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well first of all what is biblical history it's because i don't know if it was last week or the week four or sometime i said something about you know the the flood and the creation and everything else and i said and that's just god has written history in advance and so someone said well what is biblical history i mean is all history biblical history what is biblical history second one how do the books of the bible fit into history and that's a fascinating question again it's the real people in real places living in in situations so much like ours in fact i look at the syrian conflict that i talked about a couple weeks ago did you know there's been conflict in that country for eight thousand years that's that sir six thousand years i mean right from the beginning with the the whole aramean nation and the everything that's been going on with that part of the world there's been conflict in that area and the bible was written to people that were going through wars and struggles and famines and difficulties just like today and it's just relating those books to that time and then how do we know the dates of events in the bible that's a good one i'm going to have fun with that i hope we get to that tonight because there actually are hard numbers in the bible now i want to preface this by saying i believe and teach what the bible says to groups of people both here and in other places that say that's what it says but that's not what it means i prefer to believe that what god says is what he meant like this morning if six times god said a thousand years the devil's in the pit a thousand years the devil a thousand years he's in the a thousand years a thousand a thousand years you ask someone in ninety percent of churches in america or about seventy four percent of them what does that mean they say we don't know but what did god say well we don't know i said yes you do he said a thousand years but they didn't want to say what he said because they already don't believe it so i personally believe what it says and so you can get if you look at this you can get hard numbers and i'm going to show you dates for events in the bible and then what are some key events in the bible that we all should know so let's see here we go biblical history history as given by the bible and i hope this projects up here my consultant dan smith told me that i should never use dark backgrounds but when i got done with this i only had enough time to run over here and i didn't have time to make the backgrounds right but this is the essence of biblical history and here it is christ is the theme of all history you've heard the the saying that it's his story basically you could divide the bible down into these two pieces the old testament is the account of a nation through which the promised one would come the new testament is the account of the man who is the creator who appeared as a central event of all history and this is why he died to purchase our redemption that's why history is all about redemption god invading humanity and coming to redeem us he came to become like us so that he could take upon himself our sin so that he could be our redeemer and the most exalted privilege in life is to know the creator to know the one that brought everything that's in existence into existence and the one who is alive today working out his plan and the greatest thing in life is to know him in fact salvation is knowing god personally and tonight i was just reading a testimony before the baptismal meeting tonight and it was a beautiful testimony about someone that had been associated with the church their whole life but only in the last few weeks in a bible study did they realize that though they knew about the lord in their head they had never repented of their sins confessed their lostness they just thought they were christian because they knew all this stuff and they came to faith personal faith in jesus christ and that's what the bible is all about well tonight here's a panorama if you take your bible and if you've made a chart out of it this is what the bible teaches the book of genesis talks about god who existed before creation but the book of genesis takes us from the creation of the universe in six literal god said 24-hour days and you don't have to have genesis 1 to believe that exodus 20 when god was talking to 3 million slaves who had spent their whole existence as slaves in egypt he said as you go to work six solar 24-hour days and you get the seventh day off and you don't have to work so in that same six solar 24-hour days i made everything that exists in this universe and i ceased from laboring on the universe on the seventh day that's how god presents everything that we know in the book of genesis probably if you hold to what god says the entire scope of human history is only 6 000 years at the most basically the flood if you take the dates that are in the bible there are 1 656 years from adam's first year through noah starting the the first drop of rain in the flood 1656 years and then you have the time period from that through abraham through the exodus through david so basically 2348 years bc 2 348 years before christ is when the ark rested on mount ararat and human civilization as we know it came into existence that means the pyramids the monuments on easter island and all the monoliths around the world are somewhere after this because there is nothing on the surface of the earth that hasn't had a mile of water on it and a whole bunch of volcanoes spewing over it and so everything that you see on this planet dates from the flood onward abraham was born in the year 2166 lived until 1991 i'll