FTL04: Wormholes

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So today’s topic is wormholes, and we will be trying to clear away some of the confusion about this idea today and hopefully avoid adding any more confusion to the mix. This will not be easy since we can’t discuss general relativity in too much detail. As I mentioned back in episode one of this series you need an awful lot of math to actually see the genuine explanation for how these things work, the non-math explanations and analogies you probably already know. If you do have that math background I recommended Leonard Susskind’s series on general relativity at the start of the Faster Than Light series and I’ll recommend it again now. Like any of the video links you’ll see today you can just click on that to pause this video and watch that and come back here and un-pause this one when you’re done but in this case, since that series is several hours long, I would suggest finishing this one first. Since we can’t do the math I’m just going to talk about the types of wormholes, of which again there are a lot, and the various categories of them, and some lesser known neat things about them. Categorization tends to be arbitrary but here is our list of topics for today: 1) Basic Concept of Wormholes 2) Non-Traversable Wormholes 3) Traversable Wormholes 4) One-Way Wormholes 5) Two-Way Wormholes 6) Intra-Universe Wormholes 7) Inter-Universe Wormholes 8) Exotic Matter and Wormholes 9) The Casimir Effect 10) Naked Singularities 11) Quantum Entanglement and Wormholes 12) Travel Time in Wormholes 13) Time Travel using Wormholes 14) Other Uses of Wormholes Everybody knows what a wormhole is, in terms of basic function, it’s a gateway from one place to another. We often represent this in science fiction as a circular mouthed tunnel that after some time gets you to your destination at the other end of the tunnel. Incidentally we usually would refer to these as the mouths and throat. Some wormholes are one way, in which case only one would technically be a mouth but obviously we are not going to label the other mouth for a one-way wormhole with the anatomically correct term for that digestive analogy. Now we can’t go into the math of wormholes but I can answer some of misconceptions and questions that often come from those who don’t know the math. For instance, we usually represent wormholes as 2D gates, or mouths, in science fiction but a naturally occurring one ought to be a sphere, but it doesn’t actually have to be one and a lot of models for making these things artificially with exotic matter favor the more 2D version as being way cheaper on exotic matter. We’ve discussed exotic matter before in this series and we’ll review it later on, but it’s generally required in most wormhole theories to permit you to use them for travel. Similarly when we show models of these things where it shows two flat grid planes connected together by a tunnel, the throat, it makes people wonder if you could exit midway through, but you can’t because there is nothing to exit through. It’s easier to visualize I think as a balloon where you’ve poked it with a finger in two separate place and kept pushing till your fingers met. Only that’s still basically 2D and you can imagine sneaking outside the rubber, same as you picture the entrances to each end of the tunnel as 2D. There’s nothing to sneak outside to though. These aren’t subways tunnels or elevators cutting through space time where you watch them whiz by faster than light on some straight line between the two mouths. The throat of a typical spherical wormhole in a black hole example is actually a sphere of space inside the event horizon. So a wormhole does actually take time to traverse. They’re not instant and we’ll look at that more later. Sometimes conceptually it is easier to think of the black hole variety as more like the layers of our planet, crust, mantle, and inner and outer core. The crust being the event horizon, and the mantle a vortex like region the way down, the throat would then be the outer core and the ‘narrowest part’ would be the shell at the edge of the inner and outer core, your ship can’t be bigger than that. And not all wormholes have to have a single tunnel either, some versions allow multiple exits and for that matter one of the newer theories regarding hawking radiation is that it gets out by lots of individual wormholes. Later on we’ll look at a new theory of growing popularity that contemplates the idea that particles that are entangled with each other might be connected by tiny wormholes. Wormholes also don’t have to be the same size, no more than the mouths of a classic tunnel have to be. But you can only send something through that’s smaller than throat, or it will be ripped apart, same as a train slamming through a tunnel that suddenly narrows, it’s just more 3-Dimensional rather than the long chain a train can be since only its cross-section matters for passage. You also can’t stick anything through a wormhole that is as massive, or more massive, than it is or you’re going to destabilize it. Destabilize in this context would usually mean releasing the majority