From Titanic to Heaven - Fr. Mark Goring, CC

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praise be Jesus Christ the submersible that was trying to reach the Titanic is believed to have imploded and all five passengers are believed to have died our thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of the deceased and we we grieve with them over this awful tragedy now at the time of this tragedy I'm wondering if it's appropriate for me to offer a little meditation on the reality of Heaven we know that every one of us will have to make the passage from this life to the next and what people are commenting is they're saying if the submersible did indeed implode it's likely that the passengers died in an instant they had no clue what was going on and so as people of faith we believe that in an instant they would have gone from this life to the next now I want to read to you from from some Mystics the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary cabejo approved by the church the Blessed Mother appeared to some young people and they experienced Heaven they were shown heaven for example one Mystics right it says she was standing beneath a rainbow-colored sky in an open field of perfectly manicured grass each blade bent from the weight of fat drops of dew that caught colors of the sky like a million Crystal prisms Medicaid caught her breath it was the prettiest thing she'd ever seen and this is so common people who have these experiences of Heaven they say it's beautiful and wonderful beyond words and plus there's this this deep peace and joy where you're filled with love um also uh one of the mystics uh it calls us to repent the hope is that the passengers since they were doing something that they knew was risky they said a little prayer before they went into that submersible people do this humans do this you know some people before they get on an airplane they're like Lord God forgive me all my sins uh have mercy on me and uh you know if I die receive me into your kingdom that's very common perhaps the passengers did this because we do need to repent uh mighty Cloud continually expressed that the Virgin was worried about the salvation of The Souls of her children and she kept repeating the same plea over and over repent repent repent you know part of this experience that these passengers had it reminds all of us that in all of a sudden our time can come most of us assume we'll grow old and die and and you know be on our sick bed in a hospital maybe for many weeks so we can really be aware of the reality of going to the next life but some some of us won't it'll just happen in an instant now the part of the reason I bring this up is I just think of the Wonder of the Titanic there's this beautiful wonderful ship and you know the wreckage is at the bottom of the ocean and these passengers wanted to see this this just wonderful ship and one of The Visionaries describes um going seeing Heaven I'll just read it to you here um when I began to do so the Visionary says I was suddenly out of my room and kneeling beside our Blessed Mother in a field of flowers she pointed to the sky and I saw a Crystal Ship floating in the stars I thought she was showing me the way to heaven I remember when I read this years ago and thinking of this Crystal Ship I remember I imagined a beautiful big sailboat just just floating through the skies and I thought to myself you know to me a ship is is one of those wonderful things that I hope I can spend some time on a Heavenly ship sailing through the oceans of of Heaven for at least part of my eternity what a wonderful thing and so for the passengers to to go from the glory The Wonder of the Titanic perhaps instantly into the peace and joy and serenity and wonder of Heaven it's a beautiful thing to contemplate even as our hearts are grieved and filled with sorrow and as we turn our thoughts and prayers to the family and friends who've lost these loved ones so Saint Paul says in First Corinthians chapter 15 behold I tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised imperishable and we shall be changed for this perishable perishable body must put on the imperishable and this Mortal body must put on immortality
Channel: Fr. Mark Goring
Views: 70,850
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Id: pSL8mMNcKTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 13sec (313 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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