Front yard raised bed garden tour #4

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hello today is August 10th and I just wanted to do a quick Garden uh tour slash update it's been almost three weeks since my last one um it's been raining pretty much non-stop here so I haven't been able to get out to film anything uh just a few things of me planting and stuff but no real tours um the garden as you'll see has completely build in some beds are doing amazing some beds haven't changed and some beds are almost dead anyway we'll just walk through check it out here's those beautiful flowers there are so many weeds mixed in with everything now it's going to take me quite a while to uh get all them pulled look at this Bean trellis isn't it glorious it's almost completely filled in I'm just loving it and these poor flowers they've been fertilized but they're getting really scraggly so I think I'm gonna have to trim them up just to get another flush out of them look at this trellis it's so magical at night with the lights too so beautiful you can see I have hundreds of beans to be picked we've already picked so many but they just keep coming these poor flowers are pretty scraggly as well and these beautiful tomatoes that I was in love with all have diseases and uh not doing so well these are my little micro Dwarfs after some research I found out that they get disease pretty easily because their foliage is so close together and tight and this has just been a horrible year for us all right let's let's go this way I'll show you these beds as you can see I have yet to pull the garlic I thought it would be ready last week but I don't have that much die off on the bottom I'm waiting for you know three or four leaves to die back and so far it's only been like one to two leaves I really want to give them a chance to grow as much as possible but I also want to plant something else in the bed uh carrots parsnips and beets in this bed are just ticking along see this Golden beet in here very beautiful I have been so busy I have not had a chance to start canning yet so that's why these beets are still in here onions fold up a bit but not as much as I had hoped we've been eating the carrots fresh just kind of coming out and picking them but these beets starting to get pretty big very nice I like to can slices so I like the cylindrical beets better than the big round ones and the red onions once I gave them a haircut they started to grow better because they were just so tangled and falling over nothing was said that's what's really happening with them they were kind of stalled oh beets and the other garlic bed like I said I haven't had as much die back as I was hoping for I picked a few summer big summer small so I'm kind of waiting look at this Bean trellis isn't it just beautiful and the Hops have taken over my house I'm just loving it where some of our dying beds are happening these are these tomatoes are gonna be pulled so I don't know if I'm gonna wait for them to ripen or not they're just so sick and these two that weren't actually micro plants falling over I put a cage around them but it's not we'll see the wind is really starting to pick up I might have to cut this Garden door short if the rain actually hits I just have a little break right now so I figured I'd do the tour here's those Peppers that were planted in the front bed this is the Medusa they're so pretty this one is the purple tiger jalapeno gorgeous this is a paprika pepper a large red cherry other purple tiger jalapeno so so beautiful seeing much on these ones my Sugar Rush is starting to put some on they're not looking too bad they're getting eaten by slugs but besides that I think they're doing fairly well but these tomatoes are not doing well they have so much blight on them I just don't know if they're gonna make it I don't know if they're going to last long enough to actually ripen see I've had to pull off so much of the foliage it was just like it's they're just dying and these tomatoes are only tiny I don't know if they're gonna be able to throw anymore some of the ones on the bottom are a bit bigger but not nearly as big as they should be for a beef steak I gave these plants two square feet that is double what I've ever given a tomato plant before but I don't think it was enough it's one of the probably bigger ones and that's still not very big for a beef steak and kind of see they're not doing too hot some more Tomatoes Inside I hope they'll stick around for another couple weeks to ripen and then once these start to ripen I'm gonna pull these tomatoes out because these are just uh determinate tomato so once this flush ripens that's it they don't do anymore and then I'm gonna put some fall crops in this bed I believe once these come out beside it here is one of the squash beds it's still kicking but there's not a whole lot of fruit or I just can't find them in here it's just been raining so much that the flowers just keep getting knocked off a couple of them have started to go up the bean trellis so maybe we'll get some up there hopefully they're just hiding and I can't see them they're going up the melon trellis as well with all this rain that's so hard the plants are just not doing great this melon trellis I thought would be overgrown by now and they're so stunted I just don't know if we're gonna get any there's the other side that has more squash than melons on it plants that is I don't think it has any fruit the Watermelons on the other hand seem to really be liking all this wet weather I wish it was warmer for them but they're kind of sprawling out doing their thing there was a few in here that I've seen this cute little one and there's another one over here another cute little one I don't know how many are actually eating the bed I'm hoping a few as you can see