Fuji X100VI Vs. Ricoh GRIIIx - Street Photography Showdown

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] so good morning oh hey hey hey good morning from changai it is it's pretty early it's probably just past half 6 and I'm on my way to meet Shan Dalton this morning um he's a Travel Photographer and YouTuber and all around good guy and we're going to meet for coffee and head to I think he mentioned uh cadang Market which I've not been to yet so let's go meet sea I haven't met him yet so be interested to see what kind of knowledge he can share with me and what kind of photos we can take at this Market it's beautiful because the sun is just Rising so hopefully you know hopefully we're going to get some beautiful light this morning so before we go meet Sean and we delve deeper into this video I just want to tell you about an experience I had on my way to the coffee shop so like I said it was about half 6 in the morning and everything was waking up and as I turned a corner corner I saw a woman on her knees praying to a monk now I knew in this moment I only had a few seconds to grab this fantastic scene motorbikes were whizzing past obstructing my view but little did I know that it would add to the photo that I was able to grab I clicked the shutter three times and as you can see the first and the second were very poor out of focus and the composition was just terrible but somehow I managed to maintain my composure and on the third shot I grabbed possibly one of the best photos I've ever taken does it stand up against anyone else's I I don't know I don't care really but for me it was really something special and I'm so pleased with the outcome but what I love more is the experience of being able to take that photo luckily I had the right settings and luckily I was able to maintain my composure to get the shot these are the moments we live for as photographers and it's these kind of stories that we love to tell anyway I just want to share that with you because I was so chuffed with this photo and I'm just so happy with the outcome I also graded the photo with my new travel pack so if you're interested go visit my store and you can see all of the presets that are now on offer so I've just met up with sha and we are in CAD cadang cadang Market is that right one cadang cadan and uh yeah I have come with my Rico gr 3x and Shan has purchased the x16 loving it so far just got it a few days ago I've been shooting like crazy uh but I'm super impressed with it so we're going to take some pictures today and yeah do a little comparison of the two if uh you know if you're thinking of buying a travel camera you know what might be uh your options if you're thinking about the RICO or possibly the new x16 [Music] like the Apple just feel that your bu noal just s but I'm not Cy [Music] [Music] so one thing to note about the RICO g3x is that um because it's the X version is a 40 million M focal length but with the Fuji G x16 that is uh equivalent to 35 mil so there is a difference in focal length to remember with these tests however just get the normal Reco that one's I think uh the same as the x16 to do your research for the focal length you want [Music] great nice let's see it oh yeah that's [Music] sick oh lad I know yeah man that's one thing I love so much about Northern Thailand is like the people are just so chill so Community focused uh the people are really friendly and they are totally unbothered by cameras yeah yeah you know so there's some beautiful light down this street I think Shan's getting some great photos with the x16 but it's interesting to see see how the RICO is holding up and I say holding up it's a fantastic camera of course it's going to do well you know it's got so much hype about at the x16 so but we'll keep plowing through and uh keep comparing shots this is a brilliant place to come and take photos if you're ever in changai definitely a place worth shooting at really nice she'll let us take a picture of Sor oh hi hi name Don name Don boy oh boy okay oh dollar oh yeah oh [Music] okay waiting for a [Music] bike there you go and he's need somebody from coming from this [Music] way see you mate cool so just left Shan there and I really do think that the RICO has held up quite well I'm I'm well happy with some of the shots I've got today but the X100 6 looks good it's tempting um I know there's so much hype around these cameras and you know I obviously suffer with gas which is the acquisition syndrome but um after seeing it and looking at that beautiful camera you can't help but think God i' I'd love to get my hands on it um great to meet sha he's a lovely guy really um great photographer go check him out I'm sure you probably already know about him anyway if you follow this channel so it's been a couple of days and I've just reviewed both mine and Sean's images and here are my thoughts but before I dive into that I just want to give a big shout out to the DJI of osmo pocket 3 it has become my favorite camera of 2024 it has become an invaluable piece of gear I will be making a video on that soon so stay tuned anyway here are my thoughts on both the x16 and the RICO gr 3x now it goes about saying that the x16 has so much hype going on around this camera after the popularity of the x100v it it was Gunner and after after speaking with sha and having watched his video which you should definitely go check out I'll leave a link in the description and I have to say however much I kind of want it I really don't think I need it and that's a kind of big thing to know is what you want and what you need are two different things because for someone like myself I already own the X pro fre and I also have the xh2 S as you probably already know and obviously I own the RICO but do I need the X1 1006 and the answer is no now it has new features like it has inbody stabilization and it can now shoot 4K 42210 bit which is incredible in such a small body but how useful is that I mean how much how much do M need that so some of the footage you're seeing here is from the x16 it's fantastic looks great but is it necessary I mean like I said I have the DJI osmo pocket 3 I have my xh2 even the X pro fre shoots in 4k 30 all of these cameras now have so much that I don't know how necessary all of it is and however much the big kid in me wants to get my hands on that x16 I'm pretty content with my Rico which comes in at a cheaper price it's smaller it's more pocketable it's more travel friendly you know something I take out to dinner with me just in case I have a chance to grab a magic scene just like I did with the woman praying to the monk I can definitely say that I would not have got that photo if I did not have that camera on me it was in my pocket I was on my way and the scene presented itself I'm pretty sure that if I had the Fuji x16 it probably would have been in my sling bag or in my backpack and I would have missed the shot so the RICO for me is the better travel companion I've had the x100f so I I feel like I have some knowledge about the X100 series but I don't have the x16 and maybe that is wrong with me to cast such a strong opinion and you might think obviously I'm being bias but as long as I can shoot raw files and tailor make my photos to how I want them maybe using that travel pack that I mentioned I can develop and produce something that I'm really happy with most of the photos I take for my zen have been with that Rico gr 3x as you can see here the quality that comes out of that tiny little camera is fantastic and it does have great image stabilization in there if you're interested I have made a video saying the five reasons why you need to get this camera but look this was just a fun little exercise I don't think the x16 is a bad opertion at all like I said I love to have my hands on it but for the price and my needs more than my wants I just think I'm going to have to pass for now thanks again to Sean for taking me around changai like I said go check out his video he does a great review on the x16 he gives some great pros and cons to why you might want to consider that camera anyway thank you for watching let's make some waves and I will see you in the next
Channel: Jay Ducker
Views: 21,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fujifilm, xh2s, travel photography, travel, x pro 3, fuji, fuji xh2s, fuji x pro 3, sigma lens, viltrox, fujifilm xs20, xs20, sirui, cine lenses, filmmaking, photography, fuji recipes, ricohgriiix, x100vi, fuji x100vi, fujifilmx100vi
Id: qq2I2Tpsjr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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