From the Depths Armor Tutorial - Beginners Guide - FTD 2020

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[Music] well hello and welcome to Madison total narrow channel today we're going to go through how to make some decent armor in from the depth you can make a lot of different type of nice armor and ways to armor your stuff but this is a general formula guide how to make good general armor against specific shells you can make armor that is specifically made to deal with a certain thing but this tutorial would go through how to make some decent general armor and is aimed towards beginners or people who just like me for a long time play the game without caring too much about the corner and how to make different types of armor layers and stuff like that we'll go through and all the basic parts and we might even make some specialized armor tutorial in the future old blocks have health and armor class this means that for major being is more powerful than the four meter pillar as well as more powerful than the other blocks if we go in here you can see the health of this pole is 848 and a beam is 1080 a single block is just 100 native and they do have the same armor old dogs also have a armor class and the armor class is really useful for example like deflecting projectiles and protecting you against explosions this means when building in from the depth when you're making armor you always want to use the largest block possible which means a lot of four major beans let's talk a little bit about or more class so click on z CH and inside avatar skills you can find this very nice little two witches debug normal class and health per block I've equipped this on eight now you remember that when we went in here we could see that the oral class of the wood block is three so if I point my little when I equip this a block HP you can see the armor class is three here we have two layers on this the armor class is six because the blocks behind them all add all the armor class to the blocks in front but this is only true for the first layer if we have one additional layer we get all of the bonus if we have two additional layers the third layer only adds 85% and D or the second layer adds 85 percent because now we are three blocks thick which means that the second additional layer adds 85 percent if we have the third layer behind it it would be 70 percent 455 540 and 625 after six layers of armor and you know the armor class does only have ten percent versus kinetic only according to the wiki so it's not exactly linear but it means that having a double layer of armor is a very very good idea right and then we also have angles you can see we are pointing straight towards this plane if we tilt and come in from this angle we are not having a normal class all the six seven depends a little bit and that is because the like cross-section dependent on how many blocks we cross like this the armor is thicker so it's pretty realistic this means that angles of course like in real life have a much higher chance of deflecting a shell and also protecting against explosion in kinetic damage so this means having several layers makes stronger armor let's talk a little bit about EMP electromagnetic pulse EMP damages certain blocks like AI some detection equipment local weapons controllers and high-explosive cram components batteries and electric engines as well as our friendly little repair bots it also damages heavy armor but it doesn't damage heavy armor as much so you can actually use heavy armor to defend against EMP regular metal doesn't take any MP damage but it does lead to EMP through two other components so anything touching metal can put the damage to some target that does get destroyed to protect against EMP we have a block that is called surge protector it basically sucks up the electromagnetic pulse and puts the damage into itself but not so much EMP doesn't want to go through wood reinforced wood and stone if it's possible also it doesn't want to go through glass or of course air so you can use these materials to insulate against EMP however they might go through if there is no other way so if you add some surge protector under the main hall and then put some insulating material behind it you should be pretty safe remember that surge protectors actively draws towards the EMP signal or the EMP pulse or the EMP so you don't want to put surge protector close to vital components like some detection systems and AI because then you might actually accidentally blow them up here you can see that wood has an EMP susceptibility of zero percent and also a protective drainage of 100 damage unit same goes wood stone and reinforced decking but reinforced decking only has half the protective drainage since it's pulp methyl basically then we have heavy armor that has only protective brand damage of one damaged unit but it does suck up the damage itself and it will work a little bit like the surge protector these are of course less costly and also reduces DMP damage to like ninety percent so it's a really good block to use to protect our components because if the block can go to the surge protector it will go there you just make two new you just need to make sure that there are no blocks that can take the damage in its way if the pulse wanders there so let me show you how it can look like so like cannons and missiles can be loaded with EMP so if we just press the EMP here and just use this tool you can see that digital heavy armor block is taking the damage not the metal piece we are leading the force into that one if we instead put it right there it still tries to target the heavy armor like the heavy arm really rather take the damage but if we directly hit a block like that you can see we now destroy our AI and we also destroyed local web controller here we have that one battery gone and if we just hit too much EMP yet heavy armor it also dies yep that seemed p4u only damages certain blocks here you can see we have the main hall we just hit it straight on the hall there but it gets sucked up by the surge protector immediately it just immediately like that and if we hit it too many times of course it e will eventually break like that and what happened after that was that the the EMP damaged instead wander under into the heavy armor below which also sucks up them some of the damage same goes for this one and you might think that EMP isn't not worried to you thing is that