of the wormhole’s mass outward while a smaller portion collapses inward… which is essentially a supernova. Obviously if the wormhole weren’t very massive this wouldn’t be as bad but unless we were talking about some of the ultra-tiny kinds of wormholes you might use for just sending signals or tiny fast streams of matter you wouldn’t want to be in the same solar system when one exploded… … you wouldn’t want to be near the smaller one either but at least there we’re talking booms of the non-planet destroying variety. Now there’s tons of types of hypothetical wormholes and quite a few of the naturally occurring versions are ridiculously tiny and hanging out in the quantum foam, often the idea is to take one of those and expand it, or that they might have naturally expanded as the Universe expanded. We’ll talk about that a bit more when we get to the Casimir Effect later on. Before we move into our second topic though, let me just make one point. Wormholes are incredibly theoretical, and there are tons of different models. So a lot of times you’ll get stuff about their behavior that sounds very contradictory and that’s because it usually is. Each model is different. We’ll be sticking to the ones that decently follow from general relativity today. You can go nuts trying to keep them all separate and unfortunately a lot of folks I know with intermediate knowledge on this tend to make the mistake of locking down on just one version and tend to be guilty of saying “No that’s not how it works.” When there’s actually plenty of models where that is how it works. Okay so topic 2. Non-Traversable Wormholes. This is pretty straightforward conceptually, it’s a type of wormhole you can’t pass through, either because the throat collapses before you get through or from a more practical standpoint one that would just kill you trying to make the passage. This arguably includes any wormhole with an event horizon and basically any black hole. The original wormhole concept, a Schwarzschild wormhole or Einstein-Rosen Bridge is one of these and trying to find a wormhole that isn’t is obviously the goal. Einstein and Rosen were trying to avoid a mathematical singularity, essentially of a dot like point of infinite density at the center of a black hole, which these days with better computing power we generally think is partially wrong anyway, with concepts like Singularity Vortex Sheets, and nobody took the solutions that spawned the notion in the mid-1930s too serious until John Wheeler screwed around with it in the Early 60’s and pointed out such a wormhole would collapse almost instantly. I should probably remind everyone at this point when we talk about the interiors of black hole and use comments like ‘very quick’ or ‘almost instantly’ that time runs at an absurdly slow rate inside a black hole. Time doesn’t stop when you fall into a black hole, not past the event horizon anyway, it just keeps getting slower and slower as you go deeper down. For you, assuming you were falling into one of the really big ones at the center of many galaxies that don’t have tidal forces so strong they’d shred every atom of your body before you got inside, you’d fall just like normal from your perspective, it would be very fast since you’re accelerating fast but to an outsider, who can’t actually see you anymore, but magically could for our analogy, your trip would seem to take longer and longer as you fell. So a fast event inside a black hole might only take a second of internal time but take eons externally. But in a nutshell a non-traversable wormhole is just that, one you can’t traverse. You can take that very narrowly to mean just those for which nothing can get through, even a photon or particle, or more widely to mean one where it would just kill you trying, even if your particles exited the other side. Traversable Wormholes, topic 3, are the ones you can pass through. Most versions of this involve using exotic matter to keep the throat open so it doesn’t destabilize and again we’ll look at that more later. It is usually considered to be a lot of exotic matter though, the Morris Thorne Wormhole called for about 100 million suns worth of this stuff we’ve never found a single particle of while the Visser Wormhole only requires a modest Jupiter-sized amount of it. Incidentally you will sometimes now hear the Morris-Thorne Wormhole called an Ellis Wormhole, or Ellis drainhole, since more recently it got noticed H.G. Ellis and K.A. Bronnikov had both independently figured out the concept in 1973, it’s the same thing in this case so Ellis gets the credit for first figuring it out. So Kip Thorne loses the credit for discovering it first but still gets the true accolades because he got the notion of traversable wormholes back into circulation in the late 80s and shortly after that a lot of other versions were uncovered from the renewed interest. I’d give a similar credit to Matt Visser though, as one of those early enthusiast after interest got renewed. Thorne and Visser opened the door that made it both an interesting and respectable field of speculation and simultaneously opened the door for an awful lot of wonderful science