FT86SF Short Shifter Install

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[Music] what's up guys Thomas from FTA 6b factory and today we're going to talk about our new short throw shifter and we're gonna be installing it on our BRZ [Music] now the last time we had a video dedicated to short shifter it was the IRP short shifter and that thing is crazy reducing throws by 60% you get a nice tall Chris bolt-action rifle shifter but if you don't want something that screams racecar maybe you want something that's not in your face so this is probably this shifter for you now this shifter reduces throws by twenty eight and a half percent and actually drops the height of the shifter down by three-eighths of an inch now with this in your car is gonna look pretty OEM until you shift it and feel the difference but the thing that sets this apart is this whole section here the reverse lockout is made at a Delrin and that's gonna reduce the amount of rattle you're gonna hear when you're driving something that the Kart boy didn't do very well now inside the box you're gonna get your shifter already assembled they're also going to include some super lube and you're gonna use this Lube for this ball and socket bushing here on the shifter if we compare this to the stock shifter you're gonna notice that you can see the difference in height where this ball and socket bushing is it's a lot lower down on the stock one it's a lot higher on the short shifter and that extra angle there and that leverage is gonna give you that twenty eight and a half percent reduction something else' notice and a big key for our short shifter is here we have ball bearings let me get this open there are some ball bearings inside our short shifter and here you have well this is a pretty beat-up example but this is the standard bushing in the stock shifter and that's that's obviously getting beat up over time and here we have a much smoother ball bearing that's gonna last longer and give you smoother shifts now to get to the shifter we're gonna have to remove this and tire center console here so we'll start by removing these shift knobs this shifter trim with the boot and the ebrake boot [Music] now we get them to the shifter trim you'll want to pull up from the sides if you pull up from here you're gonna break some stuff plus there's some electrical connections we need to remove so just pull up on the sides here there you go and then this connection here we can disconnect and then this just slides right off this reverse lockout here three select aside and remove the ebrake boot all you do is lift up on the sides and that will pop out then you slide this part through the ebrake handle now for the next step we need to remove the side panels here and those just pop right out once you give them a little pressure there we go it'll do the same for the driver's side as well and what you want to do is stick your hand in here and you're gonna want to remove and push out the auxiliary and USB port you can slide your hand in there and it'll pop right out just a little bit of pressure then we can pull it out and disconnect this connection and throw this aside now we're gonna remove this tray in here and you can stick your hands in here just like before and give it a little bit of pressure and it'll pop out [Music] and now we have access to all six bolts these are Phillips head screws where there's two up here to next to the shifter and actually two underneath the storage cubby here [Music] now with all six of those screws undone we can go ahead and pull this out of the car however there is one more connection for the cigarette lighter down here that we need to pull out there we go and we can pull this out of the car now we got more access to the shifter and we got to take out these two white Clips here that are holding on this foam pad take out this foam bit toss that aside and now we have four twelve millimeter bolts we need to remove [Music] now we have access to these shifter itself well there are four bolts holding this on normally there's gonna be four ten millimeter bolts here but since this is the old cart Boy has different hardware these are Allen's but the same premise applies so let's go ahead and get these on done now if you can see this part here there is a clip and a spacer that's holding on the rod that connects the shipper do the transmission and we need to pull this off and then we're going to disconnect this shifting rod to our shifter make sure you do not drop this give it the Sprint a little clip and we'll take the little washer off okay you got the washer and it'll slide there we go they are now disconnected and this can pop off there we go oh yeah now before we throw in this new shifter we do need to apply this lubricant to this bushing here so we just tear this open and spread that around that ball and socket area and we'll also need to transfer the rubber dust cover from the old shifter and put it onto our new shifter now before we throw this shifter in it's a good idea to put some Lube on the bearings and these bearings spacer caps and I like to install the first two on the shifter rod already to make it a little bit easier and when we've got those on we could drop this make sure it's in the right position you want the shifter kind of angled towards you otherwise if it's this way you're gonna be smacking into that radio and air control every time your shift so make sure the bend is kind of pointed towards you and we will drop this in place there we go and then you're gonna have to fish this rod into the bottom of the shifter and these are pretty high tolerance pieces especially these bearing spacers so take your time you may have to work work it a little bit just just have some patience and then when you've got that on make sure you put this clip on and then you can bolt down those four bolts the four ten millimeter bolts and put the rest of the interior back together exactly the opposite way that you took it apart now as you guys just saw our new short shifter has very short and non she throws you can even tell inaudible difference between the two I think most of that is due to those high tolerance bearings that don't allow any play in the shifter now if you want to pick one of these up for yourself i got'em link down in the description or you can head directly to our website by clicking right here if you have any questions at all feel free to send us an email at sales at FTA 6-speed factory comm this is Thomas and I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: FTspeed
Views: 55,673
Rating: 4.9624162 out of 5
Keywords: frs, brz, shift knob, best shift knob, Ft86, FT86speedfactory, Short shifter, Short Shift, Short throw shifter, ft86sf shifter, ft86speedfactory short shifter, short throw shifter, ft86 shifter, ft86speedfactory short throw shifter, ft86sf short shifter
Id: x-a-_EP6SBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2018
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