Fujifilm X100VI Long Term Review | After The Hype

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[Music] what was I thinking a lot of people think I got this camera because of the hype but Jason vong doesn't buy into the hype he is the hype I am the one who [Music] knocks Fujifilm x16 2 months later I truly believe that I'm the 1% that bought this camera because of its amazing video capabilities in a pocketable form factor video no other camera brand is giving us this right now 6.2k 30 frames per second 4K 60p 10 bit 422 F lock inbody image stabilization with a built-in ND filter and I need to emphasize this you will not find a camera in this size in this market that is this stacked and the built-in ND filter is truly the cherry on top I hate screwing on ND filters with a passion but as video users you kind of need it if you want smooth motion blur in broad daylight if you shoot too high of a shutter speed things can start looking a bit weird you might have seen the famous helicopter propeller effect having motion blur will help make your videos feel more realistic and cinematic on top of that if you shoot an F log your starting base ISO is at 500 and F log 2 is at 1,000 so it's pretty high up there and we need to compensate for that in some way and let me tell you it ain't going to be epic I've been doing a lot of Street cinematography with the x16 which I've been posting a lot on my social media and Mah Mah mwah mwah Mah I love them they are gorgeous they are beautiful cherry blossoms in Japan ain't never looking this sweet now of course we don't have to shoot an flck to get amazing video colors we can still get those illustrious Fuji color signs through their film simulation sadly unlike photos videos do not get the eight custom profiles we can program in so we would have to manually dial in the different custom recipes if we want to change the look now the top question I'll probably get is does this camera overheat if you're letting it run continuously in 6K 4K then yeah maybe but the street stuff that I do it's less than a minute per clip I've shot photos and videos all day no problem swap battery once very seldom twice in a day that said I am not using this camera in a professional filmmaking environment you can obviously and it is capable but just don't get mad when you run into its limitations for me these video features here were the ultimate deciding factors and I'm very happy with it so let's move on to photos too many megapixels I love and hate High megapixel cameras I really appreciate the details and the quality in a lot of my landscape and cityscape photos I love punching into them and see what I've missed in the moment however I do wish there's an option for smaller raw files because not everything I take has to be 40 megapixels on a random Saturday afternoon like I don't need to zoom into Vivian face and check out all of her pores hey you can do smaller jpegs and yeah most would argue why bother right jpegs already look so damn good why bother editing the raw and I am 100% in agreeance with you but know that there's another spectrum of photographers out there that still prefers to edit the Raw they would appreciate this tidbit of information and I can't ignore them okay Mike honey sit down for me right now in this moment in time I am still in a very experimental stage learning the ins and outs of this camera I want to experiment with many different recipes so I need to take my images in raw so I can fine-tune how I want my images to look like without needing to edit which brings me to the next chapter of the video that will blow your mind 4 X raw studio so you know how you can do raw conversion in camera right like you shot raw you can actually change the white balance the film simulation adjust tone curve yada yada y yeah it's a pretty garbage experience because you don't get a real time preview of the changes until you press q and I would love for Fuji to improve on this aspect but for now you would actually get a better experience if you did it on desktop so let's say for example you found a custom recipe online you want to try right and instead of tediously punching in all the settings and saving a custom profile in camera you can actually do all that on desktop see what your images look like with your new recipe and then save the recipe profile directly to your camera so you can shoot with it next time like oh my God you have no idea how many crappy recipes I've tried before this punching in all those settings and then going on to shoot just to find out my images are trash now I can just pull up an image that I've shot beforehand and test it all out right here right now and holy cow does this make my life so much easier but here comes the cumbersome thing about this whole process you need to have the camera connected to your computer the whole time in order to access the raw conversion feature and it has to be the same motto like you cannot edit x16 raw files if you have another Fuji MTO plugged in and vice versa that and this thing is a clunky app and maybe some of you are just waking up right now still waiting for that coffee to brew and you might be wondering why is this guy editing on the Fuji app and not in Lightroom again it's not actually about editing it's about being able to test custom recipes easily so you don't have to edit in Lightroom capish cende wakar Masa quick what does ibis stand for if you answered inbody image stabilization then you are correct if you answered it's a hotel then you're also correct IIs people have the audacity to say inbody image stabilization is not a huge upgrade like bruh from the five to the six really for handheld videos the footage are actually usable now and photos absolutely inbody image stabilization just open up a lot of possibilities you can shoot at a much slower shutter speed at like 1 second and still get stable and sharp results especially in low light situations but even daytime combine that with the ND filter stop down at F-16 and you can get some of that nice motion blur or take out some of those straggles in your epic landscape shot it's insanely good how dare you say embody image stabilization is not a huge upgrade autofocus on the flip side I'm not dunking on Fuji okay but I think it's kind of a known fact that their autofocus is not the best in the industry especially if you're coming from something like I don't know Sony in comparison yeah it's going to feel a lot worse and I bring this up not because I'm trying to shuffle people to Sony okay Sony King but it is important to understand this now rather than buying the camera and being disappointed when you're actually using it so single autofocus great continuous autofocus it's noisy even the most static subject it just sounds like it's struggling to maintain Focus which is really odd it does have face and eye autofocus but even if your subject is the most apparent thing on the screen the x16 can and still sometimes will focus on