they're kind of crawling out of the bed I'm just letting them we'll look at the tomatoes in this bed this was my variegated Cherokee purple plant and it put off a lot of fruit at first which was good because it's now dead uh it's just so much rain so much humidity it just can't keep up I'm hoping these will ripen this plant here um this is my rose planter could be it's one of the healthier ones but these tomatoes are supposed to be you know fairly large and they're still quite small what variety is this oh no it's black from Tula so these are supposed to ripe into a dark purple though they don't look like they are now these ones are beautiful but so small and I think that's all we're gonna get from this plant there's a few in here oh wait look what's hidden I don't know if I can get to it that one's a nice size so maybe we'll be surprised when he's starting to ripen what I actually guess but we're probably only gonna get one flush from these I'm usually harvesting Tomatoes into October uh this here it's not even the middle of August and they're already dying so I don't know what we're gonna do this here oh see what's in there a few but they're only small this black pineapple is looking pretty good but the plant itself you can see is diseased not really going to go much further step over to this bed I think these are my doctor wages I don't know how you pronounce it Dr wyches yellow Maybe last year these were like one pounders and this year they're just they're so small my pineapple Kellogg's breakfasts I'm worried it's going to be a disappointing tomato here because I love my tomatoes oh and look at this blossom end rot I'll just take that one off and feed that to the chickens and again they're not dirty productive they're not very tall and they're all getting so diseased makes me very sad come over to this bed this was the Brassica bed with all the broccolis and we pulled all that out planted our fall cabbage it's all the netting I did leave the Dinosaur Kale in this bed just because they're much smaller the other kales were huge I just have them covered because of the caterpillars that get on them there was some on them I had to get in and get them off that's why they have holes so hopefully I got them all see the tomatoes there's a few ripening on that side kind of skip this bed these are my bush squash it's a delicata and better not maybe I'm not quite sure anymore I don't see any fruit in there either all the flowers have been just dropping the rain comes down so hard it just tears everything apart so it's kind of disheartening but at least we still have a garden a lot of people in Nova Scotia have lost all their Gardens to flooding here are some of the cucumbers this one's finally starting to grow now that I got rid of the rest of the crops in there there's a nice slicer I have so many cucumbers in the house right now that meat processing I can't pick anymore at the moment looking good These are nice slicers and these are some pickling that are getting pretty big but they're starting to go over the top foreign of the squash bud this is probably one of my biggest Tomatoes I have that's the rose tomato I knew the rose was pretty big but again the plants are not doing very well it's gonna be the only flush of tomatoes we get I'm sure this one's called delicious these have some nice big ones on them too I think a couple of these might be hybrid Tomatoes that's why they're performing better most of my heirlooms are not doing great here's the zucchini bed I have harvested so many zucchinis out of here um it's been insane this big plant has crawled out of the bed is now growing down onto the ground this one's doing the same oh I got some more zucchinis set I have to pick them in a couple days the thing with zucchinis is if you let it go they're tiny and then all of a sudden they're the size of babies I actually prefer them larger because I grate all my zucchini um put it in bags and freeze it and then pull them out over the winter to add into all kinds of food here's that other broccoli bed that got all ripped out and more cabbages planted as you can see those caterpillars put holes in all my plants I have to come out and check on them because it's just been so wet there's also slugs still getting my plants which is so disheartening and we'll have a look at these Tomatoes these are my paste tomatoes I don't do a lot of them and I'm not even sure how many I'm gonna do next year because they never seem to do well this one has Blossom and rot most of those do and they're just dying off they're not really producing much this is my speckled Roman and it's uh it's not doing great either what's this I just don't like my weather this is pink Fang they look okay but the plant is like I don't know maybe three feet tall this is a Ukrainian purple these are fairly nice but it gets so disease just like the rest I guess this plant I don't think even has a tomato on it oh wait there it has a tomato ah does this one one one measly little tomato that's pretty sad oh I hear the thunder Charlie's okay we better hurry this up because I don't want to get sucked let's go through the cucumbers I posted a video not long ago of me planting the rest of this bed and I think they're all doing really well they've greened up they've grown quite a few inches they're starting to set flowers I'm hopeful for a harvest look good I think I think and then the tomatillos behind them are starting to grow I'm excited for these These are yellow tomatillo so they're a lot more sweet than your typical green ones the green ones most people make um what is it Verde with them but uh I'm not sure what to do with the yellow ones I think they'd be really good in salsa and you know me and salsa so we'll see and look at the size of these nutter butters I'm hoping these got