Frontier OS31 Sawmill Trailer Assembly and Pulling Tips

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[Applause] [Music] okay the main assembly is pretty much complete other than some things here and there the next step is the trailer so we're going to go ahead put this together um i'm going to open this up show you what's inside kind of what it looks like when it's shipped up and then we're gonna get to the assembly part stay tuned the box is opened uh just a few straps and some stretchy tubes shrinky stuff and boom here we are that is a that is a whole trailer up in there sure is for a big lego kit uh let's see these guys are 155 r12s little 12. wow those little fellers okay so next we're gonna pull all this stuff out look at the instructions and start the assembly this should be a good time all right so we have a few boxes some nuts and bolts a couple larger brackets here's all the bits and pieces to put it together looks like it's got some fenders wheels those are just low fellers and of course the stabilizers there levelers so now that we have everything laid out it doesn't look too intimidating we're gonna get out the instructions and get it going so she's finally together uh this was very interesting to put this trailer on uh interesting saga but i'll get into all those details afterward now what i did is i put this on a couple saw horses make sure they're strong because this is probably close to a thousand pounds without the saw head um that's me guessing but it's pretty darn heavy uh but it made the most sense so as you assembled all those trailer pieces that you saw which the instructions are actually pretty good to go through it that's why i didn't do a step by step because they're pretty good um but anyway you get them on a saw horse and then you start to measure um all the bits and pieces now what i did is i started from the back right here and i just used like a drywall square i wanted to make sure all the stuff was really square so this is basically what i did is i started off with this and i kept checking it as i went now once the back was squared up what i would do is uh these right here will move this will slide in and out of it a little bit because you have these bolts that hold it in so what i did is i would slide this all the way in or push this all the way back the same over here and then once it was squared up i would go ahead and i tightened all these you know on these sides then what i did is i would go ahead and measure um well this right here for the brackets too i pushed this all the way back tightened it and the same for this side then these have to be 24 and a half inches on center right here between the two so i just measured right from this edge all the way down to here and i think it was 33 33 and three quarters i'm starting to forget some of the measurements but anyway i just made sure it was squared from here to there and the same over there that way i can get these two the same um and then when we started tightening these down i just started with a few and i worked my way that way and then this side i bolted down first and every time i put these down i would just grab a regular square so this regular square here i would just stick it on and make sure it was squared up for every single one that i did so that was pretty handy uh one measurement that i was unable to get was the measurement between this and this now what they suggested you do is keep everything loose all these guys loose and then put the saw head on and adjust from there that was kind of difficult because i had to tighten all these bolts down for the trailer to mount to the chassis so i'm going to give you the measurement that i have on this os 31 so it should be a decent guide 30 and three quarters [Music] [Music] thirty three quarters i tightened this one side here on the left pretty much all the way down making sure these cross member the cross bunks were squared up and then i just went all the way around to the other side and as i went again i started to tighten these down in there as i went off now there's one thing they give you with a suspension that is a little off i was unable to get it done to my satisfaction so i'm gonna have to go back through but you'll see there's a space right there because they give you these right here to allow the suspension to work but this should have been skinnier to accept them so what i'm going to end up doing is putting some spacers right in this area right here i haven't quite done it yet um and then everything else i tighten down again these uh from this bolt at the top to this one they suggest 24 and a half inches uh another thing to mention is as you're assembling this there's a cross member up here for the hitch mount there's a skinnier one you have to use this longer one for the os 31 and os27 and the other lower models use a skinnier one so there's a spare part don't freak out if you have this um so let's talk about some pros i was surprised at how well that it it went together and it feels pretty sturdy if it wasn't for the fact that it mounted to this right here it would be a little chintzy because i mean you're tightening these and that kind of holds it together but then these bolts they're pretty burly and there's spacers under there that makes it pretty nice i will note too that a couple of spacers i believe it's this one this one i'm writing about in the middle and those over there as well those spaces are a little bit longer because if you look at the difference right here you can see that this will drop off so the spacers in this have to be longer than the spacers here there's only four where you have to use the longer ones and again those are right here here and those two every other one has the shorter spacers so that's why there's different spacers all outlined in the instructions um this is where the saw head will be i added this grippy tape on top just to protect it if i needed to get up on it for whatever reason it's a good step stool that's why i did that uh the way this mounts in here this basically slides in this is the tongue and then they have this pin and that holds it in and it does move a little bit do i like it not so much but when i'm gonna have this saw on site or i may not be there all the time it's gonna be nice for theft you know i could take this out and i could even take the wheels off if i wanted to to make sure no one would take it so that's kind of nice but i'm thinking about putting a bolt through that just because it's seems a little chintzy um but overall i mean these these here they hold it up pretty well they they go quite high it's in a shop of course not out in the dirt yet i'll be putting some wood underneath of it so but yeah overall it wasn't too bad of an install it probably took about three hours with a buddy helping out which did speed things up now as far as putting this saw head on that was uh this thing's heavy it was pretty hairy i i had to improvise a bit the only chain i have was a little too long for my chain fall so i had to put some bolts in there which they worked well and then you know just used the chain fall lifted it up swung it around back the trailer under it basically and set it on there and she was good to go i did strap it as you can see here so it's not moving i haven't put in the the stoppers yet underneath but uh it's decent now another thing to mention too are the fenders they do give you fenders the one i purchased and basically they just have these snap rings that hold them on so they'll go ahead and mount in this hole and then that hole and you put the clip in are they gonna bounce