cake cut i don't need these photos yep cake cut so prepping your photos like this it takes a little bit of extra time but again it like gives you peace of mind [Music] when you're actually editing and in my opinion that's worth the time it takes for me to set my photos up like this this will all be first dances up until about here oh no up until about here i guess my own cameras aren't synced and then this stuff i'll just count reception i guess and at this point the last other section there should be yeah will be speeches and then it's just reception yep so this is all speeches [Music] i don't messed up this is first dances and i need to move the timing back again where are my speeches starting here they go [Music] i'll throw that in speeches too so here's speeches we make another smart collection [Music] speeches speeches we'll throw these into group portraits which we already have set up and then from here on out it should just be reception yep there so now everything's separated and see i have these sections so now i can you know do getting ready groom and know that it's only 50 photos or speeches and know that it's only 60 photos and also these are all like in the same scene so they're just going to be easier to edit in general um let's see what auto white balance wants to do that's good i'm cool with that i love when auto white balance is actually good it's always so nice put that good old natural feels on it i don't there's something it's like too orange it's like bugging me it's in that weird middle ground where like i also want to keep her dress looking a little purpley and so now i can take that we'll select all those same photos and just sync the settings they should be good to go still over here snacking on this bacon yeah so now that i did that first one it's easy to just kind of go through and get the rest of them where i want them to be i think for the most part too the coloring is going to be the same on most of these i mean yeah this is this is all going to be the same for the most part and this is hands down some like normal wedding photography editing if you're not syncing your photos you're like wasting your time especially if something's in the same scene with the same lens you should just go ahead and like sync the settings across the whole thing there we go and then after i have sunk my photos then i just go through all of them make sure they look okay that wasn't supposed to be in this loop so that messed it up but i'll go back and wait did i really select all these other photos i don't messed up i really i really did that let me take those out okay so i adjust it there so i'm actually going to use this photo now and sync from that one let's see if it gets the rest of them a little closer to where i want them to i feel like i can take that orange out of it too yeah let's sink it again [Music] my trying to get it to where it feels good i feel like their skin's a little hot as far as exposure is concerned and then yeah just syncing my settings across the rest of them i found sometimes looking at your photos small like this helps too for you to see if they look okay or not black and white this one [Music] these are starting to get too orange again [Music] what i how did i close the hsl what did i do good job bro [Music] [Music] pull this orange down a bit we'll get rid of that that's fine a lot of these photos are like the same too so [Music] really it's just making sure they look good throwing a couple black and whites in there and then i'll basically move on to all the speech givers and then this whole section will pretty much be done and sometimes the photos are a little overkill but like i'd rather give my couples more than less so i tend to just like if the photos are good then i'm putting them in there [Music] so this is back at the start so one way i like to check all my photos is when i have dual monitors like i have you can use the second monitor and it'll pull up all the photos that you have selected so this way i can see like on one screen y'all can kind of see it from over there but i can tell that they all look generally the same they look good i can see how many black and whites i added in this section and if it was too much um i can also like i'm gonna black and white this one so it's a great way to look at the overall photos rather than going like one by one and being like are these matching i don't know like it's all in the same scene i know for the most part it's pretty much gonna look the same so this is a way i can just quickly kind of look at it so usually when i'm not streaming i have that other screen up the whole time showing off the whole photos okay so i messed up a couple of these photos so let me let me sync those back hey hello welcome to the stream this one is too orange yo lightroom come on suck some orange out in hsl yo what happened i like literally messed up the whole thing okay let's see if we can fix these up yeah much better didn't i just what is lightroom doing hey bro new subscriber what's up welcome to the stream i hope you're enjoying the content so right now i'm just editing my photos i have everything sectioned off by section of the day i'ma crop into this a little bit so i'm actually gonna use her shot as the basis and see if it works for this other shot and if so then i'm just gonna sync across the rest of all the photos which it looked like it did it was just a little dark so yeah let's use this to sync across the rest of the photos so now i'm just going to go through get all my speech givers yep and then i'm going to sync the settings thank you for that sub all right so now that i have that synced