pollinated um as soon as the flowers opened it rained so I honestly don't know if they did or not some of these lower ones I came by after the rain and hand pollinated sorry but I think it might have been too late I'm not sure they don't really seem like they're getting that much bigger that was a couple days ago and I don't know what do you think you think they're pollinated I really hope so there's more on it that way I don't know if you can tell just how big his bed is and how high it goes it just goes up and up and up and they reach the top some of them these poles are 10 feet so I think this is pretty tall the beds are a 18 inches tall no 24 inches tall that one's made it to the top I'm actually getting nervous can you see where that one let go the netting the heavier this gets the more it starts cracking and I'm just terrified by these times it's gonna come falling down and it's too high for me to get up there and fix I hope more come there's been no pollinators this year I don't know strange strange here all right here is some more of the tomatoes these ones aren't doing half bad over this side we've got some Hungarian pasting Indigo apples Italian heirlooms uh pinks pink Ox heart this is an Italian heirloom uh Hungarian paste they're pretty big so I'm hoping with all the tomatoes from the garden we'll be able to get at least one good batch of salsa made this plant needs to be rat keeps falling over this is just the back side of the Brassica beds and here's the last tomatoes actually look at this cucumber I believe this is from the Cucumber Beetle I thought that once they were fully grown the plants would be fine but this keeps happening and that's the only thing I can think of because we still have those buggers can't seem to get rid of them so here's the last of the tomatoes they are just as diseased as the rest of them like I said it's been a really disappointing tomato season we've just had so much rain it's just been crazy these are just not sizing up like they normally would oh look what I spot zucchini that hasn't been harvested if I wait till tomorrow that will be double the size any more in here lots of flowers all right let's go look at the other Tomatoes right quick like I said the tomatoes are not doing well and it's same over here I know these aren't doing well because they are way too close together I this is my first time doing a Florida weave and these guys are only a foot apart next year if I try this again they will be at least two feet apart but I'm not even hardly getting tomatoes on these at all just these last few days it's put out some on the top look at these these are so small and these aren't the cherries here's the cherries can I get through this these are more cherry tomatoes one lone pepper oh pepper tomato cheese you know you're tired one more cherries nothing's ripening though everything's just disease I don't know I said it's only the middle of August and everything looks like it's gonna die I've never had this much trouble with my garden before these little tomatoes are actually starting to grow and don't look too bad maybe we might get some fruit off of them after all who knows cucumber plants looking kind of sickly but has produced quite a few cucumbers we've been eating fresh off of this one I like this one it's the bait Alpha so there's no spines on the Cucumber so it's actually really nice for eating and this tomato bed is just as diseased as the rest of them the top of the foliage looks pretty good in these but the bottom not so much there is fruit in there again they're all so tiny I don't know this here what's up but you can see in there not looking great these peppers are actually looking really nice they were supposed to be put in the greenhouse but you know no time didn't happen so they're still out here but they're putting on fruit they're looking nice and strong just throw it in the Wind peppers these ones look good they're filling out really nice now I can always put these in the greenhouse when it starts to get cooler so they'll give me an actual Harvest just wanted to show them to you right quick let's go run into that greenhouse and I'll show you the growth in there welcome to the greenhouse it's absolutely crazy these haven't been rained on obviously so they are doing so much better they are huge they're green and beautiful and tall they're over six feet some of them I am finally seeing some fruits I think it's just all hidden once they start to blush I'll be able to find them easier but for the most part they're looking really nice in here I have two fans running so everything gets kind of moved around so they'll pollinate and I come and shake them too here's my peppers down the road middle that are so big these are more of a sugar rush and the poor plants back there on the table all I do is spread them with the hose now because it's a tight squeeze and I don't want to walk through any spider webs so I'm not sure what's gonna happen with those plants back there and some of these taller plants are getting this on their leaves I'm not sure what it is I'll have to look it up if anyone knows you want to put it in the comments I appreciate it anywho I'm gonna let you go now the rain's about to start I gotta get in the house and of course we have soccer again this evening anyway thanks for coming along with me for my little garden update tour talk to you soon bye
Channel: Urban Gardener
Views: 204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Raised beds, front yard garden, urban homestead, growing vegetables, growing fruits, garden disease, too much rain, not enough sun, greenhouse tomatoes
Id: iGBWkuirrR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 1sec (1861 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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