another human being way in the distance behind your subject like why would it do that I've been shooting with Sony for so long now that I kind of take its autofocus for granted it's not 100% but the focus accuracy is way higher so there's a higher chance my photos will be in TCT sharp focus is it the biggest deal breaker if what your photographing requires utmost accuracy like tracking a fast moving subject then yes but if you're just doing Simple snaps then no the slower autofocus is a nonissue now some Street photographers would tell you to just turn off autofocus bro learn how to Z Focus you Noob which is basically going into manual focus and saying the focus distance to take photos so whatever is within that distance will for sure be in Focus this is an entirely separate shooting experience that I personally don't mind doing and I understand that style of freedom for street photography but to convince everyone to shoot this way claiming it's the most Superior and most authentic way to use this camera when it's 2024 and the x16 is capable of autofocus is way too extreme bottom line I just think the autofocus here can be way better and right now I need your autofocus to be right about here PPA if you're looking to pick up the Fuji x16 or any cameras in general and hey maybe turn your photography into a business business be sure to check out pp's educational resources as a PPA member you get access to over 900 classes to take your photography and business to the next level learn how to take amazing photos like these and even book high-paying clients who want to hire you for your math skills and with their gear Insurance you get up to $115,000 worth of equipment insurance so you can take photos and travel with a piece of mind and uh you would probably want that considering how hot of a commodity the x16 is right now and those are just some of the benefits you get as a PPA member to learn more click on the link below and also get $25 off your full membership thanks for your autofocus now back to the video form factor and ergonomics so uh you might have seen how dusty my camera is and that's because I pocket it a lot I do make sure to have this cap on right here and this thing sticks on pretty tight lots of friction I love this lens cap design but despite it looking small it is a dense camera I'm not complaining it's heavy but you will feel the weight especially with its limited grip after a while my hand does few kind of sore you can of course get a thumb grip or a grip extension but some would argue that it would defeat the purpose of the pocketable form factor you don't have to listen to them at the end of the day it's your camera you can dress it up however you like if you want to add an extension then add an extension some people hate it on my straw hat Hot shoe cover they just don't know who the pirate king is going to be while I wouldn't use the ports while I'm using the camera it's just awkward that it's on the grip side and not on the other side it's such a strange Choice almost like they intentionally made the mic Port here to be 2 and2 millim and not your standard 3 and 1/2 mm so you never use a mic therefore you would never run into this problem the shift in the/ Quin 20 screw hole was a huge concern but if you're using a peak design plate you'll be okay just make sure that it's situated as far from the battery door as you can it's still a little awkward to take the battery out but it's doable I love how bright you can make the LCD screen which is nice in broad daylight though the viewfinder is still the best in that situation menu this is a tricky thing to talk about so I'm not going to spend too much time on it but most people will find it a bit slow and clunky so if you're someone who's buying this camera but never struggle with any camera menus before you will probably find this to be a frustrating experience like one of the frustrating thing for me that we keep running into is video playback like you would think the playback button here means play the video no it exits you out of the playback menu in order for you to play the video you have to press this nub down not in but down that is incredibly weird so if someone knows how to reprogram these buttons please please please let me know lens converters so surprisingly a lot of comments in one of my Fuji videos strongly dislike these lens converters and I can see where they're coming from but Vivi and I love them since we're not interested in an interchangeable lens Fuji system these here gives us an opportunity to change up our look this wcl here winds our view to 28 mm and this TCL tightens our view to 50 mm these adapters here are expensive at $350 a pop I wouldn't recommend getting them unless you can get it for a much lower price for us we paid about $200 to $250 each for ours anytime you add additional elements in front of your glass you do lose a bit of quality and because these are 40 megapixel cameras it's quite apparent when you zoom into your photos is it noticeable otherwise not really anyways do I recommend the Fuji x16 I do I highly recommend this camera if any of the talking points I've made resonated with you but this camera is incredibly hard to get right now if you try to place a reservation right now I don't know when will get it we were able to pre-order the silver one for viven and was lucky enough to get it on launch day and I loved it so much that I regret not pre-ordering one for myself so I bit the bullet and bought my black one off of Facebook Marketplace for $2,000 $2,000 so I overpay $250 more over MSRP if you include California tax well look at that we're in front of Mount Fuji with the Fuji x16 it's up to you how much you're willing to overpay but I suggest try to keep it under $2,000 I have $2,000 do I hear to5 however if you want just the features and the results that I pray so much about but you don't want to wait then you can just pick up a 27 mm f2.8 lens with an xt5 or xh2 I believe those share the same sensor as the x16 I don't think you'll get the built-in ND filter though but you will at least have the option for different lens choices but if you just want the look of the camera and don't care about the video at all you can just get an oder X 1005 or any of the X100 series don't forget to check out PPA link down below and I will see you guys in the next video peace snap head shot to the lens fi style the x16 it rocks with Jason V your H back knocks frame it upy style capture light the far way Frame It [Applause] [Music] Up capture life the long [Applause] [Music] way I am the one who knocks [Music]
Channel: Jason Vong
Views: 32,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jason vong, photography, cameras, camera lens, digital camera, videography, filmmaking, travel, fujifilm x100vi, best aps-c camera, x100vi, x100v, fujifilm xt-50, best edc camera
Id: PmeMlYupfdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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