show you in a little while how we get that number the bible very clearly dates this event the exodus in fact the exodus is such an important event that when the temple foundation was laid by solomon in 1st kings chapter 6 verse 1 it says that exactly 480 years ago to the the founding of the temple foundation the israelite nation was brought out of egypt so we have hard dates in the bible that's what it says now people say oh it doesn't mean that but that's what it says david i mean now we're getting into modern history uh david uh lived from about 10 40 bc to 970 he died at about the age 70 the exile uh babylon uh took the children of israel into exile and christ was born about 4 bc it's interesting how christ could be born four years before christ but it's because of the julian calendar and the greg the gregorian calendar and all the other changes that have taken place in the calendar basically genesis as you see covers the lion's share of history as far as from biblical history the rest of the old testament only covers this this this little snatch uh right here from the the exodus through the exile that's all the rest of the old testament there are 400 years see right here of silence there's no prophetic utterance from any of god's prophets and then john the baptist booms forth by the jordan river and that starts the period of the new testament and the new testament epistles cover at the most a period of about 100 years through about 95 a.d you see right here this is the cross of christ at a.d 70 that about 40 years after the cross the romans came leveled the city of jerusalem destroyed the temple and carried off massacred and carried off a million jews and dispersed them through over a hundred countries around the world in fact israel today in israel today a hundred different languages are spoken because jews have come back from a hundred different countries all over the world and uh god said that he was going to restore israel as a nation and by the way he restored them as a nation in 1948 just like he said in ezekiel and he restored to them their place of worship although they haven't done anything with it in the temple mount in 1967 and so it's very interesting uh that that we're into prophetic territory here um so that's whoever asked um what is biblical history it's history the way god presents it uh it's history if you just take what the bible says and believe it next um this uh time period that we're in theologians have divided uh our understanding of what god is doing in this whole event if you take the same biblical history the bible presents from creation through eternity and has all of these different events of you know the people that live before the flood and after the flood and abraham and the people that lived around moses time and in the kingdom and those who are at the church and those who are going to be here during this thousand-year reign and so basically theologians have divided our understanding of how god operates with them into two divisions either covenant theology or dispensational theology covenant theology is is pretty simple what they say is there's two covenants the covenant of works and that's before the fall and then the covenant of grace and that's after the fall but within this covenant they have seven subdivisions that's covenant theology dispensationalists uh believe that there are seven dispensations so in that sense covenant theologians and dispensationalists see the same divisions but they have total different ways of discussing them calvary bible church is historically a dispensational church that teaches there's the dispensation and by the way the word dispensation in greek the word is dispensation is the word oiko um nomia that isn't quite spelled right but oiko is house and nomia are rules or laws you know when you go to someone's house you're supposed to take your shoes off you're supposed to you know wash your hands and you know before the meals or whatever you know and and you kind of have rules well it's how god operated in these different segments those are called dispensations and basically theologians these aren't in the bible by the way they're just divisions that people see as they read the bible that conscience is before any revelation of god finally with noah human government starts innocence is before the fall consciences after the fall human government is starting in genesis 9 when god says that if you shed man's blood by man's hand shall your blood be shed they're begun there begins to be human government and then uh the promised and covenants that god made with abraham then when moses came along uh were responsible as paul said those who have the law will be judged by the law those who don't have the law will not be judged by the law so that's called the dispensation of the law then the church paul said in galatians that the law in galatians 3 was a school master that brought us to christ in other words that the law can't do anything except point out it's kind of like the teacher that doesn't encourage you just says don't do that don't do that don't do that that's wrong that's wrong that's wrong that's what the law did it made us see how far we fall short of god's holiness so the dispensation of the law is that the people could not get to heaven by keeping the law but the law was to show them that they had to obey the sacrificial system and trust in another the whole sacrificial system was that i bring my lamb i put my hands on and confess my sins over because i can't save myself and so what a dispensationalist would say is people have always been saved the same way but god treated them according to how much knowledge they had if you remember what