fiction, including two of my favorites, the Stargate Franchise and Star Trek Deep Space Nine. I know some folks like to argue the Kirk vs Picard issue of who was the better captain but for me it always goes to Avery Brooks’s portrayal of Benjamin Sisko, especially after they let him shave his head and grow a goatee. So with the door open we got a lot of versions of wormholes that might work in this or that cosmological model including some that didn’t require much or any mass at all, exotic or mundane. Of course those also broke down into one-way versus two way wormholes, and raised the question whether they exited into our universe or a different one. Topics 4 and 5 are pretty straight-forward then. Some wormholes are one way streets, so if you wanted to go back you’d need a separate wormhole nearby the first one’s mouths. Stargate went this route though they let you shut it off and dial back to the original place, or any other destination in the catalog you had an address for. They also let you send signals both ways and I never understood the justification for that, beyond the importance of it for plots needing conversation through the thing by radio. The original basis for that is probably the idea of black holes connecting to white holes. A white hole is the exact opposite of a black hole in that you can’t push anything inside, whereas in a black hole you can’t push anything outside. The original concept for this out of the Einstein Field Equations was that a black hole was a future state and a white hole emerged from that same black hole in the past, this is just one of the many time travel things that comes up with wormholes as a concept which we’ll discuss later on too. Those versions did actually attract matter just like normal but nothing could actually get in past the event horizon. It was also proposed the white holes would be in another universe, something we’ll get too shortly, or were outright creating one, acting as a big bang inside the core of the black hole that spawned a whole new spacetime, a concept you’ll have encountered in many sci-fi stories, and it’s retained a lot of popularity among physicists too though it’s not the sort of thing you can really prove. As I recall it first hit popular culture in the 1979 Disney film The Black Hole, and the year before as a cameo in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. The idea fell very out of favor after Stephen Hawking proposed the idea of black holes evaporating rather than being eternal objects. This was actually a few years before those came out but ideas take a while to percolate. This is the big one-way wormhole option though since you can’t go into a white hole and you can’t go out of a black hole. Nothing would stop you from making a second pair near each other and backwards of course, and wormhole networks, especially the Roman Ring, are something we’ll also get to. Two way wormholes, our fifth topic, simply includes any you can go both ways through. That probably doesn’t require anymore explanation since it was the one-way variety that we really needed to talk about. Big thing on these is that you can generally see them, or see the other side. By default it would look a lot like a warped snowglobe of what was on the other side. Now topics 6 and 7 are the idea on intra and inter Universe wormholes. An Intra-Universe Wormhole opens up somewhere in your own Universe, and thus is handy for travel. The default wormhole of fiction is the Intra-Universe Two-Way Traversable Wormhole. It has the big advantage of letting you get around your own Universe quite quickly. It has the big disadvantage of raising the specter of time travel and the associated paradoxes we discussed back in episode two. More on that later, but this is the ideal wormhole in most cases. Topic 7, Inter-Universe wormholes, is one that connects two different universes. This first emerged in regard to white holes and the original Schwarzschild Wormhole or Einstein-Rosen Bridge. These are generally one-way wormholes too. If you’ve ever seen the 90’s sci-fi shows Sliders, this is what they were sliding through. I don’t remember what specific handwave they were using, if any, for why this always opened up on Earth and a close parallel of our society, rather than randomly dumped into space, or at a Big Bang, but it should be noted the idea isn’t necessarily confined to the Many Worlds Quantum Interpretation of Alternate Timelines. It could just be another Universe, totally unrelated to our own. There are a ton of different multi-verse options kicking around, much like wormhole theories. I do like this one – and let me emphasize I like it, not that I think it is firm science – because it is an option for getting out of a dying universe and one ironically related to where life would probably hang out near the end. A couple weeks ago we did the Civilizations at the End of Time first episode on Black Hole Farming and I pointed out two things there, that once the stars go out your only power source is black holes, and that one of the ways to tap black holes for power is to leach off their rotational energy until they stop spinning. Schwarzschild