From the Field to the Web

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all right let's let's get started um welcome everybody to uh the last presentation of many many wonderful presentations i've seen i hope you enjoyed um i enjoyed it a lot my name is bernie trahola i'm the owner of drawholder technologies i'm located in lake valley south carolina and we do geospatial engineering and software development so i'm connected with a group of gis and software development experts around the world as i said i'm in south carolina and there's another team close to stuttgart in germany and we do have another entity in mongolia that's our development hub in today's presentation i would like to walk you through how you can use q field and q chairs in order to go out in the field and collect some data we heard about that earlier today from marco i believe and there were some other presentations that mentioned cool field as well uh in this presentation i can really give you some some hands-on so if you've never seen it before it's quite easy to use and i'll show that and once we got that mastered uh i will switch over to an application that we are about to build it's called the a-maps and it's based on open layers and that's just for deploying data so uh i'm bringing a real-life example from one of our clients it's a small city in germany and they're working with public works inventory mainly landscaping data and they approached us and have been asking us hey guys we want to improve our daily work you know we want to get our landscaping a little bit you know more smooth and and make it more efficient so all the tasks that they have mowing the lawn cutting trees raking leaves all that what they do on a daily basis they want to do a little bit more efficient so they approached us and i says hey is there a solution and so often there's little to no budget but they they gave us three parameters to work with they know there's qgs around as an open source solution and that they wanted to work with that so we say okay that's not a problem the second one is a little bit more tough to digest the entire staff they have is basically on um they're all newbies they they haven't heard about jazz yet but uh they're desperate to get into um into it and and use it as a tool for the daily work and third they they have the necessity of offline editing so that's a must-have because the area they're operating in is not entirely covered by uh by mobile data and and that's a perfect fit for q field um as you will see so how do we organize the landscaping data and remember they just want to get the basics done they want to they want to identify and digitize all their landscaping areas and then eventually turn that and use that into a more sophisticated work order application but they want to do the groundwork by themselves because ultimately they will work with those areas all the time so as we know there is not a big chunk of landscaping there's there's lots of landscaping areas and they can be tiny you know a few square feet but there can also be soccer fields or parks so first thing we we needed to do was to categorize it and make it into put it into more manageable units and then eventually later on put the work order description in relation to that and the good thing about that if we do that and if we manage to do that with all the landscaping areas we can also use it for any other kind of infrastructure data or facilities they have like roads traffic traffic science bridges and so forth um so landscaping per se is not you know a new invention it's been around for a long long time public works does it all the time so we thought well no why not we don't want to to reinvent the wheel um probably someone already has a good concept on how to to tackle all all the uh the things that are related to it and indeed we found a research association in germany it's called fll um they basically worked on guidelines how to manage landscaping areas and one of their core recommendations was hey you've got to break it down into certain levels uh what i just said at the beginning so they said hey there there's going to be object types error categories area types and contents as an example take all the facilities that are outdoors and then just only take those that are areas where you can plant stuff on it and eventually what you want to plant on it is a lawn and that can be you know in detail a soccer field and they have a catalog for that unfortunately that catalog is not very gis friendly nevertheless they have all the informations in there and it's already already broken down and they also have once you are in one of these these final in the final level um there's all the work that you can do on this area and it's also recommended how often you should do it you know once a week twice a week whatever so to start with we had to break that apart and put it into a more gis friendly format and that being said we just created a table for each and every level uh to make it more more easier to work with and how that looks like in qgs i can show you that real quick uh just go over there so this is our project um this is a just a small a small demo project and as you can see we have these landscaping areas close to this roundabout and we have two types of geometry we have points and we have polygons and we have chosen to put all the attributes towards the points because that's ultimately the geometry we want to use in the field it's much much more easier to digitize a point if you have a small smartphone than digitizing an an area and we also have some really good area of aerial footage that's a a foot resolution so that's good enough to identify all the areas uh from within the office by using that that footage and uh we want to uh just go ahead and see what's what's inside the data so here you have our different levels i just quickly can open that um that's the first category there's only three and then it's the further down i go the more uh content we have and if i go to level four you can see there's there's a ton of information in there uh but we also carry over the the key from the from the previous level so we can connect those if we want to see what's in our info field i just pick one of these and i see the levels represented here and we have those three that we saw in the table those three values and depending on what i pick uh everything um that that comes in the lower category changes and it's very convenient um and i'll show you real quick how i did that and we had it in i think clifford's uh presentation he was using the um the form properties the attribute forms as well same thing here we want to go on track and drop designer and then we can drag and drop all the values from our table into the form layout and define for level one this is the level one table i want to see all the values that are stored in the key column object type now it gets a little bit more complicated if i go one level down level two uh show me all the values in level two but only those that have the current value of the level one that i just picked so i can kind of like vary myself down to to the next level very easy and for that you use the the the filter expression uh very cool very very fun fun stuff to use um so and that form that i just showed you we can also use on the field so i show you how this goes uh obviously i have a um if i want to go offline i want to have some background information i do have a ecw file here which is several 100 megabytes big it's obviously too big to take out on a smartphone therefore we can present our own background with q field q field is a plugin for qgis and there's a project configuration that basically allows you to copy all the information that you have in your layer content layer content pane over here onto the field i take everything except the ecw because that's too big for me instead i created a a few which you can do here which kind of like represents the aerial footage and say hey give me some tiles to take out on the field and make that 0.2 map units um in accuracy and i can only shrink that down can shrink that down