paul says he says that in time past god winked he overlooked some things because the people did not know that but now has declared when christ came that all men should repent and so what he's saying is god treated people differently but he had one plan of salvation which has always been substitutionary atonement right from the beginning at the fall of man what was what was adam instructed to do he was instructed to cover himself and his wife with the skins of an animal that was sacrificed for them and then they taught their sons that they were to offer the best sacrifices to the lord you know what cain did he gave god his produce for the from the 4-h section of the fair but abel brought a bloody sacrifice and god accepted it because abel did what the lord wanted but substitutionary atonement a substitute has always been salvation salvation we look back we're on this side of the cross and we're looking back at what christ did for us 2000 years ago they with their substitutionary sacrifices were looking forward to the offering that god was going to have and it says in the book of hebrews the last verse of chapter 11 that they before christ could not be perfected without us because we look back on what christ did and they look forward to it so this is a dispensational view and by the way you see the last one that god begins operating uh in in another household set of rules during the kingdom and that's a fascinating time the kingdom um a major percentage of the old testament talks about the millennial kingdom maybe 10 percent of the old testament and it's all kinds of rules uh did you know that god again it's his i mean he can set the rules up he wants he seems to revert to a lot of the principles from the mosaic time during the kingdom they have to come to jerusalem they have to offer sacrifices you say sacrifices sacrifices i thought christ did away with sacrifices well wait a minute communion is next sunday night what is communion communion is a memorial celebration looking back at what christ did on the cross it is it is us holding in our hands a picture of his sacrifice did the old testament people get saved by killing animals no they got saved by faith that god wanted them to realize they couldn't say themselves that they needed a an innocent substitute to take their place those animals were dying in the place of the people who deserved to die because of their sin in the old testament so in the kingdom the millennium time they are offering the sacrifices all of which pointed to christ it had to be a perfect male blameless spotless that that was innocent that shed its blood helplessly throat split the whole picture every part of the old testament sacrificial system pointed to christ every part even the the law of cleansing leprosy if you read leviticus it's this amazing you take two clay pots you take two pigeons you kill one pigeon and actually shed its blood you put the living pigeon in the pot you shake it up and you open the lid and let the bloody pigeon that's alive fly away and it sounds weird you know like gross now that's a picture of christ they had to have his death his burial and his resurrection so that's why they needed two pigeons because priests couldn't raise pigeons from the dead and they put the blood of the pigeon that died on the pigeon that lived and allowed it to fly out of the pot to show that jesus christ rose from the dead through the sacrifice of his blood is the only way we're cleansed i mean every one of those old testament sacrifices so in the dispensation of the kingdom those sacrifices will be pointing back to the cross and so that's why this that's why the covenant theologians don't even believe in the kingdom because they can't process why they would have the sacrificial system reinstituted but no one was saved by the sacrificial system in the old testament neither shall they be saved by it in the kingdom but that is um the the dispensational view is how we can explain what god is doing in what he describes in his word when you look at the whole scope of history so whoever asked that question i hope i answered it um as you look at the scope of history there are three major promises that predicate that influence all of biblical history one is god made a covenant with abraham and he made this covenant with him and said that that through the seed of abraham all the nations on earth would be blessed and there's two parts to that one is that paul said in the book of romans that everything we know about god has come through the jewish people all of the scriptures were written by jewish people and those well except for the part that nebuchadnezzar wrote but the rest of the scripture were written by people that were either proselytes to judaism or actual descendants of abraham so in that sense because the bible has brought to us salvation the understanding the the truth of god that leads to salvation all of us are blessed but the ultimate seed and it's singular the ultimate seed of abraham is jesus christ and he certainly has blessed uh in offering himself as the sacrifice so that's god's covenant with abraham and and by the way god promised abraham with an everlasting oath that he would never break his promise with his people and that's why covenant theologians say that god didn't break his covenant with the the jewish people he just transferred it to the church and what's interesting is the lord didn't know he did that because he doesn't say anything about it he said that i have made an everlasting covenant with abraham with his descendants the jewish people and that's why when you come back here that's why this whole period of israel being restored and what we're going to see