i just go through and check everything looks the way i want it to make sure exposures are right and everything do you still have the gfx 100 or is it not yours it wasn't mine fujifilm sent it over my way to test out just to try it out since i've never shot one before so very grateful for that opportunity it was fun to shoot and i'm working on some videos right now actually of um my experience with the gfx 100. love that you use fuji i'm new to wedding photography and wanted to know why you're not using canon pros or cons maybe yeah um so i actually i started on canon so that was what i that was like my bread and butter as a wedding photographer originally and i shot on canon for like i want to say two years um i mean really for me first off mirrorless is what drove me to fuji mirrorless is just it's really good being able to you know see your exposure and your white balance right there inside of the viewfinder like that makes the hugest difference you don't have to like do test shots and all that kind of stuff you pretty much know what you're gonna get um you know i'm not i'm not the youngest guy anymore so carrying all that weight on my back during a wedding was a little too much so the size of fuji like the fuji lenses the fuji bodies they're just so light it just made sense um so between that and the fact that the camera was capable like i just went to fuji because that's yet again the biggest thing and i talk about it all the time is don't don't let other photographers and brands and businesses make you think that you have to have a particular thing to do wedding photography because that's not true at all um and honestly i've said it before i really believe that wedding photography is more customer service than it is photography like obviously you have to be a good photographer and you need to know what you're doing but at the end of the day the customer service weighs way more heavily than your photos so you know people are like you have to have full frame to shoot weddings you really don't you know if you know what you're doing and you know how to do it well then you're fine you know like you really you don't need or like i was watching the video the other day um and you know yet again everyone has their own opinion so no offense to anybody but this photographer was saying that like your your clients expect you to have the like top of the line gear so you need to like buy full frame and i was like what that is not true at all um like when it really comes down to it when it really comes down to it your clients don't care they don't care what you're shooting on they don't do your photos look nice can you perform do you treat them well that's what they care about you know they're not gonna be like oh goodness this guy was shooting on you know a five-year-old camera that was crop sensor no one cares no one's gonna know they just know that you're a photographer your photos look the way they look and you performed well after wedding and you like did a good job that's all they care about so between all of that stuff for me it was just like it made sense to switch to fuji the the weight the price come on i switched from canon and was able to get my whole kit for the price of everything me selling my used canon stuff so i don't think it matters what camera system you use it all depends on how well you know how you're using the tool yet exactly how you know light and and that's really what it is because yet again someone else was talking about that too like at this point in time cameras are good cameras are really good so the only thing that sets you apart from someone else having enough money to buy a good camera is understanding lighting your customer service towards your clients and that's no matter what type of photographer even if it's like um commercial photography or just like portraits with models how you treat them and direct your models it goes a long way um how you know the light how it works how you know how to use your camera so you can have like an xt1 i mean my second photographer shoots with an xt2 and her stuff looks great you know what i'm saying like all of that like having to get the next thing is all just marketing that's all like they want to keep selling stuff they want you to buy their stuff that's just what it is and that's that's business how long would you say it takes for a wedding photography business to see more consistency i'm on my second year and i've booked three weddings for this year yeah it it takes a while and obviously you have to like discount the fact that 2020 throws everything all the way off but it takes a good like four to five years in my opinion before really like feeling solidified and a lot of it's just you you know figuring out finding the ropes getting the experience because experience that's one thing that a lot of people don't talk about they think they're just like all these people who run around telling you like oh you have to charge these rates so that the whole um the industry doesn't get cut down by people charging low rates but on the same end it's like you have to have the experience for those rates you can't be a starting photographer and have no idea what you're doing trying to charge like three four thousand dollars for a wedding because in that sense you're still also doing bad for the industry because if you charge three four thousand dollars and you do a horrible job people are going to be like well wedding photography is not worth that much because i booked a photographer for three four thousand dollars and they sucked so it's half and half but it definitely takes a couple of years i feel like to