to only the the map extent i'm seeing i'm looking at right now uh and that's all the settings i have to do and once that's done um i can make a package for the field and i just pick a folder and that was exactly what was that's exactly what was earlier described as one of the methods that we can utilize queue fields with um let's just go here and i created an export folder and i'm using six test six select that and create it and so basically the entire project with all its data is gonna gonna be copied over here as you can see and i just grabbed that real quick copy and then copy it on my phone which i have connected by usb and i just copied it here in the in the root folder okay excellent so now it's on the phone i'm just switching over to that's not what i want switching over to my phone this is q field you can download it on the play store and you would just open a local project by navigating to wherever you put this ufil qgis package in our case it's test six there's a project in here and it's importing the approach and as we can see we already have a nice map in here and i'm just using my phone real quick to zoom in we have all the layers in here that's only three but i can just pick that point layer that we opened earlier and make that an edit layer go back very simple and let's say we want to create another one i'm just going in here it's a nice area i'll just move the cross hairs in here and say plus and now it's pulling all the the data from my form that i created earlier that's level one level two and number three i mean i'm just picking something something random that's an asphalt which is not very helpful but you get the idea that's the date okay and then the collector joe green all right here's my my new point and once i'm done with the digitizing on the field i just go back and basically take this what i have on the phone back onto my computer and that be q field import paste it as test six and then it goes the other way around i just import it from test six in the import folder select that and then i hit synchronize and in a matter of seconds i should have this point added to it and as you can see uh i'll just activate that layer and if i missed anything i can just go ahead and and edit whatever i needed yeah all right um very easy very simple uh in a heartbeat you just take data onto the field and bring it back into kyuchi which is very easy um so to deploy online there's like a bunch of ideas and we are working on one as well it's called yea maps and we are able to to get the data and i imported that earlier here into an open layers environment here's my uh my roundabout doesn't have the data i created in there because i ported it earlier but same thing i can select any data this was the one i created earlier and see some data in here here it comes i see there's not all the fields not all the fields are available so i just go back and hit the settings give it a second go to field settings and there it can define what kind of i need all these additional fields to make it look like what we had in cuchis okay uh and also i wanna wanna have the style that i have in qgs and then for that i just go on properties and export the sld style save style pick the sld we intend to do that with um qml as well so okay export that real quick and switch back over to that open layers environment and go into styles so you want to categorize that import that's the one i just created and it's pointing towards the field fl inh here they are going to save that real quick and if i need to change anything i can do that and then we just go back to the map and make a quick refresh and there i have the the category the symbols from from q jazz directly um and then again uh just select everything and then pick whatever i want and i also can go in there and just work with the data and uh make some edits to it uh so that's basically my talk uh quick and easy um very very fluent uh it's quite similar what we saw i think it was the second day with marta and igor from gis cloud quite similar just using q field and not the the js cloud tool uh and there's many more to come we would just want to tie in our open layers application game maps into into just a little bit more and what what i hear and what i heard you know in terms of getting getting the the q field application into the cloud is very promising i think we can can make that more integrated that way um in in many terms in many regards okay so um yeah that's that's really interesting stuff um we have one question from the uh from the chat here does q field support offset measurements from manual coordinate entry or from a bluetooth laser range finder oh i'm not familiar with all the hardware that you can use but paul no marco was it he mentioned that there's quite a bunch of hardware available we saw the triple device i know eos is doing some great job in utilizing ordinary or or more so you know field smartphones for that but um if it works with bluetooth or other you know hardware related stuff i'm not familiar with all right excellent what's that web interface that you're using just there when you're loading up the layers that look kind of neat um that's the a-maps that's a project we are working on since almost two years uh it's called yeah maps um and it's it's designed it's basically something like arcgis online you know we said we kind of like need something else but um not as an entirely propriety software system but more tied into the the open source world and we're utilizing gdal gdal open layers we're going into the 3d part of it with other open source tools so uh there's a lot to come uh but it's a work in progress if you want to follow up on it it's uh game game maps io um so there's excellent and from from the perspective of q field what are you excited about besides the the moving to the cloud some of the other developments what do you sort of want to see in there in the future well as you saw i just picked a small area that that i created a base map off and if you have a let's say you you're dealing with any kind of waterworks they have sometimes miles and miles of areas they operate in and it's hard to get all the background data so i would i would love to see some um some some live data that you can work with and i think that's that's what's coming with with q field cloud and with with that you can integrate services like bing maps or google maps and have your background or any kind of service you know um but again as as long as you have um have reception if if you lose the reception and you fall basically back to creating one of these background maps um i tried mb tiles which worked quite well with q field as well so that's an alternative uh because they're like hierarchical hierarchical structures so that's a that's a good thing to use as well yeah excellent that's great well thank you for your time bernie thanks for presenting it's really nice seeing that sort of uh transition from the desktop to the web to the field um there's really a lot of great development going on in that regard and it's great to see users actually um you know making that connection right so thanks for your time and this being the end of the conference yeah thanks to everybody who participated and yeah and who watch the videos all the videos will be up on youtube and as kurt reminded us um you know let's all try to uh donate to qgis and the other projects associated with it um you know this development doesn't come out of nowhere it really needs the support of the open source community to continue so once again thanks to everybody thanks for everybody who organized uh the conference as well um i know a lot of people did a lot of work and sort of sat and made sure zoom and everything was working so yeah thank you very much yeah thanks thanks for having me and thank kudos to your organization very great thank you
Channel: QGIS North America
Views: 853
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Id: c225JK_h0y8
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Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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