Wormholes, the original one basically, derive from solving Einstein’s Field Equations for a black hole that is not charged and is not spinning. Solutions for rotating black holes or charged black holes or both came later. They also predate the idea of Hawking Radiation as eternal black holes, and Hawking Radiation remains totally theoretical and has a lot of critics who still favor the eternal black hole notion, it’s the big strike against white holes too, and the idea of them opening up into new universes. A civilization looking to tap those black holes can use the rotational energy to live like kings for a very long time, until the black hole stops spinning. If it can’t live on the Hawking Radiation after that, either because there is none or it’s just too low and slow to keep your civilization together, you will have a non-rotating black hole sitting in front of you. I’ve always thought there was something poetic about the notion of just jumping in to check first hand if black holes did lead to other Universes at that point, since you’ve got nothing to lose. Of course you’d have at least a quadrillion years before you’d need to check that hypothesis. I have a soft spot for suicidally brave actions too. As a sidenote, folks were asking me after that video about maintaining those structures for timelines that made a trillion years look like an eyeblink and as I said at the time I have no idea how anyone would, but something that came up a lot is proton decay, the idea that even protons might have a half-life. They might, when I was school we thought it might be 10^30 years, it’s been pushed up to a minimum of 10^34 or 35 years more recently, but under the Standard Model it doesn’t have a half-life and that’s a prediction of Grand Unified Theories, particularly SUSY or Super Symmetry, along with magnetic monopoles which also still haven’t been observed. I don’t think Super Symmetry is dead, even though it’s been declared that in a lot magazines in the last few years, but it certainly taken some hard blows from predictions of it not panning out, especially at the Large Hadron Collider. One the big purposes of the Large Hadron Collider was to help check super-symmetry but another is to hunt for exotic matter, which leads us into to topic 8. Now we’ve talked about exotic matter before, specifically imaginary mass and negative mass. Exotic matter is a fairly loose term, some would include dark matter as an example but I know some folks who strongly disagree. Presumably because to them exotic means rare, which dark matter certainly is not, I generally view it as having exotic properties compared to what we know now. Either way with wormholes it usually means negative mass, same as when we talked about warp drive last time. The purpose it serves with wormholes is to make the throat stable so it doesn’t collapse. From a strictly conceptual standpoint you could think of it as rafter shoring up a tunnel. In practice it’s usually a thick or thin shell of the stuff down under the throat in the black hole version of the things. It exerts a positive gravitational force, repulsive rather than attractive, and that can keep the throat open. It’s also the way stable and naturally occurring wormholes might arise, since naturally occurring exotic matter could have taken primordial and tiny wormholes and widened them with time. Quite a few physical theories tend to figure there’s trillions of little wormholes blundering around everywhere. The Morris-Thorne or Ellis Wormhole on the other hand is huge, in order to use a black hole whose tidal forces wouldn’t shred a human apart, we talked about that more in the black hole duology of videos, but bigger black holes are a lot safer to be near ironically. In this case they have a mouth several hundred astronomical units across, that isn’t arbitrary and was selected specifically for survivable tidal stresses so you could go a lot smaller but this one needs something like a hundred million stars worth of exotic matter to hold open. That generally means it’s the sort of thing you’d build at the center of a galaxies to connect them to other galaxies, or maybe have a handful in one galaxy at most. The Visser Wormhole on the other hand aims for a mouth about a meter across and needs a Jupiter mass worth of the stuff. Visser also offered an alternative to ramming head first into exotic matter which would generally tend to be fatal and possible destabilize the wormhole too. Visser usually has this as a polyhedron whose struts are full of the exotic matter instead, so you just go in between them. And again way smaller, just big enough for a person to squeeze through, but that’s enough. Truth be told that’s a lot more than enough. You could presumably go way smaller, so your wormhole’s mouth was only big enough to pass a laser beam through and have communications as a result. That’s in the range of mass where could conceivably have one orbiting a planet like a communication satellite and doesn’t require planets worth of mass, exotic and mundane, to build. And from a tranhumanism perspective if you can send data you can send people. For those of you trying to figure