really get the gears working and word of mouth to kind of start moving and people noticing you and you start having to clout and stuff like that so curious why you chose to switch from the xd3 to the xd4 i actually didn't um i still shoot with the xd3s most of this stuff is actually on the xd3 i bought the xd4 as my video camera so i have an xt30 and that was kind of like my off-board video camera since i do a bunch of youtube stuff um and then when the xd4 was announced and it had ibis and all that stuff i was like oh cool that makes more sense than xd30 so i went ahead and upgraded to the xd4 so my main cameras my main still cameras are still my xt3s so i was just using this yesterday i got my off camera flash got my flash trigger all that good stuff but yeah and then the xt4 is my video camera mainly i've been using it for skills just so i can really like get used to it and see what it's like and maybe make some youtube content about it but for the most part it's just my my video camera like it's not it's not doing anything else but mainly being there for videos best beginner camera for fuji wanting to shoot family lifestyles honestly the xt series is so good the xt series is great grab an xt2 and xt3 they're great if you want something small and just like a little small fun camera get an xt30 xt20 but honestly you really can't go wrong with fuji like all of their cameras are really good i'm always surprised at just how good all the cameras are so now i'm gonna go through and make sure all the photos look good and for the most part i'm just gonna like you know throw a couple black and whites in there and call it a day i'm actually gonna i'm gonna turn my other monitor on so i can see all the photos can you describe your shooting style do you shoot a little underexposed and bring out the shadows in post or you shoot for balance i i tend to shoot for balance i'm a very like get it right in camera type of person um i don't like to underexpose um especially i tend to shoot a lot of mixed race couples and when you have those varying skin tones when you under expose a lot of times the person with the darker skin you're gonna mess them all up um and you don't want to do that so i just i have gotten in a habit of not really shooting underexposed like i'll underexpose a little bit but i'm talking like one stop maybe like i know people who underexpose pretty heavily and i i just don't do that thank you for the sub what's your favorite non-fuji lens sigma yes sigma lenses or my jam those sigma art lenses when i was on canon i was about that life um i think i got the um it was the 50 50 mil art lens sigma art that thing that thing made me a believer that thing was so sharp it was so good i love sigma lenses so much that's great about skin tones and underexposed and didn't really consider it yeah that's that's a it's a big thing especially like i said because i work with so many mixed-race couples it's like a normal thing for me you underexpose someone with dark skin and you lose their hole and you just messed up the photo um so when you have varying skin tones you have to be very aware of that and it also goes on the other end too you don't want to overexpose because then whoever has the lighter skin you're going to blow them out sigma 85 so when the 85 came out at that point i was switching away from canon so i never got a chance to use it but i'm sure it's good because the 50 art was so good yeah my my kit when i was on canon was almost fully sigma sigma 85 was my favorite nice yeah that the 50 the 50 was what got me in the door like once i saw the 50 and how it performed i was like yes make this other one black and white so again too going back to how i split my days into sections like this so i can just edit sections this is another reason why i do it because the easy sections that are like all one scene i can just like bang those out real quick and be like cool so i finished like two sections which is like a hundred some photos or something thoughts on the sony alpha 7s3 compared to the xt3 i mean if you're looking to do video work like if you really want to get into some video work i feel like that um that sony 7s3 is the way to go that thing looks legit totally legit for um video i thought some of these were edited oh it is seen that natural feels this looks so natural i can't even tell that the thing's edited or not are you using the tour box with this stream i am not i'm not used to it enough yet so i do use it i have it right here it's like chilling with me but i'm like slower on it so i'm still trying to get used to it i mainly right now use it for video editing i love it for video editing but the reason that is again is because i'm still so new to final cut that it's easy for me to switch over to using a tour box because i'm not used to it whereas lightroom i've been using for so long now and i've gotten so fast that the muscle memory it's like hard for me to stop but the tour box is awesome i think this thing was edited too actually not i can't even tell it is the widest i shoot for a wedding is 35 i'm thinking of trying to 16 or 24 how much difference would it be from a 35 it's it's pretty different but in my opinion it works best for reception shots and also shots of people processing out or recessing i don't i don't know the term been doing weddings for seven seven years and i have no idea the term of the um so let me show you some examples so so like this if it wants to load i guess maybe maybe let's leave it over here while it tries oh my computer like slow i don't know what's wrong [Music] bro what is the problem there we go so this thing right here this