Fujifilm X100V | Everything I Love & Hate After Two Years

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if you follow this channel for any real length of time you know my crazy affinity for this camera so after almost exactly two years of use what are my thoughts how has it held up uh and does it live up to the hype especially because these things are so hard to come by right now that they're often going for more than the regular MSRP so today we are checking out all of the reasons why I love and some of the reasons why I don't so much love the Fujifilm X100 now this video isn't sponsored but is supported by you all just liking and watching this video as well as clicking some of those links below if you make purchases through any of that kind of stuff I get like really small Kickbacks and one of those Kickbacks is through my friend Todd at clever Supply Co they at my uh begging and request have finally made these really really thin the skinny version of their very very popular Peak straps they've made a skinny version for a long long time but I've always wanted to get one with the peak design stuff on it as well because a lens and a camera like this doesn't need a thick strap it just needs a really really minimal set up here so I've convinced Todd to start making these which works especially well for these little Fujifilm cameras and all the other stuff that I use the leica's now I've even used these on my Hasselblad and it just works great so if you're interested you can check out the link below and use the code binge I don't know what the discount is exactly but it'll be in the description and it'll also support my friend Todd who makes these by hand as well as gives me a few bucks as well so first of all this camera is obviously very small compact it weighs 478 grams which is just a little bit over a pound I think very lightweight and that includes the batteries and everything so as a small camera that you can kind of take anywhere fantastic obviously it's also kind of has that Rangefinder offset viewfinder aesthetic well it is not a coincident Rangefinder like a Leica is it does have the offset viewfinder which allows you to be able to look with another eye elsewhere and kind of see your surroundings it also is one of those things where if you are photographing a subject in particular instead of having the camera completely covered up your face or completely covering your face the offset viewfinder allows half of your face to be seen so people can see your facial expressions your mannerisms all that kind of stuff which I find is a incredibly underrated thing because when I'm photographing people I'm often trying to sort of mirror what I am wanting out of a client or couple or my kids or whatever so if I want The Smiling I'll be smiling if I want them serious I'll be serious you know all those different things and if you have a camera directly in front of your face you're not going to see that but if you have the camera offset it's just one of those things that ends up being a really really good way to break down potential barriers between yourself and a subject the other thing is obviously uh it looks retro in a way that has some Modern features but also is very clearly reminiscent of a older film camera which is also a thing that is going to be both stylistically something I really love carrying around and looking at it also makes it something that I want to pick up and use and also it is another one of those things it's a little bit more disarming to a subject because when you pull up a little camera like this versus a normal DSLR mirrorless whatever camera there's just something about the aesthetic and the overall feel and everything like that of that that is really really good I will also say that the fact that it has a really really good Optical viewfinder as well as an evf that is actually an OLED evf as well is something that um you know it's not the best it's not the best evf in the world it's not like crazy sharp but it more than does the job and I really do love the fact that it does have the ovf especially when I'm just kind of like walking around a city or something like that I often will change this to the ovf another thing that is pretty helpful about this is just the little tilt screen here being able to pop this down like this and just make it flat or even just use it sort of as a wasteland finder cool little feature that's not like crazy and it doesn't break the whole system of this but having just that little bit of a tilt screen is super helpful and I really enjoy it now I guess while we're on the body um I'll add that every camera nowadays should have USBC this does obviously so the fact that I can just plug this in as if it's just like a phone or something like that I could get away with only having one battery if I can you know plug it in and charge it uh throughout the day or whatever super helpful feature and again something that every camera should have as we're going throughout the body as well the camera can be weather resistant it's not like it's going to survive like just being dropped in water but if you unscrew this little guy and then add a filter by getting a filter adapter a lot of people buy a filter and then reverse mount it on here and then the camera won't be able to focus don't do that buy a filter your adapter you don't have to buy the official X100 one there's plenty of other ones out there that you can purchase I'll leave links below to the ones that are cheap on Amazon in doing that shoving just like a regular UV filter or something creative like a cinebloom or something we'll make this so that it can survive out in the rain so again for a personal tool that you're going to be taking out and around and maybe to trips or kids sports games or whatever another really really handy feature about this camera now to getting into the nuts and bolts having a 35 millimeter equivalent lens with an F2 aperture in this small of a form factor just like the main draw or one of the main draws to this camera I would love it if it was faster but for the size man if I'm gonna have just one lens for every single thing I could take portraits with a 35 I can shoot wide enough that I can get a lot of the context of things with 35 five there is just so much that you can do with the 35 millimeter equivalent focal length and going down to F2 brings in enough light that is going to be good in low light it's also going to be able to separate a subject from the background well enough it's just a great little camera um in all of those ways and I think Fujifilm was very specific in putting that particular lens in and it is the basically right decision for the vast majority of people [Music] but I wish they could have stayed [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] all right it all the ways in life will break your heart or I knew that's what they called [Music] me smile here you go away [Music] to learn your real world [Music] the other little bonus thing about this is it has a built-in ND filter so the way that Fujifilm cameras work in terms of dynamic range with their jpegs is that they will give you the most dynamic range if you shoot at ISO 640 which is kind of high up there but if you enable the ND filter that allows you to shoot at you know shutter speeds and everything like that that are reasonable for a camera like this it also gives you the ability to shoot much more manageable video on this thing there's a lot of reasons why it's not a great video camera but in a pinch this camera does work as a video camera and it puts out a really great image actually and the ND filter definitely helps to make a more cinematic looking video because of that another thing is the sensor and image quality 26 megapixels for an everyday type