out the most plausible artificial wormhole route would be, I would say, and just in my opinion, that Visser’s Polyhderal Wormholes are probably the best. I’ll attach his 1989 paper on it in the video description, it’s actually only 7 pages long and the math is in there but I think you can still get a lot out of it even if you can’t follow the math. Now for the longest time exotic matter, and the unreality of it, was probably the big thing preventing folks from researching wormholes more, as they appeared to be something that couldn’t be traversed even if you could somehow survive a trip into a black hole, between the tidal stresses and concerns of slamming into mass. But there are some artificial ways to arrange the geometry of mass making singularities like making a spinning ring shaped black hole, maybe by putting a lot of smaller black holes or neutron stars into Klemperer Rosette. More importantly we have gotten good indicators that exotic matter, or something with the characteristics of it, might exist somewhere other than in theoretical models. Which takes us to the Casimir Effect. In the classic example we take two conductive plates and stick them just a few billionths of a meter apart, and we suck out all the air in between them and around them so it’s a vacuum. There’s no field so nothing should happen, but what we observe is the plates feeling some force between them. This can be either attractive or repulsive depending on how we arrange the plates. Now this wasn’t experimental, Hendrik Casimir predicted this in 1948. Trying to prove it, trying to make two large smooth plates barely an atom’s width apart but still not touching, is obviously kind of tricky. The further the plates are away the weaker the force should be. It wasn’t until 1997 at Los Alamos someone managed to pull this off with any real certainty, and actually using a sphere and a plate instead of two plates, and it got nailed down even better in Italy in 2001. Until then no one was really sure this was happening, theory no matter how good is always very iffy until you’ve got experimental data. Now prior to that there were already plenty of notions for what might cause this mysterious force between the plates but Vaccum Energy was the one generally considered most interesting. The important thing was that you could generate a negative pressure. Now a negative pressure is a fairly straightforward concept, we use lower or higher pressure all the time, heck the whole point of an airplane wing is to ram through air at say 10 psi pressure and cause most of it to fly under the wing, increasing the pressure to say 11 psi, and less to go over the wing, at maybe 9 psi, generating a net upward pressure of 2 psi and keeping the plane from falling out of the sky. We do the reverse for the spoiler on a car to push it down so it can maintain contact with the road. But there’s no air, no pressure, in the chamber with the plates. It’s genuinely negative pressure. A lower pressure than nothing. Well there’s an energy associated to normal pressure, all those particles flying around whacking things have kinetic energy, temperature, mass, they have positive energy. So to have negative pressure you need negative energy. Less than zero. Now negative energy isn’t quite the same as negative mass but functionally it can probably be used as a substitute and it’s not a bad indicator that negative mass particles might exist or could be created. Or that those negative matter struts in the Visser wormhole might simply be charged up with negative energy for instance. Or charged down I suppose. Okay, topic 10, Naked Singularities. One of the problems with black holes of course is that all the neat stuff is going on beneath the event horizon. A naked singularity doesn’t have this, the original notion being that if I spun a dense chunk of matter fast enough it would form into a ring exposing the singularity. This violates the Cosmic Censorship Hypothesis Roger Penrose came up with in 1969 which argues that if you saw a naked singularity reality would break down. Well, causality would break down but honestly that amounts to the same thing. Of course it explicitly excludes the Big Bang, which gets exempted from a lot of things. I think people forget sometimes there were some very solid objections to the Big Bang theory when it first got proposed that stuck around for a long time and its blatant violation of Thermodynamics was just one of them. History often makes out such debates as being wise visionaries versus stubborn old cranks or irrational lunatics but usually that’s not how it was. Not that there is ever a shortage of old cranks and lunatics or a surplus of wise visionaries, they just tend to be more evenly distributed. If Naked Singularities did exist and didn’t violate causality it would in principle make some types of wormholes a lot easier to make. It’s also an option under Loop Quantum Gravity which has gotten to be a popular area of research and theory in the last few decades. Topic 11, Quantum Entanglement and Wormholes. Back in episode one I discussed quantum entanglement and some misconceptions about it, one of the folks commented