was with the 14. so i actually love shots like this when they're processing out from the wedding at 14 because i think it just really so one potential bride of mine she said she didn't like it because it looks kind of fish-eye but i like it because i think it really adds to the kind of fun and joy of the photo like you can see all the guests around them so you have all these like nice facial expressions of everyone around them you see them nice and center everything's like elongated because it's a wide lens so i love absolutely love white lenses for this type of stuff um and then also for reception photos i think wyatt lenses are best for that as well and i'm talking reception like open dance floor type photos so um like photos like this this was also with the 14. you know this is light painting and stuff but yet again you see you can see more of everything happening you can place the couple right in the middle everything is nice and elongated you can see a lot it's kind of fun so i i love white lenses for that i definitely recommend a white lens for reception open dance floor and when your couple is processing out what's your favorite lens for flat lace so generally i copy the same process every time so i start out with a wide shot like this this was with the 23 f2 so if you're full frame that would be a 35 i think i stopped down a little bit yeah i stopped down to 2.8 and then when i take all my close-ups i switch to 35 f2 so for the most part the 23 f2 and the 35 f2 are like my go-to lenses i use them all day they get the most use on a wedding day this thing ain't straight at all what happens do you know any good alternatives to the gnarbox so i would say it's not really an alternative but um this thing here the my passport wireless pro this thing is cool it's kind of the same concept except it's just a hard drive so it has an sd card slot on it i don't know if y'all can see that because it's not going to focus because my face there it goes and yeah it's just a little hard drive you can back up stuff i think my battery expanded some so i don't i don't know this thing's kind of scary but um it's way cheaper than an rbox if you're just looking for a way to be able to back up stuff the gnarbox is more like a straight up computer which is its main draw and it's like really good for that too so how does it feel to be a fuji creative it's kind of crazy like i still don't believe that i am it's it's weird sometimes oh yeah you're a fujifilm creative an ambassador like wow like literally just a while ago i was over here complaining about trying to figure out how to become a fuji ambassador and then like here i am in there and i'm like oh okay you made a comment about what a potential bride thought about a photo do you adapt your creative style to your client or no and allow them to decide if they like your style yeah so generally i don't adapt my style to the client um because then that would make me not really me you know like my photos would start looking like who knows what um so i generally don't do that however if it's like a couple of small nitpicks that they just don't kind of like i don't mind making a change there so her main thing was that a wide lens that close and she she does a little bit of photography so she also understood it from a technical standpoint but she just she said it made things look a little kind of fish ie um so i was like that's fine you know i'll shoot it with a 23 instead and i won't be as close to you all um so little things like that that's fine that doesn't necessarily change my style but if it's like a couple who wants like super extra posey stuff and the photos are like heavily photoshopped and da da da da like no that's just not my style or like you know they just the way they want it just doesn't line up with how i normally do stuff then yeah those are the clients where i let them know like we're probably not going to work well together because my approach to everything is going to be so different than what you're looking for that you're not going to like it so i just let them know like i'm i'm not your photographer and then i pretty much help them find another photographer or something while editing photos does your monitor matter what kind of monitors do you use to edit yes your monitor definitely matters um i'm using bin q monitors they are basically made for creatives they have 100 srgb they're great like you don't even really have to color correct them or anything these are the pdq 3200 or the pd pd 3200 qs so they're great great monitors i absolutely love them i've been using them for a couple years now no lightroom no so yeah like some of this stuff is looking a little too rough to me so i'll come in and like you know clean that up real quick i'm usually not coming in and touching up photos too hard but like if something stands out too much then i'm gonna i'm gonna clean it up do you have a tutorial on light painting i can't remember if you mentioned it um i don't think i do i need to make one actually would you prefer using a zoom rather than a couple of prime lens i i don't i don't like zooms i don't like zooms i like knowing exactly where i need to be for a photo and really just being able to feel the spacing and line it up like that i just like the way primes look and then yet again with primes you can get faster primes anyway so you know you can get your f 1.4s and 1.2s and all that type of stuff so that's the biggest draw to primes but yet again also just being able to know exactly what my 50 looks like versus me using a zoom and sometimes like i just you just don't zoom to the same spot sometimes and so like the