in a moment through the prophets of the future plans god has for israel all of that is because he made this unbreakable promise even though the jews are living in unbelief god is preserving them there shouldn't be any jews left they should be exterminated by now there's no ethnic group of people that have ever faced so many extermination attempts and it didn't start with hitler it's been going on in russia's pogroms all of the the mess through the middle ages of of killing the jews all the way back to haman the aegite the descendant of amalek who tried to kill all the jewish people in the book of esther but god says i've made an eternal unbreakable covenant a second covenant he made god made with israel and basically it was one of these if then if then he says if you faithfully serve me you will prosper if you forsake me and we covered that last time in chapter 26 leviticus god says i'm going to make you run for your life you'll be in fear you'll you'll just be scattered throughout the earth and that's because he made a covenant with them and they agreed to this covenant at sinai they says will everything you say will do and they didn't and that produces this this diaspora word you probably can't even read that down there but the the dispersion of the jewish people throughout the whole world the wandering jew comes from that covenant god made with him and you know it's kind of like the fiddler on the roof you know if you have ever listened to that he's saying why why why why it's because they entered into a covenant with god that's why this has nothing to do with question asked but that's why divorce is so dangerous i regularly meet with people that want to divorce each other and i say you can divorce each other i mean you can get one of these 99 attorneys and just do it but you know what it's like taking glass and throwing it on your tile floor and smashing it all over your house you're gonna have to live in the house the rest of your life and you're gonna walk over glass the rest of your life god is very focused on covenants and marriage is a covenant made with god you break that you're walking on broken glass the rest of your life yes you can marry someone else you can start over again everything else and there are many wonderful remarriages there is also the breaking of a covenant that was made in the sight of god and lord says only two things that can take away the covenant and that is the death of the person you're married to or their unfaithfulness in departing from the marriage morally or physically deserting the marriage so be very careful but nobody asked me about that but i brought it up myself thirdly god made a covenant with david that his family would produce the messiah and that's why jesus when he comes at christmas that we just celebrated is called the son of what david yeah he's the son of david and and the pharisees and scribes and sadducees couldn't figure this out he says how come the lord calls himself the son of david and they couldn't figure it out it's because of this covenant that god made with david that david was a man after his own heart and that he was going that's why when david heard this he said how come why are you blessing me this way so those are three big covenants now a backdrop to all this to that chart of the overview of of history is what has historically been called the scarlet thread of redemption the scarlet speaks of blood so it's the the scarlet thread of redemption it says in the bible in whom we have redemption uh through his blood and so the scarlet thread is seeing redemption all the way through if you look in your bibles in genesis 3 15 it says that there's going to come the seed of the woman who will crush the serpent's head that's what jesus was doing on the cross crushing hebrews 2 says he destroyed him that had the power of death that is the devil that's what jesus was doing on the cross he was destroying the one who had death as as his calling card and he destroyed satan's power to hold people that's why before the cross all the saints were kept in that place they were kept in that we've talked about that i've answered several times because until the cross jesus couldn't bring them up into dwelling in in his presence they had to stay in that place called abraham's bosom until after the cross and then he brought him up so the seat of the woman said that the redeemer is going to come through the human race and so the the redeemer the one who is going to pay the price of sin the only thing we learn in genesis is they're going to be human so that's why jesus had to become the god man he had to come in human flesh when we get to abraham we find in genesis 22 and verse 18 that this redeemer is going to be jewish see that's why we have the bible it's the slow narrowing down of who is going to be this savior this redeemer this this one that was promised that would would shed their blood by the time we get to jacob we find out that they're going to be not just a human and a jew they are going to be from one of the 12 tribes the tribe of judah and and so we're it's narrowing down into a tribe and then through david we find it's actually through the family of david that's why joseph had to go to bethlehem because he was of the house in lineage of what david see that's this this this whole drama of redemption is god telling what is going and and by the way the devil didn't know and so that's why here the devil tries to destroy all humans by the demon intrusion that prompted the flood of noah and then once he finds out it's abraham he gets hagar involved he's trying to dilute the seed and have this egyptian woman ruin this this plan and then he's got jacob running off