Frostbite 2020 SSBU Losers Top 24 - PG | Marss (ZSS) Vs GW | Zackray (Joker) Ultimate Singles

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oh yeah I saw Mars lose on a different tag so maybe looking for a change of pace here Carmel is a throwback that's for sure I don't know if you use that one in ultimate yeah but I think use it in smash 4 but it's not one that he's been using recently interesting do you remember what he used at a Genesis it was some anime things so oh right I forgot it it wasn't anime reference oh I do know I do remember that here we go though these guys already scrapping dead center stage the cool tag is great by the way big fan of that from Zack right so I said man the cool Joker baby this is such a crazy pick by the way cuz parsis 302 m paleo few weekends ago at Genesis the best the best to do it with the character it's a great saying you know I think I got my own little little twist on this character I'm gonna make it we're keeping with the nerf so you have to work around as far as Mars beat pre nerf does you're a pre pre nerf play oh but we must say as the up smash takes the kill for Zachary Mars was playing like a Martian there at the entire Lenny looks like it wasn't from Earth that entire Genesis run we'll see if we can rekindle the same magic here at Zachary looking to put out that flame hoping you'd cross up arson he just turns from side to side to side to side home looking this way all I'm looking that way Oh looking very down Eric can't find it though Mars flipping into the action pressure the ledge great Perry there from Zack great pose couldn't find anything off of it oh I love the jump with the opponent as well just kind of tracing them able to still continue to put on pressure they're looking for follow-up to exact right gonna go low and you saw Mars go for the UH pair they're two trucks maybe a second jump from Zachary after he got hit looking for the aggressive option in where to the up smash to Mars gonna get punished recover here gotta flip jump from the ledge is such a good option but if your opponent is ready to cover it you're gonna get blown up like that well done to Sacre pudding man that is a huge mental note there in the beginning of this match exact ray working on a three sucked down the regrab that was sick I've been seeing so many single bullets just to get that extra little percent on every single comma to Sol AO doing it now we're seeing Zachary do it here this is a very different style joking than what we seen from Leo today - he's just putting on the offense charging in a lot just getting these great opening starting with the side beat - a lot yeah I want to a how to start for mm Callao to that Zach are using it more as the approach option relay was being defensive with it right Mars's get up the wedge he goes with them looks like a fair this time hey huh Zaire in trying to get an up here too but holding away is decorate that's the smash for throwback was just holding up and holding some shield going around each over that back arrow Claud it's gonna catch her right in the face Sacre yep looking for the counter and ice climbing by Mars to make it back but this is looking not great for Mars to say the least to restock victory for Zach ray pretty much sealed right there yes it is back air at a shield that is a statement for the young Sacre we've seen them do so many great things since this game has come out three sake Mars up 3-1 Genesis put that one on the list yes absolutely do you think honestly stage didn't really feel like I played much of a BEC during their - and I don't feel like Mars had time to kind of set up the game plan so I don't really want to see a character change quite yet and honestly any stage will do in my honest opinion but and look I missed you to see going back to the Joker of course and Mars taking a little bit of time he he went to the Falcon for a second you saw it you saw it it's gonna go zero - yes he shouldn't be shook here that can't happen against the player legs act right yeah bars can do it right back to him in this game - it's very possible so let's see what happens here on battle - yeah that's what I was saying that it kind of felt like Mars didn't even get a chance to start playing the game yeah so feel like he hesitated a lot - like there are a couple of opportunities where you could pull the trigger where Mars usually does you know he just kind of didn't so is that grey gotta give him credit there - it's ways than playing that is kind of forcing these errors from Mars they're not gonna lead to anything here for Zachary - but keeping the pressure on double back here putting Mars do this really reposition on platform able to get down though that situation wow he's so good at hitting the flip jump and I'm pretty sure yeah that's just a stock that just is it modern believable play from Zack Rea offstage in the player cam clearly distraught yeah we will see what could happen here and Zach Wright continues to apply the pressure to even the single bullet to get the damage trying to catch him with an air this Joker play is incredible by the way the way he's playing neutral the punish game is so good Oh are we always