From Topson to Godson | Unfold
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Channel: Red Bull Gaming
Views: 1,251,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull esports, red bull gaming, red bull, redbull, dota 2, dota, дота 2, dota2, og, team og, dota 2 gameplay, dota 2 pro, dota 2 replay, og dota 2, the international 2018, the international, ti9, og dota 2 documentary, og dota 2 highlights, og documentary, og esports documentary, topson, topson gameplay, godson, topson dota 2, topson void spirit, topson loser spray, topson pugna, topias taavitsainen, topias topson taavitsainen, chadson, dota 2 topson, ti9 topson, ti8 topson
Id: xFXkI0GyhQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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