into a far land hoping he'll get way laid and killed and the angels are watching him as he's sleeping on a rock you know at bethel and then here the devil's doing everything he can from trying to to have goliath kill david to having saul try and kill david to having david running for his life and then going into adultery hoping god will kill him and he won't have this promised seed so satan has always been at work and by the way when when it was found out by satan that it was jesus what did satan do tries to have all the babies killed couldn't do that he tries to drown jesus when he's sleeping in the boat that didn't work he tries to get a crowd to stone him to death on numerous occasions see satan doesn't want christ's work to be accomplished and that's why at the cross he was sorely disappointed so let's just focus first on this first section um and i don't know it was one of the questions saying um how do we get dates from the bible so let me show you some dates uh that we get in the bible um first of all the patriarchs uh patriarchs uh rk uh speaks of of high or old and poetry as father so it's the old fathers of the high fathers the patriarchs the the ones who are the the the high fathers the exalted ones abraham is the one that god um calls to himself uh abraham was a gentile that became a jew became the first jew became the father of the jews we know from the bible exactly the date he was born and i'll show you how we get that in just a minute abraham actually had three wives here's two of them hagar his actual half-sister wife his wife of of his youth the servant girl and there's going to be one that that he marries after sarah dies um again satan is trying to mess up the plan and so because god made sarah not conceived now remember the bible says god grants conception now we do a lot of things and there's all kinds of whole medical science for conceptionology but the bottom line is there is no conception of a child apart from god allowing it that means there's no accidental babies and that's why that poor senator that said whatever he said uh was so vilified during the campaign season because the guy sounds like he's a believer and what he said is even a child conceived through rape and there are several in the bible that are conceived through rape is god's plan because he allowed him to be conceived but no one asked me about that so i shouldn't go down that line but here comes ishmael because satan is trying to ruin the plan and so he has abraham uh figure out how to circumvent you know having children the way that god planned and he's going to have him his own way and he gets ishmael and ishmael is a really blessed fellow ishmael because he's the son of abraham fathers ishmael has 12 sons too did you know that if you read carefully in the bible it's not just that jacob had 12 sons ishmael has 12 sons and his 12 sons are the people that made one trillion dollars last year selling us oil those are the descendants of ishmael they're doing very well all of abraham's descendants are doing really well but god says no here's my son of promise and by the way this is what the whole conflict is who is the lord is it yahweh that said that the son of promise is isaac or is it uh is it allah who the muslims say ishmael is the one is the son of promise see the quran says that abraham offered ishmael on the altar and god says don't kill ishmael ishmael is my promised one and by the way when we get into revelation 6 i don't want to spoil it for you but did you know that the muslims jesus is in the quran very clearly there's an antichrist there's a false prophet all the things that are in the scripture satan has duplicated in the quran it's fascinating we don't realize how much satan has been at work right from the beginning as soon as god identified abraham as the family through which his nation is going to come satan's been busy and and i'm not saying every descendant of ishmael is satanic but i'm saying the the arrival of ishmael was part of what satan was planning to do but god is using it for his glory so isaac is born when abraham is 100 years old you see right there 2166 when the year 2066 bc isaac's born and you know they uh send off the servant to find a wife for isaac isaac gets married when he's 40 doesn't have any kids until he's 60. he waited a long time too and then he has twins jacob and esau and what's fascinating is esau who sold his his firstborn right as a son inheritance to his brother for a bowl of soup who does esau align with he intermarries with ishmael in fact esau in the old testament he is the father of edom the the ishmaelites and we'll see later when i do katura and also lot abraham's nephew all of those people have intermarried and all of them have become the enemies of god i'm talking about in the bible not today but they have aligned themselves the the ishmaelites and the the sons of didan and all the other katura descendants are all lined up as enemies of god in the bible and by the way just for you to know esau who the bible calls edom is the father of king herod there's another way satan was at work king herod becomes the king of this side of the genealogy and he doesn't belong there herod is from this side he's from over here he's an edomite he's not a jew he's an edomite but he became the king of the jews and when the descendant that that came down through judah jesus christ when he came herod tries to kill him again satan trying to destroy the plan of god and these are by the way the twelve sons through the the uh what starts here the four wives of jacob the twelve sons and all that i don't even know if anybody asked me about that there's the other half of the uh family tree