on me leaving out ER=EPR, and I told him I was saving it for our look at wormholes. This is one of Leonard Susskind’s more recent ideas and in a nutshell suggests that entangled particles are actually connected by a non-traversable wormhole. This doesn’t actually change anything we discussed in that episode but I wanted to wait till we had discussed traversable versus non-traversable wormholes to bring it up. Since they’re non-traversable, the ER standing for Einstein-Rosen bridge which we already mentioned weren’t traversable, you still can’t use entangled particles to send information faster than light. Personally I love the idea, the notion of little Planck scale wormholes connecting two entangled particles that breaks when they cease being entangled is just neat. No idea if it’s true, but it’s gotten pretty popular and I think it deserves mention. It’s a very elegant solution and I always like those in science. Topic 12, Time Travel in Wormholes. Not Time travel with wormholes, that in a bit, but a question that comes up sometimes is how long it takes to travel through one and if it is instant. It isn’t, though it kind of depends on when you are officially beginning the wormhole. Wormholes are sometimes classified by basically how horribly deadly the trip would be and traversable ones are usually labeled as benign, there’s also ‘absurdly benign, which the Visser wormhole usually qualifies as. In the context of spherically symmetric wormhole you’ve got to drop down through the mouth, down the throat, and out through the other mouth. That does take actual time and as I mentioned earlier your time is very slowed down. It doesn’t really have anything to do with distance between the two mouths in real space though. I’ve seen some calculations that worked out to be about second for the absurdly benign and small Visser Wormhole and the better part of a year for the bigger Thorne or Ellis Wormhole, but I never duplicated them or checked if that was internal time for the passenger or time passed in the external Universe, again time slows down inside a black hole, and I suppose it technically wouldn’t matter as we’ll see in a moment but so much focus is put on using these things as time machines that very little gets put on the time spent inside one. If it took you centuries for instance, in external time, to get through one it’s a bit dubious if it’s all that advantageous to have them for anything not light centuries or further apart. Okay Topic 13, Time Travel and wormholes. We already covered all the weird temporal paradox stuff back in episode two so I’m just going to explain how that happens with a wormhole, and why it presumably doesn’t matter how long it takes you to go through one in external time, just your own subjective scale. As we know from special relativity if I take an object up to high speeds time slows down for it, so if I take off in spaceship and fly out at near the speed of light and loop around and come home a century later I might only have experienced a few years myself. So we make a wormhole, stick one mouth in orbit around Earth, and fly the other off at relativistic speeds somewhere. The tug ship with its wormhole leaves in say the year 2200. So far this isn’t a big deal, but as they’re almost there, traveling at near the speed of light but not quite at it, a message catches up saying the deal’s off, the colony’s representative on Earth cancelled the order and to bring it back. Now when they turn around and loop home it’s been a century back on Earth, it’s the year 2300 but only a few years for them. The clocks at the mouths of the wormhole are synchronized so at the mouth that stayed at Earth it’s a century forward in time but on the space ship only a few years have passed. The crew is fine, they haven’t only aged a few years but they haven’t traveled in time. But when an inspector checking the stabilizing elements of the wormhole slips and falls through he’s spewed out in the year 2203. Now Hypothetically you could move both ends of a wormhole to keep them synchronized but the big thing is that one mouth is back in time from the other if you don’t, so jumping through sends you back in time. This is ultimately the biggest black mark against wormholes because it seems unavoidable that you could use them as time machines and the general feeling is that time travel has to be impossible. Of course this only applies to Intra-Universe Traversable Wormholes, one way or two way. If they exit out into another Universe or you can’t send information through them then cause and effect, causality, is safe. Though you almost invariably would get mouths of wormholes that went back in time, this doesn’t necessarily result in violating causality, it’s when you get them close that it does. For instance if I’ve got one that’s 50 year back in time but 100 light years away a message sent from it, like “Warn President Kennedy not to go to Texas” still takes 100 years to arrive and thus gets there 50 years later. You have to worry about link ups of many wormholes though, in what’s called a Roman Ring allowing for causality violations though you can also avoid them by configuring your