of camera like this is fantastic there are very rarely If Ever I guess situations where I need more than 20 6 megapixels that's the thing is like everything about this camera just ends up being something that just works for the vast majority of people I don't think any of it is like the best in the world of anything really it's a little bit bigger than some of the other cameras it's smaller than a lot of cameras it's not as fast as some lenses it's faster than it's just like an all-around amazing camera and that's obviously what they have designed it to be another thing that's pretty simple though is just the idea that it does a really really good job a lot better of a job than many of my other cameras if just working in auto mode I use it with auto shutter speed auto ISO and then I basically run it in the aperture priority by setting it to F2 kind of set it forget it kind of thing unless I'm doing some sort of Landscapes I do really love how the whole exposure triangle is very easily controlled within this pull-up dial for the iso the regular Dial here and then the aperture so everything just in that little package fantastic I also love that it is just such a well-loved camera that there are a ton of other accessories for it whether it be that 28 millimeter equivalent wide conversion lens adapt chapter or all of the lens hoods and grips and things like that it's just a well thought out system that a lot of people have put in a lot of effort to which makes owning a camera like this a little bit of fun too because you can sort of customize it into what you love now that we've gone over all of the many many many things that I really love about this camera here are the few that I don't love as much and again I'm going to be biased because I do love this camera a lot but here are the things to I guess look out for and maybe know that exist because many of the reviews are so glowing that you might run into some of these things and be slightly annoyed by them so first of all the flash is like sort of just like a neutral thing I'm not going to complain about it too much because there is a flash but it's also like this tiny little strip here it's not very big it's not that powerful but it's better than nothing so I would rather have a flash than not have one the other annoying thing is if you use any sort of lens Hood at all it's going to block part of the flash which is also sort of annoying it's not bad it's not good it's just one of those like I'm glad that it has it I feel like it could be better but I'm glad that we have one another issue that I found out a few months ago was that I was just doing everything manually and sticking the shutter speed one four thousandth of a second and when you do that you see the image the bokeh and everything changes basically just avoid that shutter speed if you can use the ND filter and you won't have this weird like movement going across the bokeh of your images so again not that huge of a deal another thing is that if you have any Fuji camera the Fujifilm app um it just is awful I really wish that this had a better way of offloading things and connecting to an app not saying that it's any worse than any other company's apps because they all kind of suck but it also just sucks so it's kind of requiring you to have more Hardware so if you do want to buy this camera most likely you're going to want to have some sort of other device than just hoping that an app works on this so the battery life also is pretty garbage even on their site it rates the battery at I think like 350 photos and obviously you can change some of that by changing how you're using the electronics and the viewfinders and the screens and all that kind of stuff if you're going to go out you're going to need multiple batteries most likely or a power bank that you're going to be able to you know charge via the USBC the other thing is a lot of people talk about like oh it must be really fun to manual focus this thing uh no it's not fundamental Focus this lens it's just it's like totally electronic and it just doesn't give you that same experience of just any camera manual focusing anything I definitely would not recommend wanting to manually focus this much for anything other than yeah doing street photography and Zone Focus that kind of thing it also has amazing video but a 35 millimeter equivalent with no Ibis or anything like that on a lightweight body like this is going to give you really really kind of janky wobbly footage uh it also will overheat very very quickly because it is weather resistant so I think it only gives you like 10 minutes of record time or something like that so uh again something that you could use in a pinch but if you wanted to buy this and hopefully it could be like your all-in-one you could use it for YouTube uh videos as well as your personal street photography thing whatever it could but um I could just not have any video features in this at all and be more than happy um so I would not buy this as a video camera at all unless you're just using it for very very small Clips on a tripod then it could work and then the last thing is just the fact that like everything else in the world um these are just hard to come by right now they're always back ordered they're always out of stock the camera's been out for like two years plus I just checked again on moment and b h uh and they're just they're just not available anywhere so a 1400 camera is often going for 1600 to 2 000 it just seems like a lot to have to Shell out that being said it's still worth it to me because of how useful it is it's just a great backup a perfect little camera that I can bring anywhere there's just so many things to love about this camera and the only real huge downside to it at the current moment is just the it's so popular if you want to get one today you probably have to go on eBay or something and buy it at a markup which kind of sucks so if I were you I would go on and just make pre-orders at moment b h and then once one of them comes up cancel the other ones and then you'll get one for a little bit less but if you're impatient or have something that you actually need it for like a trip buying it and spending the extra little bit of money is going to be about the difference between you renting one for that time anyway even at the markup it's crazy to think but I do think it's still worth the money because it's so small it's such high quality it does so many amazing things it's one of those cameras that is just special it's just the camera that I think everyone should have if they love photography love to take photos and can stomach the cost so thanks so much for watching again I'll put links to all the things that I use for this as well as these straps as well as the hoods and the conversion lenses all that good stuff if you liked how the photos were processed in this video those are all done with my Cascade presets that work obviously amazing with this you can find those in the links down below and if you want to see more I've done a ton of videos on the x100v so you can see those in the description down below as well and up here hopefully that was helpful let me know if you have any questions in the comments down below and I will see you all on the next one thank you
Channel: Benj Haisch
Views: 86,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fuji x100v, fujifilm, fujifilm x100v, x100v review, x100v long term review, fujifilm x100, best edc camera, best 35mm camera, best point and shoot camera, best travel camera, best personal camera, fuji x100v video, fuji x100v lens, fuji x100v review, fujifilm x100v review, is the x100v worth it
Id: 4Cq1uhsBgts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 24 2022
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