of abraham his first wife second wife last wife right here katura after sarah died he takes another wife and has one two three four five six more children seven eight perfect family eight um uh just okay just seeing if you're listening but look at what his descendants become the saudi arabians today by their geographic location are the descendants of sheba and didan and then all of these are what we call the bedouin people today uh that live and i mean they're still if you go to if you go to the land of israel you see these people living there in tents they it you can go to a bedouin tent today and see exactly what abraham lived like very simply with their herd and flocks around them um but but all of these katura this children and descendants were sent by abraham he sent them with with all kinds of treasures and said leave the area where my son of promise is living and go to the east so they go east to saudi arabia and they sent off hagar with ishmael to the same place and esau joins them and intermarries along with you know this nephew lot who had the midianites lot had two children are two ill or incestuous children through his daughters the midi knights and the ammonites and what's interesting is one of the descendants of of the midianites is amalek so so all of the enemies of israel even today if you read the psalms it describes the final battle there's going to be psalm 83 tells about the final battle israel is going to have with their enemies and it lists off the descendants of sheba and didan the amalekites the ishmaelites you know all of these people the midianites and the ammonites and all of them are relatives of abraham and all of them are tied to satan's desire to destroy that scarlet thread of redemption by intermarrying and destroying the the lineage and so um a lot of prophetic history is based on the couturites and the hagari descendants as well as esau's now in biblical history um getting back to one of those questions the exodus some of you might wonder how we get that 1446 date i will show you that in a minute but basically from moses in the time of the exodus uh there's there's the 40-year wandering in the wilderness then there's the conquest of the land of canaan by joshua and that goes right into the book of judges the time of the judges and the final judge is right here samuel and samuel anoints saul and saul is the people's choice but not god's choice and then samuel anoints david and this starts the amazing work of god in israel and that's very central and to show you a little um this is to answer the bible question so let's all turn to first kings 6 1 uh because somewhere in the questions is uh how do we know dates in the bible so i'm going to give you a quick um lesson first kings chapter six i wanna show you something very interesting uh first kings six one tells us something about solomon's temple and it came to pass in the 480th year after the children of israel came out of the land of egypt so here is 480 years and the 480 years is before the event we're reading in chapter 6 verse 1. and what we're reading about there is that in the month of ziv which is the second month he began to build the house of the lord this is a historically findable date in fact if you look on google look at jerusalem's 3000th anniversary jerusalem celebrated their 3 000th anniversary because even secular people say that david i mean muslim scholars won't say this probably but but normal western scholars will say that david reigned in jerusalem 1000 bc i mean most people accept the reality that david lived because we have the psalms we have the jewish people and we have all the the history well david reigned as king until david reigned from 10 10 to 970. and in 970 bc his son solomon sat on the throne and solomon got busy building his own house and got busy marrying all those women and finally he got down to building the in 966 in the fourth year of his reign he started building the temple and if you add those two numbers together 480 years before he started building the temple it takes you to a hard number 1446 bc that's the year god says the exodus took place boy that makes life fascinating did you know today if you go to wikipedia it's actually wikipedia but it's wicked too if you go there and look up which pharaoh was sitting on the throne in 1446 bc now no no secular and even a lot of christian scholars believe god's date this is a hard number that god established 1446 bc most of them say that the exodus was in 1200 bc during ramses i think that's because disney made a movie i'm not sure there's no reason in the bible for that but since the movie says it was ramses you know disney said it everyone believes it but god says this number but if you look in wikipedia and look up what guy was sitting on the throne then you know what the wikipedia article says fascinating i like it so much i've copied it out i don't want him to remove it it says the pharaoh sitting on the throne then is an amazing pharaoh that something happened to and his first born son dies prematurely and his second born son becomes the pharaoh that's the only of all the pharaohs in egypt that you read about on wikipedia only that one does it say that about and it's true in the the records of egypt this pharaoh's son did not become pharaoh his younger son did which was really amazing and that's all because we know what happened to his oldest son he died in the night of the original friday the 13th because we know that passover is on the 14th of nisan so the night before when the firstborn were killed was friday the 13th of nisan which is where the tradition of friday the 13th comes from right from 1446 bc um the rise that's not a joke