ring correctly too. Okay let’s move on to our last topic, other uses of wormholes, as well as some popular suggested uses that might not work. And if I don’t say otherwise assume I’m talking about an Intra-Universe Two Way Traversable one. A lot of times with wormholes in fiction someone will suggest you could make a perpetual motion machine by opening a gate near the ground and the other end up in the air and just dropping a ball into the lower mouth, it comes out the top, falls down picking up speed, goes in again and pops back out near the top getting faster and faster on each drop. Now in practice it actually wouldn’t because of air friction stopping the acceleration at terminal velocity but you could just put a water wheel between the two mouths and dump water through, and harvest power. But under general relativity this won’t work, the ball or water falling through the lower wormhole will actually do work passing through it and lose the kinetic energy gained. The Traverse through the wormhole is effectively back up again. You might fall down the first mouth into the throat but you have to spend energy getting back up out of the throat and the other mouth and it will always match whatever the change in potential energy was. So this doesn’t work, at least in models consistent with general relativity. However using them as power sources is still quite doable. I mentioned in the Terraforming video how much easier wormholes, if they exist, make terraforming planets. You could for instance hang one in a 24-hour orbit around your planet and dump the other end as close to the sun, or even in the sun, as your mouth and stabilizing equipment can handle without being destroyed. Bang, mini sun. You could do the same and exit it out into some water inside a steam engine turning turbines too. Bang, free power, or kinda free anyway, the sun is just footing the bill. Ditto in the backside of a rocket ship, so the exit mouth is just spewing out hot plasma from the star and pushing you along. We almost always picture these as being in space but that isn’t necessarily required, one thing I liked about Stargate was them being on the ground in modern times. Peter Hamilton’s Commonwealth Saga, one of my favorite Scifi series, has them on planets with the novel inclusion of running trains through them from world to world and power supplies too, so you can put all your nuclear reactors on some worthless rock of a planet for instance and run superconducting cables out through the gate to other worlds. Of course you can use them to bulk transport mass too, sucking air off one world to terraform another, even sucking mass in or out to alter the gravity. Though it’s worth remembering that any mass going into one slightly disrupts it and putting through mass equal to the wormhole should make it explode. When you’re trickling it through over long time periods you can presumably stabilize it continuously but opening one up to suck a planet through is not going to work in most models unless the mass of the wormholes is way, way larger, which of course it would be if it had a throat the size of a planet, remember the Visser Wormhole’s mouth is only a meter across and it needs a whole Jupiter worth of exotic matter alone to create that. Now for Inter-Universe Wormholes this is maybe useful too, since you could open one up to a hotter younger universe maybe, or a colder older one. Getting heat or mass from the former though they are usually one way and you’d expect to be on the outgoing end of the tunnel. But they could be two way or let you be on the incoming end. It’s a nice cheat for entropy, but if you could traverse one you can still cheat by just jumping into a younger fresh Universe probably. Of course they make awesome weapons too, especially if you can open them wherever you please as small as you like, letting you for instance open up a tiny one to look through then opening another up in front of machinegun and the bullets fly through targeted by the wormhole, upscaled you could send huge laser blast like those we discussed in the Nicoll-Dyson Beam video out wherever you pleased. You could open one just inside the other ship too, since it would cut right through armor and defenses, again these aren’t passing through space in a straight line. The flipside would be defense, since you could open wormholes up a decent distance from your planet or ship and get early warning of even laser beams coming in and potentially precision open one in front of it that exited away from your ship or planet. This of course assumes you can control where they open. Currently to get a wormhole where you want requires either making both ends near each other and dragging them where you like or opening one, figuring out where it exited, and collapsing it if it doesn’t get you closer to your destination and restabilizing it again. And then probably towing it to a precise location anyway. But even if you can’t control the destination at all and it pops up randomly anywhere in the Universe, even outside the Observable Universe, you just keep re-opening it till its close to some place that looks like a nice candidate for colonization