it might become a worry very easily because if you don't think of this from the start when you're building ships you might start to make all your a ice surrounded by metal and things like that instead you should place your AI on heavy armor or stone something that won't just give it a straight hit of dangerous EMP I made a quite nice little infographic here which you of course can download so let me show you its features we've just gone through a little bit of the important notes here and now we're going to look at the actual design and you know this armor guide is of course valid for all all types of crafts but sometimes you need to be pretty light like what I'm telling you is you can't put like five layers super armor on an airship and expect it to still fly you need to actively think of crafting a light armor and if you have a small airplane or airship one layer of alloy is fine well let's continue with our general armor guide and here we have layers like you see here this little red things these are optional you don't have to have oblique panels or explosive reactive armor or anything like that you can skip it you don't have to have an airspace or applicants inside of the armor it's just good to have but you don't have to now on the first surface level applicants is the best choice they have a tremendous amount of armor class like it's 65 it really can reflect a lot of light shells and it can completely stop one heavy shells that might otherwise have gone straight through your ship but because you have that Afflick panels you can just deflect one heavy shot and Daniel replica panel may be gone because they don't have much health an explosive reactive armor is bright now as good as attic panels in any way but can be very useful to put some exposed parts or of the armor and will you really need to make sure that the heat shell won't be able to penetrate your armor the explosive reactive armor basically explodes when it gets hit by a shell and this will completely obliterate the heat shell which is really nice since they can go through some pretty thick armor normally the first layer of armor I'd say you need is the hull the hull outer hull Armour can be metal alloy or reinforced wood is my recommendation now this doesn't only look good it also deflects light arms and light shots the hull layer can be one or two metres thick we don't want it thicker than that but the second layer here can be one to three blocks thick is my recommendation you may do as you please but I'd have stone wood or reinforced wood now this second layer or third layer if you use their pick panels it's basically a health point sponge that just eats up your enemies kinetic damage and the explosive damage so when an explosion kind of hits this layer will intentionally get destroyed and it will protect your real armor with your like base backbone armor since the explosion will rather destroy these weak blocks then destroy your main armor it acts as a very good protection against both kinetic and explosions em this we also have a second little point here there is a type of shell you can make where you put a high explosive squash head you have a squash head and then we have explosions behind it or explosives behind it and this will basically spoon fragmentations that will hit your inside of your ship but if you have a layer of stone or wood or reinforced but it doesn't have that good of an Armour it won't really damage the internals too much since the internal layer is then metal or alloy or heavy armor even so basically intentionally adding a weaker material will make sure that high explosive squash head won't spawn projectors that will penetrate too deeply into your ship which is very handy and then we easily go through to our next layer which it's not necessary but you can have a free space here to just space them out or have a flake panels hidden in there too this will also help with the fragmentations that come on and we'll make sure that the shells that otherwise would have been able to go straight through the armor is now stopped because they have to count like a new because here we have a new set of layers deplete panel will offer very good protection against any type of fragmentation that she'll like Hesh would spawn and also just a regular frag shell that might have penetrated into the ship and then detonates since we have a free space or applicants you can also have free space and applicants if you want to if you have free space there and you have a ship that's floats on the water you can have some air pumps in here too to make this an actual actual active floating space now to go back to the previous point and we won't use stone wood a reinforced wood here also because we can protect against EMP damage now around on this layer is also a good place to put some EMP surges or surge protectors that just sucks up the EMP diamond damage because it's straight under the hull layer it's a very nice place to have them anyways Jen we have the backbone of the armor like disciplic panel and free space will they need one free space or one layer of big panels we don't need more than but behind that we have what we can call our real armor which can be from I put it at a single layer to maximum four layers and we have metal is they all go to material we have alloy if you need it to float or if you need to be light you can also use reinforced wood if you want it to be floating because reinforced wood floats and not as expensive as metal or alloy that's a very good cost-effective solution if you don't care too much about cost you should definitely have a layer of heavy armour ownership do you remember that heavy armor is as heavy as lead so place it wisely heavy armor however is quite expensive too so I'd only have normally one layer of heavy armor sometimes two layers if you have really some places that take a lot of iron but you want to protect your heavy armor with a few one or two or maybe even three layers of metal because the metal gets the armor bonus from the heavy armor and if you need to repair it later it's much cheaper to replace the metal than having to replace the heavy armor that's why you want to put the heavy armor layer in the very back I remember is really having a really expensive so it will be really expensive if you are starting to use heavy armor all over your of course it's the best but you should protect your heavy armor is my recommendation but a double