focal length looks a little different like it's all kinds of little things like that i can't stand about zooms how many photos on average do you normally take while shooting a wedding um usually around like 5 000 or so it depends on how long the day is or not like this one was like 6 000 photos or i think around 5. so again as i go through here i can close some of this down [Music] like i was saying over culling is not so bad because you just you just call this stuff down so and you'll be blatantly obviously like you'll see the photos and be like oh yeah let me just call this down a little bit yup prime all day place you get your step from all that movie you get your steps up fill all my rings on my apple watch this was my second photographer so yet again the second photographer gets to be able to take like all the fun shots like this i wonder if i can like blow this out all the way so that you can't even see it that'd be hype can i just paint in exposure will that work let's try it out come on oh you know what i need to do i need to turn off auto mask and just paint it on sorry to ask again but i could use your advice got a family friend who asked me to get photo and video for their wedding um and you've never you've never shot weddings before is that the the premise of this question i mean the main thing is just be careful like the saddest thing in life which happens a lot is being like screwed over by your own family or friends which happens to a lot of people it's very unfortunate so just make sure that like you have guidelines in place you have you know a contract [Music] get yourself a decent lens or like even a zoom if you just have one camera you should be good to go [Music] first wedding but they want both photo and video they said mostly video so they can just take screenshots as always see that's the kind of stuff riding like yeah i mean just take some video get a decent little camera that does some good 1080p maybe some with ibis on it or if you have two cameras put one on a tripod but yeah that that's a little rough that's it's a little rough and it's scary too because like they're gonna expect a lot from you so like i said again just just be careful how many hours do you typically spend editing photos you take from a wedding i want to say like between six and eight i really don't i don't take that long um if anything it takes me so long because i like have to take breaks and you know do other work and things [Music] i'm a new photographer and i wanted to know if you have a tutorial on how to expose to your liking i don't but i do plan on doing some stuff like that i want to definitely go back to like the basics so this photo as you've seen i'm kind of like kind of going in on the edits a little hard to make it a little bit more of a creative shot this was one taken by my second photographer great job lightroom great job so yeah i just what i did is i painted in exposure on the right side here to like totally get rid of that window and what i'm gonna do now is take this into photoshop and then we can get rid of like some of this top part yo lightroom lightroom is really over here for real struggling i got an xd i mean yeah if you have an xc3 just make sure you have a wide lens and just get in there and do the thing give them some good coverage yeah so let's go right click edit in photoshop do you shoot in raw always yes always raw now fuji has definitely made me consider shooting in jpeg because it's so good it's like so good coming out the camera like i really really have thought about it but outside of that no i just shoot you know straight on straight on raw alright so let's actually let's just take this whole section [Music] and let's see what photoshop can do with some content aware fill i'm hoping that it'll just brighten that all up and just make it one big white thing but it might not actually what i should have done is gotten rid of this first yep it almost did it all right so let's let's first get rid of this [Music] yeah and then now we can come in [Music] and let's see so i i generally try not to do this to too many photos because it takes up so much time but sometimes i think a photo is worth it like this is a nice shot i like it a lot how many photos are in typically a wedding package i usually i quote around average of 650 and it can range from the day so this one i called it and it came out to 1200 so you know take that into account after i'm editing and stuff and calling stuff down it'll probably be around a thousand ish 1100 yeah so some photoshop work i was able to get rid of that window i got this nice little black and white kind of this is a great shot i like this a lot hey john you and your videos inspired me to start my own photography business i'm in the process right now awesome that's cool good luck with everything i wish you the best 650 are all of those edited yes they are and that's average a lot of times it's more a lot of times i'm like doing like 900 photos or something yep so that's the end result right there and then yet again i have my exporting for sharpening and the grain so what i would do is we'll just export this so y'all can kind of see the process after i did all that with photoshop you know i would export it add some screen sharpening and then that also goes to exposure up here comes the landscapers again so here's the photo after export it and then we throw that black and white green and sharpening and this would be the final result [Music] oh goodness y'all [Music] do they oh yeah so i don't take 650. um i usually take like this wedding i took 6 000 and called it down to 1200 so you know if i do a wedding and