either that's true the rise and fall of the monarchy and real quickly word to the books someone asked in the questions where do you fit where do the books the bible fit into history basically this first second samuel just covers the life of samuel saul and david the kings basically covers heavily uh the end of david's 40-year reign all of solomon's reign and then the kingdom after solomon all the way to the exile by the assyrians of the northern kingdom in there's another hard number we know from history 722 bc and the babylonians came along in 586 and destroyed jerusalem carted off the jews what's interesting is that first and second chronicles doesn't seem to be the same and the reason is the purpose of first second chronicles is to keep those bloodlines of the priests and of the kings the the genealogies for that's why it's called chronicles and it has all those you know family tree charts because this is where the proof uh it's interesting through first second chronicles we understand what's going on with joseph and mary mary's lineage goes through solomon joseph's lineage goes through nathan joseph is one that was a true man that was a descendant of david but mary went through a line where her child would not be cursed the two lines if you read chronicles there was one king that was a real bad guy called jekynia what a name jaconiah and or conia he's called also they take the g j e off and this guy is cursed by god because he was so wicked in apostate and god said no descendant of yours will ever sit on the throne and again satan was jumping up and down because this was destroying the the descendants of david but it's interesting that that under david the royal line splits between solomon and another son of david nathan and solomon's line had this jeconiah guy that is cursed but nathan another son of david is the family tree if you read in luke that mary descended through and this is the family tree that joseph descended through and that's why joseph was not i mean we already know it but joseph couldn't have been the father of the messiah because he was from this cursed line and that's why if you ever get bogged down reading chronicles there's a real reason for it god is even in the minutia of the genealogies showing his divine plan basically uh the the books of the bible again someone asked about the dates first samuel covers up from samuel into saul second samuel covers all the way through david into solomon king starts with david's death and goes through all of solomon the divided kingdom in 930 when solomon dies uh he has a waffley to use you know uh term sun by the name of rehoboam and he was a real rascal he wouldn't listen to the elders he listened to his buddies and rehoboam was very proud he was raised in too much money and and he's the one that said that my little finger will be thicker than my father's thigh i'm going to get every dime out of you i can in taxes and the kingdom split and jeroboam took the northern half and the this is when the monarchy becomes divided the southern kingdom took two tribes judah and benjamin the northern kingdom takes ten tribes and they um jeroboam doesn't want them trotting back to judah to jerusalem to hear you know to go back with us the southern people so he institutes the golden calf worship in dan and bethel and he actually brings israel into idolatry and and just wreaks devastation on them and what the lord does is he cuts him off in 722 the assyrians come through kill him exile them and then they never return they're they are sent to modern-day syria modern-day iraq and modern-day iran iran and just sprinkled all over the world but god is patient with the the southern kingdom he allows them to go on for another 150 years but they slowly succumb to the idolatry and so babylon comes and destroys them and all of that is in second kings and also all of it is in first and second chronicles basically we can we can give the stats on these two teams the northern team israel had 19 kings reigned 250 years so that's an average of about 12 plus years per king the southern kingdom had 20 kings that went an average of 18 and a half years this is telling seven different dynasties jeroboam goes for a little while but then jeroboam because of his idolatry is cut off and you know it goes into dynasty after dynasty seven different dynasties almost every other king is from a different dynasty until the assyrians take him into captivity the southern kingdom is one dynasty the house of david and the babylonian captivity there are three dates for it you say why can't you figure out which one well there's reason for it and this is just a listing of the kings and uh every one of the northern kingdom kings were bad and it's hit and miss in the southern kingdom there are good and bad um and we already covered that forget that and these are the prophets that line up with them and it's just for you to know the dates of the book like jeremiah is is during the time of this jehoia kim guy i mentioned right here and daniel is is uh after zedekiah ezekiel is after that just to give you a perspective during these very difficult last days but let me show you um something here uh babylon king nebuchadnezzar is raised up by god to become the first world empire and in the year 605 bc as he's on his way to fight the egyptians and others he swings by israel knocks down part of jerusalem's wall and carries off daniel and his three buddies that's how they get to babylon daniel and the three then nebuchadnezzar just you know warns him and gets tribute from him and he goes home and keeps conquering everything and he swings back by eight years later 597 bc and this time he picks up ezekiel and takes