and then stabilize it there. This would have the amusing effect of meaning the closest colonies to Earth, in terms of Transit time, might be a billion light years away and you might need to pass through hundreds of gates each billion of light years from each other to get to a star system only a hundred light years away. A common suggested use is just for communication, very tiny wormholes just big enough to allow a signal through. An obvious continuation on this notion is including them inside very large computers to allow you to avoid signal lag. This has the problem though of bottlenecking depending on how much energy it costs to maintain a wormhole, how small you can make them, and how much energy and time is spent putting each photon through. Wormholes aren’t free, they take a lot of material to make, take time to pass through, and require maintenance to keep them stable. So if they exist and can be made small there would still be a point of diminishing returns, whether that is so small you could use them between each processor or so big only a full blown Matrioshka Brain wired up to twins in other solar systems would benefit from it is impossible to yet say. But we’ve talked a lot about heat a lot recently as the big constraint on a lot of our projects like maximizing calculations or building huge planet-sprawling super-cities, Ecumenopolises. Wormholes presumably let you cheat at that too. You could use them as a massive air conditioning system for a planet that you dumped heat through and supercharge that by having another connecting to places that were very cold. It would probably take a lot juice to make and maintain that and pump the heat, but you could probably make it a net positive system to cool a planet where you were grabbing huge amounts power to run it way beyond what you should be able to without boiling the place. Of course if you got easy access to exotic matter, negative mass, that could be very handy in constructing over-sized buildings that ought to collapse under their own mass too. I mentioned in the Ecumenopolis video that the big brother of a planet-wide city would be a multi-layered one or even what I dubbed a Planet Cloud, sort of mini-Dyson Swarm around a planet, and wormholes would make building one and running it far more energetically a lot easier. But very small and cheap wormholes arguably make one redundant anyway. If you can make them easily and put them where you want even a Dyson Swarm for habitation gets a bit redundant since you can make a small one for just sucking up power from a star and transport that wherever you want, while folks could have a house inside an asteroid in another part of the galaxy and just step through to Earth, or even have a house with rooms on different planets, or in different universes if you could make two-way inter-universe wormholes. That notion got played with a bit in Dan Simmons Hyperion Cantos, houses with rooms on different planets, and the idea of houses with rooms in different Universe gets played with in one of the later books in the Roger Zelazny’s Chronicles of Amber. Pretty neat concept as an extension of our modern one of the internet and cloud computing, where the physical location of your files might be on the other side of the planet but right at your fingertips. I’m not sure how practical it would be but it would be kinda awesome to have a closet in your apartment that opened up to a huge walk in closet among millions in some huge warehouse on another planet, or a balcony in your bedroom that opened up to some terraced vista on another world. So some fun food for thought to close things out. I regret we couldn’t get into the math and I hate to say that like all the other concepts we discussed in this series for getting around the speed of light I don’t think this one will pan out. But it’s probably the most promising options and I’d love to be proved wrong. Next Week we’re going to look at Tabby’s Star, the candidate system folks have be suggesting might be a Dyson Sphere or other Megastructure, and we’ll talk about SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, and I’m going to talk about some of the methods, some of the proposed method, and some of the difficulties with them. In general channel news we’re still finishing up a variety of projects and that shouldn’t be much longer. Make sure to subscribe to the channel for alerts for new videos and channel news. As always, question and comments are welcome, and if you enjoyed this video, please like and share it with others. If you want to help support the channel you can find the link to Patreon in the video description, and you can try out any of these video series. Until next time, thanks for watching, and have a great day!
Channel: Isaac Arthur
Views: 316,301
Rating: 4.9106102 out of 5
Keywords: FTL, Faster Than Light, Superluminal, spaceships, spacecraft, propulsion, Wormhole, Wormholes, time travel, Einstein-Rosen, ER=EPR, ellis drainhole
Id: LNwhe_ztaGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 23sec (2423 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2016
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