i call it down to a thousand they'll get a thousand so the average is just what i quote people like they're gonna at least get 650 on an eight hour day um so yes they do get the whole 650. can't tell if that's a honda or leaf blower sounds like the purge alarm they're like right back there too they always come through it's my boy dan y'all go check out dan check out dan he's one of my favorite videographers that i've ever worked with shout outs to dan bam check him out he's good actually me and dan have a wedding coming up like what next week together so that would be cool that'll be some good stuff oh yeah this is a great shot so yeah again this was my second photographer awesome shot i did some super extra photoshop to it and it's cool very creative kind of fun shop i always always love stuff like that so let's compare again let's create a virtual copy and then i'll reset this one how do i reset it i can't remember go to develop reset it boom oh it's a tiff what have i done no no no [Music] no as a beginner with 50 photos and a package be enough yeah i think it's i think it's a little low um but it depends on how long the day is if you're talking like a three hour three four hour wedding 50 photos yeah that's not bad um but i i always i've never been a huge fan of like bracketing off how much my clients are paying based on how many photos they get i just give them good photos mainly they pay for my time and my expertise so here's that before and after and this was the xt2 so fuji xd2 my second photographer took this this is what i did to the edit at the end after some photoshop i overexposed the window section got rid of the bar here at the top and then we did some content aware fill with photoshop and got this as the end result do you also print photo books or create photo albums for your clients i do um if they paid for it so it's like a paid type of thing i actually i can show y'all one real quick so here's an album this is the one i show the clients when we're in meetings but this is with red tree albums if you're not familiar with them they're really awesome here's a link so red tree is really cool because they only serve photographers and photography businesses so if you can't prove that you're a photographer then they won't let you buy albums for them so this is not like client facing stuff yeah it's like a nice album pretty straightforward it's like a flat lay album so everything like opens up nice and flat like that and so i'll design the albums for them basically after i deliver my photos i'll let them pick the photos that they want and then i'll build the album out for them which for that i use smart albums which i'm gonna make a video on at some point too it's good stuff nice edit looks like one of those magazine perfume or wedding shots yeah it's good stuff good stuff all right i've been streaming for a long time i got to start doing emails and stuff i'm going to finish up some more stuff but i'm going to be getting off of here in a little bit so let's go ahead and keep editing see what we can get going yeah i love creative edits like that they're just kind of annoying because they like take up so much time by the way i don't know if you if i would have the confidence to do my first wedding if it wasn't for your food at all that's awesome i'm glad i was able to help out because that's the biggest thing like i like being able to give back like that to other people because at the end of the day i hate i absolutely hate when photographers are too concerned about competition like there's billions of people in the world and like pretty much everyone's getting married you know what i'm saying like there's no point in us sitting here being like oh no competition like come on bro everybody's getting married everybody's getting married and getting divorced and getting married again you know like so everyone's getting married like twice um so sitting there being so concerned about your competition is just i don't know it's like really y'all please let's just all work together to serve our clients serve our couples make the wedding industry as a whole good not just yourself you know what i'm saying like i always hate when i see those stories in the news where like some photographer that someone paid i mean obviously like it doesn't matter how much they paid but they paid them like 500 bucks and then the photographer like screwed them i hate those stories mainly because it's not so much a reflection of the price but more reflection that people see of wedding photographers it just gives them more reason to be like oh i don't know about these wedding photographers you know and i don't i don't like that like it really really makes me sad and i'm like come on y'all yeah like these are all very similar we don't need that many photos let me actually break this down so i can see my photos do you have a recommendation for albums for non-photographers i just like the photography for family and travel artifactor bryson is my absolute favorite um like it really is my absolute favorite i do it for print so all the prints back here are artifact i do it for little books like these artifact uprising i do it for you know little prints like this artifact uprising i do it for some albums as well their albums are fairly priced and they're nice so artifact uprising really like hands down is really cool this is them here i don't is my pc slow i think it's lightroom lightroom has issues because i mean i'm over here running a i9 900k overclocked to 30 or yeah 64 64 gigs of ram like i'm in here you know i got a radeon 7 which is a 16 gig vram card like it's you know i'm in here so