I'm telling you like these misses are very strange from Mars like he's usually so precise especially this punish game that one okay getting them there and a flip kick easily start if you want to make a comeback try some look for a back here down deep like that to the Zephyr getting back to ledge as is Mars but now they're down here barely missing yeah touch your car to the counter from our sin Joker so good even against the calculate zero it has an amazing recovery hold on yeah Mars is definitely pretty visibly frustrated right now against against Joker I think oh boy that is going to be it for some help from the crowd he's not sure what to do he's got to figure it out and figure it out fast Kazak ray he's not gonna pump the brakes anytime soon looking for something deep there Zachary going as low as possible though using a knee tether okay yep great defensive tool to go ahead and hit me go ahead and if you want to give me more arson I'll take the damage ooh the gun movement is so so slick to get through ziering through there with the with the rebels car dude just to eat through all tattoo and not dropping a stock yet will just be a back there for stage yes it will side be okay there you go Mars put himself on the board first stock for him in this match coming to life a little bit with the moomies take any damage there although absolute last hit of that lingering up till great timing from Sacre we're gonna grab Pierce trying to try the juggle again oh the guns coming down to Mars kept it hot there but finally gonna find some picking firms oh that's nice little three piece do we get the drink though for free a couple prize you know whatever there you go waiting a Mars is waiting for options now he started to fade back after some it's looking for roles possibly back are still keeping on pressure to there's a lot of safe hits coming from Zachary as well does not want to over get caught overextend and do the drag down tosses them to that back I was so cool yeah don't jump here something get down to the ground if you're not opting for and ledge up there looking for more pressure from below but Sacre just jumping out of there throw hard read both of these guys are just swinging to each other in the disadvantage it's working out so well becomes Mars so he's got to recover oh the blue oh there goes flip jump yep yep yep that is amazing counter playoff stage against zero suit samus one of the strongest recoveries in the game but it's kind of like Wario you take away the flip jump or you take away the bike it hurts the recovery so so much especially when you have a counter as big as tetra Karn Zac ray manatees he's rewriting the book on this matchup I must say right and if this is the speed it took him to get down there get down there and get the counter after using guns to stall out Mars recovery that was just lightning fast sticking with zero suit samus not locked in yet taking his time cyanotic he definitely started to do a lot better at the end of that game too so they're taking some stocks or applying pressure started not getting so frazzled all good stuff however he's gonna need to string up together even more in this game three situation Mars back against the wall already but reverse Rios are always on that we play five games for a reason at this point the bracket you know Sanskrit absolutely certain we put we do seem are still taking a little bit of a backseat here is Zechariah gesturing I'm around the stage yep guys are pressuring each other shields and Zaire into up smash you see the STI on that by the way from Zachary he was popping out of that quick I think he might have avoided a hit or two maybe there's that Zaire into a conversion here Mars looking like a new player are sent online here not looking for a paralyzed but we'll find a read on the role with a grab Zachary's got up assorted shielding like Oh sacré just like it was such a such a precise jump there just landed right towards the wedge didn't press the button didn't do anything and just waited for Mars it's so good harsh racing the movement from Zachary Mars finding life for sure in this game 3 smash more damage here the doubter that's clean does that that's ridiculous you always look for an up air and air or something there flip kick OH Mars is a player of confidence as well too if he starts floating and he starts mixing all bets are off that narrow round to us a lot of hits on that to them it's the president drop shield very smart okay this is where's that craze but making this money Mars getting aggressive with the flip kick I don't like that said it just trying to flip jump towards the ledge or try to go high he goes right at Sacre very good stuff but this it's really close ours is gonna run out soon Mars will take that hit though because no okay call to flip up again oh that that falling up here at ledge too you saw you trying to catch Mars doing some sort of a jump up above the ledge there too with that but it definitely been a drag down but spamming the back here and ledge one of them will eventually hit yeah that was great my sacre just showing the option a couple times and not not giving up on the strategy that he thinks is gonna work