From Standing Dead Tree to Larch Pine Bench

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this is a standing dead larch pine out in the forest a customer of mine bought a truckload of these and haldeman here locally and used them on a construction project when he was done he contacted me and asked if I could build a couple of log benches so this video is about one of those matches this one of those loves are sitting on the mill now and I ripped it into three different pieces the seat the back to the bench and then the uprights now I'm just squaring off the ends and cutting the bench to link [Music] have the seep inch in the back later this littler diameter love which is probably about eight to ten inches is gonna be the two feet of the bench and I'll get three pieces out of it and I'll use two of them for the feet and there you go that'll be the two feet of the bench now we've got a saddle each of those two feet where the bench portion will lay in there and I this is sped up a little bit if it doesn't seem to drive the sound them in the video I just didn't want to bore anybody the outline that was on there was just for location that I'm not sawing out of the lines on purpose I just know about where I had to go for depth after I made all those cuts I'm just knocking it out with a hammer and then ever gets the majority out I planned that with the turbo playing on the grinder and this this wood was really dry invested I'm just cleaning off the edge there where it got chipped out these are mortises for the uprights that will be in the next part of the video here in just a little bit I just used the largest force for a bit I had and that's what I'm drilling the Morse's with but the Tenon's I'll just end up turning them down with the turbo plane to where they'll go in there a good fit no get glued in you go that's the Fifi I'm taking that third piece of that first log mil the backside of it to get the apparatus for the bench there's only six pieces to this fanger it's time to labor intense to say the least and keeping here that blade singing long on the mill it was dull so it's not even good self propellers might even foreign food alive we've got my first funny little bit but it was still it wasn't diving anything so I kept using here's one of the uprights in this song off the ends to get to me would and then I'll turn it around and do the same thing on the other end except it doesn't look like it but there is a line there that I'm measuring to get it to the link that I need no I want it both upright to say anyway now I'm gonna go to a band saw and cut the uprights to where I can get a contour that matches the feet and also leave enough for the Tenon's and I think yeah this is where I said didn't cut quite far enough where this part would come off so I'll come back and get her here [Music] and the the material that I'm leaving there is where the pin is gonna be and I realized that the fence is gonna be in the way so I slipped the lugs down and taking the fence off man so I'm bringing back that we kept the other side over to there where the tenant is gonna make and I think this have a little better heads as one we're still stuck there to let him out get off eventually I got it off there and up beside that line then I cut pretty used to not piss them off in the leather like finish that little quarter-inch of what remained on there and here's the two uprights with the tannins instead of sanding I just took that federal plane or it might have been a flat flat disc I'm not sure anyways that's what I used to take the patina off the logs where I didn't stain and I didn't show staining then think anybody wanna see me staying or the assembly but here's a graph [Music] and here's the finished product [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: Ted Alexander
Views: 9,591
Rating: 4.9726028 out of 5
Keywords: log bench, larch pine, wood, woodworking, woodmizer, sawmill, Ted C Alexander, Oklahoma Lumber, Skiatook, standing dead tree
Id: 9MvUf1dJ15A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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