see another reason i don't like backlighting is yet again so this whole thing is going to be overexposed if i like turn it up obviously because she's in the shadow because of backlight so i can shadow save some you know what like because yeah i never understood the whole trend of backlighting everything but i feel like what happened was photographers who used flash and stuff you know they loved backlighting stuff because it made sense they filled in the flash at the front but then all these natural light photographers started coming around like me so i'm not no offense to nobody i'm definitely mainly natural light and we started doing backlighting too but to get the subject to look right you have to overexpose the background so then you just have blown out backgrounds everywhere so yeah i'm just i'm not a fan of backlighting in general i'd rather light the subject with the light rather than have everything backlit here's that before and after i painted in shadow save on her yeah it's not the pc yeah it's it's definitely not the pc lightroom is just a wonky program that's just what it is it's like the worst lightroom is the worst like i hate i put all this money into this custom build pc with like the top of the line parts at the time and like you know like all the good stuff in lightroom's just like you know i don't like perfectly clear i used it before um i had it in the past i'm just not a fan of it at all luminar is kind of cool though i definitely use that a little bit can you talk more about client meetings what do you usually discuss in those meetings um so for client meetings first off i have a video about that and i i love i've taken the time to like make a pretty decent little catalog of you know some videos of topics like that i need to go back and revisit some of that stuff um there it goes but so client meetings generally i just get to know them i like to make sure that they are cool with me because the biggest thing when you're photographing someone is if they're not comfortable around you in general then you're not going to get good photos so that's a first i want to make sure that we vibe with each other at least so usually i'll meet in person or either over facetime or something i mean i've been doing that before even the pandemic like i always used to meet in person and stuff um and then after that we talk about their wedding day and just kind of what their plans are and stuff which usually leads into questions they have for me and a lot of the times it's just little things but the main focus is just making sure we align on a lot of my approaches to things so i'll ask them if they're doing a first look or not and things like that kind of give them an idea an idea of how i run my wedding days and um you know what i'm gonna just get rid of these photos and use that other one my second took of her coming out because that was much better and yeah and i answer any questions they have normally in my meetings i don't talk about money because i don't want my wedding photography to be transactional um the worst thing you can do for yourself is make a meeting about money because then they don't care about you or what you can do for them or your value to them all they care about then is how much does it cost and that usually doesn't lead to anything good except for them just being like you know either resentful because they think it costs too much or whatever it's just when when things are only about the price it usually doesn't end well so yeah i i hope that explains a little bit i was actually thinking about it's hard but i would love to get a couple or a a a new you know inquiry and actually record my meeting with them and put it on patreon and just share that with you all so you can kind of see the process and stuff yes some of this is just like too much of the same so yeah i'm just kind of calling this down a bit because yet again it's just too much of the same those photos are beautiful thank you so much okay i did a pretty fair amount here let's switch over to a couple portraits do a little bit of that and then i'm gonna head on off i got people i gotta email and keep up with all that i got videos i gotta edit i got so much to do [Music] there's always work to be done y'all these are invaluable info priceless info for me you're welcome i'm happy to help out the photos are gorgeous i call the photos and photo mechanic awesome yeah so this is this is the good old 56 one two and then for the lighting here basically it's kind of like a tunnel so i have them standing kind of at the front of it so all the lights pouring right into them let's crop this one some so yeah they have all the light funneled in on them the background is going to be a bit darker and then my second photographer hooked me up with the alternative same shots but super wide which yet again like i said that's what you want from your second i love it when they're taking like very similar shots but just like a different perspective [Music] yeah shots like this always loving black and white i wonder if i need a faster hard drive that might be half of it too i think the hard drive i'm working off of is like just like a nor it's not even a solid state hard drive and that's probably the problem yep just calling this thing down i always over cull so straighten this up a bit crop this in use ssd yeah i'm i'm pretty sure like i started using this hard drive so that i could like save everything um but i'm i'm pretty sure that's the issue is that i'm not using a um an ssd i'm used to using nikon or fuji's more complicated to use and they're about the same i find them easier but it's give and take