even though he's shown it a couple times now we're gonna seem to take off with his damage his combo game has been so good throughout this set so far they're in good fun to grab here that's a good low percent that was a slow near to I think Mars tried to parry it anticipating maybe a faster fall there but Zachary just floated in the II caught the shield dropping it's really nice booth at forty rebuff shield is very nice and Mars actually we're treating away effort that's coming the mix-up are you gonna go over me or you get a cobra treat back with or order oh no sack right the ledge has been so good it's been money indeed why we put stood up there - oh my goodness Mars is alive somehow some way he's gonna try to recover again try to create some space that he does the UH parry showed first on the up be over the ledge but here comes that gray for the drag down but oh boy oh is paid for it with a stock decide beat all the way out there Mars reaching out with the Indiana Jones kick all the Simon Belmont anymore so he was converging here off of the up smash to pushing Zachary into the corner great tomahawk there though he's catching bars trying to parry a lot and he's mixing up either slow aerials or grabs and then he just gets the KO there what finger grab he's been doing a great job punishing Mars for whipping grabs Mars is living and dying by this grab right now it's - it's gonna net him a lot of damage - but high-risk high-reward opaque tome accomplished caught the air - it's so good are sent online here the bars were used to seeing tracing the movement of Zach ray puts a crate going hi smart and then back to the ledge little mix-up there you didn't want to take any damage you lose our sin but that back hair yikes this could be it for Mars this is his tournament life how's he gonna get up the ledge oh no exactly playing very very calm though great grab oh my god the forward air doesn't connect okay opportunity for Mars our sin is gone they run shield not gonna lead into anything Zach great now pressing avenge on the other side the stage down or pushing off just so scary ash the air - who who's get the wrong we were stuck in the sludge and they're gonna SD Jos a creep at all and I think Ray has been 99% amazing off stage so far in the set and that 1% just costs him a game is this going to be the swing that we see I like it though I like it even though Zach gray he's such a young kid look at the veteran composure he's not trying to let it shake him he he has this like this ritual he does to bring himself back down to lower the anxiety or lower low heart rate and just kind of you know touch his chest think about it and be like okay oh there - yep take it easy take it easy it's all good just he's gonna Center himself I love it all I can feel the dreams clear the mechanism you ever you ever watch that movie great movie young man with an old soul I'd say that's what Zachary is all right we can go with that he plays he plays a little better man he does he does so Zach ray try not to let that shaken Mars second lease on life a little bit of a gift given to him from Zach great he's gonna try to take off of it here on Yoshi story get up attack they're too obviously standing there if you want to stand there and hold shield that's maybe a little bit better of an option would be able to avoid that get up attack scrapping in the air so much man it's it's just crazy to see these interactions so close to each other in the skies oh that's there in the no tech arena high recovery to but the air dodge and jump at the same time from Zachary was great yeah I'm surprised that back here didn't connect it was so close Mars lines it up nicely put Zachary yep okay alright you got it Adam I'll bear danger for Mars okay down here's it goes alright you want to go all the way up I'm gonna go down see yeah yeah you exact right in that leg of a guard trying to catch him they're gonna Cup final in the middle of stage give Zachary some room to land paralyzed are barely hit upbeat teleporting off the top platform or off the top glass zone Zach right now he's gonna play the catch-up game zero suit has some platforms to run away on so far so good for Zach right though well without running the fade back to within there was so nice and actually for Sakura's hand to move in from Zachary avoiding the narrative flip Kate could have killed right there honestly so it's that great man perfectly right choice oh my goodness the puppy to try to get the counter - this is such deep offstage play that uniqueness of this stage is giving the opportunity to recover otherwise they'd have been absolutely dead I think platform come on man the counter play hasn't changed got a chill you got a chill against our set Joker moving free textures to the platform maybe with Zachary cuz I saw the down air come out which what would have been the neutral tech area but Mars holding away feeling each other out in the air more and more the thing is like either person winning neutral it means either big damage or a stock for the other one usually if it's no arson it's just damage for Joker but for zeros - it could be who knows God knows okay good trade for Mars cuz he kept that