layer of metal armor you shouldn't underestimate its protective powers a double metal layer is very good for pretty decently sized chips like heavy armor I often only use it to protect some really important stuff like the AI core for example since it also absorbs EMP damage well that's my little infographic you go back to it and download it if you need a little reminder of this tutorial in future when building ships now let's look at some examples this first little example here is just the powers of angled armor which we're going to test later now here we have a very nice little armor piece we actually have metal plates on this thing metal plates have armor but 15 armor but you can also see their health is like 35 which means that as a necklace a day break when you sneeze on them so this is only basically for the looks so we can add metal plates to add a methyl look onto the shape that's actually reinforced wood or we can turn them around but of course they do offer protection they do offer a little bit of protection but don't count on it too much anyways this first little armor example is a pretty cost-efficient armor we have reinforced wood then we have wood to make us to help us keep afloat and also take some of the kinetic damage and that will basically protect the metal armor behind it then we have my second little armed Raider this armor has applicants to take the first blasts then we have alloy we have reinforced wood we have a layer of air to deal with some fragments and then we of course have the double layer of alloy which is the bulk main armor of this little structure and we also have an EMP or a surge protector straight behind the whole plate now this little setup is good I think as a heavy armor for an airship here we have a kind of heavy armor we have one layer of metal us hull then we have a double layer of reinforced wood to keep us afloat and then we have a little space with some applique anoles to deal with eventual frag shells comes from the reinforced wood when it gets destroyed by a shell and the backbone armor is a single layer of metal now lastly we have this little armor here which is kind of the super strong armor or of course you can make stuff worse you can always make stuff more strong but it's one layer of metal as a whole then we have a double layer of stone which is heavy but deals greatly with the kinetic damage and also absorbs the explosive damage so that our main armor won't get us hurt then we have again the same space with a plague panels then we have through a three layer metal armor and backed up by a heavy armor so this is kind of armor that would be good to place on a I don't know very strong fort or something like that then we just put a little on one of the sides as a reminder that you can absolutely use these and we also have ear armor that could be placed on for example very sensitive parts like I don't know straight in front of the AI perhaps or just around detection equipment or anything like that well let's look at some armor classes let's remove this up Lake Palace so we can see the actual armor class on the armor behind it this has an armor class of 55 which is pretty decent which basically is the layers of metal stone and metal adding up here this metal plate doesn't add plea doesn't add up to the main armor so we need to look here here we can see in the armor class is 24 which is really good considering the cost it takes to build this armor on this armor however we need to remove that and we have an armor class of 22 but that's of course only the reinforced wood and alloy together if we have two layers of alloy we have armor class of 26 but it counts on the dead projector gets through the first layer Armour then we have an aerospace so done it can just go straight through and it need to recalculate and go through the second layer which is why we have our space or applicants in a space very useful on this heavier Armour we have a normal class of 31 which is nice but it's of course the reinforced wood and the metal so we of course have the second layer of armor class 15 behind this when if it gets through all the way and also can deal with attic panels if we look at this one however we have an armor class of 27 and that is the two layers of stone with the one layer of a metal so basically if I understood stuff correctly and reinforced the wood should be dealing better with explosives while stone builds better with kinetic damage there is a little bit of a preference what you want to use but they do cost the same they just have some different advantages and disadvantages Stone has the absolute highest level of HP values for the cost and then of course we have some some serious armor behind of this three layers of metal and one layer of heavy Armour that's something to deal with if you look at this angle we can see we have an armor we have a heavy armor so it's basically 78 if we dive in here and shake it says 71 and why the armor class is different depending on from what angle we'll look is as you remember because of how the armor and class bonus works however when this breaks away the bonus from the heavy armor is of course much higher but you know that's how it works but if we go from this direction it's heavy armor plus the full force of this one plus 85 of this layer plus 70 of this you know that's basically how it works so they add up in different ways but take your heavy armor which is why we keep it at the back right let's firstly test this or murse against explosions now we're going to use the explosion tool now we set to 15,000 okay our angled armor is first out here you can see the angle could deal with is pretty efficiently let's turn off repair and if we select the third one there and you can see that the stone is eating away on the explosion like it can take a couple of explosions before the metal is even touched now the explosion gets through but only after the stone layer is depleted and that's much cheaper now of course we accidentally damaged our outer test armors we're just going to repair now our second little hull here is of course not weak but fifteen thousand or expose it is something so the explosion took away the reinforced platings straight off our little and our little poor metal place that just got blown up from sneezing from fact you can see that a methyl layer behind of it it's quite intact except this one but I think it was from the explosion beside of it and