around going down the road yep am i gonna do something to reduce that yup but it's nice because you can take them off because when you're you know loading logs you're probably going to wreck your fenders so i see why they wanted him to be taken off but i'm going to put something in there to make it a little bit better not super happy with that so our next steps here for me there's a lot of little stuff i have to finish up i'm going to go ahead and do that i have finally have the battery that was on back order that showed up and some of my stainless steel bunk covers i have a more than you normally would have because i have an extension so the seven foot extension i am not going to put it on this trailer going down the road i'm just going to end up when i get it on site where i'm cutting if i need it i'm just going to take these bolts out and add the extension after the fact because if you take a look at this thing it's pretty long and i think if you were to add seven foot hanging off the back of this that it's not something i'd want to go down the road because i'm gonna need to drive quite a ways with this thing so anyhow stay tuned i'm gonna go ahead and finish up the last bits and pieces uh oh one thing to mention the instructions so when i received the trailer there were no instructions none and i was thinking to myself oh no so let's say that you ordered your mill and then after the fact like me you said hey i want to get the trailer with it um all the instructions for the trailer are in the install book for the saw itself it's just toward the back so just if you don't get anything with it don't freak out it's actually all in your main book so to wrap this video up i wanted to kind of go over a little bit of my first maiden voyage i did pull this up and i i sent it over to a local weigh station so i live kind of in a rural area and there are elevators where they have scales and so on and it's about five bucks they weigh your trailer if you want to get it plated that's what you have to do here in michigan um when you go over to these a lot of the places say you can use a slow moving vehicle sign i just bolted it right down there in the bunk had a little bracket on the back so that way it's legal going over there and there's no issues uh the next thing i wanted to talk about is uh how am i gonna hook up the wiring and so on i do want a quick release for the lights in the back for each of those two in the rear and i also want one up here toward the tongue so what i plan to do is when i get it on site i'm gonna remove this tongue and i'm probably gonna move the wheels and so on and just put it stationary and take those just to make it harder to take it um if they were to even find it but nonetheless i'm gonna use some of these automotive style connectors they're only a three wire so i might have to use all these up to get it done so that's basically what i'll do so i'll give it a little bit of slack through here so when i take this out the wire will be in there and then i'll be able to go ahead and just disconnect it leave the wires inside and i'll do the same in the back over here when i want to take these lights out because i do have an extension that i'm gonna be putting on it so you know these lights are probably gonna have to come off i don't want to tow it with the extension on it i suppose i could just move this all back make this the back but i had a simplified i don't mind putting it up there i'm not gonna be moving it very often so i pulled it how did it go well it went really well actually um i tightened everything up really good uh aired the tires up to about 55 psi they say a max of 65 on these guys and they are because i need to get a spare also they're a five lug they're 155 r120 88. 86q well you can see that right there so i'll probably run up to one of the local farm stores and grab a spare because if you have a spare you won't get a flat usually so i hope that rule applies when i take this um i'm probably going to take off all of the levelers here i took off the front two and i put them back in at the weigh station because you have to disconnect it completely i put them in jacked it up got it weighed and everything was about 1480 pounds this is the os 31. standard the way it is with the uh the larger 14 horse motor um i'm probably going to drain the water out i did see it sloshing around in there and it holds about three gallons water is about eight pounds per gallon you know i'm probably going to strap it down one of the guys in the facebook group said to strap it hey straps are cheap this thing probably isn't so i'll strap it down uh these things didn't move too much so i might still zip tie them just to hold them together but i got up to 60 miles an hour and it was stable it was smooth it pulled like a dream you can see where i have the the saw head so everything went pretty well i feel quite confident um i did lube this up i would say check all your bolts make sure everything's nice and tight now here's something i did do now this this lock here you can see it's off a little bit this is loose on the back side so that wasn't cool i put this one in i went and bought it um it's a 8.8 grade bolt and i bought these little uh nylon spacers and i just ground it on an angle i held it up there drew a line and grounded on a on a sander just to get a better fit this one held good because i put a nylock in the backside these do not have nylocks in the backside and when you put the sawmill together you're going to have parts left over at least i did i hope that's normal so i'm going to take like some of these they're going to look like this the nylocks i'm going to take those and put them on the back side of this to help hold it in addition to that i strapped it here against this bunk and i strapped it against the back bunk the strap kind of flopped around a little bit it didn't work as well as i wanted to so i'm going to do that a little bit better and then just because i'm paranoid i'm going to strap it along here as well you may think that ah you're killing it man well i'm going to be pulling this thing about 300 miles so i'm a little leery i want to make sure it's good i'm going to be checking it often every so often pull over make sure everything's good to go i'll probably end up taking these off and throw them in the back all you know these i'm going to double check but anyway i didn't find anything on youtube about how to pull this thing what it was like how far could you go how fast could you go and uh hopefully this will help some guys out out there that have this trailer package um so hope that was helpful if it was please you know click that that like and subscribe button down there and add any comments if you have suggestions stuff that you've experienced you know posted out there well for me and the group you know for everybody that that reads this um it's gonna help somebody out lessons learned is is always welcomed so again thanks uh thanks for your time thanks for watching and you guys have a great day happy milling
Channel: UTV Boondocker
Views: 3,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UTV Boondockers, UTV, SXS, Michigan Trails, Upper Peninsula, Upper Peninsula Trails, UTV Trails, SXS Trails, Michigan SXS Trails, Michigan UTV Trails, Polaris, Polaris General, Polaris General 4, Boondocking, Boondocker, Can Am, Can Am Commander, frontier os31 sawmill trailer, frontier os31 trailer, frontier sawmill, frontier os31, frontier os27, sawmill trailer
Id: PK8xqseYWC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2022
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