grape popped up in the air but here comes a crown the crown well wouldn't you have long truly okay give snatched the old scorpion get over here fade away by Sacre doesn't let it get caught by back hair he wants to keep the stock and wants to get our scent again oh what a fate away to it was a bait definitely on the shield that Mars you know he's our throw up but just not gonna get the boost kick okay okay okay sacré with another st what is going on right now is up being alive is he getting flustered right now that's happening Mars looking for the high recovery again - that seems to be at least scouting almost every single time is him going high Mars keeping him at bay using those airs and try and get aggressive Zagros ready for it yeah I just want to get crazy here Scott flip jump nope it goes up that is three SDS in two games what is happening I haven't seen this from Zac ray I mean at this point in the bracket like we said anything can happen but it okay it almost seems like it was destined to be this way Mars didn't really wake up until game 3 and then those other two games Sacre was not he was almost too emphatic about it finishing out this set and this is the only one that matters game 5 watching the heart to hands he's got yeah you only use one hand last time you got you got bump it up so here's the thing here's the thing I was thinking though in game 5 I don't think he's gonna go back to Yoshi's because the walls are so good for Mars and Mars he's been making Mars off on off stage a lot yep exactly we're going to smash Ville he was picking up Mars off stage in the first two games a lot when you get Mars that extra wall to work with you can just get nutty and do whatever he wants offstage basically so good job by Sacre closing the gap here game 5 situation Mars was that great that's our early thought so early on like this that's already hit Zachary coming off to it his lightning start but Mars got a respond here Ben yeah I mean we've seen these guys will get each other a lot but this is looking like this a crash oh that's gonna be a great follow up there see what he does on these platforms - oh okay meeting the whipped up there with an upper of his own on the back here after the I feel like most air-to-air combos are gonna be something into a back hair from ours that's whether noticing going Oh looking for the high flip jump there with with the dunk that would have been insane if he hit that read I think Mars saw him go up there is like now I'm just not gonna mess that actually right side be doesn't connect getting punished hoods air to Punk going para little let there trying to use guns Omar's trying to get cheeky with it down there stomp it out a little bit back here to not enough yet stairs air hold on look real affair there you go Zach great recovering very well that time that tether goes so deep yeah sunrise at the forty or to the full up here gonna connect no dragon up for Zach round to the platform the up smash gonna come out for Mars but another one for Zachary after he was done shielding that one huge deficit a perry the most confident perry i've seen in a minute from zachary again we're looking like exact grace show here maybe clutching the heart he's gonna help him punch up to set the up beat from mars oh he's gonna want to start a comeback this is how you do it zero suit huge comeback character i'm coming back back to our on this character narrative flip kick kills insanely early but he has not really hit Sacre with the sweet spot at least so far it's like we're different cruising actually getting into that up smash those good for mars going up there couple up there's here grab it oh my god they're not done immediately gonna get covered by the - tag - very very close to our set online as well uh pairs what's got so probably bring you our son wonder tank that's gonna be an arson reset - this is actually huge for mars there's no way he just brought this back down to a last suck situation no are sent on the board quite yet sacré he's got to play patiently oh you hold be there and she flips it up it actually hits on a different direction at the forward smash exact rate that it's going to be a huge pop off from the young man zack ray oh it's so well deserved he finds his friends from japan in his home country they're all so happy for him of course what a set by zack ray we saw him SD three times from the two games that he lost able to clutch it out clenching his heart mars giving a little bit of a hug there - well played by Sacre that was an amazing amazing set by him
Channel: VGBootCamp
Views: 234,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, twitch games vgbc vgbootcamp vg bootcamp, videogame, video game, bootcamp, boot camp, video game boot camp, gooshigaming, gooshi gaming, tournament, ultimate tournament, ssbu tournament, ssbu, smash, smash bros, super smash bros, super smash bros ultimate, ultimate, smash bros ultimate, frostbite, frosbite 2020, mkleo, hungrybox, plup, samsora, shuton, tweek, marss, mew2king, nairo, void, zackray, myran, dabuz, glutonny, salem
Id: AClRCOyuU2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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