Fueling a diesel motorhome at a truck stop

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okay so we are going to be getting off and the town is Cheyenne and we're gonna go to the Flying J truck stop where we will be fueling with diesel in the truck lanes and then we're going to also use their cat scale to get weights for the axles um now that we have the vehicle fully loaded and we want to know how much is on each axle this is um an interesting stop because they have these really yeah it's to the left honey they have these really weird cemented Lanes so that we actually end up to the left of oncoming traffic instead of the bright so you're going to be turning right here honey turn left at this and you're gonna be between the cement barrier and the other cement you can see what I'm saying here it's uh one lane this way and traffic coming the other way is over on the other side of that divider so here we are you have to wait for this stop sign yet this particular Flying J is co-located with a Denny's restaurant if you had not eaten your breakfast or a different meal food options they also Flying J's now notice we're following signs for truck access oh yes we're following the sign for truck access to go in there is for cars and RVs and we have used the RV Lanes here before but it can be very tight and we also want to get um the way taken weight taken so we'll go in on the truck side today Chuck access is here you can see that tractor trailer coming out here's where we go in and then we'll look for the fuel which everyone's headed this way so we're gonna have to probably head to the right to get it back down to the fuel there's the fuel over there so one interesting thing while flat Towing our Jeep uh I don't know if people know this or not but we actually cannot back up at all while we are carrying or Towing our Jeep we have to do everything in forward go out that way so we're working on getting back in line for the fuel so we want to go through there honey so you can get turned around you actually did want to come in at that other entrance this out this way and then around cut through one of these cut through one of these and then Mike's snowing because there was a truck cutting through a little further down and he may be doing the same thing we're doing but I don't see him so we're gonna swing back around to get in line for fuel all right now so here we are at the Chuck Lanes to get some Diesel and that truck is going to take that lane so um what we'll do is pull up behind this truck that says hirschbach on the back and they're going to be fueling and it can take a while for a Chuck to fuel because they're loading up to 200 gallons oh up to 300 gallons that's right their fuel tanks can be 150 gallons each and they have two of them one on each side um and my brother would actually make fun of me for not knowing because I actually come from a family with three generations of truck drivers but um my grandfather my father and my brother all are have driven big rigs like these and I grew up around them so that's information I I should know but my memory isn't quite as good as it used to be so I'm going to turn this off while we wait for our chance to pull up and then we'll give you a full look at how we fuel at a truck stop okay so the truck in front of us has finished getting their fuel and is pulling up and so we're gonna pull up to the fuel Lane so that we can get our feel now he must have had a prepay or card that um ended his transaction if he had to go back in the way that it works at a truck stop which many people don't know if you haven't been in one is that after you get your fuel then you pull your truck forward far enough so that the next Chuck can get in line and start fueling while you go in to do your paying and then um uh once they pay they'll come out and move and that usually happens far before you finish your transaction so there's no jam up all right we're gonna get out now and start the fueling process so Mike is going to be fueling and I will do some video of them so here we are you got to be careful when you're at a truck stop because there's all kinds of diesels and oils and stuff and they can get quite slick but we'll come over here so Mike always uses gloves which he stores in this front compartment which has a bunch of electronics in it and then we'll come over here to the pump okay now I'm going to use my RV customer rewards for pilot and Flying J because that means I can fuel right here all right so insert the card first question it will ask eventually all right so tractor or reefer we want tractor fuel they're both diesel but I'll explain why you don't want reefer later but right now we want tractor then it's going to ask me if I want diesel exhaust fluid I do not need diesel exhaust fluid right now so I will skip it then my zip code [Music] and then finally the magic word do you want to see which is you are eligible for pump start what that means is I do not have to first go in and pre-authorize fuel notice the size of the nozzle you can see the size of the nozzle is not your normal nozzle and what that means is it throws out the diesel at a very high rate so we do not need much diesel we only need 25 30 gallons and if you watch look at the rate the gallons are going up right there that's why you come to a truck stop so Mike do you want to talk about why you don't want reefer feel yeah this means refrigerated fuel it actually is just diesel It's taxed at a different rate it's not taxed at on red tax rate that tractor fuel is it's actually illegal for us to use it it can only be used by refrigerated trucks so you don't want it we want tractor fuel again they're both diesel if you accidentally put it in it would not hurt anything and then also can you mention the other benefit of using the Flying J car to get fuel at a Flying J truck stop now you get a slight discount of three cents per gallon I'm currently repaying two twenty four not a great price but the convenience of the truck stop is why you come here when you see the size of the lid we have we cannot back up as Carla mentioned so that's why we go to truck stops if the large trucks can maneuver we can maneuver we're already almost at 25 gallons I'm going to take a quick side tour here and show you this thing this is what you use to clean your windshield and I'll step back from it again so you can see exactly how tall that thing is but when I'm standing here on the ground that is in front of our unit and that is the windshield and that is how you clean the window you take that thing and you use it up and down unlike in a car where you would go side to side it's more of an up and down cleaning when Mike has finished we are didn't need much fuel it was just the fuel from driving back and forth from getting the vehicle worked on at the shop in our storage unit into the campground that we stayed at last night but um we wanted to top it off before we went so Mike's gonna I'm gonna pull up and Mike's gonna go in and pay for our Diesel and we needed a total of only 28 gallons not bad today so I'm gonna turn this off till we go to do our weight and he's at aisle number yeah the other information you need when you go and of course is your pump number and that's 25 so we'll talk to you in a bit
Channel: The Good, The Bad and The RV
Views: 146,646
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Id: SI1EV3jgYYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2016
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