so it still doesn't give a good protection with this additional wood layer here takes much of the force ok and here we have our supposedly aircraft or airship protection so where an explosion could eat away from a click panels and our our hull but it took another set another explosion to even start touching the main armor which is which is of course the point and since this is a double layer of alloy which is pretty pretty sturdy it takes another explosion to even destroy that one all right then we have our little more heavy armor which is of course kind of giving something up alright little fresh start here here we have our heavy haul again let's put an explosion on that you can see its features well oh yes right now our explosion was a little bit more powerful than 15-thousand but that serves us an example a really hand of the explosion it would still be able to take without damaging the layer that's a most IMET well then we have this super heavy armor and it's going to take a lot of explosions to go through this one and I set it back to kind of 15,000 so we get better compare results there and take a couple of explosions to eat the way the stone but stone is best against the kinetic however the layer behind it this one like it's gonna take a few explosions to eat away all the metal layers that can spam little bit and finally now we are at the heavy armor which does take some heavy firepower to damage but since it was very expensive it was a very good idea to have a lot of metal and other blocks in front of it okay let's do a final little test with a kinetic this beautiful thing which is the revolving blast gun does offer an insane amount of kinetic damage why this we're going to make that our testing vessel okay let's make sure we only control one about you can see it could eat straight through it took a couple of blasts but there we go let's go with this one can just blast through and you know this gun has an insane amount of kinetic damage there we go we actually took a few shots before we got through but you could see we eventually went through a little tiny Slavoj let's move to our heavier armor beautiful it didn't go all the way through but the next blast it would have went through and that is why we could have these two layers taking a lot of the kinetic damage defending the main armor and of course the plate panels probably took saved it a little bit there too well we went straight to this test here you can see the double layers of stone protected the main armor very well next return of repairs well let's have more fun there we go they take ages to reload so we're just gonna do like that and there you see we have some real armor working here like it still doesn't bulge because now we have some seriously seriously another blast not getting through quite yet I believe I don't think it won't I will take it no heavy army is very good and you could see it took an additional blast to actually get through the heavier arm as well but there you go this like this gun is some serious stuff so I'm just going to also spawn in sixty four pounder cannon which is pretty big and just to show you that these armors weren't completely useless well let's fire against the angular aha you can see that shot basically just bounced off because of the click panels like this is going to take a serious while to eat through like angular armor very nice anyways let's go through with this one our little little weaker armor but still kind of good and you see one shot couldn't get through more than the hala layer another shot could take out our wood block but I think we'll need a third shot at the exact same place - oh it doesn't even wanna go through there next one it will go through now we have our kind of aircraft the armor you can see it's not quite dead now you're short a plague Hanul gone yeah we get some damage going through but it's gonna take a couple of shots to actually do too much of the damage to towards this one these blocks are just hanging around here I don't know if you can see but they are actually dead so we are now through at the kind of main layer but it will take a few shots because double-a or Valerie is pretty sturdy okay so what about our pretty strange or not well I tell you this is going to take a while to get through with this cannon it's probably not too not too interesting there two shots with a sixty four pounder does however destroy the first block there so let's throw one more shot at it here we go now if you can see we actually went through these two but of course not even a big panel behind nicely now this is a quite big armor I don't suspect we'll get through this one very easily at all especially not but I cannot like this aha now however we have stone here which should deal greatly with kinetic damage because if you look here you can see the rating zero kinetic damage fifteen thousand so it's a pretty kinetic down there let me shake what's this one so kinetic damage of this one is only 600 but it's vamsa mouth I guess I don't know three shots straight to one beam however could took take out two stone beans but that's three shots and it didn't damage the main armor behind it like that flick panels not touched just touched a bit so that tells you we have some pretty efficient on right there well I hope that this little tutorial has been helpful for you to get into armor a little bit more a little basic straightforward approach to armor and some examples for how to make some nice general armor and do get to infographic if you want to you know as a little reminder of this tutorial if you wouldn't need that or just come back here of course in any case if you like the video please do leave a like and do subscribe for future videos this is your host Jim Morrison signing out
Channel: GMODISM
Views: 4,239
Rating: 4.9452057 out of 5
Keywords: From the Depths 2020, ftd 2020, From the Depths, ftd, From the Depths gameplay, let's play From the Depths, from the depths armor, from the depths armour, from the depths heavy armor, from the depths armor guide, from the depths applique armor, from the depths armor stacking, from the depths armor tutorial, ftd armor, ftd armor tutorial, armor tutorial, era armour, applique panels, heavy armour, from the depths emp
Id: jknvs3vcsYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 43sec (2083 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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