Frozen Theory: Hans Is A Mirror

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Hey, brother. Jay can I do something crazy? You guys love crazy right? Hans: I love crazy! Perfect! How crazy is this? What if Hans from Frozen, is Actually a mirror *Intro music* Hey brother! In case you didn't know, Frozen, like many Disney movies is based on a fairy tale. The fairy tale in question is The Snow Queen, by Hans Christian Anderson Hans-Kristoff-Anna-Sven Oh my God. If you're thinking, oh my gosh, I didn't know that. I want to go read it right now Don't. It's not really that interesting and Frozen is way better and more entertaining and doesn't exactly resemble the original fairy tail Now it should come as no surprise that disney takes many creative liberties when it comes to bringing a fairy tale to life But however much they change they normally still keep the important plot devices In the case of Frozen though, they left out maybe the most important device to the Fairy Tale A mirror. In the original story a troll, creatively called the devil Makes a mirror that reflects and magnifies the worst aspects of yourself when you look into it He tries to bring the mirror to heaven to make fools of the angels But, the mirror falls to Earth and shatters into millions of pieces Some as small as grains of sand. One such piece of glass gets in the eye of one of the main characters of the story Who begins to see the entire world in a terrible light, and solving this problem is the whole purpose of the story A quick trip to the eye doctor probably would have solved everything But of course it's a fairy tale so it involves all sorts of magic and snow bees and stuff Wouldn't it have been perfect if that was the hero of Frozen. Oh man another eternal winter, better call the eye doctor Frozen leaving out the mirror is kind of like Cinderella leaving out the glass slipper, or Beauty and the Beast leaving out the rose Or snow white leaving out, well, the mirror They kind of leave out this important item that sort of puts the whole fairy tale in motion. Maybe instead of having a literal mirror they turn the mirror into a character. A character that features many different personalities that don't seem to match up Now, do we remember any characters from Frozen that fit that build? Hans: I'm so sorry! A-are you hurt? Hans: She left me in charge Hans: If only there was someone out there who loved you Hans literally acts like a mirror, to everyone he comes in contact with He never has any scenes by himself And no matter who he's talking to, he always assumes their mannerisms, motivations, fears, and personality and then reflects it back onto that character This is why Hans comes across as so convincingly genuine Because he's reflecting genuine people, and it happens in every scene Take when he meets Anna. Anna has just finished singing a song about meeting someone Ana: What if I meet THE one? And boom, she walks right into someone who is exactly herself, in prince form They have a funny exchange and both are a little bit awkward and nice and they both seem to have just walked out of the same day dream about meeting someone Anna leaves the scene looking dreamy-eyed and Hans if you remember from last week Last Week Ben: Why is he smiling? Is he smiling at the horse? Nope, he's mirroring Anna. Because otherwise his dumb smile under the boat makes no sense Here's the thing though, Ana remains awkward and silly and funny throughout the rest of the movie Hans on the other hand morphs with each new person But not before he sings a song with Anna that is just littered with mirror imagery just look at how symmetrical the shot is in each scene Walking in the garden On the balcony In the hallway On the clock tower on the bridge, where there is quite literally a reflection And finally ending with two waterfalls, on either side of them Hans: You Ana: And I In Unison: Were just meant to be Ooorrrr he's just mirroring you. Even before the song starts how does he relate to Ana but by telling her How he has been ignored by his siblings, mirroring exactly what he just witnessed Elsa do to her at the ball. Anna had just attempted to rekindle a deep and meaningful relationship with her sister Hans is ready to offer her exactly that. An open door relationship Exactly the opposite of the closed door that Anna has been facing for years Else: Go away Anna Anna: Okay bye The first big shift in his personality that we see is right after Ana leaves him in charge of Arendelle when she goes in search of Elsa At first he acts like a mirror to Anna, being super helpful to the people and offering them warm blankets and hot glogg Hans: There is soup, and hot glogg in the great hall I'm sorry, what is glogg? Glogg aside, the people are grateful to him, and he is grateful back Then the duke steps in and is assertive and tries to take command Hans reflects him, asserting himself as the leader and demonstrating his own authority Hans: She left me in charge, and I will not hesitate to protect Arendelle from treason Up at the ice palace he later shifts again to mirror Elsa While she is scared and afraid, he literally repeats back to her, her own worst fear Hans: Don't be the monster they fear you are! Then when she's in chains, he does it again. Saying aloud what she must actually be thinking Hans: If you would just stop the Winter, bring back Summer At this point he seems gentle, like Elsa, and like he's actually trying to help Like, do you, do you see how he just keeps changing? It's not unusual for a character to evolve over the course of a movie but he changes in every scene Right up, until he's with Anna in the library and finally reveals his true self And what makes this scene so interesting is that as he is revealing everything we have this moment, where he walks over to the window and what is looking back at him? Himself The other really interesting plot device that's being used in this scene is as Hans is removing his gloves a gesture that was mirrored earlier in the movie as Elsa removed her gloves letting it go Now, obviously Hans wasn't there to see Elsa do it But I think as he's taking off his own gloves, he is also letting it go Which is to say, embracing his true self I think we've made a pretty good argument for this theory, but in case you still think that we're reading just too much into it the movie starts to get a little blatant about it like when Hans is literally repeating words back to other characters Anna: Can I just, say something crazy Hans: Can I say something crazy? Anna: You're no match for Elsa Hans: No, you're no match for Elsa If anything happens to her if anything happens to the princess It's almost like hans has no emotions of his own He seems to be empathetic, but he's really just mirroring the feelings of others He's very...unfeeling, or what's the word? Cold-hearted Anna: The only frozen heart around here, is yours Oh my god. The opening song isn't a warning for Anna, it's a warning about Hans About the guy who doesn't feel anything Beware the frozen heart For my question of the day, is Hans the mirror from the fairy tale? Did we miss any reflections? Leave your thoughts in the towel section down below Guys thanks for watching this video! Be sure to like it and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already If you'd like to see more Frozen action from us you can click right here for Frozen fast facts or right here to find out who actually performed the act of true love to save Anna's life Jay that is everything I've got for you today man, I will see you on Tuesday.
Channel: SuperCarlinBrothers
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Keywords: SuperCarlinBrothers, frozen, hans, hans is a mirror, super carlin brothers, frozen theory, disney, pixar, disney's frozen, elsa, disney pixar, walt disney animation, jonathan carlin, ben carlin, frozen 2, frozen movie, frozen full movie, hans kirstoff anna sven, film theory, wisecrack, let it go, do you want to build a snow man, love is an open door, kristen bell, idina menzel
Id: uSLv9cYOA6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 13 2016
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