you know when you're really used to something you know it's hard to say it's easier or not i have an nvme that i was using for photography that rhymes but i stopped using it for some reason it like got full on space or something and i couldn't take this stuff off of it or something i can't remember what was going on i probably should start using it again really that's really the real answer okay hold on let me here's my second photographer again for the win this is also gonna definitely be a black and white look at that huh so good photos in hdd so see that's the thing i have my photos now in a heart just a normal hard drive yeah i think i'm gonna get rid of all these i ain't like them anyway how many photos do you normally deliver for an eight hour wedding it's usually about an average of 650 um but it ranges so a lot of the times it's around like a thousand or so aside from photography what do you do in your free time so i have three kids so i'm either hanging out with the family or my wife um i like video games so video games is probably like what i spend most of my time doing if i have free time that's if that if it's big if i have free time a lot of times i'm sliding in like literally like here's 10 minutes of a video game and that's about it um i draw a little bit but yet again that's if i have time oh this was all me nice and yes that's that's pretty much it i used to be a gym rat i'm kind of slacking on that now but i like to work out i haven't in a while i've gotten lazy but yeah pretty much video games and tech stuff in my family that's pretty much what i spend my time doing if i'm not doing photography yeah i think that's pretty good for now i think that's pretty good for now i'm trying to advertise myself as a second shooter but i keep finding photographers in my area want to match gear and it's mostly nikon canon how would you recommend i hate that i have such a pet peeve against that kind of stuff but so that that's definitely one of the harder things to deal with especially if you're shooting fujifilm like i still like the second shoot now too even though i do my own weddings because honestly it's good money it's good nice cheap money because all you have to do is show up and do a great job support the main and then give them your photos and you know you get like 500 bucks for eight hours like that's that's pretty decent work you know but um it's hard because yeah people are really picky and i mean it definitely helps to have the same camera system it just makes things a little overall easier but in my opinion like i don't care you know like i'll shoot with whoever so when you are mainly on fujifilm or something it's kind of hard to second if anything like keep one canon camera or something just so you can second and get some experience in but honestly just find photographers who understand that the camera system doesn't matter because see and that's what i'm saying like things like that happen it's not just because of editing because a lot of times some of those photographers they barely even edit their own stuff so that's literally just that same mentality again of people being like oh you have to be full frame to be able to do weddings and it's like no but because everyone thinks that then you know you look in facebook groups so they're like looking for a second photographer and you're like great i shoot fuji is it full frame no i still second people still love my stuff it's just hard it's it's hard but yeah there's there's really no way to combat that pushback you just have to have a good portfolio and kind of show people that you can do well show them your shots if you're if your work speaks then they'll you know they'll at least take you seriously this is good stuff this is a good looking wedding i always i love when i come back from a wedding and i don't know the day itself everything's always so stressful so you're like oh i'm not sure and you get home you start editing and stuff and you're like yeah that's pretty good it's not so bad but that's gonna be it for today y'all i did a bunch of editing it's looking good i'm like losing my voice now and stuff and like i said before i have some other emailing and other admin type work that i need to go ahead and get on for the day as well since it's friday and the day is pretty much done so thank you again for hanging out on the channel thank you again for joining the stream i hope you all liked watching me edit i hope you learned a little bit these longer longer like three hour streams i'm probably not going to keep up on there but you can find them on my patreon so you can go back and go through but i'm definitely going to keep this up for at least a little bit like a week or something and then maybe archive it away for the patreon folks so again thank you for hanging out i hope you learned some i hope you enjoyed the photos and i will catch you all next time alright peace [Music] you
Channel: John Branch IV Photography
Views: 42,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fujifilm xt4, fujifilm, fujifilm wedding, fujifilm wedding gear, fujifilm xt4 ibis, fujifilm xt4 review, fuji xt4, fujifilm xt4 unboxing, john branch iv photography, fuji, fuji xt3, fujifilm xt4 release date, xt4, fuji xt4 video, fujifilm xt4 vs xt3, photography, switching to fuji for wedding photography, wedding photography tips, xt4 review, fuji xt4 release date, xt3 vs xt4, fuji xt4 review, gfx 100, fujifilm gfx 100, gfx 100 vs xt4
Id: 931z3pqKWsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 44sec (11444 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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