him to babylon and that's where you read the book of ezekiel daniel has been there for eight years ezekiel shows up in the third siege this is when god said enough is enough this time nebuchadnezzar systematically breaks down the entire wall all the way around levels the temple and just murders all the people and those that that he doesn't murder he takes them to babylon anybody that could help him out now why three different times because god has warned in the book of leviticus and warned through the prophet jeremiah that israel is going to have to do two things they have this servitude as a nation where they're going to serve another nation for 70 years but also god says a second thing that jerusalem is going to be desolate with its walls broken down and and horribly lying desolate like the book of lamentations talks about for 70 years well nebuchadnezzar didn't flatten the place until 586 so this one ends with a decree from artaxerxes but this servitude they're allowed to go back by cyrus but they weren't allowed to rebuild the the temple in jerusalem and to get everything going and to put the walls up and become a real city until uh the second decree and so basically well cyrus let him go back and they started building the temple but our deserts is let them go back and wall their city and become independent now again showing you for whoever asked about the dates daniel is right there he is uh in the sixth century bc ezekiel follows him the book of chronicles is chronicling all this because the book of chronicles is written and finished by ezra concurrent with ezra is haggai who is prophesying that they need to spend as much money building the house of lord as they are on paneling their own houses with cedar while they're building the temple zechariah is talking about the ultimate future state of and we've read zechariah prophetically nehemiah follows ezra and by the way ezra was the one that copied the bible that started the scribes that actually started the synagogue and all of that and then of course the final uh old testament prophet was from italy his name is malachi and he is or malachi it is getting late one more minute we have to go let's see where we're ending this is where we'll pick up next time because i think this is the most significant thing of all i mentioned it this morning while daniel is in babylon nebuchadnezzar has a dream and nebuchadnezzar dreams in daniel 2 that he sees this tall image that has a head of gold and it has this neck down to waste of silver you notice that the metals get cheaper and stronger brass waist down and then iron down to the feet and the the last thing is iron mixed with clay in the feet and basically daniel is told by god that he's seeing time from daniel's time in the 6th century bc until the second coming and what god tells daniel is there are going to be four world empires babylon was the first the medo-persians are the second the alexander the great hellenization of the world is the third and the final empire is rome rome supposedly falls but rome only broke into pieces and each of the pieces of rome germany spain britain we could go on and on every piece of the roman empire has had its day ruling the world in fact the greatest extent was great britain but what happens is rome in some form and we'll talk about that next time comes back only it's a mixed bag it's iron and clay and so there's a lot of and also it's in two parts because there's two legs this one body goes down into two legs and it's all of that is significant but we're going to talk about that and also what's interesting is daniel has a second vision nebuchadnezzar sees this daniel hears this this is man's view of civilization gold silver this is god's view of humanity we're voracious creatures beasts monsters killing plundering pillaging but all of that is in the bible as we start in romans 15 so that we can have hope let's all stand it's 7 15 and let's close with a word of prayer and i wish i would have answered all the questions but there were too many and so three is enough but let's bow father in heaven thank you for your scriptures no matter what we're facing right now people before us have faced some form of the same thing struggles loss physical emotional spiritual battles and your word is written to tell us that you are the god that dispenses comfort you're the god that can increase our patience and you're the only one that can give us hope and i pray that tonight that we would believe what you have said that you are in charge of history and you are working it according to a plan and we just want to get in line and do what we're supposed to do in your plan and i pray we'd search your word every day prayerfully and just voice to you here we are lord send us to do whatever you want us to do and we'll ask you to do that for your glory in the precious name of jesus we pray and all of god's people said [Music] you
Channel: DTBM
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Keywords: Bible, God, Jesus, Christian, teaching, biblical, teach, sermon, trinity, church, lesson, traditional, truth, true, divine, theology, freedom, guilt, testament, pure, interpret, spirit, holy, John, Barnett, christ, father, heaven, hell, doctrine, doctrinal, sinful, forgive, forgiveness, history, teachings, chapters, verses, discover, the book, ministries, dtbm, Dr. Barnett, controversial, repent, helpful, sin, the, book, dr, john, doctor, barnett, training, videos, series, resources, savior, god, jesus
Id: G3CtGevmdLI
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Length: 57min 20sec (3440 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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